'ES_base_price_change', 'ES_test_start_price', 'ES_test_end_price',
    'ES_test_price_change', 'ES_test_price_abs_change', 'RTY_base_start_price',
    'RTY_base_end_price', 'RTY_base_price_change', 'RTY_test_start_price',
    'RTY_test_end_price', 'RTY_test_price_change', 'RTY_test_price_abs_change'
for test_trade_day in trade_day_list:

    test_trade_day_list = [test_trade_day]
    max_profit = -10000
    for base_time_end in base_time_end_list:
        test_time_start = base_time_end
        for test_length in test_length_list:
            test_time_end = (ts.cal_datetime(test_time_start) +

            ES_base_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(
                ES_Tele.df, test_trade_day, base_time_start, base_time_end)
            ES_test_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(
                ES_Tele.df, test_trade_day, test_time_start, test_time_end)
            RTY_base_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(
                RTY_Tele.df, test_trade_day, base_time_start, base_time_end)
            RTY_test_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(
                RTY_Tele.df, test_trade_day, test_time_start, test_time_end)

                ES_base_start_price = ES_base_timeframe_df['TradePrice'][0]
                ES_base_end_price = ES_base_timeframe_df['TradePrice'][-1]
                ES_base_price_change = ES_base_end_price - ES_base_start_price
                ES_test_start_price = ES_test_timeframe_df['TradePrice'][0]
                ES_test_end_price = ES_test_timeframe_df['TradePrice'][-1]
                ES_test_price_change = ES_test_end_price - ES_test_start_price
                ES_test_price_abs_change = np.absolute(ES_test_price_change)
def sma_theodiff_strategy(Tele2, trade_day_list, base_time_start, base_time_end, test_time_start, test_time_end, sma_threshold, stop_threshold, bounce_stop_threshold, over_limit_length, trade_cost):

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import telescope as ts
    import telescope_metrics as tm
    import datetime
    from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr  
    from tqdm import tqdm
    #--------------Input Parameters---------------
#    data_mpk_file_path, start_date, end_date
#    df_2019 = data_mpk_file_path
#    START = start_date
#    END = end_date
#    STIME = base_time_start
#    ETIME = test_time_end
#    TIME_FRAME_LENGTH = time_frame_length
#    ROLLING_STEP = rolling_step #(has to be a factor of TIME_FRAME_LENGTH)
    BASE_TIME_START = base_time_start
    BASE_TIME_END = base_time_end
    TEST_TIME_START = test_time_start
    TEST_TIME_END = test_time_end
    SMA_THRESHOLD = sma_threshold
    STOP_THRESHOLD = stop_threshold
    TRADE_COST = trade_cost
    #--------------Input Parameters---------------
    #df_2019 = r"Z:\KaiData\Theo\2019\YM.ESTheo.mpk"
    #START = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 8, 0, 0)
    #END = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 12, 23, 59)
    #STIME = datetime.time(8, 0, 0)
    #ETIME = datetime.time(15, 15, 0)
    #ROLLING_STEP = '1T' #(has to be a factor of TIME_FRAME_LENGTH)
#    time_list = Tele2.df['time'].unique()
    daily_profit_list = []
    limit_stop_count = 0
    bounce_stop_count = 0
    trade_count = 0
#    check_list = []
    loss_trade_day_info = [['Date', 'Enter SMA Ratio', 'Entered Position', 'Exit Time', 'Exit Reason', 'Buy Price', 'Sell Price', 'Net Profit']]

    for trade_day in trade_day_list:
        base_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(Tele2.df, trade_day, BASE_TIME_START, BASE_TIME_END)
        test_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(Tele2.df, trade_day, TEST_TIME_START, TEST_TIME_END)
        profit = 0
        base_bool_series = (base_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'] > base_timeframe_df['SMA'])
        above_ratio = base_bool_series.sum()/base_bool_series.size
        below_ratio = 1 - above_ratio
        bounce_stop_reach_count = 0
        if (np.absolute(base_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'][-1] - base_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'][0])) >=100:
            if above_ratio >= SMA_THRESHOLD:
                enter_ratio = above_ratio
                enter_position = 'Long'
                exit_reason = 'Exit Time Reach'
                    buy_price = test_timeframe_df[test_timeframe_df['time'] == test_time_start]['TheoPrice'][0]
                max_price = buy_price
                for time, price in test_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'].items():
    #                if price <= buy_price - STOP_THRESHOLD:
    #                    sell_price = price
    #                    close_time = time
    #                    limit_stop_count += 1
    #                    exit_reason = 'Reach Loss Up Stop'
    #                    break
                    if price > max_price:
                        max_price = price
                        bounce_stop_reach_count = 0
                    if price < max_price - bounce_stop_threshold:
                        bounce_stop_reach_count += 1
                        if bounce_stop_reach_count >= over_limit_length:
                            sell_price = price
                            close_time = time
                            bounce_stop_count += 1
                            exit_reason = 'Reach Bounce Stop'
                    sell_price = price
                    close_time = time
    #            check_list.append([sell_price, buy_price, close_time])
                trade_count += 1
                profit = sell_price - buy_price - TRADE_COST
            if below_ratio > SMA_THRESHOLD:
                enter_ratio = below_ratio
                enter_position = 'Short'
                exit_reason = 'Exit Time Reach'
                sell_price = test_timeframe_df[test_timeframe_df['time'] == test_time_start]['TheoPrice'][0]
                min_price = sell_price
                for time, price in test_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'].items():
    #                if price >= sell_price + STOP_THRESHOLD:
    #                    buy_price = price
    #                    close_time = time
    #                    limit_stop_count +=1
    #                    exit_reason = 'Reach Loss Up Stop'
    #                    break
                    if price < min_price:
                        min_price = price
                        bounce_stop_reach_count = 0
                    if price > min_price + bounce_stop_threshold:
                        bounce_stop_reach_count += 1
                        if bounce_stop_reach_count >= over_limit_length:
                            buy_price = price
                            close_time = time
                            bounce_stop_count += 1
                            exit_reason = 'Reach Bounce Stop'
                    buy_price = price
                    close_time = time
                trade_count += 1
                profit = sell_price - buy_price - TRADE_COST
    #            check_list.append([sell_price, buy_price, close_time])
        if (profit < 0):
            day_info = [trade_day, enter_ratio, enter_position, close_time.time(), exit_reason, buy_price, sell_price, profit]
    time_stop_count = trade_count - limit_stop_count - bounce_stop_count
    return np.array(daily_profit_list), trade_count, limit_stop_count, bounce_stop_count, time_stop_count, loss_trade_day_info

#    result = pd.DataFrame(column_list[1:], columns=column_list[0])
#    result['time'] = time_list[:-ignore_col_num]
#    result.set_index('time', inplace=True)

#    result.to_excel(output_excel_path)
#    return result
def consecutive_5_backtest(Tele2, trade_day_list, base_time_start,
                           base_time_end, test_time_start, test_time_end,
                           sma_threshold, stop_threshold,
                           bounce_stop_threshold, trade_cost):

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import telescope as ts
    import telescope_metrics as tm
    import datetime
    from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
    from tqdm import tqdm

    #--------------Input Parameters---------------
    #    data_mpk_file_path, start_date, end_date
    #    df_2019 = data_mpk_file_path
    #    START = start_date
    #    END = end_date
    #    STIME = base_time_start
    #    ETIME = test_time_end
    #    TIME_FRAME_LENGTH = time_frame_length
    #    ROLLING_STEP = rolling_step #(has to be a factor of TIME_FRAME_LENGTH)
    BASE_TIME_START = base_time_start
    BASE_TIME_END = base_time_end
    TEST_TIME_START = test_time_start
    TEST_TIME_END = test_time_end
    SMA_THRESHOLD = sma_threshold
    STOP_THRESHOLD = stop_threshold
    TRADE_COST = trade_cost

    #--------------Input Parameters---------------
    #df_2019 = r"Z:\KaiData\Theo\2019\YM.ESTheo.mpk"
    #START = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 8, 0, 0)
    #END = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 12, 23, 59)
    #STIME = datetime.time(8, 0, 0)
    #ETIME = datetime.time(15, 15, 0)
    #ROLLING_STEP = '1T' #(has to be a factor of TIME_FRAME_LENGTH)

    #    time_list = Tele2.df['time'].unique()

    daily_profit_list = []
    limit_stop_count = 0
    bounce_stop_count = 0
    trade_count = 0

    #    check_list = []

    for trade_day in trade_day_list:

        base_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(Tele2.df, trade_day,
        test_timeframe_df = ts.select_date_timeframe(Tele2.df, trade_day,

        profit = 0

        #        base_bool_series = (base_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'] > base_timeframe_df['SMA'])
        #        above_ratio = base_bool_series.sum()/base_bool_series.size
        #        below_ratio = 1 - above_ratio
        #        if above_ratio >= SMA_THRESHOLD:
        #            try:
        #                buy_price = test_timeframe_df[test_timeframe_df['time'] == test_time_start]['TheoPrice'][0]
        #            except:
        #                print(test_timeframe_df['time'])
        #                print(test_time_start)
        #            max_price = buy_price
        #            for time, price in test_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'].items():
        #                if price <= buy_price - STOP_THRESHOLD:
        #                    sell_price = price
        #                    limit_stop_count += 1
        #                    break
        #                if price > max_price:
        #                    max_price = price
        #                if price < max_price - bounce_stop_threshold:
        #                    sell_price = price
        #                    bounce_stop_count += 1
        #                    break
        #                sell_price = price
        ##                close_time = time
        ##            check_list.append([sell_price, buy_price, close_time])
        #            trade_count += 1
        #            profit = sell_price - buy_price - TRADE_COST
        #        if below_ratio > SMA_THRESHOLD:
        #            sell_price = test_timeframe_df[test_timeframe_df['time'] == test_time_start]['TheoPrice'][0]
        #            min_price = sell_price
        #            for time, price in test_timeframe_df['TheoPrice'].items():
        #                if price >= sell_price + STOP_THRESHOLD:
        #                    buy_price = price
        #                    limit_stop_count +=1
        #                    break
        #                if price < min_price:
        #                    min_price = price
        #                if price > min_price + bounce_stop_threshold:
        #                    buy_price = price
        #                    bounce_stop_count += 1
        #                    break
        #                buy_price = price
        ##                close_time = time
        #            trade_count += 1
        #            profit = sell_price - buy_price - TRADE_COST

        #            check_list.append([sell_price, buy_price, close_time])

    time_stop_count = trade_count - limit_stop_count - bounce_stop_count
    return np.array(
    ), trade_count, limit_stop_count, bounce_stop_count, time_stop_count

#    result = pd.DataFrame(column_list[1:], columns=column_list[0])
#    result['time'] = time_list[:-ignore_col_num]
#    result.set_index('time', inplace=True)

#    result.to_excel(output_excel_path)
#    return result