    def setUp(self):
        super(ExpressionsTest, self).setUp()

        contact = self.create_contact("Joe Blow", "123")
        contact.language = u'eng'

        variables = dict()
        variables['contact'] = contact.build_message_context()
        variables['flow'] = dict(water_source="Well",     # key with underscore
                                 blank="",                # blank string
                                 arabic="اثنين ثلاثة",    # RTL chars
                                 english="two three",     # LTR chars
                                 urlstuff=' =&\u0628',    # stuff that needs URL encoding
                                 users=5,                 # numeric as int
                                 count="5",               # numeric as string
                                 average=2.5,             # numeric as float
                                 joined=datetime(2014, 12, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc),  # date as datetime
                                 started="1/12/14 9:00")  # date as string

        self.context = EvaluationContext(variables, timezone.utc, DateStyle.DAY_FIRST)
文件: actions.py 项目: pld/flows
    def execute_with_message(self, runner, context, msg):
        errors = []

        # variables should evaluate to group names or phone numbers
        variables = []
        for variable in self.variables:
            if not variable.is_new_contact():
                var, var_errors = runner.substitute_variables(variable.value, context)
                if not var_errors:
                    errors += var_errors

        # create a new context without the @contact.* variables which will remain unresolved for now
        new_vars = context.variables.copy()
        del new_vars['contact']
        context_for_other_contacts = EvaluationContext(new_vars, context.timezone, context.date_style)

        template, errors = runner.substitute_variables_if_available(msg, context_for_other_contacts)

        performed = SendAction(TranslatableText(template), self.contacts, self.groups, variables)
        return Action.Result.performed(performed, errors)
    def build_context(self, runner, input):
        # our concept of now may be overridden by the runner
        now = runner.now if runner.now else datetime.datetime.now(tz=self.org.timezone)

        context = EvaluationContext({}, self.org.timezone, self.org.date_style, now)

        contact_context = self.contact.build_context(self, context)

        if input is not None:
            context.put_variable("step", input.build_context(context, contact_context))

        context.put_variable("date", self.build_date_context(context))
        context.put_variable("contact", contact_context)
        context.put_variable("extra", self.extra)

        flow_context = {}
        values = []
        for key, value in self.values.iteritems():
            flow_context[key] = value.build_context(context)
            values.append("%s: %s" % (key, value))
        flow_context['*'] = "\n".join(values)

        context.put_variable("flow", flow_context)

        return context
文件: runner.py 项目: pld/flows
    def build_context(self, runner, input):
        # our concept of now may be overridden by the runner
        now = runner.now if runner.now else datetime.datetime.now(tz=self.org.timezone)

        context = EvaluationContext({}, self.org.timezone, self.org.date_style, now)

        contact_context = self.contact.build_context(self, context)

        if input is not None:
            context.put_variable("step", input.build_context(context, contact_context))

        context.put_variable("date", self.build_date_context(context))
        context.put_variable("contact", contact_context)
        context.put_variable("extra", self.extra)
        def build_flow_context(value_dict):
            flow_context = {}
            values = []
            for key, value in value_dict.iteritems():
                flow_context[key] = value.build_context(context)
                values.append("%s: %s" % (key, value))
            flow_context['*'] = "\n".join(values)

            return flow_context

        context.put_variable("flow", build_flow_context(self.get_values()))

        # add the flow that was one level above us
        if self.level > 0:
            context.put_variable("parent", build_flow_context(self.values[self.level - 1]))

        # if we have a child below us, add that context in too
        if len(self.values) > self.level + 1:
            context.put_variable("child", build_flow_context(self.values[self.level + 1]))

        return context