 def testParser(self):
   p2 = Parser({"START_TAG": r"\[\*",
                "END_TAG": r"\*\]",
                "ANYCASE": 1,
                "PRE_CHOMP": 1,
                "V1DOLLAR": 1})
   # Test new/old styles.
   s1 = p2.new_style({"TAG_STYLE": "metatext",
                      "PRE_CHOMP": 0,
                      "POST_CHOMP": 1})
   self.assertEquals(r"%%", s1["START_TAG"])
   self.assertEquals(0, s1["PRE_CHOMP"])
   self.assertEquals(1, s1["POST_CHOMP"])
   s2 = p2.old_style()
   self.assertEquals(r"\[\*", s2["START_TAG"])
   self.assertEquals(1, s2["PRE_CHOMP"])
   self.assertEquals(0, s2["POST_CHOMP"])
   p3 = Config.parser(
     {"TAG_STYLE": "html", "POST_CHOMP": 1, "ANYCASE": 1, "INTERPOLATE": 1})
   p4 = Config.parser({"ANYCASE": 0})
   tt = (("tt1", Template({"ANYCASE": 1})),
         ("tt2", Template({"PARSER": p2})),
         ("tt3", Template({"PARSER": p3})),
         ("tt4", Template({"PARSER": p4})))
   replace = self._callsign()
   replace["alist"] = ["foo", 0, "bar", 0]
   replace["wintxt"] = "foo\r\n\r\nbar\r\n\r\nbaz"
   self.Expect(DATA, tt, replace)
    def testConstants(self):
        n = [0]

        def counter():
            n[0] += 1
            return n[0] - 1

        constants = {
            "author": "Andy 'Da Man' Wardley",
            "single": "foo'bar",
            "double": 'foo"bar',
            "joint": ", ",
            "col": {
                "back": "#ffffff",
                "text": "#000000"
            "counter": counter
        namespace = Constants(constants)
        self.assertEqual('"Andy \'Da Man\' Wardley"',
                         namespace.ident(["constants", 0, "'author'", 0]))
                         namespace.ident(["constants", 0, "'single'", 0]))
                         namespace.ident(["constants", 0, "'double'", 0]))
            namespace.ident(["constants", 0, "'col'", 0, "'back'", 0]))
            namespace.ident(["constants", 0, "'col'", 0, "'text'", 0]))
        factory = Directive({"NAMESPACE": {"const": namespace}})
        parser1 = Parser({"FACTORY": factory})
        parser2 = Parser({"NAMESPACE": {"const": namespace}})
        for parser in parser1, parser2:
            parsed = parser.parse('hello [% const.author %]\n'
                                  '[% "back is $const.col.back" %]'
                                  ' and text is {% const.col.text %]\n'
                                  'but a col is still a [% col.user %]\n')
            text = parsed["BLOCK"]
            self.assertNotEqual(-1, text.find('"Andy \'Da Man\' Wardley"'))
            self.assertNotEqual(-1, text.find("'back is ', '#ffffff'"))
                                text.find("stash.get(['col', 0, 'user', 0])"))

        tt1 = Template({"NAMESPACE": {"const": namespace}})
        const2 = {
            "author": "abw",
            "joint": " is the new ",
            "col": {
                "back": "orange",
                "text": "black"
            "fave": "back"
        tt2 = Template({"CONSTANTS": const2})
        tt3 = Template({"CONSTANTS": const2, "CONSTANTS_NAMESPACE": "const"})
        engines = (("tt1", tt1), ("tt2", tt2), ("tt3", tt3))
        vars = {"col": {"user": "******", "luza": "blue"}, "constants": constants}
        self.Expect(DATA, engines, vars)
def extract_tt(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
    """Extract messages from TemplateToolkit files.
    :param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted
    :param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should
    be recognized as translation functions
    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and
    include in the results
    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
    :return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)``
    :rtype ``iterator``

    # TODO: Extract comments, contexts etc.

    from template.parser import Parser
    parser = Parser({})

    lines = fileobj.readlines()

    # We are doing our own parsing, since it makes extracting line numbers easier
    for (line, string) in extract_tt_strings(lines):

        parsed = parser.split_text(string)
        if parsed:
            parsed = parsed[0][2]

        message_plural = ""

        # '-7' because it the minimal list length in which a l() function can appear
        # '[8:-2]' removes "scalar()" from the string
        for i in xrange(0, len(parsed) - 7):
            # Scan for 'IDENT', 'l', '(', '(', 'LITERAL' (l('some text'))
            if parsed[i] == "IDENT" and parsed[
                    i + 1] in keywords and parsed[i + 2:i +
                                                  5] == ["(", "(", "LITERAL"]:
                message = parsed[i + 5][8:-2].decode("string_escape")
                if parsed[i + 6:i + 9] == ['COMMA', ',', 'LITERAL']:
                    message_plural = parsed[i + 9][8:-2]
                yield (line, parsed[i + 1], (message, message_plural),
                       comment_tags and comments or [])
def extract_tt(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
    """Extract messages from TemplateToolkit files.
    :param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted
    :param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should
    be recognized as translation functions
    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and
    include in the results
    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
    :return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)``
    :rtype ``iterator``

    # TODO: Extract comments, contexts etc.

    from template.parser import Parser
    parser = Parser({})

    lines = fileobj.readlines()

    # We are doing our own parsing, since it makes extracting line numbers easier
    for (line,string) in extract_tt_strings(lines):

        parsed = parser.split_text(string)
        if parsed:
            parsed = parsed[0][2]

        message_plural = ""

        # '-7' because it the minimal list length in which a l() function can appear
        # '[8:-2]' removes "scalar()" from the string
        for i  in xrange(0, len(parsed)-7):
            # Scan for 'IDENT', 'l', '(', '(', 'LITERAL' (l('some text'))
            if parsed[i] == "IDENT" and parsed[i+1] in keywords and parsed[i+2:i+5] == ["(", "(", "LITERAL"]:
                message = parsed[i+5][8:-2].decode("string_escape")
                if parsed[i+6:i+9] == ['COMMA', ',', 'LITERAL']:
                    message_plural = parsed[i+9][8:-2]
                yield (line, parsed[i+1], (message.decode("utf-8"), message_plural.decode("utf-8")), comment_tags and comments or [])
 def testParser(self):
     p2 = Parser({
         "START_TAG": r"\[\*",
         "END_TAG": r"\*\]",
         "ANYCASE": 1,
         "PRE_CHOMP": 1,
         "V1DOLLAR": 1
     # Test new/old styles.
     s1 = p2.new_style({
         "TAG_STYLE": "metatext",
         "PRE_CHOMP": 0,
         "POST_CHOMP": 1
     self.assertEquals(r"%%", s1["START_TAG"])
     self.assertEquals(0, s1["PRE_CHOMP"])
     self.assertEquals(1, s1["POST_CHOMP"])
     s2 = p2.old_style()
     self.assertEquals(r"\[\*", s2["START_TAG"])
     self.assertEquals(1, s2["PRE_CHOMP"])
     self.assertEquals(0, s2["POST_CHOMP"])
     p3 = Config.parser({
         "TAG_STYLE": "html",
         "POST_CHOMP": 1,
         "ANYCASE": 1,
         "INTERPOLATE": 1
     p4 = Config.parser({"ANYCASE": 0})
     tt = (("tt1", Template({"ANYCASE":
                             1})), ("tt2", Template({"PARSER": p2})),
           ("tt3", Template({"PARSER":
                             p3})), ("tt4", Template({"PARSER": p4})))
     replace = self._callsign()
     replace["alist"] = ["foo", 0, "bar", 0]
     replace["wintxt"] = "foo\r\n\r\nbar\r\n\r\nbaz"
     self.Expect(DATA, tt, replace)