def send_status_change_email(idea): subscribers = Subscription.objects.filter( idea=idea, muted=False).exclude(user=idea.created_by) idea_url = ''.join( ['https://', get_current_site(None).domain, idea.get_absolute_url()]) for s in subscribers: membership = Member.objects.get(user=s.user, if s.muted: continue mute_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/mute/' + s.key + '/' ]) try: send_templated_email( [], "emails/status_changed", { 'first_name': s.user.first_name, 'idea_url': idea_url, 'user_email':, 'mute_url': mute_url, 'idea': idea, }, + ' <noreply+' + + '>') except: print 'send_status_change_email fail' pass
def notify_admin_for_new_idea(idea): idea_url = ''.join( ['https://', get_current_site(None).domain, idea.get_absolute_url()]) edit_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/' + + '/edit-idea/' + str( + '/' ]) author_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/' + + '/member/' + str( + '/' ]) try: send_templated_email( [], "emails/idea_submitted", { 'idea': idea, 'first_name':, 'author_url': author_url, 'idea_url': idea_url, 'edit_url': edit_url, }) except: print 'notify_admin_for_new_idea fail' pass
def form_invalid(self, form): # HACK: Make use of the invalid form for handling the 'Connect my account # to a player' request if self.request.POST.get('request_link') == '1': try: send_templated_email([settings.SERVER_EMAIL], 'emails/req_player_link', { 'user': self.request.user, 'base_url': "//" + Site.objects.get_current().domain }) except: LOG.error("Failed to send player link request email for {}".format(self.request.user), exc_info=True) messages.error( self.request, "Sorry - we were unable to handle your request. Please try again later.") else: messages.success( self.request, "Thanks - your request to be linked to a player/club member has been sent to the website administrator.") else: messages.error( self.request, "Failed to update profile. Errors: {}".format(form.errors)) return super(ProfileView, self).form_invalid(form)
def send_confirmation(self, email_address): salt = sha_constructor(str(random())).hexdigest()[:5] confirmation_key = sha_constructor(salt + current_site = Site.objects.get_current() # check for the url with the dotted view path try: path = reverse("emailconfirmation.views.confirm_email", args=[confirmation_key]) except NoReverseMatch: # or get path with named urlconf instead path = reverse( "emailconfirmation_confirm_email", args=[confirmation_key]) activate_url = u"http://%s%s" % (unicode(current_site.domain), path) context = { "user": email_address.user, "activate_url": activate_url, "current_site": current_site, "confirmation_key": confirmation_key, } send_templated_email([email_address.user], "emails/emailconfirmation", context) return self.create( email_address=email_address, sent=now(), confirmation_key=confirmation_key)
def send_mail(request, company_slug=None): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() company = get_object_or_404(Company, slug=company_slug) if not has_admin_permission(request.user, company): return HttpResponseForbidden() else: usr_name = request.user.get_full_name() usr_email = usr_url = '' +'company') try: send_templated_email( ["*****@*****.**"], "emails/pro_admin", { 'full_name': usr_name, 'author_email': usr_email, 'author_url': usr_url, }) return Response('Success email sent.') except: return Response('There was a problem sending the email...')
def create_user_detail(sender, **kwargs): user = kwargs.pop('user') request = kwargs.pop('request') plan_type = request.POST.get('plan_type', False) # if plan_type == 'pro': # for feature in DarkLaunch.objects.all(): # feature.users.add(user) ######### usr_name = user.get_full_name() usr_email = if not plan_type: plan_type = 'NO PLAN TYPE' try: send_templated_email(['*****@*****.**'], "emails/sign_up_admin", { 'full_name': usr_name, 'author_email': usr_email, 'plan_type': plan_type, }) except: print 'Email didnt end...' ######### try: user_detail = UserDetail.objects.get(user=user) return except: user_detail = UserDetail() user_detail.user = user if 'casl' in request.POST: user_detail.casl = True else: user_detail.casl = False
def send_digest_for_company(company): print '-----------' print 'Company: ', company.slug ideas = Idea.objects.filter(company=company, created_at__gte=seven_days_ago, merged_into__isnull=True) if ideas: print str(ideas.count()) + ' ideas' else: print 'No new ideas' return company_url = ''.join(['https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/', company.slug, '/']) base_url = ''.join(['https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/']) members = Member.objects.filter(company=company) for member in members: if not member.user.user_detail.email_digest: continue settings_url = ''.join(['https://', get_current_site(None).domain,'/' + company.slug + '/member/' + str( +'/preferences/notifications/' ]) try: send_templated_email([], "emails/digest", { 'first_name':member.user.first_name, 'ideas': ideas, 'company': company, 'company_url': company_url, 'user_email':, 'settings_url': settings_url, 'base_url': base_url, }, company.title + ' <noreply+' + company.slug + '>') except: print 'Digest send fail'
def send_confirmation(self, email_address): salt = sha_constructor(str(random())).hexdigest()[:5] confirmation_key = sha_constructor(salt + current_site = Site.objects.get_current() # check for the url with the dotted view path try: path = reverse("emailconfirmation.views.confirm_email", args=[confirmation_key]) except NoReverseMatch: # or get path with named urlconf instead path = reverse("emailconfirmation_confirm_email", args=[confirmation_key]) activate_url = u"http://%s%s" % (unicode(current_site.domain), path) context = { "user": email_address.user, "activate_url": activate_url, "current_site": current_site, "confirmation_key": confirmation_key, } send_templated_email([email_address.user], "emails/emailconfirmation", context) return self.create(email_address=email_address, sent=now(), confirmation_key=confirmation_key)
def deliver(self, recipient, sender, notice_type, extra_context): if recipient == sender: return False context = self.default_context().update({"sender": sender}) context.update(extra_context) send_templated_email([recipient], "emails/%s" % notice_type, context) return True
def new_feedback(sender, instance, created=False, **kwargs): """Send email when new feedback is sent via the feedback button""" if created: send_templated_email( [email for name, email in settings.ADMINS], 'emails/new_feedback', { 'feedback': instance, } )
def index(request): if request.POST: TO_EMAIL = ["*****@*****.**"] nome = request.POST["nome"] sender = request.POST["sender"] msg = request.POST["msg"] send_templated_email(TO_EMAIL, "emails/contato", locals()) ENVIADO = True return locals()
def email_to_enquirer(self, form): """ Send a confirmation email to the person submitting the form. """ context = { 'first_name': unicode(form.cleaned_data['first_name']), 'message': unicode(form.cleaned_data['message']), } recipient_email = form.cleaned_data['email'] send_templated_email([recipient_email], 'emails/juniors_sender', context, from_email='*****@*****.**')
def index(request): if request.POST: TO_EMAIL = ['*****@*****.**'] nome = request.POST['nome'] sender = request.POST['sender'] msg = request.POST['msg'] send_templated_email(TO_EMAIL, 'emails/contato', locals()) ENVIADO = True return locals()
def email_group_admins(self, garden, user, membership): send_templated_email( [ for admin in self.object.admins()], 'emails/request_gardengroup_membership', { 'base_url': settings.BASE_URL, 'garden': garden, 'group': self.object, 'membership': membership, 'user': user, } )
def email_garden_admins(self, garden, membership): send_templated_email( [ for admin in garden.admins()], 'emails/gardengroup_invite_garden', { 'base_url': settings.BASE_URL, 'garden': garden, 'group': self.get_object(), 'membership': membership, 'user': self.request.user, } )
def send_invite(self, email, garden): profile = get_profile(self.request.user) if profile.invite_count > settings.MAX_INVITES and not self.request.user.is_staff: raise PermissionDenied # TODO Tracking *who* invited *whom* could be nice, too profile.invite_count += 1 send_templated_email( [ email, ], 'emails/invite', { 'base_url': settings.BASE_URL, 'garden': garden, 'inviter': self.request.user, })
def deliver(self, recipient, sender, notice_type, extra_context): if recipient == sender: return False context = self.default_context() site = Site.objects.get_current() context.update({ "recipient": recipient, "sender": sender, "site": site, "QUALIFIED_URL": "http://%s%s" % (site.domain, settings.STATIC_URL), 'DOMAIN_URL': 'http://%s' % site.domain }) context.update(extra_context) send_templated_email([recipient], "emails/%s" % notice_type, context) return True
def email_to_enquirer(self, form): """ Send a confirmation email to the person submitting the form. """ context = { 'first_name': unicode(form.cleaned_data['first_name']), 'message': unicode(form.cleaned_data['message']), } try: context['secretary_name'] = ClubInfo.objects.get(key='SecretaryName').value context['secretary_email'] = ClubInfo.objects.get(key='SecretaryEmail').value except ClubInfo.DoesNotExist: context['secretary_name'] = "" context['secretary_email'] = '*****@*****.**' recipient_email = form.cleaned_data['email'] send_templated_email([recipient_email], 'emails/contact_sender', context, from_email=context['secretary_email'])
def spark_camp(request): form = SparkCampForm(request.POST or None) ENVIADO = False if form.is_valid(): TO_EMAIL = ['*****@*****.**'] nome = form.cleaned_data['nome'] nome_projeto = form.cleaned_data['nome_projeto'] url_projeto = form.cleaned_data['url_projeto'] desc_projeto = form.cleaned_data['desc_projeto'] time = form.cleaned_data['time'] email_2 = form.cleaned_data['email'] celular = form.cleaned_data['celular'] print locals() send_templated_email(TO_EMAIL, 'emails/spark-campus', locals()) ENVIADO = True return locals()
def send_activation_email(registration_profile, site): """ Send an activation email to the user associated with this ``RegistrationProfile``. The activation email will make use of two templates: ``emails/activation/short.txt`` This template will be used for the subject line of the email. Because it is used as the subject line of an email, this template's output **must** be only a single line of text; output longer than one line will be forcibly joined into only a single line. ``emails/activation/email.txt`` / ``emails/activation/email.html`` This template will be used for the body of the email. Text and HTML versions will be provided. These templates will each receive the following context variables: ``activation_key`` The activation key for the new account. ``expiration_days`` The number of days remaining during which the account may be activated. ``site`` An object representing the site on which the user registered; depending on whether ``django.contrib.sites`` is installed, this may be an instance of either ``django.contrib.sites.models.Site`` (if the sites application is installed) or ``django.contrib.sites.models.RequestSite`` (if not). Consult the documentation for the Django sites framework for details regarding these objects' interfaces. """ context = {'activation_key': registration_profile.activation_key, 'expiration_days': settings.ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS, 'site': site, 'user': registration_profile.user, 'base_url': "//" + Site.objects.get_current().domain} send_templated_email([], 'emails/activation', context)
def spark_camp(request): form = SparkCampForm(request.POST or None) ENVIADO = False if form.is_valid(): TO_EMAIL = ["*****@*****.**"] nome = form.cleaned_data["nome"] nome_projeto = form.cleaned_data["nome_projeto"] url_projeto = form.cleaned_data["url_projeto"] desc_projeto = form.cleaned_data["desc_projeto"] time = form.cleaned_data["time"] email_2 = form.cleaned_data["email"] celular = form.cleaned_data["celular"] print locals() send_templated_email(TO_EMAIL, "emails/spark-campus", locals()) ENVIADO = True return locals()
def create_new_user(first_name, last_name, password, email): user = User( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, email=email, username=email, is_staff=False, is_active=False ) user.set_password(password), send_templated_email( [user], 'emails/registration_confirm', {'user': user, 'site_url': 'SERVER_NAME', 'activation_code': 'code', } ) return user
def send_invite(self, email, garden): profile = get_profile(self.request.user) if profile.invite_count > settings.MAX_INVITES and not self.request.user.is_staff: raise PermissionDenied # TODO Tracking *who* invited *whom* could be nice, too profile.invite_count += 1 send_templated_email( [email,], 'emails/invite', { 'base_url': settings.BASE_URL, 'garden': garden, 'inviter': self.request.user, } )
def send_welcome_email_to_user(reg_profile, password, sim): """ Sends a welcome email to the user (after they've just registered). Welcome email will include the activation link the user will need to click on to activate their account (and verify their email address). """ context = { 'activation_key': reg_profile.activation_key, 'first_name': reg_profile.user.first_name, 'last_name': reg_profile.user.last_name, 'email':, 'password': password, 'base_url': "//" + Site.objects.get_current().domain } print 'Emailing {}'.format(reg_profile.user.get_full_name()) if not sim: send_templated_email([], 'emails/account_created', context)
def new_garden_membership(sender, instance, created=False, **kwargs): if created: # Try to find admins for this garden that are not the new person admins = GardenMembership.objects.filter(, is_admin=True, ).exclude(user_profile=instance.user_profile) if admins: send_templated_email( [ for admin in admins], 'emails/new_garden_membership', { 'base_url': settings.BASE_URL, 'garden':, 'new_user': instance.user_profile.user, } )
def email_to_secretary(self, form): """ Send an email to the secretary with the form data. """ email = form.cleaned_data['email'] LOG.debug("Email = {}".format(email)) context = { 'name': u"{} {}".format(form.cleaned_data['first_name'], form.cleaned_data['last_name']), 'phone': form.cleaned_data['phone'], 'sender_email': email, 'join_mail_list': form.cleaned_data['mailing_list'], 'message': unicode(form.cleaned_data['message']), } try: recipient_email = ClubInfo.objects.get(key='SecretaryEmail').value except ClubInfo.DoesNotExist: recipient_email = '*****@*****.**' send_templated_email([recipient_email], 'emails/contact_secretary', context, from_email=email)
def send_want_email(vote): try: s = Subscription.objects.get(idea=vote.idea, user=vote.idea.created_by) membership = Member.objects.get(user=vote.idea.created_by, except: return False if s.muted or not s.user.user_detail.email_want: return False if vote.user == vote.idea.created_by: return False idea_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, vote.idea.get_absolute_url() ]) author_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/' + + '/member/' + str( + '/' ]) mute_url = ''.join( ['https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/mute/' + s.key + '/']) try: send_templated_email( [], "emails/idea_wanted", { 'vote': vote, 'first_name': s.user.first_name, 'idea_url': idea_url, 'author_url': author_url, 'user_email':, 'mute_url': mute_url, 'settings_url': author_url + 'preferences/notifications/', }, + ' <noreply+' + + '>') except: print 'send_want_email fail' pass
def email_to_juniors(self, form): """ Send an email to [email protected] with the form data. """ email = form.cleaned_data['email'] trigger = form.cleaned_data['trigger'] triggerText = JuniorsContactSubmission.TRIGGER[trigger] if trigger != JuniorsContactSubmission.TRIGGER.not_selected else None LOG.debug("Email = {}".format(email)) context = { 'name': u"{} {}".format(form.cleaned_data['first_name'], form.cleaned_data['last_name']), 'phone': form.cleaned_data['phone'], 'sender_email': email, 'child_name': form.cleaned_data['child_name'], 'child_age': JuniorsContactSubmission.AGE[form.cleaned_data['child_age']], 'child_gender': JuniorsContactSubmission.GENDER[form.cleaned_data['child_gender']], 'trigger': triggerText, 'join_mail_list': form.cleaned_data['mailing_list'], 'message': unicode(form.cleaned_data['message']), } recipient_email = '*****@*****.**' send_templated_email([recipient_email], 'emails/juniors_report', context, from_email=email)
def edit_ticket(request, id, template_name=""): ticket = SupportQuestion.objects.get(pk=id) if request.POST: # check if it is assigned if request.POST.get("action")=="assign": ticket.accepted_by = User.objects.get(pk=request.POST.get("assign-to")) send_templated_email([], "emails/support_ticket_assigned", {"ticket": ticket}) messages.success(request, _("Ticket has been assigned")) # check if it is closed or reopened if request.POST.get("action")=="close": ticket.closed = True messages.success(request, _("Ticket was closed")) if request.POST.get("action")=="open": ticket.closed = False messages.success(request, _("Ticket was reopened")) # check for reply if request.POST.get("action")=="reply": message = request.POST.get("message") reply = SupportReply(message=message, user=request.user, support_question=ticket) email = if ticket.user: email = send_templated_email([email], "emails/support_ticket_reply", {"ticket": ticket, "reply":reply}) messages.success(request, _("Ticket reply has been sent")) # save return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('support_view_ticket', args=(,))) return render_to_response(template_name, { 'ticket': ticket }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def company(request, company_slug=None): """ Save all initial company options dynamically from /company/ route """ if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() #if is None: if'title'): data = {'title':'title')} serializer = CompanySerializer(data=data) if serializer.is_valid(): company = Company() company.title = data['title'] company.created_by = request.user ########Generating first idea by Wantoobot######### try: wantoo_bot = User.objects.get(email='*****@*****.**') except User.DoesNotExist: print 'Wantoobot Does not exists' raise idea = Idea() idea.title = 'This is a Test Idea' idea.description = "Welcome to Wantoo! Here's a test idea to help you explore your Idea Board's functionality.\n" \ "\nYou can vote for it by hitting the Want button.\n" \ "\nEdit this idea by hitting those three little dots next to the title.\n" \ "\nComment on it in the field below.\n" \ "\nShare this idea with others through Twitter, Facebook, or email via the buttons in the upper right.\n" \ "\nWhen you're in Management view, You can drag and drop this idea into different columns to instantly change its category.\n" \ "\nOnce you've gotten the hang of it, you can delete it and start adding real ideas of your own." = company idea.created_by = wantoo_bot = True ############# = company slug = {'slug': company.slug} group = Group.objects.create(name=company.slug) perm = Permission.objects.get(codename='is_company_admin') group.permissions.add(perm) ####### usr_name = request.user.get_full_name() usr_email = usr_url = '' + company.slug try: # send_templated_email([usr_email], "emails/sign_up", { # 'full_name': usr_name, # 'author_url': usr_url, # }) send_templated_email( ['*****@*****.**'], "emails/new_board_admin", { 'full_name': usr_name, 'author_email': usr_email, 'author_url': usr_url, }) except: return Response('Email didnt end...') ######### return Response(json.dumps(slug), status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) #else: company = get_object_or_404(Company, slug=company_slug) if not has_admin_permission(request.user, company): return HttpResponseForbidden() else: if'logo_url'): company.logo_url ='logo_url').strip() if'question'): company.question ='question').strip() if'color'): company.color ='color').strip() return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def send_comment_emails(comment): subscribers = Subscription.objects.filter( idea=comment.idea, muted=False).exclude(user=comment.created_by) idea_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, comment.idea.get_absolute_url() ]) author_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/' + + '/member/' + str( + '/' ]) for s in subscribers: membership = Member.objects.get(user=s.user, #muted idea in email if s.muted: continue #created the idea, and doesn't want emails when comments added if s.user == s.idea.created_by and not s.user.user_detail.email_comment: continue #commented an idea, and doesn't want emails when comments added comments = Comment.objects.filter(idea=comment.idea, created_by=s.user).exists() print comments if comments and not s.user.user_detail.email_comment_on_comment: continue #wanted idea, and doesn't want emails when comments added votes = Vote.objects.filter(idea=comment.idea, user=s.user).exists() print 'votes exists' if not (s.user == s.idea.created_by) and votes and ( not s.user.user_detail.email_comment_on_want): continue mute_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/mute/' + s.key + '/' ]) settings_url = ''.join([ 'https://', get_current_site(None).domain, '/' + + '/member/' + str( + '/preferences/notifications/' ]) try: send_templated_email( [], "emails/comment_added", { 'comment': comment, 'comment_title': unicode(comment.idea.title), 'first_name': s.user.first_name, 'idea_url': idea_url, 'author_url': author_url, 'user_email':, 'mute_url': mute_url, 'settings_url': settings_url, }, + ' <noreply+' + + '>') except: print 'send_comment_emails fail' pass
def notify_new_user(user, code): send_templated_email( [user], 'emails/registration_confirm', {'user': user, 'site_url': self.request.META['SERVER_NAME'], 'activation_code': code, } )