def handle_uploaded_file(file_path, file_dir): file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) filecopy = os.path.join(THEME_ROOT, file_dir, file_name) dest_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, "themes", filecopy) shutil.move(file_path, dest_path) # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_THEME: if os.path.splitext([1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = "/themes/%s" % filecopy save_file_to_s3(file_path, dest_path=dest_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([ settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', file_path[(file_path.find(THEME_ROOT)):] ]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL)
def save(self, request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=THEME_ROOT): content = self.cleaned_data["content"] file_path = (os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, file_relative_path)).replace("\\", "/") if os.path.isfile(file_path) and content <> "": archive_file(request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=ROOT_DIR) f =, 'w', 'utf-8', 'replace') file = File(f) file.write(content) file.close() # copy to s3 storage if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True save_file_to_s3(file_path, public=public) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL) return True else: return False
def copy_file_to_theme(source_full_path, to_theme, path_to_file, filename): """Copies a file and all associated directories into theme """ root_dir = get_theme_root(to_theme) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(root_dir, path_to_file)) except OSError: pass dest_full_path = os.path.join(root_dir, path_to_file, filename) shutil.copy(source_full_path, dest_full_path) # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_THEME: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = os.path.join(to_theme, path_to_file, filename) dest_full_path = os.path.join(settings.THEME_S3_PATH, dest_path) save_file_to_s3(source_full_path, dest_path=dest_full_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', dest_path]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL)
def handle_uploaded_file(f, file_dir): filecopy = os.path.join(THEME_ROOT, file_dir, file_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, "themes", filecopy) destination = open(file_path, 'wb+') for chunk in f.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) destination.close() # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_THEME: if os.path.splitext([1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = "/themes/%s" % filecopy save_file_to_s3(file_path, dest_path=dest_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([ settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', file_path[(file_path.find(THEME_ROOT)):] ]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL)
def save(self, request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=THEME_ROOT, ORIG_ROOT_DIR=THEME_ROOT): content = self.cleaned_data["content"] file_path = (os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, file_relative_path)).replace("\\", "/") if settings.USE_S3_THEME: file_path = (os.path.join(ORIG_ROOT_DIR, file_relative_path)).replace("\\", "/") # write the theme file locally in case it was wiped by a restart if settings.USE_S3_THEME and not os.path.isfile(file_path): file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.path.isdir(file_dir): # if directory does not exist, create it os.makedirs(file_dir) new_file = open(file_path, 'w') new_file.write('') new_file.close() if os.path.isfile(file_path) and content != "": archive_file(request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=ORIG_ROOT_DIR) # Save the file locally no matter the theme location. # The save to S3 reads from the local file, so we need to save it first. f =, 'w', 'utf-8', 'replace') file = File(f) file.write(content) file.close() if settings.USE_S3_THEME: # copy to s3 storage if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True save_file_to_s3(file_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([ settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', "%s/%s" % (get_theme(), file_relative_path) ]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL) return True else: return False
def create_new_template(request, form_class=AddTemplateForm): """ Create a new blank template for a given template name """ form = form_class(request.POST or None) ret_dict = {'created': False, 'err': ''} if form.is_valid(): template_name = form.cleaned_data['template_name'].strip() template_full_name = 'default-%s.html' % template_name existing_templates = [t[0] for t in get_template_list()] if not template_full_name in existing_templates: # create a new template and assign default content use_s3_storage = getattr(settings, 'USE_S3_STORAGE', '') if use_s3_storage: theme_dir = settings.ORIGINAL_THEMES_DIR else: theme_dir = settings.THEMES_DIR template_dir = os.path.join(theme_dir, get_setting('module', 'theme_editor', 'theme'), 'templates') template_full_path = os.path.join(template_dir, template_full_name) # grab the content from the new-default-template.html # first check if there is a customized one on the site default_template_name = 'new-default-template.html' default_template_path = os.path.join(template_dir, 'theme_editor', default_template_name) if not os.path.isfile(default_template_path): # no customized one found, use the default one default_template_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'templates/theme_editor', default_template_name) if os.path.isfile(default_template_path): default_content = open(default_template_path).read() else: default_content = '' with open(template_full_path, 'w') as f: f.write(default_content) if use_s3_storage: # django default_storage not set for theme, that's why we cannot use it save_file_to_s3(template_full_path) ret_dict['created'] = True ret_dict['template_name'] = template_full_name else: ret_dict['err'] = _('Template "%(name)s" already exists' % {'name':template_full_name}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret_dict))
def create_new_template(request, form_class=AddTemplateForm): """ Create a new blank template for a given template name """ selected_theme = request.GET.get("theme_edit", get_theme()) if not is_valid_theme(selected_theme): raise Http404(_('Specified theme does not exist')) if is_theme_read_only(selected_theme): raise Http403 form = form_class(request.POST or None) ret_dict = {'created': False, 'err': ''} if form.is_valid(): template_name = form.cleaned_data['template_name'].strip() template_full_name = 'default-%s.html' % template_name existing_templates = [t[0] for t in get_template_list()] if template_full_name not in existing_templates: # create a new template and assign default content theme_root = get_theme_root(selected_theme) template_dir = os.path.join(theme_root, 'templates') template_full_path = os.path.join(template_dir, template_full_name) # grab the content from the new-default-template.html # first check if there is a customized one on the site default_template_name = 'new-default-template.html' default_template_path = os.path.join(template_dir, 'theme_editor', default_template_name) if not os.path.isfile(default_template_path): # no customized one found, use the default one default_template_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'templates/theme_editor', default_template_name) if os.path.isfile(default_template_path): default_content = open(default_template_path).read() else: default_content = '' with open(template_full_path, 'w') as f: f.write(default_content) if settings.USE_S3_STORAGE: s3_path = os.path.join(settings.THEME_S3_PATH, selected_theme, 'templates', template_full_name) save_file_to_s3(template_full_path, dest_path=s3_path, public=False) ret_dict['created'] = True ret_dict['template_name'] = template_full_name else: ret_dict['err'] = _('Template "%(name)s" already exists' % {'name': template_full_name}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret_dict))
def handle_uploaded_file(f, file_dir): file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, destination = open(file_path, 'wb+') for chunk in f.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) destination.close() # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_STORAGE: if os.path.splitext([1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True save_file_to_s3(file_path, public=public)
def save(self, root_dir, theme, file_relative_path, request): content = self.cleaned_data["content"] file_path = os.path.join(root_dir, file_relative_path) # write the theme file locally in case it was wiped by a restart if settings.USE_S3_THEME and not os.path.isfile(file_path): file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.path.isdir(file_dir): # if directory does not exist, create it os.makedirs(file_dir) new_file = open(file_path, 'w') new_file.write('') new_file.close() if os.path.isfile(file_path) and content != '': archive_file(root_dir, file_relative_path, request) # Save the file locally no matter the theme location. # The save to S3 reads from the local file, so we need to save it first. f =, 'w', 'utf-8', 'replace') file = File(f) file.write(content) file.close() if settings.USE_S3_THEME: # copy to s3 storage if os.path.splitext(file_relative_path)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = os.path.join(theme, file_relative_path) dest_full_path = os.path.join(settings.THEME_S3_PATH, dest_path) save_file_to_s3(file_path, dest_path=dest_full_path, public=public) cache_key = '.'.join( [settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', dest_path]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL) return True else: return False
def copy(filename, path_to_file, full_filename, TO_ROOT=THEME_ROOT): """Copies a file and all associated directories into TO_ROOT """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(TO_ROOT, "templates", path_to_file)) except OSError: pass filecopy = os.path.join(TO_ROOT, "templates", path_to_file, filename) shutil.copy(full_filename, filecopy) # copy to s3 if hasattr(settings, 'USE_S3_STORAGE') and settings.USE_S3_STORAGE: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True save_file_to_s3(filecopy, public=public)
def save(self, request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=THEME_ROOT, ORIG_ROOT_DIR=THEME_ROOT): content = self.cleaned_data["content"] file_path = (os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, file_relative_path)).replace("\\", "/") if settings.USE_S3_THEME: file_path = (os.path.join(ORIG_ROOT_DIR, file_relative_path)).replace("\\", "/") # write the theme file locally in case it was wiped by a restart if settings.USE_S3_THEME and not os.path.isfile(file_path): file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.path.isdir(file_dir): # if directory does not exist, create it os.makedirs(file_dir) new_file = open(file_path, "w") new_file.write("") new_file.close() if os.path.isfile(file_path) and content != "": archive_file(request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=ORIG_ROOT_DIR) # Save the file locally no matter the theme location. # The save to S3 reads from the local file, so we need to save it first. f =, "w", "utf-8", "replace") file = File(f) file.write(content) file.close() if settings.USE_S3_THEME: # copy to s3 storage if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == ".html": public = False else: public = True save_file_to_s3(file_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, "theme", "%s/%s" % (get_theme(), file_relative_path)]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, "REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL") and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL) return True else: return False
def copy(filename, path_to_file, full_filename, TO_ROOT=THEME_ROOT): """Copies a file and all associated directories into TO_ROOT """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(TO_ROOT, "templates", path_to_file)) except OSError: pass filecopy = os.path.join(TO_ROOT, "templates", path_to_file, filename) shutil.copy(full_filename, filecopy) # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_THEME: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = "/themes/%s" % filecopy save_file_to_s3(full_filename, dest_path=dest_path, public=public)
def save(self, request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=THEME_ROOT): content = self.cleaned_data["content"] file_path = (os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, file_relative_path)).replace("\\", "/") if os.path.isfile(file_path) and content <> "": archive_file(request, file_relative_path, ROOT_DIR=ROOT_DIR) f =, 'w', 'utf-8', 'replace') file = File(f) file.write(content) file.close() # copy to s3 storage if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True save_file_to_s3(file_path, public=public) return True else: return False
def handle_uploaded_file(file_path, file_dir): file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) filecopy = os.path.join(THEME_ROOT, file_dir, file_name) dest_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, "themes", filecopy) shutil.move(file_path, dest_path) # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_THEME: if os.path.splitext([1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = "/themes/%s" % filecopy save_file_to_s3(file_path, dest_path=dest_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', file_path[(file_path.find(THEME_ROOT)):]]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL)
def handle_uploaded_file(f, file_dir): filecopy = os.path.join(THEME_ROOT, file_dir, file_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, "themes", filecopy) destination = open(file_path, 'wb+') for chunk in f.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) destination.close() # copy to s3 if settings.USE_S3_THEME: if os.path.splitext([1] == '.html': public = False else: public = True dest_path = "/themes/%s" % filecopy save_file_to_s3(file_path, dest_path=dest_path, public=public) cache_key = ".".join([settings.SITE_CACHE_KEY, 'theme', file_path[(file_path.find(THEME_ROOT)):]]) cache.delete(cache_key) if hasattr(settings, 'REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL') and settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL: urllib.urlopen(settings.REMOTE_DEPLOY_URL)