def test_parent_map_some(self): = {'tree': {'nodes': [ {"children": [-4, -3, -2], "type": "root", "id": -1, "name": "default", "type_id": 6 } ]}} osd_map = OsdMap(None, self.osd_map_data) assert osd_map.parent_bucket_by_node_id == ( { -4: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }], -3: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }], -2: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }] })
def test_parent_map_one(self): = {'tree': {'nodes': [ {"children": [], "type": "rack", "id": -5, "name": "83988b9c-4a63-11e4-8c64-000c29066317", "type_id": 2, }, {"children": [-5], "type": "root", "id": -1, "name": "default", "type_id": 6, } ]}} osd_map = OsdMap(None, self.osd_map_data) assert osd_map.parent_bucket_by_node_id == ( { -5: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-5], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }] })
def test_crush_osds(self): """That the correct OSDs are recognised as part of a CRUSH rule """ osd_map = OsdMap(None, None) # None data assert isinstance(osd_map, OsdMap) osd_map = OsdMap(None, INTERESTING_OSD_MAP) all_osds = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] first_osds = [0, 2, 4] first_server_osds = [0, 1] assert osd_map.osds_by_rule_id == ({ # Default rule 0: all_osds, # Default rule 1: all_osds, # Default rule 2: all_osds, # My custom one that takes each server's first drive 3: first_osds, # My custom one that takes the drives from the first server 4: first_server_osds }) # By extension, the same OSDs should be recognised as part of # the pools using the crush rule assert osd_map.osds_by_pool == ({ 2: all_osds, 4: all_osds, 5: all_osds, 6: first_osds, 7: first_server_osds }) assert osd_map.osd_pools == ( { 0: [2, 4, 5, 6, 7], 1: [2, 4, 5, 7], 2: [2, 4, 5, 6], 3: [2, 4, 5], 4: [2, 4, 5, 6], 5: [2, 4, 5] })
def test_shows_non_default_types(self): osd_map_data = MagicMock() data = {'crush': {'types': [{'type_id': 100, 'name': 'custom_type'}], 'buckets': []}} osd_map_data.__getitem__.side_effect = \ lambda x: data[x] if x in data else osd_map_data osd_map = OsdMap(None, osd_map_data) assert {'type_id': 100, 'name': 'custom_type'} == \ osd_map.crush_type_by_id[100]
def test_7883(self): """Bug in which pools were not found for OSDs""" osd_map = OsdMap(None, load_fixture("osd_map-7883.json")) all_osds = osd_map.osds_by_id.keys() assert len(all_osds) == 168 assert osd_map.osds_by_rule_id == ({ 0: all_osds, 1: all_osds, 2: all_osds }) assert osd_map.osds_by_pool == ({ 0: all_osds, 1: all_osds, 2: all_osds })
def test_get_tree_node(self): osd_map = OsdMap(None, INTERESTING_OSD_MAP) assert osd_map.cmp(osd_map.get_tree_node(-1), ( { 'weight': 0.00012359535321593285, 'alg': 'straw', 'id': -1, 'type_id': 6, 'items': [{'pos': 0, 'weight': 2.7465634047985077e-05, 'id': -2 }, {'pos': 1, 'weight': 2.7465634047985077e-05, 'id': -3 }, {'pos': 2, 'weight': 2.7465634047985077e-05, 'id': -4 }, {'pos': 3, 'weight': 1.3732817023992538e-05, 'id': -5 }, {'pos': 4, 'weight': 1.3732817023992538e-05, 'id': -6 }, {'pos': 5, 'weight': 1.3732817023992538e-05, 'id': -7 }], 'name': 'default', 'type_name': 'root', 'hash': 'rjenkins1' })) == 0 with pytest.raises(Exception): osd_map.get_tree_node(10)
def test_parent_map_none(self): = {'tree': {'nodes': []}} osd_map = OsdMap(None, self.osd_map_data) assert {} == osd_map.parent_bucket_by_node_id
def test_parent_map_multiple_roots(self): = {"tree": {"nodes": [ { "children": [ 2 ], "type": "host", "id": -40, "name": "vpm145ssd", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.2", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 1, "type": "osd", "id": 2 }, { "children": [ 0 ], "type": "host", "id": -30, "name": "vpm113ssd", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.0", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 1, "type": "osd", "id": 0 }, { "children": [ 1 ], "type": "host", "id": -20, "name": "vpm061ssd", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.1", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 1, "type": "osd", "id": 1 }, { "children": [ -5 ], "type": "root", "id": -10, "name": "defaultssd", "type_id": 10 }, { "children": [ -4, -3, -2 ], "type": "rack", "id": -5, "name": "rackthing", "type_id": 3 }, { "children": [ 1 ], "type": "host", "id": -2, "name": "vpm061", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.1", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 3, "type": "osd", "id": 1 }, { "children": [ 0 ], "type": "host", "id": -3, "name": "vpm113", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.0", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 3, "type": "osd", "id": 0 }, { "children": [ 2 ], "type": "host", "id": -4, "name": "vpm145", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.2", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 3, "type": "osd", "id": 2 }, { "children": [ -4, -3, -2 ], "type": "root", "id": -1, "name": "default", "type_id": 10 }, { "children": [ 1 ], "type": "host", "id": -2, "name": "vpm061", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.1", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 2, "type": "osd", "id": 1 }, { "children": [ 0 ], "type": "host", "id": -3, "name": "vpm113", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.0", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 2, "type": "osd", "id": 0 }, { "children": [ 2 ], "type": "host", "id": -4, "name": "vpm145", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.2", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 2, "type": "osd", "id": 2 } ]}} osd_map = OsdMap(None, self.osd_map_data) assert osd_map.parent_bucket_by_node_id == ( { -5: [{'children': [-5], 'id': -10, 'name': 'defaultssd', 'type': 'root', 'type_id': 10 }], -4: [{'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'id': -5, 'name': 'rackthing', 'type': 'rack', 'type_id': 3 }, {'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'id': -1, 'name': 'default', 'type': 'root', 'type_id': 10 }], -3: [{'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'id': -5, 'name': 'rackthing', 'type': 'rack', 'type_id': 3 }, {'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'id': -1, 'name': 'default', 'type': 'root', 'type_id': 10 }], -2: [{'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'id': -5, 'name': 'rackthing', 'type': 'rack', 'type_id': 3 }, {'children': [-4, -3, -2], 'id': -1, 'name': 'default', 'type': 'root', 'type_id': 10 }], 0: [{'children': [0], 'id': -30, 'name': 'vpm113ssd', 'type': 'host', 'type_id': 1 }, {'children': [0], 'id': -3, 'name': 'vpm113', 'type': 'host', 'type_id': 1 }], 1: [{'children': [1], 'id': -20, 'name': 'vpm061ssd', 'type': 'host', 'type_id': 1 }, {'children': [1], 'id': -2, 'name': 'vpm061', 'type': 'host', 'type_id': 1 }], 2: [{'children': [2], 'id': -40, 'name': 'vpm145ssd', 'type': 'host', 'type_id': 1 }, {'children': [2], 'id': -4, 'name': 'vpm145', 'type': 'host', 'type_id': 1 }] })
def test_parent_map_many(self): = {'tree': {'nodes': [ { "children": [], "type": "rack", "id": -5, "name": "83988b9c-4a63-11e4-8c64-000c29066317", "type_id": 2 }, { "children": [ -4, -2, -3 ], "type": "root", "id": -1, "name": "default", "type_id": 6 }, { "children": [ 1 ], "type": "host", "id": -3, "name": "vpm068", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.1", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.399994", "depth": 2, "type": "osd", "id": 1 }, { "children": [ 0 ], "type": "host", "id": -2, "name": "vpm114", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.0", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 2, "type": "osd", "id": 0 }, { "children": [ 2 ], "type": "host", "id": -4, "name": "vpm140", "type_id": 1 }, { "status": "up", "name": "osd.2", "exists": 1, "reweight": "1.000000", "type_id": 0, "crush_weight": "0.099991", "depth": 2, "type": "osd", "id": 2 } ]}} osd_map = OsdMap(None, self.osd_map_data) assert osd_map.parent_bucket_by_node_id == ( { 0: [{'type_id': 1, 'type': 'host', 'children': [0], 'name': 'vpm114', 'id': -2 }], 1: [{'type_id': 1, 'type': 'host', 'children': [1], 'name': 'vpm068', 'id': -3 }], 2: [{'type_id': 1, 'type': 'host', 'children': [2], 'name': 'vpm140', 'id': -4 }], -4: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-4, -2, -3], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }], -3: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-4, -2, -3], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }], -2: [{'type_id': 6, 'type': 'root', 'children': [-4, -2, -3], 'name': 'default', 'id': -1 }] })