 def broadcasting_binary_op_wrapper(x, y, broadcast_dims=None, name=None):
   """Inner wrapper function."""
   broadcast_dims = broadcast_dims or []
   broadcast_dims = ops.convert_to_tensor(broadcast_dims, dtypes.int64)
   # Rather than relying on having static shape information in the TensorFlow
   # graph, we use an XlaBroadcastHelper op that can compute the correct shapes
   # at JIT compilation time.
   x, y = gen_xla_ops.xla_broadcast_helper(x, y, broadcast_dims)
   return fn(x, y, name=name)
 def broadcasting_binary_op_wrapper(x, y, broadcast_dims=None, name=None):
   """Inner wrapper function."""
   broadcast_dims = broadcast_dims or []
   broadcast_dims = ops.convert_to_tensor(broadcast_dims, dtypes.int64)
   # Rather than relying on having static shape information in the TensorFlow
   # graph, we use an XlaBroadcastHelper op that can compute the correct shapes
   # at JIT compilation time.
   x, y = gen_xla_ops.xla_broadcast_helper(x, y, broadcast_dims)
   return fn(x, y, name=name)