def stratified_sampling(batches, batch_size, config, task_name): assert task_name in config assert config.get(task_name, "type", fallback="") == "classification" slicer = config.get_as_slice(task_name, "ground_truth_column") labels = tf.to_int64(batches[slicer]) num_classes = config.getint(task_name, "num_classes") target_dist = [1.0 / num_classes] * num_classes data_batch, _ = stratified_sample(batches, labels, target_dist, batch_size, enqueue_many=True, threads_per_queue=4) return data_batch
def read_csv(filename, batch_size, stratify_task="", config=None): temporary_reader = csv.reader(open(filename)) num_cols = len(next(temporary_reader)) print("%d columns found in %s" % (num_cols, filename)) del temporary_reader with tf.name_scope("decoded_CSV_pipeline"): filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename]) reader = tf.TextLineReader() key, value = decoded = tf.decode_csv(value, record_defaults=[[0.0] for _ in range(num_cols)]) if stratify_task: with tf.name_scope("stratification"): assert stratify_task in config assert config.get(stratify_task, "type", fallback="") == "classification" slicer = config.get_as_slice(num_cols, stratify_task, "ground_truth_column") labels = tf.to_int64(decoded[slicer]) num_classes = config.getint(stratify_task, "num_classes") target_dist = [1.0 / num_classes] * num_classes decoded, _ = stratified_sample(decoded, labels, target_dist, batch_size=1, threads_per_queue=1) with tf.name_scope("shuffled_batching"): batches = tf.train.shuffle_batch(decoded, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=batch_size * 50, min_after_dequeue=batch_size * 10, num_threads=4) # batches[0] = tf.Print(batches[0], batches) all_cols = list(map(tf.squeeze, batches)) return all_cols # list of tensors, one tensor for each CSV column, each tensor with size batch_size