def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "NoisyLinearCosineDecay") as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
      initial_variance = math_ops.cast(self.initial_variance, dtype)
      variance_decay = math_ops.cast(self.variance_decay, dtype)
      num_periods = math_ops.cast(self.num_periods, dtype)
      alpha = math_ops.cast(self.alpha, dtype)
      beta = math_ops.cast(self.beta, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      global_step_recomp = math_ops.minimum(global_step_recomp, decay_steps)
      linear_decayed = (decay_steps - global_step_recomp) / decay_steps
      variance = initial_variance / (
          math_ops.pow(1.0 + global_step_recomp, variance_decay))
      std = math_ops.sqrt(variance)
      noisy_linear_decayed = (
          linear_decayed + random_ops.random_normal(
              linear_decayed.shape, stddev=std))

      completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
      fraction = 2.0 * num_periods * completed_fraction
      cosine_decayed = 0.5 * (
          1.0 + math_ops.cos(constant_op.constant(math.pi) * fraction))
      noisy_linear_cosine_decayed = (
          (alpha + noisy_linear_decayed) * cosine_decayed + beta)

      return math_ops.multiply(
          initial_learning_rate, noisy_linear_cosine_decayed, name=name)
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "PolynomialDecay") as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      end_learning_rate = math_ops.cast(self.end_learning_rate, dtype)
      power = math_ops.cast(self.power, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      decay_steps_recomp = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
      if self.cycle:
        # Find the first multiple of decay_steps that is bigger than
        # global_step. If global_step is zero set the multiplier to 1
        multiplier = control_flow_ops.cond(
            math_ops.equal(global_step_recomp, 0), lambda: 1.0,
            lambda: math_ops.ceil(global_step_recomp / self.decay_steps))
        decay_steps_recomp = math_ops.multiply(decay_steps_recomp, multiplier)
        # Make sure that the global_step used is not bigger than decay_steps.
        global_step_recomp = math_ops.minimum(global_step_recomp,

      p = math_ops.div(global_step_recomp, decay_steps_recomp)
      return math_ops.add(
          math_ops.multiply(initial_learning_rate - end_learning_rate,
                            math_ops.pow(1 - p, power)),
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "ExponentialDecay") as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
      decay_rate = math_ops.cast(self.decay_rate, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      p = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
      if self.staircase:
        p = math_ops.floor(p)
      return math_ops.multiply(
          initial_learning_rate, math_ops.pow(decay_rate, p), name=name)
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "CosineDecay"):
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      global_step_recomp = math_ops.minimum(global_step_recomp, decay_steps)
      completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
      cosine_decayed = 0.5 * (1.0 + math_ops.cos(
          constant_op.constant(math.pi) * completed_fraction))

      decayed = (1 - self.alpha) * cosine_decayed + self.alpha
      return math_ops.multiply(initial_learning_rate, decayed)
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "InverseTimeDecay") as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
      decay_rate = math_ops.cast(self.decay_rate, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      p = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
      if self.staircase:
        p = math_ops.floor(p)
      const = math_ops.cast(constant_op.constant(1), dtype)
      denom = math_ops.add(const, math_ops.multiply(decay_rate, p))
      return math_ops.div(initial_learning_rate, denom, name=name)
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "LinearCosineDecay") as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
      num_periods = math_ops.cast(self.num_periods, dtype)
      alpha = math_ops.cast(self.alpha, dtype)
      beta = math_ops.cast(self.beta, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      global_step_recomp = math_ops.minimum(global_step_recomp, decay_steps)
      linear_decayed = (decay_steps - global_step_recomp) / decay_steps
      completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
      fraction = 2.0 * num_periods * completed_fraction
      cosine_decayed = 0.5 * (
          1.0 + math_ops.cos(constant_op.constant(math.pi) * fraction))

      linear_cosine_decayed = (alpha + linear_decayed) * cosine_decayed + beta
      return math_ops.multiply(initial_learning_rate, linear_cosine_decayed,
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "SGDRDecay") as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      first_decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.first_decay_steps, dtype)
      alpha = math_ops.cast(self.alpha, dtype)
      t_mul = math_ops.cast(self._t_mul, dtype)
      m_mul = math_ops.cast(self._m_mul, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / first_decay_steps

      def compute_step(completed_fraction, geometric=False):
        """Helper for `cond` operation."""
        if geometric:
          i_restart = math_ops.floor(
              math_ops.log(1.0 - completed_fraction * (1.0 - t_mul)) /

          sum_r = (1.0 - t_mul**i_restart) / (1.0 - t_mul)
          completed_fraction = (completed_fraction - sum_r) / t_mul**i_restart

          i_restart = math_ops.floor(completed_fraction)
          completed_fraction -= i_restart

        return i_restart, completed_fraction

      i_restart, completed_fraction = control_flow_ops.cond(
          math_ops.equal(t_mul, 1.0),
          lambda: compute_step(completed_fraction, geometric=False),
          lambda: compute_step(completed_fraction, geometric=True))

      m_fac = m_mul**i_restart
      cosine_decayed = 0.5 * m_fac * (1.0 + math_ops.cos(
          constant_op.constant(math.pi) * completed_fraction))
      decayed = (1 - alpha) * cosine_decayed + alpha

      return math_ops.multiply(initial_learning_rate, decayed, name=name)
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2( or "PiecewiseConstant"):
      boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(self.boundaries)
      values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(self.values)
      x_recomp = ops.convert_to_tensor(step)
      # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
      # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
      for i, b in enumerate(boundaries):
        if b.dtype.base_dtype != x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype:
          # We can promote int32 boundaries to int64 without loss of precision.
          # This covers the most common case where the user passes in boundaries
          # as an array of Python integers.
          if (b.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int32 and
              x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int64):
            b = math_ops.cast(b, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype)
            boundaries[i] = b
            raise ValueError(
                "Boundaries (%s) must have the same dtype as x (%s)." %
                (b.dtype.base_dtype, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype))
      # TODO(rdipietro): Ensure that boundaries' elements strictly increases.
      for v in values[1:]:
        if v.dtype.base_dtype != values[0].dtype.base_dtype:
          raise ValueError(
              "Values must have elements all with the same dtype (%s vs %s)." %
              (values[0].dtype.base_dtype, v.dtype.base_dtype))
      pred_fn_pairs = []
      pred_fn_pairs.append((x_recomp <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
      pred_fn_pairs.append((x_recomp > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
      for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
        # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
        pred = (x_recomp > low) & (x_recomp <= high)
        pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

      # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
      # exclusive and exhaustive, but requires it.
      default = lambda: values[0]
      return, default, exclusive=True)
 def __call__(self, step):
     with ops.name_scope_v2( or "CustomCosineDecay"):
         return self.lr_fn(step)
 def __call__(self, step):
     with ops.name_scope_v2( or "PiecewiseLinear") as name:
         return piecewise_linear(step, self.schedule)
 def fn():
   with ops.name_scope_v2("name"):
    def __call__(self, step: int):
        Call function from optimizer function.

            step (int): step
        with ops.name_scope_v2(
   or "PolynomialDecayWithWarmup"
        ) as name:
            initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(
                self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate"
            dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
            end_learning_rate = math_ops.cast(self.end_learning_rate, dtype)
            power = math_ops.cast(self.power, dtype)
            warm_up_steps = math_ops.cast(self.warm_up_steps, dtype)
            start_warmup_step = math_ops.cast(self.start_warmup_step, dtype)

            global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
            decay_steps_recomp = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
            if self.cycle:
                # Find the first multiple of decay_steps that is bigger than
                # global_step. If global_step is zero set the multiplier to 1
                multiplier = control_flow_ops.cond(
                    math_ops.equal(global_step_recomp, 0),
                    lambda: 1.0,
                    lambda: math_ops.ceil(
                        global_step_recomp / self.decay_steps
                decay_steps_recomp = math_ops.multiply(
                    decay_steps_recomp, multiplier
                # Make sure that the global_step used is not bigger than decay_steps.
                global_step_recomp = math_ops.minimum(
                    global_step_recomp, decay_steps_recomp

            p = math_ops.divide(global_step_recomp, decay_steps_recomp)
            decay_learning_rate = math_ops.multiply(
                initial_learning_rate - end_learning_rate,
                math_ops.pow(1 - p, power),

            global_step_warmup = math_ops.sub(
                global_step_recomp, start_warmup_step
            warmup_percent_done = math_ops.divide(
                global_step_warmup, warm_up_steps
            warmup_learning_rate = math_ops.multiply(
                initial_learning_rate, warmup_percent_done,
            learning_rate = control_flow_ops.cond(
                math_ops.greater(global_step_warmup, warm_up_steps),
                lambda: decay_learning_rate,
                lambda: warmup_learning_rate,
            return learning_rate
 def zero_state(self, batch_size, dtype):
   with ops.name_scope_v2(type(self).__name__ + "ZeroState"):
     with ops.device(self._device):
       return self.cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype)
  def __init__(self,
    """Create a cell with added input, state, and/or output dropout.

    If `variational_recurrent` is set to `True` (**NOT** the default behavior),
    then the same dropout mask is applied at every step, as described in:
    [A Theoretically Grounded Application of Dropout in Recurrent
    Neural Networks. Y. Gal, Z. Ghahramani](

    Otherwise a different dropout mask is applied at every time step.

    Note, by default (unless a custom `dropout_state_filter` is provided),
    the memory state (`c` component of any `LSTMStateTuple`) passing through
    a `DropoutWrapper` is never modified.  This behavior is described in the
    above article.

      cell: an RNNCell, a projection to output_size is added to it.
      input_keep_prob: unit Tensor or float between 0 and 1, input keep
        probability; if it is constant and 1, no input dropout will be added.
      output_keep_prob: unit Tensor or float between 0 and 1, output keep
        probability; if it is constant and 1, no output dropout will be added.
      state_keep_prob: unit Tensor or float between 0 and 1, output keep
        probability; if it is constant and 1, no output dropout will be added.
        State dropout is performed on the outgoing states of the cell. **Note**
        the state components to which dropout is applied when `state_keep_prob`
        is in `(0, 1)` are also determined by the argument
        `dropout_state_filter_visitor` (e.g. by default dropout is never applied
        to the `c` component of an `LSTMStateTuple`).
      variational_recurrent: Python bool.  If `True`, then the same dropout
        pattern is applied across all time steps per run call. If this parameter
        is set, `input_size` **must** be provided.
      input_size: (optional) (possibly nested tuple of) `TensorShape` objects
        containing the depth(s) of the input tensors expected to be passed in to
        the `DropoutWrapper`.  Required and used **iff** `variational_recurrent
        = True` and `input_keep_prob < 1`.
      dtype: (optional) The `dtype` of the input, state, and output tensors.
        Required and used **iff** `variational_recurrent = True`.
      seed: (optional) integer, the randomness seed.
      dropout_state_filter_visitor: (optional), default: (see below).  Function
        that takes any hierarchical level of the state and returns a scalar or
        depth=1 structure of Python booleans describing which terms in the state
        should be dropped out.  In addition, if the function returns `True`,
        dropout is applied across this sublevel.  If the function returns
        `False`, dropout is not applied across this entire sublevel.
        Default behavior: perform dropout on all terms except the memory (`c`)
          state of `LSTMCellState` objects, and don't try to apply dropout to
        `TensorArray` objects: ```
        def dropout_state_filter_visitor(s):
          if isinstance(s, LSTMCellState): # Never perform dropout on the c
            state. return LSTMCellState(c=False, h=True)
          elif isinstance(s, TensorArray): return False return True ```
      **kwargs: dict of keyword arguments for base layer.

      TypeError: if `cell` is not an `RNNCell`, or `keep_state_fn` is provided
        but not `callable`.
      ValueError: if any of the keep_probs are not between 0 and 1.
    super(DropoutWrapperBase, self).__init__(cell, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)

    if (dropout_state_filter_visitor is not None and
        not callable(dropout_state_filter_visitor)):
      raise TypeError("dropout_state_filter_visitor must be callable")
    self._dropout_state_filter = (
        dropout_state_filter_visitor or _default_dropout_state_filter_visitor)
    with ops.name_scope_v2("DropoutWrapperInit"):

      def tensor_and_const_value(v):
        tensor_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(v)
        const_value = tensor_util.constant_value(tensor_value)
        return (tensor_value, const_value)

      for prob, attr in [(input_keep_prob, "input_keep_prob"),
                         (state_keep_prob, "state_keep_prob"),
                         (output_keep_prob, "output_keep_prob")]:
        tensor_prob, const_prob = tensor_and_const_value(prob)
        if const_prob is not None:
          if const_prob < 0 or const_prob > 1:
            raise ValueError("Parameter %s must be between 0 and 1: %d" %
                             (attr, const_prob))
          setattr(self, "_%s" % attr, float(const_prob))
          setattr(self, "_%s" % attr, tensor_prob)

    # Set variational_recurrent, seed before running the code below
    self._variational_recurrent = variational_recurrent
    self._input_size = input_size
    self._seed = seed

    self._recurrent_input_noise = None
    self._recurrent_state_noise = None
    self._recurrent_output_noise = None

    if variational_recurrent:
      if dtype is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "When variational_recurrent=True, dtype must be provided")

      def convert_to_batch_shape(s):
        # Prepend a 1 for the batch dimension; for recurrent
        # variational dropout we use the same dropout mask for all
        # batch elements.
        return array_ops.concat(([1], tensor_shape.TensorShape(s).as_list()), 0)

      def batch_noise(s, inner_seed):
        shape = convert_to_batch_shape(s)
        return random_ops.random_uniform(shape, seed=inner_seed, dtype=dtype)

      if (not isinstance(self._input_keep_prob, numbers.Real) or
          self._input_keep_prob < 1.0):
        if input_size is None:
          raise ValueError(
              "When variational_recurrent=True and input_keep_prob < 1.0 or "
              "is unknown, input_size must be provided")
        self._recurrent_input_noise = _enumerated_map_structure_up_to(
            lambda i, s: batch_noise(s, inner_seed=self._gen_seed("input", i)),
      self._recurrent_state_noise = _enumerated_map_structure_up_to(
          lambda i, s: batch_noise(s, inner_seed=self._gen_seed("state", i)),
      self._recurrent_output_noise = _enumerated_map_structure_up_to(
          lambda i, s: batch_noise(s, inner_seed=self._gen_seed("output", i)),