def repeat_ranges(params, splits, repeats):
    """Repeats each range of `params` (as specified by `splits`) `repeats` times.

  Let the `i`th range of `params` be defined as
  `params[splits[i]:splits[i + 1]]`.  Then this function returns a tensor
  containing range 0 repeated `repeats[0]` times, followed by range 1 repeated
  `repeats[1]`, ..., followed by the last range repeated `repeats[-1]` times.

    params: The `Tensor` whose values should be repeated.
    splits: A splits tensor indicating the ranges of `params` that should be
    repeats: The number of times each range should be repeated.  Supports
      broadcasting from a scalar value.

    A `Tensor` with the same rank and type as `params`.

  #### Example:

  >>> print(repeat_ranges(
  ...     params=tf.constant(['a', 'b', 'c']),
  ...     splits=tf.constant([0, 2, 3]),
  ...     repeats=tf.constant(3)))
  tf.Tensor([b'a' b'b' b'a' b'b' b'a' b'b' b'c' b'c' b'c'],
      shape=(9,), dtype=string)
    # Divide `splits` into starts and limits, and repeat them `repeats` times.
    if repeats.shape.ndims != 0:
        repeated_starts = repeat(splits[:-1], repeats, axis=0)
        repeated_limits = repeat(splits[1:], repeats, axis=0)
        # Optimization: we can just call repeat once, and then slice the result.
        repeated_splits = repeat(splits, repeats, axis=0)
        n_splits = array_ops.shape(repeated_splits, out_type=repeats.dtype)[0]
        repeated_starts = repeated_splits[:n_splits - repeats]
        repeated_limits = repeated_splits[repeats:]

    # Get indices for each range from starts to limits, and use those to gather
    # the values in the desired repetition pattern.
    one = array_ops.ones((), repeated_starts.dtype)
    offsets = gen_ragged_math_ops.ragged_range(repeated_starts,
                                               repeated_limits, one)
    return array_ops.gather(params, offsets.rt_dense_values)
def repeat_ranges(params, splits, repeats):
  """Repeats each range of `params` (as specified by `splits`) `repeats` times.

  Let the `i`th range of `params` be defined as
  `params[splits[i]:splits[i + 1]]`.  Then this function returns a tensor
  containing range 0 repeated `repeats[0]` times, followed by range 1 repeated
  `repeats[1]`, ..., followed by the last range repeated `repeats[-1]` times.

    params: The `Tensor` whose values should be repeated.
    splits: A splits tensor indicating the ranges of `params` that should be
    repeats: The number of times each range should be repeated.  Supports
      broadcasting from a scalar value.

    A `Tensor` with the same rank and type as `params`.

  #### Example:
    >>> repeat_ranges(['a', 'b', 'c'], [0, 2, 3], 3)
    ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c']
  # Divide `splits` into starts and limits, and repeat them `repeats` times.
  if repeats.shape.ndims != 0:
    repeated_starts = repeat(splits[:-1], repeats, axis=0)
    repeated_limits = repeat(splits[1:], repeats, axis=0)
    # Optimization: we can just call repeat once, and then slice the result.
    repeated_splits = repeat(splits, repeats, axis=0)
    n_splits = array_ops.shape(repeated_splits, out_type=repeats.dtype)[0]
    repeated_starts = repeated_splits[:n_splits - repeats]
    repeated_limits = repeated_splits[repeats:]

  # Get indices for each range from starts to limits, and use those to gather
  # the values in the desired repetition pattern.
  one = array_ops.ones((), repeated_starts.dtype)
  offsets = gen_ragged_math_ops.ragged_range(
      repeated_starts, repeated_limits, one)
  return array_ops.gather(params, offsets.rt_dense_values)
def range(starts, limits=None, deltas=1, dtype=None, name=None):
  """Returns a `RaggedTensor` containing the specified sequences of numbers.

  Each row of the returned `RaggedTensor` contains a single sequence:

  ragged.range(starts, limits, deltas)[i] ==
      tf.range(starts[i], limits[i], deltas[i])

  If `start[i] < limits[i] and deltas[i] > 0`, then `output[i]` will be an
  empty list.  Similarly, if `start[i] > limits[i] and deltas[i] < 0`, then
  `output[i]` will be an empty list.  This behavior is consistent with the
  Python `range` function, but differs from the `tf.range` op, which returns
  an error for these cases.


  >>> ragged.range([3, 5, 2]).eval().tolist()
  [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1]]
  >>> ragged.range([0, 5, 8], [3, 3, 12]).eval().tolist()
  [[0, 1, 2], [], [8, 9, 10, 11]]
  >>> ragged.range([0, 5, 8], [3, 3, 12], 2).eval().tolist()
  [[0, 2], [], [8, 10]]

  The input tensors `starts`, `limits`, and `deltas` may be scalars or vectors.
  The vector inputs must all have the same size.  Scalar inputs are broadcast
  to match the size of the vector inputs.

    starts: Vector or scalar `Tensor`.  Specifies the first entry for each range
      if `limits` is not `None`; otherwise, specifies the range limits, and the
      first entries default to `0`.
    limits: Vector or scalar `Tensor`.  Specifies the exclusive upper limits for
      each range.
    deltas: Vector or scalar `Tensor`.  Specifies the increment for each range.
      Defaults to `1`.
    dtype: The type of the elements of the resulting tensor.  If not specified,
      then a value is chosen based on the other args.
    name: A name for the operation.

    A `RaggedTensor` of type `dtype` with `ragged_rank=1`.
  if limits is None:
    starts, limits = 0, starts

  with ops.name_scope(name, 'RaggedRange', [starts, limits, deltas]) as name:
    starts = ops.convert_to_tensor(starts, dtype=dtype, name='starts')
    limits = ops.convert_to_tensor(limits, dtype=dtype, name='limits')
    deltas = ops.convert_to_tensor(deltas, dtype=dtype, name='deltas')

    # infer dtype if not explicitly provided
    if dtype is None:
      starts, limits, deltas = _infer_matching_dtype(
          [starts, limits, deltas],
          [dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64])

    result = gen_ragged_math_ops.ragged_range(starts, limits, deltas, name=name)
    return ragged_factory_ops.from_row_splits(result.rt_dense_values,
def range(starts,
  """Returns a `RaggedTensor` containing the specified sequences of numbers.

  Each row of the returned `RaggedTensor` contains a single sequence:

  ragged.range(starts, limits, deltas)[i] ==
      tf.range(starts[i], limits[i], deltas[i])

  If `start[i] < limits[i] and deltas[i] > 0`, then `output[i]` will be an
  empty list.  Similarly, if `start[i] > limits[i] and deltas[i] < 0`, then
  `output[i]` will be an empty list.  This behavior is consistent with the
  Python `range` function, but differs from the `tf.range` op, which returns
  an error for these cases.


  >>> tf.ragged.range([3, 5, 2]).to_list()
  [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1]]
  >>> tf.ragged.range([0, 5, 8], [3, 3, 12]).to_list()
  [[0, 1, 2], [], [8, 9, 10, 11]]
  >>> tf.ragged.range([0, 5, 8], [3, 3, 12], 2).to_list()
  [[0, 2], [], [8, 10]]

  The input tensors `starts`, `limits`, and `deltas` may be scalars or vectors.
  The vector inputs must all have the same size.  Scalar inputs are broadcast
  to match the size of the vector inputs.

    starts: Vector or scalar `Tensor`.  Specifies the first entry for each range
      if `limits` is not `None`; otherwise, specifies the range limits, and the
      first entries default to `0`.
    limits: Vector or scalar `Tensor`.  Specifies the exclusive upper limits for
      each range.
    deltas: Vector or scalar `Tensor`.  Specifies the increment for each range.
      Defaults to `1`.
    dtype: The type of the elements of the resulting tensor.  If not specified,
      then a value is chosen based on the other args.
    name: A name for the operation.
    row_splits_dtype: `dtype` for the returned `RaggedTensor`'s `row_splits`
      tensor.  One of `tf.int32` or `tf.int64`.

    A `RaggedTensor` of type `dtype` with `ragged_rank=1`.
  row_splits_dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(row_splits_dtype)
  if limits is None:
    starts, limits = 0, starts

  with ops.name_scope(name, 'RaggedRange', [starts, limits, deltas]) as name:
    starts = ops.convert_to_tensor(starts, dtype=dtype, name='starts')
    limits = ops.convert_to_tensor(limits, dtype=dtype, name='limits')
    deltas = ops.convert_to_tensor(deltas, dtype=dtype, name='deltas')

    # infer dtype if not explicitly provided
    if dtype is None:
      starts, limits, deltas = _infer_matching_dtype(
          [starts, limits, deltas],
          [dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64])

    result = gen_ragged_math_ops.ragged_range(
        starts, limits, deltas, Tsplits=row_splits_dtype, name=name)
    return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits(
        result.rt_dense_values, result.rt_nested_splits, validate=False)