def sign_magnitude_positive_definite( raw, off_diagonal_scale=0., overall_scale=0.): """Constructs a positive definite matrix from an unconstrained input matrix. We want to keep the whole matrix on a log scale, but also allow off-diagonal elements to be negative, so the sign of off-diagonal elements is modeled separately from their magnitude (using the lower and upper triangles respectively). Specifically: for i < j, we have: output_cholesky[i, j] = raw[j, i] / (abs(raw[j, i]) + 1) * exp((off_diagonal_scale + overall_scale + raw[i, j]) / 2) output_cholesky[i, i] = exp((raw[i, i] + overall_scale) / 2) output = output_cholesky^T * output_cholesky where raw, off_diagonal_scale, and overall_scale are un-constrained real-valued variables. The resulting values are stable around zero due to the exponential (and the softsign keeps the function smooth). Args: raw: A [..., M, M] Tensor. off_diagonal_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the relative scale of off-diagonal values in the output matrix. overall_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the overall scale of the output matrix. Returns: The `output` matrix described above, a [..., M, M] positive definite matrix. """ raw = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw) diagonal = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(raw) def _right_pad_with_ones(tensor, target_rank): # Allow broadcasting even if overall_scale and off_diagonal_scale have batch # dimensions tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, dtype=raw.dtype.base_dtype) return array_ops.reshape(tensor, array_ops.concat( [ array_ops.shape(tensor), array_ops.ones( [target_rank - array_ops.rank(tensor)], dtype=target_rank.dtype) ], axis=0)) # We divide the log values by 2 to compensate for the squaring that happens # when transforming Cholesky factors into positive definite matrices. sign_magnitude = (gen_math_ops.exp( (raw + _right_pad_with_ones(off_diagonal_scale, array_ops.rank(raw)) + _right_pad_with_ones(overall_scale, array_ops.rank(raw))) / 2.) * nn.softsign(array_ops.matrix_transpose(raw))) sign_magnitude.set_shape(raw.get_shape()) cholesky_factor = array_ops.matrix_set_diag( input=array_ops.matrix_band_part(sign_magnitude, 0, -1), diagonal=gen_math_ops.exp((diagonal + _right_pad_with_ones( overall_scale, array_ops.rank(diagonal))) / 2.)) return math_ops.matmul(cholesky_factor, cholesky_factor, transpose_a=True)
def softsign(x): """Softsign activation function. Arguments: x: Input tensor. Returns: The softplus activation: `x / (abs(x) + 1)`. """ return nn.softsign(x)
def template(x_shape=[2, 3, 4, 5], description: str = ""): from tensorflow.python.ops import nn x = tf.placeholder(np.float32, x_shape, "x") y = nn.softsign(x) vx = np.random.rand(*x_shape).astype(np.float32) - 0.5 with tf.Session() as sess: vy, =[y], {x: vx}) graph = TensorFlowConverter(sess, batch_size=2).convert([x], [y]) generate_kernel_test_case( description=f"[TensorFlow] Softsign {description}", graph=graph, inputs={graph.inputs[0]: vx}, expected={graph.outputs[0]: vy} )
def softsign(x): """Softsign activation function, `softsign(x) = x / (abs(x) + 1)`. Example Usage: >>> a = tf.constant([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype = tf.float32) >>> b = tf.keras.activations.softsign(a) >>> b.numpy() array([-0.5, 0. , 0.5], dtype=float32) Args: x: Input tensor. Returns: The softsign activation: `x / (abs(x) + 1)`. """ return nn.softsign(x)
def softsign(x): return nn.softsign(x)