def load(self, sess, tags, import_scope=None, **saver_kwargs): """Load the MetaGraphDef graph and restore variable values into the session. Args: sess: tf.compat.v1.Session to restore variable values. tags: a set of string tags identifying a MetaGraphDef. import_scope: Optional `string` -- if specified, prepend this string followed by '/' to all loaded tensor names. This scope is applied to tensor instances loaded into the passed session, but it is *not* written through to the static `MetaGraphDef` protocol buffer that is returned. **saver_kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to tf.train.import_meta_graph. Returns: `MetagraphDef` proto of the graph that was loaded. """ saved_model_proto = parse_saved_model(self._export_dir) if (len(saved_model_proto.meta_graphs) == 1 and saved_model_proto.meta_graphs[0].HasField("object_graph_def")): metrics.IncrementReadApi(_LOADER_LABEL, write_version="2") else: metrics.IncrementReadApi(_LOADER_LABEL, write_version="1") with sess.graph.as_default(): saver, _ = self.load_graph(sess.graph, tags, import_scope, **saver_kwargs) self.restore_variables(sess, saver, import_scope) self.run_init_ops(sess, tags, import_scope) meta_graph_def = self.get_meta_graph_def_from_tags(tags) metrics.IncrementRead() return meta_graph_def
def load(export_dir, tags=None, options=None): """Load a SavedModel from `export_dir`. Signatures associated with the SavedModel are available as functions: ```python imported = tf.saved_model.load(path) f = imported.signatures["serving_default"] print(f(x=tf.constant([[1.]]))) ``` Objects exported with `` additionally have trackable objects and functions assigned to attributes: ```python exported = tf.train.Checkpoint(v=tf.Variable(3.)) exported.f = tf.function( lambda x: exported.v * x, input_signature=[tf.TensorSpec(shape=None, dtype=tf.float32)]), path) imported = tf.saved_model.load(path) assert 3. == imported.v.numpy() assert 6. == imported.f(x=tf.constant(2.)).numpy() ``` _Loading Keras models_ Keras models are trackable, so they can be saved to SavedModel. The object returned by `tf.saved_model.load` is not a Keras object (i.e. doesn't have `.fit`, `.predict`, etc. methods). A few attributes and functions are still available: `.variables`, `.trainable_variables` and `.__call__`. ```python model = tf.keras.Model(...), path) imported = tf.saved_model.load(path) outputs = imported(inputs) ``` Use `tf.keras.models.load_model` to restore the Keras model. _Importing SavedModels from TensorFlow 1.x_ SavedModels from `tf.estimator.Estimator` or 1.x SavedModel APIs have a flat graph instead of `tf.function` objects. These SavedModels will be loaded with the following attributes: * `.signatures`: A dictionary mapping signature names to functions. * `.prune(feeds, fetches) `: A method which allows you to extract functions for new subgraphs. This is equivalent to importing the SavedModel and naming feeds and fetches in a Session from TensorFlow 1.x. ```python imported = tf.saved_model.load(path_to_v1_saved_model) pruned = imported.prune("x:0", "out:0") pruned(tf.ones([])) ``` See `tf.compat.v1.wrap_function` for details. * `.variables`: A list of imported variables. * `.graph`: The whole imported graph. * `.restore(save_path)`: A function that restores variables from a checkpoint saved from `tf.compat.v1.Saver`. _Consuming SavedModels asynchronously_ When consuming SavedModels asynchronously (the producer is a separate process), the SavedModel directory will appear before all files have been written, and `tf.saved_model.load` will fail if pointed at an incomplete SavedModel. Rather than checking for the directory, check for "saved_model_dir/saved_model.pb". This file is written atomically as the last `` file operation. Args: export_dir: The SavedModel directory to load from. tags: A tag or sequence of tags identifying the MetaGraph to load. Optional if the SavedModel contains a single MetaGraph, as for those exported from ``. options: `tf.saved_model.LoadOptions` object that specifies options for loading. Returns: A trackable object with a `signatures` attribute mapping from signature keys to functions. If the SavedModel was exported by ``, it also points to trackable objects, functions, debug info which it has been saved. Raises: ValueError: If `tags` don't match a MetaGraph in the SavedModel. """ metrics.IncrementReadApi(_LOAD_V2_LABEL) result = load_internal(export_dir, tags, options)["root"] metrics.IncrementRead() return result
def test_increment_read(self): self.assertEqual(metrics.GetRead(), 0) metrics.IncrementReadApi("bar") self.assertEqual(metrics.GetReadApi("bar"), 1) metrics.IncrementRead() self.assertEqual(metrics.GetRead(), 1)