  def __init__(self, cls_ref, method_name, **kwargs):
    self.cls_ref = cls_ref
    self.method_name = method_name
    self.cls_symbol = (
            self.cls_ref, add_prefix_to_v1_names=True) or
            self.cls_ref, api_name='keras', add_prefix_to_v1_names=True))
    if 'name' not in kwargs:
      kwargs['name'] = backend.unique_object_name(
          'tf.' + self.cls_symbol + '.' + self.method_name,
    kwargs['autocast'] = False

    # Do not individually trace op layers in the SavedModel.
    self._must_restore_from_config = True

    super(ClassMethod, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    # Preserve all argument data structures when saving/loading a config
    # (e.g., don't unnest lists that contain one element)
    self._preserve_input_structure_in_config = True

    self._expects_training_arg = False
    self._expects_mask_arg = False
def register_dispatchers():
    """Constructs & registers OpDispatchers for ragged ops."""

               _BINARY_ELEMENTWISE_OPS + [x[0] for x in _RAGGED_DISPATCH_OPS])
    for op in op_list:
        _, undecorated_op = tf_decorator.unwrap(op)
        if not hasattr(undecorated_op,
            raise AssertionError('Expected %s to be an exported symbol '
                                 '(while adding a RaggedTensor dispatcher)')


        UnaryRaggedElementwiseDispatcher(op, True).register(op)


    for (original_op, ragged_op, args) in _RAGGED_DISPATCH_OPS:
        RaggedDispatcher(original_op, ragged_op, args).register(original_op)

    docstring = ('\n\n### Additional ops that support `RaggedTensor`\n\n' +
                     '* `tf.%s`' % tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
                     for op in op_list

    return docstring
def serialize_keras_object(obj):
    """Retrieve the config dict by serializing the Keras object.

    `serialize_keras_object()` serializes a Keras object to a python dictionary
    that represents the object, and is a reciprocal function of
    `deserialize_keras_object()`. See `deserialize_keras_object()` for more
    information about the config format.

      obj: the Keras object to serialize.

      A python dict that represents the object. The python dict can be
      deserialized via `deserialize_keras_object()`.

    # Note that in the case of the `obj` being a function, the module used will be
    # "builtins", and the `class_name` used will be "function"; in the case of the
    # `obj` being a string, the module used will be "builtins", and the
    # `class_name` used will be "str"
    module = None

    # This gets the `keras.*` exported name, such as "keras.optimizers.Adam".
    class_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(obj.__class__,
    if class_name is None:
        module = obj.__class__.__module__
        class_name = obj.__class__.__name__
    return {
        "module": module,
        "class_name": class_name,
        "config": _get_object_config(obj),
        "registered_name": _get_object_registered_name(obj),
def _ragged_op_signature(op, ragged_args, ragged_varargs=False):
    """Returns a signature for the given op, marking ragged args in bold."""
    op_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
    argspec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(op)
    arg_names = argspec.args

    # Mark ragged arguments in bold.
    for pos in ragged_args:
        arg_names[pos] = '**' + arg_names[pos] + '**'

    # Add argument defaults.
    if argspec.defaults is not None:
        for pos in range(-1, -len(argspec.defaults) - 1, -1):
            arg_names[pos] += '=`{!r}`'.format(argspec.defaults[pos])

    # Add varargs and keyword args
    if argspec.varargs:
        if ragged_varargs:
            arg_names.append('***' + argspec.varargs + '**')
            arg_names.append('*' + argspec.varargs)
    if argspec.varkw:
        arg_names.append('**' + argspec.varkw)

    return '* `tf.{}`({})'.format(op_name, ', '.join(arg_names))
def _add_elementwise_ops_to_this_module(specs, verbose=False):
    """Adds ragged versions of the given ops to this module.

    specs: A list of tuples containing the arguments for `make_elementwise_op`.
    verbose: If true, then display each op that gets added.
    for spec in specs:
        original_op = spec[0]
        ragged_op = make_elementwise_op(*spec)
        canonical_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(original_op)
        if '.' not in canonical_name:
            op_name = canonical_name
            op_name = original_op.__name__

        # Temporary hack (will be removed once dispatch is added for RaggedTensors):
        if op_name == 'neg': op_name = 'negative'

        if verbose:
                'Adding ragged_elementwise_op: tf.ragged.%s (based on tf.%s)' %
                (op_name, canonical_name))
        globals()[op_name] = ragged_op
    def handle(self, op, args, kwargs):
        # Dispatcher only applies if at least one arg is a TensorTracer.
        if not (any(self.is_tensor_tracer_arg(x) for x in args)
                or any(self.is_tensor_tracer_arg(x) for x in kwargs.values())):
            return self.NOT_SUPPORTED

        symbol_name = get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
        return TensorTracer(symbol_name, args, kwargs)
  def __init__(self, function, **kwargs):
    self.function = function
    self.symbol = (
            self.function, add_prefix_to_v1_names=True) or
            self.function, api_name='keras', add_prefix_to_v1_names=True))
    if 'name' not in kwargs:
      # Generate a name.
      # TFOpLambda layers avoid already-observed names,
      # because users cannot easily control the generated names.
      # Without this avoidance, users would be more likely to run
      # into unavoidable duplicate layer name collisions.
      # (For standard layers users could just set `name` when creating the
      # layer to work around a collision, but they can't do that for
      # auto-generated layers)
      if self.symbol:
        name = 'tf.' + self.symbol
        name = self.function.__name__
      kwargs['name'] = backend.unique_object_name(
          name, zero_based=True, avoid_observed_names=True)
    kwargs['autocast'] = False

    # Decorate the function to produce this layer's call method
    def _call_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
      return self._call_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)

    self.call = tf.__internal__.decorator.make_decorator(
        function, _call_wrapper)

    # Do not individually trace op layers in the SavedModel.
    self._must_restore_from_config = True

    super(TFOpLambda, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    # Preserve all argument data structures when saving/loading a config
    # (e.g., don't unnest lists that contain one element)
    self._preserve_input_structure_in_config = True

    # Warning on every invocation will be quite irksome in Eager mode.
    self._already_warned = False

    self._expects_training_arg = False
    self._expects_mask_arg = False
  def _score_name(self, name):
    canonical = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(self._index[name])

    canonical_score = 1
    if canonical is not None and name == "tf." + canonical:
      canonical_score = -1

    scores = super(TfExportAwareDocGeneratorVisitor, self)._score_name(name)
    return (canonical_score,) + scores
  def _score_name(self, name):
    canonical = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(self._index[name])

    canonical_score = 1
    if canonical is not None and name == "tf." + canonical:
      canonical_score = -1

    scores = super(TfExportAwareDocGeneratorVisitor, self)._score_name(name)
    return (canonical_score,) + scores
def ragged_op_list():
    """Returns a string listing operators that have dispathers registered."""
               _BINARY_ELEMENTWISE_OPS + [x[0] for x in _RAGGED_DISPATCH_OPS])
    return ('\n\n### Additional ops that support `RaggedTensor`\n\n' +
                '* `tf.%s`' % tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
                for op in op_list
def _update_docstring_with_api_list(target, api_list):
    """Replaces `<<API_LIST>>` in target.__doc__ with the given list of APIs."""
    lines = []
    for func in api_list:
        name = tf_export_lib.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(
            func, add_prefix_to_v1_names=True)
        if name is not None:
            signature = tf_inspect.signature(func)
            lines.append(f"  * `tf.{name}{signature}`")
    target.__doc__ = target.__doc__.replace("  <<API_LIST>>", "\n".join(lines))
 def testExportMultipleFunctions(self):
     export_decorator1 = tf_export.tf_export('nameA', 'nameB')
     export_decorator2 = tf_export.tf_export('nameC', 'nameD')
     decorated_function1 = export_decorator1(_test_function)
     decorated_function2 = export_decorator2(_test_function2)
     self.assertEqual(decorated_function1, _test_function)
     self.assertEqual(decorated_function2, _test_function2)
     self.assertEqual(('nameA', 'nameB'), decorated_function1._tf_api_names)
     self.assertEqual(('nameC', 'nameD'), decorated_function2._tf_api_names)
  def _score_name(self, name):
    all_exports = [tf_export.TENSORFLOW_API_NAME, tf_export.ESTIMATOR_API_NAME]

    for api_name in all_exports:
      canonical = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(
          self._index[name], api_name=api_name)
      if canonical is not None:

    canonical_score = 1
    if canonical is not None and name == "tf." + canonical:
      canonical_score = -1

    scores = super()._score_name(name)
    return (canonical_score,) + scores
  def _score_name(self, path: doc_generator_visitor.ApiPath) -> TfNameScore:
    name = ".".join(path)
    all_exports = [tf_export.TENSORFLOW_API_NAME,

    for api_name in all_exports:
      canonical = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(
          self._index[name], api_name=api_name)
      if canonical is not None:

    canonical_score = 1
    if canonical is not None and name == "tf." + canonical:
      canonical_score = -1

    return self.TfNameScore(canonical_score, super()._score_name(path))
 def testExportSingleFunction(self):
   export_decorator = tf_export.tf_export('nameA', 'nameB')
   decorated_function = export_decorator(_test_function)
   self.assertEquals(decorated_function, _test_function)
   self.assertEquals(('nameA', 'nameB'), decorated_function._tf_api_names)
   self.assertEquals(['nameA', 'nameB'],
   self.assertEquals(['nameA', 'nameB'],
 def testExportSingleFunctionV1Only(self):
   export_decorator = tf_export.tf_export(v1=['nameA', 'nameB'])
   decorated_function = export_decorator(_test_function)
   self.assertEqual(decorated_function, _test_function)
   self.assertAllEqual(('nameA', 'nameB'), decorated_function._tf_api_names_v1)
   self.assertAllEqual(['nameA', 'nameB'],
               decorated_function, add_prefix_to_v1_names=True)),
def _add_elementwise_ops_to_this_module(specs, verbose=False):
  """Adds ragged versions of the given ops to this module.

    specs: A list of tuples containing the arguments for `make_elementwise_op`.
    verbose: If true, then display each op that gets added.
  for spec in specs:
    original_op = spec[0]
    ragged_op = make_elementwise_op(*spec)
    canonical_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(original_op)
    if '.' not in canonical_name:
      op_name = canonical_name
      op_name = original_op.__name__
    if verbose:
      print('Adding ragged_elementwise_op: tf.ragged.%s (based on tf.%s)' %
            (op_name, canonical_name))
    globals()[op_name] = ragged_op
def _ragged_op_signature(op, ragged_args):
  """Returns a signature for the given op, marking ragged args in bold."""
  op_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
  argspec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(op)
  arg_names = argspec.args

  # Mark ragged arguments in bold.
  for pos in ragged_args:
    arg_names[pos] = '**' + arg_names[pos] + '**'

  # Add argument defaults.
  for pos in range(-1, -len(argspec.defaults) - 1, -1):
    arg_names[pos] += '=`{!r}`'.format(argspec.defaults[pos])

  # Add varargs and keyword args
  if argspec.varargs:
    arg_names.append('*' + argspec.varargs)
  if argspec.varkw:
    arg_names.append('**' + argspec.varkw)

  return '* `tf.{}`({})'.format(op_name, ', '.join(arg_names))
def add_imports_for_symbol(module_code_builder,
    """Add imports for the given symbol to `module_code_builder`.

    module_code_builder: `_ModuleInitCodeBuilder` instance.
    symbol: A symbol.
    source_module_name: Module that we can import the symbol from.
    source_name: Name we can import the symbol with.
    api_name: API name. Currently, must be either `tensorflow` or `estimator`.
    api_version: API version.
    output_module_prefix: Prefix to prepend to destination module.
    decorators: Tuple of symbol's decorators.
    names_attr_v2 = API_ATTRS[api_name].names
    constants_attr_v2 = API_ATTRS[api_name].constants
    if api_version == 1:
        names_attr = API_ATTRS_V1[api_name].names
        constants_attr = API_ATTRS_V1[api_name].constants
        names_attr = names_attr_v2
        constants_attr = constants_attr_v2

    # If symbol is _tf_api_constants attribute, then add the constants.
    if source_name == constants_attr:
        for exports, name in symbol:
            for export in exports:
                dest_module, dest_name = _get_name_and_module(export)
                dest_module = _join_modules(output_module_prefix, dest_module)
                module_code_builder.add_import(-1, dest_module,
                                               source_module_name, name,

    # If symbol has _tf_api_names attribute, then add import for it.
    if (hasattr(symbol, '__dict__') and names_attr in symbol.__dict__):
        # Get a list of all V2 names if we generate V1 API to check for
        # deprecations.
        exports_v2 = []
        if api_version == 1 and hasattr(symbol, names_attr_v2):
            exports_v2 = getattr(symbol, names_attr_v2)
        canonical_endpoint = None

        # Generate import statements for symbols.
        for export in getattr(symbol, names_attr):  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            dest_module, dest_name = _get_name_and_module(export)
            dest_module = _join_modules(output_module_prefix, dest_module)
            module_code_builder.add_import(id(symbol), dest_module,
                                           source_module_name, source_name,
            # Export is deprecated if it is not in 2.0.
            if (export not in exports_v2
                    and not dest_module.startswith(_COMPAT_MODULE_PREFIX)
                    and not has_deprecation_decorator(symbol, decorators)):
                if not canonical_endpoint:
                    canonical_endpoint = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(
                        symbol, api_name, True)
                    dest_module, dest_name, canonical_endpoint)
  def _maybe_find_duplicates(self):
    """Compute data structures containing information about duplicates.

    Find duplicates in `index` and decide on one to be the "master" name.

    Computes a reverse_index mapping each object id to its master name.

    Also computes a map `duplicate_of` from aliases to their master name (the
    master name itself has no entry in this map), and a map `duplicates` from
    master names to a lexicographically sorted list of all aliases for that name
    (incl. the master name).

    All these are computed and set as fields if they haven't already.
    if self._reverse_index is not None:

    # Maps the id of a symbol to its fully qualified name. For symbols that have
    # several aliases, this map contains the first one found.
    # We use id(py_object) to get a hashable value for py_object. Note all
    # objects in _index are in memory at the same time so this is safe.
    reverse_index = {}

    # Make a preliminary duplicates map. For all sets of duplicate names, it
    # maps the first name found to a list of all duplicate names.
    raw_duplicates = {}
    for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(self._index):
      # We cannot use the duplicate mechanism for some constants, since e.g.,
      # id(c1) == id(c2) with c1=1, c2=1. This is unproblematic since constants
      # have no usable docstring and won't be documented automatically.
      if (py_object is not None and
          not isinstance(py_object, six.integer_types + six.string_types +
                         (six.binary_type, six.text_type, float, complex, bool))
          and py_object is not ()):  # pylint: disable=literal-comparison
        object_id = id(py_object)
        if object_id in reverse_index:
          master_name = reverse_index[object_id]
          if master_name in raw_duplicates:
            raw_duplicates[master_name] = [master_name, full_name]
          reverse_index[object_id] = full_name
    # Decide on master names, rewire duplicates and make a duplicate_of map
    # mapping all non-master duplicates to the master name. The master symbol
    # does not have an entry in this map.
    duplicate_of = {}
    # Duplicates maps the main symbols to the set of all duplicates of that
    # symbol (incl. itself).
    duplicates = {}
    for names in raw_duplicates.values():
      names = sorted(names)
      master_name = (
          if names else None)
      if master_name:
        master_name = 'tf.%s' % master_name
        # Choose the master name with a lexical sort on the tuples returned by
        # by _score_name.
        master_name = min(names, key=self._score_name)

      duplicates[master_name] = names
      for name in names:
        if name != master_name:
          duplicate_of[name] = master_name

      # Set the reverse index to the canonical name.
      reverse_index[id(self._index[master_name])] = master_name

    self._duplicate_of = duplicate_of
    self._duplicates = duplicates
    self._reverse_index = reverse_index
def make_elementwise_op(op, *elementwise_args):
    """Returns a ragged-tensor version of the elementwise operation `op`.

  The returned operation will:

  1. Broadcast the elementwise arguments to have a compatible shape.
     An exception is raised if the tensors not broadcast-compatible.
  2. Call `op`, substituting the dense values of the broadcasted tensor for
     each elementwise argument.
  3. Return a potentially ragged tensor constructed from the output of `op`
     and the broadcasted tensors' nested row splits.

  For example, you can construct a ragged-tensor version of the standard
  operation `tf.add` by calling `make_elementwise_op(tf.add, 'x', 'y')`.

    op: The operation to wrap.
    *elementwise_args: The names of arguments to `op` that are treated as
      elementwise.  Arguments that take a list of tensors should have their
      names wrapped in square brackets (e.g. "[inputs]").

    ValueError: If any name specified in `elementwise_args` is not the name
      of an argument to `op`.
    elementwise_arg_infos = _get_arg_infos(op, elementwise_args)

    def ragged_op(*args, **kwargs):
        """Ragged version of `op`."""
        args = list(args)

        # Collect all of the elementwise arguments, and put them in a single
        # dict whose values are the (potentially ragged) tensors that need to
        # be broadcast to a common shape.  The keys of this dict are tuples
        # (argkey, index), where argkey is an int for poitional args or a string
        # for keyword args; and index is None for non-list args and the index of the
        # tensor for list args.
        elementwise_args = {}
        for (name, position, is_list) in elementwise_arg_infos.values():
            if position < len(args):
                if is_list:
                    args[position] = list(args[position])
                    for (index, arg) in enumerate(args[position]):
                        elementwise_args[position, index] = arg
                    elementwise_args[position, None] = args[position]
            elif name in kwargs:
                if is_list:
                    kwargs[name] = list(kwargs[name])
                    for (i, arg) in enumerate(kwargs[name]):
                        elementwise_args[name, i] = arg
                    elementwise_args[name, None] = kwargs[name]

        with ops.name_scope(None, op.__name__, elementwise_args.values()):
            # Convert all inputs to tensors or ragged tensors.
            for ((key, index), tensor) in elementwise_args.items():
                argname = elementwise_arg_infos[key].name
                converted = ragged_factory_ops.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
                    tensor, name=argname)
                elementwise_args[key, index] = converted

            # Broadcast tensors to have compatible shapes.
            broadcast_args, result_splits, broadcast_check_ops = \

            # Replace tensor arguments with their dense values.
            for ((key, index), tensor) in broadcast_args.items():
                if ragged_tensor.is_ragged(tensor):
                    if isinstance(key, int) and index is None:
                        args[key] = tensor.inner_values
                    elif isinstance(key, int) and index is not None:
                        args[key][index] = tensor.inner_values
                    elif isinstance(key, str) and index is None:
                        kwargs[key] = tensor.inner_values
                        assert isinstance(key, str) and index is not None
                        kwargs[key][index] = tensor.inner_values

            # Call the elementwise op on the broadcasted dense values.
            with ops.control_dependencies(broadcast_check_ops):
                result_values = op(*args, **kwargs)

            # Restore any ragged dimensions that we stripped off, and return the
            # result.
            return ragged_factory_ops.from_nested_row_splits(
                result_values, result_splits)

    # Construct the docstring.
    op_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
    assert op_name is not None, op
    argnames = ', '.join('`%s`' % s.strip('[]') for s in elementwise_args)
    docstring = _ELEMENTWISE_DOCSTRING % dict(op_name=op_name,

    # Update name, docstring, signature, etc., for the wrapper, and return it.
    return tf_decorator.make_decorator(op, ragged_op, decorator_doc=docstring)
def make_elementwise_op(op, *elementwise_args):
  """Returns a ragged-tensor version of the elementwise operation `op`.

  The returned operation will:

  1. Broadcast the elementwise arguments to have a compatible shape.
     An exception is raised if the tensors not broadcast-compatible.
  2. Call `op`, substituting the dense values of the broadcasted tensor for
     each elementwise argument.
  3. Return a potentially ragged tensor constructed from the output of `op`
     and the broadcasted tensors' nested row splits.

  For example, you can construct a ragged-tensor version of the standard
  operation `tf.add` by calling `make_elementwise_op(tf.add, 'x', 'y')`.

    op: The operation to wrap.
    *elementwise_args: The names of arguments to `op` that are treated as
      elementwise.  Arguments that take a list of tensors should have their
      names wrapped in square brackets (e.g. "[inputs]").

    ValueError: If any name specified in `elementwise_args` is not the name
      of an argument to `op`.
  elementwise_arg_infos = _get_arg_infos(op, elementwise_args)

  def ragged_op(*args, **kwargs):
    """Ragged version of `op`."""
    args = list(args)

    # Collect all of the elementwise arguments, and put them in a single
    # dict whose values are the (potentially ragged) tensors that need to
    # be broadcast to a common shape.  The keys of this dict are tuples
    # (argkey, index), where argkey is an int for poitional args or a string
    # for keyword args; and index is None for non-list args and the index of the
    # tensor for list args.
    elementwise_args = {}
    for (name, position, is_list) in elementwise_arg_infos.values():
      if position < len(args):
        if is_list:
          args[position] = list(args[position])
          for (index, arg) in enumerate(args[position]):
            elementwise_args[position, index] = arg
          elementwise_args[position, None] = args[position]
      elif name in kwargs:
        if is_list:
          kwargs[name] = list(kwargs[name])
          for (i, arg) in enumerate(kwargs[name]):
            elementwise_args[name, i] = arg
          elementwise_args[name, None] = kwargs[name]

    with ops.name_scope(None, op.__name__, elementwise_args.values()):
      # Convert all inputs to tensors or ragged tensors.
      for ((key, index), tensor) in elementwise_args.items():
        argname = elementwise_arg_infos[key].name
        converted = ragged_factory_ops.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
            tensor, name=argname)
        elementwise_args[key, index] = converted

      # Broadcast tensors to have compatible shapes.
      broadcast_args, result_splits, broadcast_check_ops = \

      # Replace tensor arguments with their dense values.
      for ((key, index), tensor) in broadcast_args.items():
        if ragged_tensor.is_ragged(tensor):
          if isinstance(key, int) and index is None:
            args[key] = tensor.inner_values
          elif isinstance(key, int) and index is not None:
            args[key][index] = tensor.inner_values
          elif isinstance(key, str) and index is None:
            kwargs[key] = tensor.inner_values
            assert isinstance(key, str) and index is not None
            kwargs[key][index] = tensor.inner_values

      # Call the elementwise op on the broadcasted dense values.
      with ops.control_dependencies(broadcast_check_ops):
        result_values = op(*args, **kwargs)

      # Restore any ragged dimensions that we stripped off, and return the
      # result.
      return ragged_factory_ops.from_nested_row_splits(result_values,

  # Construct the docstring.
  op_name = tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(op)
  assert op_name is not None, op
  argnames = ', '.join('`%s`' % s.strip('[]') for s in elementwise_args)
  docstring = _ELEMENTWISE_DOCSTRING % dict(op_name=op_name, argnames=argnames)

  # Update name, docstring, signature, etc., for the wrapper, and return it.
  return tf_decorator.make_decorator(op, ragged_op, decorator_doc=docstring)
  def _maybe_find_duplicates(self):
    """Compute data structures containing information about duplicates.

    Find duplicates in `index` and decide on one to be the "master" name.

    Computes a reverse_index mapping each object id to its master name.

    Also computes a map `duplicate_of` from aliases to their master name (the
    master name itself has no entry in this map), and a map `duplicates` from
    master names to a lexicographically sorted list of all aliases for that name
    (incl. the master name).

    All these are computed and set as fields if they haven't already.
    if self._reverse_index is not None:

    # Maps the id of a symbol to its fully qualified name. For symbols that have
    # several aliases, this map contains the first one found.
    # We use id(py_object) to get a hashable value for py_object. Note all
    # objects in _index are in memory at the same time so this is safe.
    reverse_index = {}

    # Make a preliminary duplicates map. For all sets of duplicate names, it
    # maps the first name found to a list of all duplicate names.
    raw_duplicates = {}
    for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(self._index):
      # We cannot use the duplicate mechanism for some constants, since e.g.,
      # id(c1) == id(c2) with c1=1, c2=1. This is unproblematic since constants
      # have no usable docstring and won't be documented automatically.
      if (py_object is not None and
          not isinstance(py_object, six.integer_types + six.string_types +
                         (six.binary_type, six.text_type, float, complex, bool))
          and py_object is not ()):
        object_id = id(py_object)
        if object_id in reverse_index:
          master_name = reverse_index[object_id]
          if master_name in raw_duplicates:
            raw_duplicates[master_name] = [master_name, full_name]
          reverse_index[object_id] = full_name
    # Decide on master names, rewire duplicates and make a duplicate_of map
    # mapping all non-master duplicates to the master name. The master symbol
    # does not have an entry in this map.
    duplicate_of = {}
    # Duplicates maps the main symbols to the set of all duplicates of that
    # symbol (incl. itself).
    duplicates = {}
    for names in raw_duplicates.values():
      names = sorted(names)
      master_name = (
          if names else None)
      if master_name:
        master_name = 'tf.%s' % master_name
        # Choose the lexicographically first name with the minimum number of
        # submodules. This will prefer highest level namespace for any symbol.
        master_name = min(names, key=lambda name: name.count('.'))

      duplicates[master_name] = names
      for name in names:
        if name != master_name:
          duplicate_of[name] = master_name

      # Set the reverse index to the canonical name.
      reverse_index[id(self._index[master_name])] = master_name

    self._duplicate_of = duplicate_of
    self._duplicates = duplicates
    self._reverse_index = reverse_index
class DocGeneratorVisitor(object):
  """A visitor that generates docs for a python object when __call__ed."""

  def __init__(self, root_name=''):
    """Make a visitor.

    As this visitor is starting its traversal at a module or class, it will not
    be told the name of that object during traversal. `root_name` is the name it
    should use for that object, effectively prefixing all names with

      root_name: The name of the root module/class.
    self._index = {}
    self._tree = {}
    self._reverse_index = None
    self._duplicates = None
    self._duplicate_of = None

  def set_root_name(self, root_name):
    """Sets the root name for subsequent __call__s."""
    self._root_name = root_name or ''
    self._prefix = (root_name + '.') if root_name else ''

  def index(self):
    """A map from fully qualified names to objects to be documented.

    The index is filled when the visitor is passed to `traverse`.

      The index filled by traversal.
    return self._index

  def tree(self):
    """A map from fully qualified names to all its child names for traversal.

    The full name to member names map is filled when the visitor is passed to

      The full name to member name map filled by traversal.
    return self._tree

  def reverse_index(self):
    """A map from `id(object)` to the preferred fully qualified name.

    This map only contains non-primitive objects (no numbers or strings) present
    in `index` (for primitive objects, `id()` doesn't quite do the right thing).

    It is computed when it, `duplicate_of`, or `duplicates` are first accessed.

      The `id(object)` to full name map.
    return self._reverse_index

  def duplicate_of(self):
    """A map from duplicate full names to a preferred fully qualified name.

    This map only contains names that are not themself a preferred name.

    It is computed when it, `reverse_index`, or `duplicates` are first accessed.

      The map from duplicate name to preferred name.
    return self._duplicate_of

  def duplicates(self):
    """A map from preferred full names to a list of all names for this symbol.

    This function returns a map from preferred (master) name for a symbol to a
    lexicographically sorted list of all aliases for that name (incl. the master
    name). Symbols without duplicate names do not appear in this map.

    It is computed when it, `reverse_index`, or `duplicate_of` are first

      The map from master name to list of all duplicate names.
    return self._duplicates

  def _add_prefix(self, name):
    """Adds the root name to a name."""
    return self._prefix + name if name else self._root_name

  def __call__(self, parent_name, parent, children):
    """Visitor interface, see `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse` for details.

    This method is called for each symbol found in a traversal using
    `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse`. It should not be called directly in
    user code.

      parent_name: The fully qualified name of a symbol found during traversal.
      parent: The Python object referenced by `parent_name`.
      children: A list of `(name, py_object)` pairs enumerating, in alphabetical
        order, the children (as determined by `tf_inspect.getmembers`) of
          `parent`. `name` is the local name of `py_object` in `parent`.

      RuntimeError: If this visitor is called with a `parent` that is not a
        class or module.
    parent_name = self._add_prefix(parent_name)
    self._index[parent_name] = parent
    self._tree[parent_name] = []

    if not (tf_inspect.ismodule(parent) or tf_inspect.isclass(parent)):
      raise RuntimeError('Unexpected type in visitor -- %s: %r' % (parent_name,

    for i, (name, child) in enumerate(list(children)):
      # Don't document __metaclass__
      if name in ['__metaclass__']:
        del children[i]

      full_name = '.'.join([parent_name, name]) if parent_name else name
      self._index[full_name] = child

  def _score_name(self, name):
    """Return a tuple of scores indicating how to sort for the best name.

    This function is meant to be used as the `key` to the `sorted` function.

    This sorting in order:
      Prefers names refering to the defining class, over a subclass.
      Prefers names that are not in "contrib".
      prefers submodules to the root namespace.
      Prefers short names `tf.thing` over `tf.a.b.c.thing`
      Sorts lexicographically on name parts.

      name: the full name to score, for example `tf.estimator.Estimator`

      A tuple of scores. When sorted the preferred name will have the lowest
    parts = name.split('.')
    short_name = parts[-1]

    container = self._index['.'.join(parts[:-1])]

    defining_class_score = 1
    if tf_inspect.isclass(container):
      if short_name in container.__dict__:
        # prefer the defining class
        defining_class_score = -1

    contrib_score = -1
    if 'contrib' in parts:
      contrib_score = 1

    while parts:
      container = self._index['.'.join(parts)]
      if tf_inspect.ismodule(container):

    module_length = len(parts)
    if len(parts) == 2:
      # `tf.submodule.thing` is better than `tf.thing`
      module_length_score = -1
      # shorter is better
      module_length_score = module_length

    return (defining_class_score, contrib_score, module_length_score, name)

  def _maybe_find_duplicates(self):
    """Compute data structures containing information about duplicates.

    Find duplicates in `index` and decide on one to be the "master" name.

    Computes a reverse_index mapping each object id to its master name.

    Also computes a map `duplicate_of` from aliases to their master name (the
    master name itself has no entry in this map), and a map `duplicates` from
    master names to a lexicographically sorted list of all aliases for that name
    (incl. the master name).

    All these are computed and set as fields if they haven't already.
    if self._reverse_index is not None:

    # Maps the id of a symbol to its fully qualified name. For symbols that have
    # several aliases, this map contains the first one found.
    # We use id(py_object) to get a hashable value for py_object. Note all
    # objects in _index are in memory at the same time so this is safe.
    reverse_index = {}

    # Make a preliminary duplicates map. For all sets of duplicate names, it
    # maps the first name found to a list of all duplicate names.
    raw_duplicates = {}
    for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(self._index):
      # We cannot use the duplicate mechanism for some constants, since e.g.,
      # id(c1) == id(c2) with c1=1, c2=1. This is unproblematic since constants
      # have no usable docstring and won't be documented automatically.
      if (py_object not in (None, ())
          not isinstance(py_object, six.integer_types + six.string_types +
                         (six.binary_type, six.text_type, float, complex, bool))):
        object_id = id(py_object)
        if object_id in reverse_index:
          master_name = reverse_index[object_id]
          if master_name in raw_duplicates:
            raw_duplicates[master_name] = [master_name, full_name]
          reverse_index[object_id] = full_name
    # Decide on master names, rewire duplicates and make a duplicate_of map
    # mapping all non-master duplicates to the master name. The master symbol
    # does not have an entry in this map.
    duplicate_of = {}
    # Duplicates maps the main symbols to the set of all duplicates of that
    # symbol (incl. itself).
    duplicates = {}
    for names in raw_duplicates.values():
      names = sorted(names)
      master_name = (
          if names else None)
      if master_name:
        master_name = 'tf.%s' % master_name
        # Choose the master name with a lexical sort on the tuples returned by
        # by _score_name.
        master_name = min(names, key=self._score_name)

      duplicates[master_name] = names
      for name in names:
        if name != master_name:
          duplicate_of[name] = master_name

      # Set the reverse index to the canonical name.
      reverse_index[id(self._index[master_name])] = master_name

    self._duplicate_of = duplicate_of
    self._duplicates = duplicates
    self._reverse_index = reverse_index