def testGradientRandomValues(self): with self.test_session(): us = [2, 3] u = tf.reshape([0.854, -0.616, 0.767, 0.725, -0.927, 0.159], shape=us) v = tf.reshape([-0.522, 0.755, 0.407, -0.652, 0.241, 0.247], shape=us) s = tf.cross(u, v) jacob_u, jacob_v = tf.test.compute_gradient([u, v], [us, us], s, us) self.assertAllClose(jacob_u[0], jacob_u[1], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3) self.assertAllClose(jacob_v[0], jacob_v[1], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
def _call(self, inputs): x = inputs norm_x = tf.nn.l2_normalize(x, axis=1) norm_support = tf.nn.l2_normalize(, axis=0) norm_mix = tf.cross(norm_x, norm_support) norm_mix = norm_mix*tf.inv(tf.reduce_sum(norm_mix)) sampledIndex = tf.multinomial(tf.log(norm_mix), self.rank) new_support = dot(,tf.diag(norm_mix),sparse=True) # dropout if self.sparse_inputs: x = sparse_dropout(x, 1-self.dropout, self.num_features_nonzero) else: x = tf.nn.dropout(x, 1-self.dropout) # convolve # supports = list() # for i in range(len( # if not self.featureless: # pre_sup = dot(x, self.vars['weights_' + str(i)], # sparse=self.sparse_inputs) # else: # pre_sup = self.vars['weights_' + str(i)] # support = dot([i], pre_sup, sparse=True) # supports.append(support) # output = tf.add_n(supports) if not self.featureless: pre_sup = dot(x, self.vars['weights_0'], sparse=self.sparse_inputs) else: pre_sup = self.vars['weights_0'] output = dot(new_support, pre_sup, sparse=True) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output)
def get_ver_norm_bk(ver_xyz, ver_tri, tri, scope_name): """ Compute vertex normals and vertex contour mask(for 2d lmk loss). :param: ver_xyz: [batch, N, 3], vertex geometry tri: [M, 3], mesh triangles definition :return: ver_normals: [batch, N, 3], vertex normals ver_contour_mask: [batch, N, 1], vertex contour mask, indicating whether the vertex is on the contour """ batch_size, n_ver, n_channels = ver_xyz.get_shape().as_list() n_ver_tri_pair = ver_tri.get_shape().as_list()[0] n_tri = tri.get_shape().as_list()[0] v1_idx, v2_idx, v3_idx = tf.unstack(tri, 3, axis=-1) v1 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v1_idx, axis=1, name="v1_tri") v2 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v2_idx, axis=1, name="v2_tri") v3 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v3_idx, axis=1, name="v3_tri") EPS = 1e-8 tri_normals = tf.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1) tri_visible = tf.cast(tf.greater(tri_normals[:, :, 2:], float(EPS)), tf.float32) with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, tf.AUTO_REUSE): var_sum_of_tri_normals = tf.get_variable('ver_sum_of_tri_normals', [batch_size, n_ver, 3], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) var_sum_of_tri_visible = tf.get_variable('ver_sum_of_tri_visible', [batch_size, n_ver, 1], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) var_sum_of_tri_counts = tf.get_variable('ver_sum_of_counts', [batch_size, n_ver, 1], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) init_sum_of_tri_normals = tf.zeros_like(var_sum_of_tri_normals) init_sum_of_tri_visible = tf.zeros_like(var_sum_of_tri_visible) init_sum_of_tri_counts = tf.zeros_like(var_sum_of_tri_counts) assign_op =[ tf.assign(var_sum_of_tri_normals, init_sum_of_tri_normals), tf.assign(var_sum_of_tri_visible, init_sum_of_tri_visible), tf.assign(var_sum_of_tri_counts, init_sum_of_tri_counts) ], name='assign_op') with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): to_ver_ids, from_tri_ids = tf.split(ver_tri, 2, axis=1) tmp_ver_tri_normals = tf.gather(tri_normals, tf.squeeze(from_tri_ids), axis=1) tmp_ver_tri_visible = tf.gather(tri_visible, tf.squeeze(from_tri_ids), axis=1) tmp_ver_tri_counts = tf.ones([batch_size, n_ver_tri_pair, 1], tf.float32) print(tmp_ver_tri_normals.get_shape().as_list()) batch_indices = tf.reshape(tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), axis=1), [1, n_ver_tri_pair]), [batch_size, n_ver_tri_pair, 1], name='batch_indices') to_ver_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(to_ver_ids, axis=0), [batch_size, 1, 1]) batch_to_ver_ids = tf.concat([batch_indices, to_ver_ids], axis=2) var_sum_of_tri_normals = tf.scatter_nd_add(var_sum_of_tri_normals, batch_to_ver_ids, tmp_ver_tri_normals) var_sum_of_tri_visible = tf.scatter_nd_add(var_sum_of_tri_visible, batch_to_ver_ids, tmp_ver_tri_visible) var_sum_of_tri_counts = tf.scatter_nd_add(var_sum_of_tri_counts, batch_to_ver_ids, tmp_ver_tri_counts) ver_normals = tf.div(var_sum_of_tri_normals, var_sum_of_tri_counts + EPS) ver_normals = tf.nn.l2_normalize(ver_normals) ver_visible = tf.div(var_sum_of_tri_visible, var_sum_of_tri_counts + EPS) cond1 = tf.less(ver_visible, float(1.0)) cond2 = tf.greater(ver_visible, float(0.0)) ver_contour_mask = tf.cast( tf.logical_and(cond1, cond2), tf.float32, name="ver_votes_final", ) return ver_normals, ver_contour_mask
def timeflow(self, t=0.0): self.setalpha(t) for p in range(numLeg): Qs = [tf.matmul(self.body.Q, self.leg[p].sub[0].Q)] #List of rotation matrices of each sublegs in space frame #Type : list of [3,3] Tensor for i in range(1, numsubleg): Qs.append(tf.matmul(Qs[i - 1], self.leg[p].sub[i].Q)) e = [ tf.matmul(Qs[i], tf.reshape(self.leg[p].sub[i].axis, [3, 1])) for i in range(numsubleg) ] #List of axes of each sublegs in space frame #Type : list of [3,1] Tensor Qalpha = [ tf.scalar_mul(self.leg[p].sub[i].alpha, e[i]) for i in range(numsubleg) ] Qw = [ tf.scalar_mul(self.leg[p].sub[i].omega, e[i]) for i in range(numsubleg) ] wbs = tf.matmul(self.body.Q, tf.reshape(self.body.wb, [3, 1])) #[3,1] matrix ws = [wbs + Qw[0]] for i in range(1, numsubleg): ws.append(ws[i - 1] + Qw[i]) w = [ tf.matmul(tf.transpose(Qs[i]), tf.reshape(ws[i], [3, 1])) for i in range(numsubleg) ] ls = [[ tf.matmul(Qs[i], tf.reshape(self.leg[p].sub[i].l[0], [3, 1])), tf.matmul(Qs[i], tf.reshape(self.leg[p].sub[i].l[1], [3, 1])) ] for i in range(numsubleg)] #ls = 2Dtensor lbtomotbs = tf.matmul(self.body.Q, tf.reshape(self.body.lbtomot[p], [3, 1])) # lbtomotbs = 2Dtensor lbtomots = [tf.add(lbtomotbs, ls[0][0])] # lbtomots = 2Dtensor for i in range(1, numsubleg): lbtomots.append( tf.add(lbtomots[i - 1], tf.add(ls[i - 1][1], ls[i][0]))) A = [ tf.add( tf.cross(wbs, tf.cross(wbs, lbtomotbs)), tf.add(tf.cross(Qalpha[0], lbtomots[0]), tf.cross(ws[0], tf.cross(ws[0], lbtomots[0])))) ] for i in range(1, numsubleg): A.append(tf.add(tf.cross(Qalpha[i - 1], tf.add())))
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 5) # Scikit-Learn ≥0.20 is required assert sklearn.__version__ >= "0.20" # 屏蔽警告:Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' # Open graph session sess = tf.Session() show_values(tf.div(3, 4), "tf.div(3,4) = 整数除") show_values(tf.truediv(3, 4), "tf.truediv(3,4) = 浮点除") show_values(tf.floordiv(3.0, 4.0), "tf.floordiv(3.0,4.0) = 浮点取整除") show_values(tf.mod(22.0, 5.0), "tf.mod(22.0,5.0) = 取模") # 张量点积--Compute the pairwise cross product # 张量点积:即两个向量的叉乘,又叫向量积、外积、叉积,叉乘的运算结果是一个向量而不是一个标量。 # 两个向量的点积与这两个向量组成的坐标平面垂直。 show_values(tf.cross([1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]), "tf.cross([1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]) = 张量点积") # 张量点积必须是三维的 # show_values(tf.cross([1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.]), # "tf.cross([1., 0., 0.,0.], [0., 1., 0.,0.]) = 张量点积") # ToSee:P11,数学函数列表 show_values(tf.div(tf.sin(3.1416 / 4.), tf.cos(3.1416 / 4.)), "tan(pi/4) = 1 = tf.div(tf.sin(3.1416/4.),tf.cos(3.1416/4.))") test_nums = range(15) # What should we get with list comprehension expected_output = [3 * x * x - x + 10 for x in test_nums] print('-' * 50) print("[3 * x ^ 2 - x + 10 for x in test_nums] = ")
def compute_camera_matrices(self, camera_position, camera_look_at, camera_up): """Computes camera viewing matrices. Functionality mimes gluLookAt (third_party/GL/glu/include/GLU/glu.h). Args: camera_position: 2-D float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, 3] containing the XYZ world space position of the camera. camera_look_at: 2-D float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, 3] containing a position along the center of the camera's gaze. camera_up: 2-D float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, 3] specifying the world's up direction; the output camera will have no tilt with respect to this direction. Returns: A [batch_size, 4, 4] float tensor containing a right-handed camera extrinsics matrix that maps points from world space to points in eye space. """ batch_size = camera_look_at.shape[0].value vector_degeneracy_cutoff = 1e-6 forward = camera_look_at - camera_position forward_norm = tf.norm(forward, ord='euclidean', axis=1, keepdims=True) tf.assert_greater( forward_norm, vector_degeneracy_cutoff, message= 'Camera matrix is degenerate because eye and center are close.') forward = tf.divide(forward, forward_norm) to_side = tf.cross(forward, camera_up) to_side_norm = tf.norm(to_side, ord='euclidean', axis=1, keepdims=True) tf.assert_greater( to_side_norm, vector_degeneracy_cutoff, message= 'Camera matrix is degenerate because up and gaze are close or because up is degenerate.' ) to_side = tf.divide(to_side, to_side_norm) cam_up = tf.cross(to_side, forward) w_column = tf.constant(batch_size * [[0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=tf.float32) w_column = tf.reshape(w_column, [batch_size, 4, 1]) view_rotation = tf.stack([ to_side, cam_up, -forward, tf.zeros_like(to_side, dtype=tf.float32) ], axis=1) view_rotation = tf.concat([view_rotation, w_column], axis=2) identity_batch = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.eye(3), 0), [batch_size, 1, 1]) view_translation = tf.concat( [identity_batch, tf.expand_dims(-camera_position, 2)], 2) view_translation = tf.concat( [view_translation, tf.reshape(w_column, [batch_size, 1, 4])], 1) camera_matrices = tf.matmul(view_rotation, view_translation) return camera_matrices
def expSE3(x, batch): one_6th = tf.constant(1.0 / 6.0) one_20th = tf.constant(1.0 / 20.0) w = x[:, 3:6] theta_sq = tf.tensordot(w, w, axes=[[1], [1]]) #theta_sq = tf.matmul(w,w,transpose_a=False,transpose_b=True) theta_sq = theta_sq[:, 0] theta = tf.sqrt(theta_sq) #w = tf.squeeze(w) cross_ = tf.cross(w, x[:, 0:3]) A1 = 1.0 - one_6th * theta_sq B1 = 0.5 * tf.ones_like(A1) translation1 = (x[:, 0:3] + 0.5 * cross_) C2 = one_6th * (1.0 - one_20th * theta_sq) A2 = 1.0 - theta_sq * C2 B2 = 0.5 - 0.25 * one_6th * theta_sq inv_theta = 1.0 / theta A3 = tf.sin(theta) * inv_theta B3 = (1 - tf.cos(theta)) * (inv_theta * inv_theta) C3 = (1 - A3) * (inv_theta * inv_theta) bool_tensor = tf.less(theta_sq, 1e-8) bool_tensor2 = tf.less(theta_sq, 1e-6) A_Alternate = tf.where(bool_tensor2, A2, A3) B_Alternate = tf.where(bool_tensor2, B2, B3) C = tf.where(bool_tensor2, C2, C3) A = tf.where(bool_tensor, A1, A_Alternate) B = tf.where(bool_tensor, B1, B_Alternate) translation2 = (x[:, 0:3] + tf.expand_dims(B, -1) * cross_ + tf.expand_dims(C, -1) * (tf.cross(w, cross_))) translation = tf.where(bool_tensor, translation1, translation2) wx2 = w[:, 0] * w[:, 0] wy2 = w[:, 1] * w[:, 1] wz2 = w[:, 2] * w[:, 2] r00 = 1.0 - B * (wy2 + wz2) r11 = 1.0 - B * (wx2 + wz2) r22 = 1.0 - B * (wx2 + wz2) a = A * w[:, 2] b = B * (w[:, 0] * w[:, 1]) r01 = b - a r10 = b + a a = A * w[:, 1] b = B * (w[:, 0] * w[:, 2]) r02 = b + a r20 = b - a a = A * w[:, 0] b = B * (w[:, 1] * w[:, 2]) r12 = b - a r21 = b + a c0 = tf.stack([r00, r01, r02, translation[:, 0]]) c1 = tf.stack([r10, r11, r12, translation[:, 1]]) c2 = tf.stack([r20, r21, r22, translation[:, 2]]) c4 = tf.constant([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], shape=[1, 4]) c4 = tf.transpose(tf.tile(c4, [batch, 1])) SE3out = tf.transpose(tf.stack([c0, c1, c2, c4]), [2, 0, 1]) return SE3out
batch_size * npoint int32 ''' return sampling_module.farthest_point_sample(inp, npoint) ops.NoGradient('FarthestPointSample') if __name__=='__main__': import numpy as np np.random.seed(100) triangles=np.random.rand(1,5,3,3).astype('float32') with tf.device('/gpu:1'): inp=tf.constant(triangles) tria=inp[:,:,0,:] trib=inp[:,:,1,:] tric=inp[:,:,2,:] areas=tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cross(trib-tria,tric-tria)**2,2)+1e-9) randomnumbers=tf.random_uniform((1,8192)) triids=prob_sample(areas,randomnumbers) tria_sample=gather_point(tria,triids) trib_sample=gather_point(trib,triids) tric_sample=gather_point(tric,triids) us=tf.random_uniform((1,8192)) vs=tf.random_uniform((1,8192)) uplusv=1-tf.abs(us+vs-1) uminusv=us-vs us=(uplusv+uminusv)*0.5 vs=(uplusv-uminusv)*0.5 pt_sample=tria_sample+(trib_sample-tria_sample)*tf.expand_dims(us,-1)+(tric_sample-tria_sample)*tf.expand_dims(vs,-1) print 'pt_sample: ', pt_sample reduced_sample=gather_point(pt_sample,farthest_point_sample(1024,pt_sample)) print reduced_sample
def batch_laplacian(v, f, return_sparse=True): # v: B x N x 3 # f: M x 3 num_b = tf.shape(v)[0] num_v = tf.shape(v)[1] num_f = tf.shape(f)[0] v_a = f[:, 0] v_b = f[:, 1] v_c = f[:, 2] a = tf.gather(v, v_a, axis=1) b = tf.gather(v, v_b, axis=1) c = tf.gather(v, v_c, axis=1) ab = a - b bc = b - c ca = c - a cot_a = -1 * tf.reduce_sum(ab * ca, axis=2) / \ tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cross(ab, ca) ** 2, axis=-1)) cot_b = -1 * tf.reduce_sum(bc * ab, axis=2) / \ tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cross(bc, ab) ** 2, axis=-1)) cot_c = -1 * tf.reduce_sum(ca * bc, axis=2) / \ tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cross(ca, bc) ** 2, axis=-1)) I = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.concat((v_a, v_c, v_a, v_b, v_b, v_c), axis=0), 0), (num_b, 1)) J = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.concat((v_c, v_a, v_b, v_a, v_c, v_b), axis=0), 0), (num_b, 1)) W = 0.5 * tf.concat((cot_b, cot_b, cot_c, cot_c, cot_a, cot_a), axis=1) batch_dim = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(num_b), 1), (1, num_f * 6)) indices = tf.reshape(tf.stack((batch_dim, J, I), axis=2), (num_b, 6, -1, 3)) W = tf.reshape(W, (num_b, 6, -1)) l_indices = [ tf.cast(tf.reshape(indices[:, i], (-1, 3)), tf.int64) for i in range(6) ] shape = tf.cast(tf.stack((num_b, num_v, num_v)), tf.int64) sp_L_raw = [ tf.sparse_reorder( tf.SparseTensor(l_indices[i], tf.reshape(W[:, i], (-1, )), shape)) for i in range(6) ] L = sp_L_raw[0] for i in range(1, 6): L = tf.sparse_add(L, sp_L_raw[i]) dia_values = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(L, axis=-1) * -1 I = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(num_v), 0), (num_b, 1)) batch_dim = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(num_b), 1), (1, num_v)) indices = tf.reshape(tf.stack((batch_dim, I, I), axis=2), (-1, 3)) dia = tf.sparse_reorder( tf.SparseTensor(tf.cast(indices, tf.int64), tf.reshape(dia_values, (-1, )), shape)) return tf.sparse_add(L, dia)
def test_Cross(self): t = tf.cross(*self.random((4, 3), (4, 3))) self.check(t)
def timeflow(self, t=0.0): wbs = tf.matmul(self.body.wb, self.body.Q) #[1,3] matrix tot_lbtomots = [] Feqc = tf.constant([0, 0, -Mtot * 9.81], dtype=tf.float32) Teqc = tf.zeros([1, 3], dtype=tf.float32) #List of External Forces Flist = [] llist = [] for p in range(numLeg): for i in range(numsubleg): #print('alpha = ',self.leg[p].sub[i].alpha); self.leg[p].sub[i].omega += self.leg[p].sub[ i].alpha * dtime #omega를 시간에 따라 갱신 #print('omega = ',self.leg[p].sub[i].omega); self.leg[p].sub[i].theta += self.leg[p].sub[ i].omega * dtime #theta를 시간에 따라 갱신 #print('theta = ',self.leg[p].sub[i].theta); self.leg[p].sub[i].Q = tf.scalar_mul(tf.cos(self.leg[p].sub[i].theta), tf.eye(3, dtype=tf.float32)) + \ tf.scalar_mul(1.-tf.cos(self.leg[p].sub[i].theta), tf.matmul(self.leg[p].sub[i].axis, self.leg[p].sub[i].axis, transpose_a = True)) + \ tf.scalar_mul(tf.sin(self.leg[p].sub[i].theta), tf.cross(tf.tile(self.leg[p].sub[i].axis,[3,1]), tf.eye(3, dtype=tf.float32))) Qs = [tf.matmul(self.leg[p].sub[0].Q, self.body.Q)] #Qs는 i번째 subleg에서 space로의 좌표변환 #List of rotation matrices of each sublegs in space frame #Type : list of [3,3] Tensor for i in range(1, numsubleg): Qs.append(tf.matmul(self.leg[p].sub[i].Q, Qs[i - 1])) e = [ tf.matmul(self.leg[p].sub[i].axis, Qs[i]) for i in range(numsubleg) ] #List of axes of each sublegs in space frame #Type : list of [None,3] Tensor Qw = [ tf.scalar_mul(self.leg[p].sub[i].omega, e[i]) for i in range(numsubleg) ] ws = [wbs + Qw[0]] for i in range(1, numsubleg): ws.append(ws[i - 1] + Qw[i]) ls = [[ tf.matmul(self.leg[p].sub[i].l[0], Qs[i]), tf.matmul(self.leg[p].sub[i].l[1], Qs[i]) ] for i in range(numsubleg)] #ls = 2Dtensor lbtomotbs = tf.matmul(self.body.lbtomot[p], self.body.Q) # lbtomotbs = 2Dtensor lbtomots = [lbtomotbs + ls[0][0]] # lbtomots = 2Dtensor for i in range(1, numsubleg): lbtomots.append(lbtomots[i - 1] + ls[i - 1][1] + ls[i][0]) #Calculating External Forces vstmp = self.body.vs + tf.cross(wbs, lbtomotbs) NormalScale = 300.0 TanhConst = 100.0 Zfilter = tf.constant([[0., 0., 1.]]) negZfilter = tf.constant([[0., 0., -1.]]) XYfilter = tf.constant([[1., 1., 0.]]) for i in range(numsubleg): Fz_primi = tf.multiply(negZfilter, + lbtomots[i] + ls[i][1]) colbool = tf.reshape( tf.matmul(Zfilter, tf.nn.relu(Fz_primi), transpose_b=True), []) Fz = tf.scalar_mul(NormalScale, tf.nn.relu(Fz_primi)) vstmp += tf.cross(ws[i], ls[i][0] + ls[i][1]) vstmp_z = tf.reshape( tf.matmul(Zfilter, vstmp, transpose_b=True), []) Vscale = 3. - tf.nn.tanh(TanhConst * vstmp_z) Fnormal = tf.scalar_mul(Vscale, Fz) Flist.append(Fnormal) vstmp_xy = tf.multiply(XYfilter, vstmp) Ffric = tf.scalar_mul(-Fricscale, tf.scalar_mul(colbool, vstmp_xy)) Flist.append(Ffric) Feqc += Fnormal Feqc += Ffric Teqc += tf.cross(lbtomots[i] + ls[i][1], Fnormal + Ffric) llist.append(tf.norm(lbtomots[i] + ls[i][1])) #Teqc+= tot_lbtomots += lbtomots asb = tf.scalar_mul(Mtotinv, Feqc) alphab = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(Teqc, self.body.Q, transpose_b=True), Ibinv) self.body.wb += tf.scalar_mul(dtime, alphab) self.body.Q += tf.scalar_mul( dtime, tf.cross(tf.concat([wbs, wbs, wbs], axis=0), self.body.Q)) self.body.vs += tf.scalar_mul(dtime, asb) += tf.scalar_mul(dtime, self.body.vs) # Q to quaternion ''' qw = tf.scalar_mul(0.5, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.diag_part(self.body.Q))+1.)) qv = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cross(self.body.Q, tf.eye(3, dtype = tf.float32)), axis = 0)/tf.scalar_mul(4., qw) # quaternion normalization qvsquare = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(qv)) qnorm = tf.sqrt(tf.square(qw)+qvsquare) qw /= qnorm qv /= qnorm # quaternion to Q self.body.Q = tf.scalar_mul(qw*qw-qvsquare,tf.eye(3, dtype = tf.float32))\ + 2 * tf.matmul(tf.reshape(qv, [3, 1]), tf.reshape(qv, [1, 3]))\ - 2 * qw * tf.cross(tf.tile(tf.reshape(qv, [1,3]), [3,1]), tf.eye(3, dtype = tf.float32)) ''' return llist, Flist, asb, Qs, [] + [ x + for x in tot_lbtomots ] #, qnorm, qw
def draw_rendering_net(self, input_params, position, rotate_theta, variable_scope_name, with_cos=True, pd_ps_wanted="both"): ''' input_params = (rendering parameters) shape = [self.fitting_batch_size,self.parameter_len] i.e.[24576,10] position = (rendering positions) shape=[self.fitting_batch_size,3] variable_scope_name = (for variable check a string like"rendering1") rotate_theta = [self.fitting_batch_size,1] return shape = (rendered results)[batch,lightnum,1] or [batch,lightnum,3] with_cos: if True,lumitexl is computed with cos and dir ''' with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope_name): ###[STEP 0] #load constants view_mat_for_normal_t, view_mat_model_t, light_normals, light_poses, cam_pos = self.__net_load_constants( variable_scope_name) #rotate object rotate_axis = tf.constant( np.repeat(np.array([0, 0, 1], np.float32).reshape([1, 3]), self.fitting_batch_size, axis=0)) view_mat_model = self.rotation_axis(rotate_theta, rotate_axis) #[batch,4,4] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "view_mat_model"] = view_mat_model view_mat_model_t = tf.matrix_transpose(view_mat_model) view_mat_for_normal = tf.matrix_transpose( tf.matrix_inverse(view_mat_model)) self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "view_mat_for_normal"] = view_mat_for_normal view_mat_for_normal_t = tf.matrix_transpose(view_mat_for_normal) # self.endPoints[variable_scope_name+"view_mat_for_normal_t"] = view_mat_for_normal ###[STEP 1] ##define input with tf.variable_scope("fittinger"): self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "input_parameters"] = input_params self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "positions"] = position view_dir = cam_pos - position #shape=[batch,3] view_dir = self.normalized(view_dir) #shape=[batch,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "view_dir"] = view_dir #build local frame frame_t, frame_b = self.build_frame_f_z( view_dir, None, with_theta=False) #[batch,3] frame_n = view_dir self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "frame_t"] = frame_t self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "frame_b"] = frame_b self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "frame_n"] = frame_n ###[STEP 1.1] ###split input parameters into position and others if self.if_grey_scale: n_2d, theta, ax, ay, pd, ps = tf.split(input_params, [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], axis=1) self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "pd"] = pd pd = tf.tile(pd, [1, 3]) ps = tf.tile(ps, [1, 3]) else: n_local, t_local, ax, ay, pd, ps = tf.split(input_params, [2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3], axis=1) #position shape=[bach,3] # n_2d = tf.clip_by_value(n_2d,0.0,1.0) n_local = self.back_hemi_octa_map(n_2d) #[batch,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "normal_local"] = n_local t_local, _ = self.build_frame_f_z(n_local, theta, with_theta=True) n_local_x, n_local_y, n_local_z = tf.split( n_local, [1, 1, 1], axis=1) #[batch,1],[batch,1],[batch,1] n = n_local_x * frame_t + n_local_y * frame_b + n_local_z * frame_n #[batch,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "normal"] = n t_local_x, t_local_y, t_local_z = tf.split( t_local, [1, 1, 1], axis=1) #[batch,1],[batch,1],[batch,1] t = t_local_x * frame_t + t_local_y * frame_b + t_local_z * frame_n #[batch,3] b = tf.cross(n, t) #[batch,3] #rotate frame pn = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat( [n, tf.ones([n.shape[0], 1], tf.float32)], axis=1), axis=1) pt = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat( [t, tf.ones([t.shape[0], 1], tf.float32)], axis=1), axis=1) pb = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat( [b, tf.ones([b.shape[0], 1], tf.float32)], axis=1), axis=1) n = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(pn, view_mat_for_normal_t), axis=1) t = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(pt, view_mat_for_normal_t), axis=1) b = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(pb, view_mat_for_normal_t), axis=1) n, _ = tf.split(n, [3, 1], axis=1) #shape=[batch,3] t, _ = tf.split(t, [3, 1], axis=1) #shape=[batch,3] b, _ = tf.split(b, [3, 1], axis=1) #shape=[batch,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "n"] = n self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "t"] = t self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "b"] = b # n = tf.tile(tf.constant([0,0,1],dtype=tf.float32,shape=[1,3]),[self.fitting_batch_size,1])#self.normalized(n) # t = tf.tile(tf.constant([0,1,0],dtype=tf.float32,shape=[1,3]),[self.fitting_batch_size,1])#self.normalized(t) # ax = tf.clip_by_value(ax,0.006,0.503) # ay = tf.clip_by_value(ay,0.006,0.503) # pd = tf.clip_by_value(pd,0,1) # ps = tf.clip_by_value(ps,0,10) #regularizer of params # regular_loss_n = self.regularizer_relu(n_2d,1e-3,1.0)+self.regularizer_relu(theta,0.0,math.pi)+self.regularizer_relu(ax,0.006,0.503)+self.regularizer_relu(ay,0.006,0.503)+self.regularizer_relu(pd,1e-3,1)+self.regularizer_relu(ps,1e-3,10) # self.endPoints["regular_loss"] = regular_loss_n self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "render_params"] = tf.concat( [n, t, b, ax, ay, pd, ps], axis=-1) ###[STEP 2] ##define rendering with tf.variable_scope("rendering"): self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "position_origin"] = position position = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat( [position, tf.ones([position.shape[0], 1], tf.float32)], axis=1), axis=1) position = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(position, view_mat_model_t), axis=1) #position@view_mat_model_t position, _ = tf.split(position, [3, 1], axis=1) #shape=[batch,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "position_rotated"] = position #get real view dir view_dir = cam_pos - position #shape=[batch,3] view_dir = self.normalized(view_dir) #shape=[batch,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "view_dir_rotated"] = view_dir light_poses_broaded = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(light_poses, axis=0), [self.fitting_batch_size, 1, 1], name="expand_light_poses") #shape is [batch,lightnum,3] light_normals_broaded = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(light_normals, axis=0), [self.fitting_batch_size, 1, 1], name="expand_light_normals") #shape is [batch,lightnum,3] position_broded = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(position, axis=1), [1, self.lumitexel_size, 1], name="expand_position") wi = light_poses_broaded - position_broded wi = self.normalized_nd(wi) #shape is [batch,lightnum,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "wi"] = wi wi_local = tf.concat([ self.dot_ndm_vector(wi, tf.expand_dims(t, axis=1)), self.dot_ndm_vector(wi, tf.expand_dims(b, axis=1)), self.dot_ndm_vector(wi, tf.expand_dims(n, axis=1)) ], axis=-1) #shape is [batch,lightnum,3] view_dir_broaded = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(view_dir, axis=1), [1, self.lumitexel_size, 1]) #shape is [batch,lightnum,3] wo_local = tf.concat([ self.dot_ndm_vector(view_dir_broaded, tf.expand_dims(t, axis=1)), self.dot_ndm_vector(view_dir_broaded, tf.expand_dims(b, axis=1)), self.dot_ndm_vector(view_dir_broaded, tf.expand_dims(n, axis=1)) ], axis=-1) #shape is [batch,lightnum,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "wi_local"] = wo_local form_factors = self.compute_form_factors( position, n, light_poses_broaded, light_normals_broaded, variable_scope_name, with_cos) #[batch,lightnum,1] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "form_factors"] = form_factors lumi = self.calc_light_brdf(wi_local, wo_local, ax, ay, pd, ps, pd_ps_wanted) #[batch,lightnum,3] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "lumi_without_formfactor"] = lumi lumi = lumi * form_factors * 1e4 * math.pi * 1e-2 #[batch,lightnum,3] if self.if_grey_scale: lumi = tf.reduce_mean( lumi, axis=2, keepdims=True ) #[batch,lightnum,1] for greyscale#TODO should be depended by if is grey wi_dot_n = self.dot_ndm_vector(wi, tf.expand_dims( n, axis=1)) #[batch,lightnum,1] lumi = lumi * ((tf.sign(wi_dot_n) + 1.0) * 0.5) # judgements = tf.less(wi_dot_n,1e-5) # lumi = tf.where(judgements,tf.zeros([self.fitting_batch_size,self.lumitexel_size,1]),lumi) n_dot_view_dir = self.dot_ndm_vector( view_dir_broaded, tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(n, axis=1), [1, self.lumitexel_size, 1])) #[batch,lightnum,1] n_dot_views = tf.gather(n_dot_view_dir, 0, axis=1) self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "n_dot_view_dir"] = n_dot_views n_dot_view_penalty = self.regularizer_relu( n_dot_views, 1e-6, 1.0) self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "n_dot_view_penalty"] = n_dot_view_penalty judgements = tf.less(n_dot_view_dir, 0.0) if self.if_grey_scale: rendered_results = tf.where(judgements, tf.zeros([ self.fitting_batch_size, self.lumitexel_size, 1 ]), lumi) #[batch,lightnum] else: rendered_results = tf.where(tf.tile(judgements, [1, 1, 3]), tf.zeros([ self.fitting_batch_size, self.lumitexel_size, 3 ]), lumi) #[batch,lightnum] self.endPoints[variable_scope_name + "rendered_results"] = rendered_results return rendered_results
def calculateDistance(self, pA, pB, pC, pD): vAB = pB - pA # u vCD = pD - pC # v vCA = pA - pC # r if tf.tensordot(tf.cross(vAB, vCD), vCA, axes=1) != 0: # check determination in 3-dimension or planar a = tf.tensordot( vAB, vAB, axes=1) b = tf.tensordot(-vAB, vCD, axes=1) c = tf.tensordot( vCD, vCD, axes=1) d = tf.tensordot( vAB, vCA, axes=1) e = tf.tensordot(-vCD, vCA, axes=1) f = tf.tensordot( vCA, vCA, axes=1) s = (b*e-c*d)/(a*c-b*b) # parameter in vector A (vector M, L1, AB, i-th robot link) t = (b*d-a*e)/(a*c-b*b) # parameter in vector B (vector N, L2, CD, j-th line obstacle) if (s < 0) and (t < 0): # AC distance = tf.linalg.norm(vCA) elif (s < 0) and (0 <= t) and (t <= 1): # AC + tCD distance = tf.linalg.norm(-vCA + t*vCD) elif (s < 0) and (1 < t): # AD distance = tf.linalg.norm(pD-pA) elif (0 <= s) and (s <= 1) and (t < 0): # CA + sAB distance = tf.linalg.norm(vCA + s*vAB) elif (0 <= s) and (s <= 1) and (0 <= t) and (t <= 1): distance = tf.sqrt(a*s**2 + 2*b*s*t + c*t**2 + 2*d*s + 2*e*t + f) elif (0 <= s) and (s <= 1) and (1 < t): # DA + sAB distance = tf.linalg.norm(pA-pD + s*vAB) elif (1 < s) and (t < 0): # BC distance = tf.linalg.norm(pC-pB) elif (1 < s) and (0 <= t) and (t <= 1): # BC + tCD distance = tf.linalg.norm(pC-pB + t*vCD) elif (1 < s) and (1 < t): # BD distance = tf.linalg.norm(pD-pB) else: vAC = pC - pA vAD = pD - pA vCB = pB - pC s1 = tf.tensordot(vAC, vAB, axes=1)/(tf.linalg.norm(vAB)*tf.linalg.norm(vAB)) s2 = tf.tensordot(vAD, vAB, axes=1)/(tf.linalg.norm(vAB)*tf.linalg.norm(vAB)) t1 = tf.tensordot(vCA, vCD, axes=1)/(tf.linalg.norm(vCD)*tf.linalg.norm(vCD)) t2 = tf.tensordot(vCB, vCD, axes=1)/(tf.linalg.norm(vCD)*tf.linalg.norm(vCD)) distance_planar = tf.constant([999, 999, 999, 999]) # s1 s2 t1 t2 distance_Temp = 999 if (0 <= s1) and (s1 <= 1): distance_planar[0] = tf.linalg.norm(vCA + s1*vAB) # CA + s1*AB if (0 <= s2) and (s2 <= 1): distance_planar[1] = tf.linalg.norm(-vAD + s2*vAB) # DA + s2*AB if (0 <= t1) and (t1 <= 1): distance_planar[2] = tf.linalg.norm(vAC + t1*vCD) # AC + t1*CD if (0 <= t2) and (t2 <= 1): distance_planar[3] = tf.linalg.norm(pC-pB + t2*vCD) # BC + t2*CD if (s1 < 0) and (s2 < 0) and (t1 < 0) and (t2 < 0): # AC distance_planar[0] = tf.linalg.norm(vAC) elif (s1 > 1) and (s2 > 1) and (t1 < 0) and (t2 < 0): # BC distance_planar[1] = tf.linalg.norm(pC - pB) elif (s1 < 0) and (s2 < 0) and (t1 > 1) and (t2 > 1): # AD distance_planar[2] = tf.linalg.norm(vAD) elif (s1 > 1) and (s2 > 1) and (t1 > 1) and (t2 > 1): # BD distance_planar[3] = tf.linalg.norm(pD - pB) for cnt in range(1,4): if distance_Temp > distance_planar[cnt]: distance_Temp = distance_planar[cnt] # cnt_Temp = cnt distance = distance_Temp return distance
def cross(*args, **kwargs): """ See . """ return tensorflow.cross(*args, **kwargs)
def get_ver_norm_bk(ver_xyz, tri): """ Compute vertex normals and vertex contour mask(for 2d lmk loss). :param: ver_xyz: [batch, N, 3], vertex geometry tri: [M, 3], mesh triangles definition :return: ver_normals: [batch, N, 3], vertex normals ver_contour_mask: [batch, N, 1], vertex contour mask, indicating whether the vertex is on the contour """ n_tri = tri.get_shape().as_list()[0] v1_idx, v2_idx, v3_idx = tf.unstack(tri, 3, axis=-1) v1 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v1_idx, axis=1, name="v1_tri") v2 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v2_idx, axis=1, name="v2_tri") v3 = tf.gather(ver_xyz, v3_idx, axis=1, name="v3_tri") EPS = 1e-8 tri_normals = tf.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1) #tri_normals = tf.div( # tri_normals, # (tf.norm(tri_normals, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) + EPS), # name="norm_tri", #) #tri_normals = tf.nn.l2_normalize(tri_normals, dim=-1) tmp = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tri_normals, 2), [1, 1, 3, 1], name="tri_normals_tile") # per vertex attribute # per_vertex: information for each vertex in triangle tri_normals_per_vertex = tf.reshape(tmp, [-1, 3], name="tri_normals_reshape") tri_visible_per_vertex = tf.cast( tf.greater(tri_normals_per_vertex[:, 2:], float(EPS)), tf.float32) tri_one_per_vertex = tf.ones_like(tri_visible_per_vertex, name="tri_cnts") B = v1.get_shape().as_list()[0] # batch size batch_indices = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(B), axis=1), [1, n_tri * 3]), [-1], name="batch_indices", ) tri_inds = tf.stack( [ batch_indices, tf.concat([tf.reshape(tri, [n_tri * 3])] * B, axis=0) ], axis=1, name="tri_inds", ) ver_shape = ver_xyz.get_shape().as_list() ver_normals = tf.get_variable( shape=ver_shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name="ver_norm", trainable=False, ) # refresh normal per iteration init_normals = tf.zeros(shape=ver_shape, dtype=tf.float32, name="init_normals") assign_op = tf.assign(ver_normals, init_normals, name="ver_normal_assign") with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): ver_normals = tf.scatter_nd_add(ver_normals, tri_inds, tri_normals_per_vertex, name="ver_normal_scatter") #ver_normals = ver_normals / ( # tf.norm(ver_normals, axis=2, keep_dims=True, name="ver_normal_norm") # + EPS #) ver_normals = tf.nn.l2_normalize(ver_normals, dim=-1) ver_visible = tf.get_variable( shape=ver_shape[:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name="ver_vote", trainable=False, ) ver_tri_cnt = tf.get_variable( shape=ver_shape[:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), name="ver_cnt", trainable=False, ) init_values = tf.zeros(shape=ver_shape[:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32, name="init_votes") # find the visible boundary assign_op2 = tf.assign(ver_visible, init_values, name="ver_votes_assign") assign_op3 = tf.assign(ver_tri_cnt, init_values, name="ver_cnts_assign") with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op2, assign_op3]): ver_visible = tf.scatter_nd_add(ver_visible, tri_inds, tri_visible_per_vertex, name="ver_vote_scatter") ver_tri_cnt = tf.scatter_nd_add(ver_tri_cnt, tri_inds, tri_one_per_vertex, name="ver_cnt_scatter") ver_visible_ratio = ver_visible / (ver_tri_cnt + EPS) cond1 = tf.less(ver_visible_ratio, float(1.0)) cond2 = tf.greater(ver_visible_ratio, float(0.0)) ver_contour_mask = tf.cast( tf.logical_and(cond1, cond2), tf.float32, name="ver_votes_final", ) return ver_normals, ver_contour_mask
def cross(a, b): return tf.cross(a, b)
def TriNormalsScaled(v, f): edge_vec1 = tf.reshape(TriEdges(v, f, 1, 0), (-1, 3)) edge_vec2 = tf.reshape(TriEdges(v, f, 2, 0), (-1, 3)) return tf.cross(edge_vec1, edge_vec2)
def tf_prior_get_normal(u, v, w): get_wu = lambda: tf.cross(w, u) get_vw = lambda: tf.cross(v, w) cond = tf.logical_and(tf.norm(w - v) < eps, tf.norm(w + v) < eps) normal = tf.cond(cond, get_wu, get_vw) return tf_unit_norm(normal)
def step_graph_construct(self, Jinv_=None, observation_provided=False): # import tensorflow as tf self.observation_provided = observation_provided with tf.variable_scope('MellingerControl'): if not observation_provided: #Here we will provide all components independently self.xyz_tf = tf.placeholder(name='xyz', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3)) self.Vxyz_tf = tf.placeholder(name='Vxyz', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3)) self.Omega_tf = tf.placeholder(name='Omega', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3)) self.R_tf = tf.placeholder(name='R', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3, 3)) else: #Here we will provide observations directly and split them self.observation = tf.placeholder(name='obs', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3 + 3 + 9 + 3)) self.xyz_tf, self.Vxyz_tf, self.R_flat, self.Omega_tf = tf.split( self.observation, [3, 3, 9, 3], axis=1) self.R_tf = tf.reshape(self.R_flat, shape=[-1, 3, 3], name='R') R = self.R_tf # R_flat = tf.placeholder(name='R_flat', type=tf.float32, shape=(None, 9)) # R = tf.reshape(R_flat, shape=(-1, 3, 3), name='R') #GOAL = [x,y,z, Vx, Vy, Vz] self.goal_xyz_tf = tf.placeholder(name='goal_xyz', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3)) # goal_Vxyz = tf.placeholder(name='goal_Vxyz', type=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3)) # Learnable gains with static initialization kp_p = tf.get_variable('kp_p', shape=[], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(4.5), trainable=True) # 4.5 kd_p = tf.get_variable('kd_p', shape=[], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(3.5), trainable=True) # 3.5 kp_a = tf.get_variable('kp_a', shape=[], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(200.0), trainable=True) # 200. kd_a = tf.get_variable('kd_a', shape=[], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(50.0), trainable=True) # 50. ## IN case you want to optimize them from random values # kp_p = tf.get_variable('kp_p', initializer=tf.random_uniform(shape=[1], minval=0.0, maxval=10.0), trainable=True) # 4.5 # kd_p = tf.get_variable('kd_p', initializer=tf.random_uniform(shape=[1], minval=0.0, maxval=10.0), trainable=True) # 3.5 # kp_a = tf.get_variable('kp_a', initializer=tf.random_uniform(shape=[1], minval=0.0, maxval=100.0), trainable=True) # 200. # kd_a = tf.get_variable('kd_a', initializer=tf.random_uniform(shape=[1], minval=0.0, maxval=100.0), trainable=True) # 50. to_goal = self.goal_xyz_tf - self.xyz_tf e_p = -tf.clip_by_norm(to_goal, 4.0, name='e_p') e_v = self.Vxyz_tf acc_des = -kp_p * e_p - kd_p * e_v + tf.constant([0, 0, 9.81], name='GRAV') print('acc_des shape: ', acc_des.get_shape().as_list()) def project_xy(x, name='project_xy'): # print('x_shape:', x.get_shape().as_list()) # x = tf.squeeze(x, axis=2) return tf.multiply(x, tf.constant([1., 1., 0.]), name=name) # goal_dist = tf.norm(to_goal, name='goal_xyz_dist') xc_des = project_xy(tf.squeeze(tf.slice(R, begin=[0, 0, 2], size=[-1, 3, 1]), axis=2), name='xc_des') print('xc_des shape: ', xc_des.get_shape().as_list()) # xc_des = project_xy(R[:, 0]) # rotation towards the ideal thrust direction # see Mellinger and Kumar 2011 zb_des = tf.nn.l2_normalize(acc_des, axis=1, name='zb_dex') yb_des = tf.nn.l2_normalize(tf.cross(zb_des, xc_des), axis=1, name='yb_des') xb_des = tf.cross(yb_des, zb_des, name='xb_des') R_des = tf.stack([xb_des, yb_des, zb_des], axis=2, name='R_des') print('zb_des shape: ', zb_des.get_shape().as_list()) print('yb_des shape: ', yb_des.get_shape().as_list()) print('xb_des shape: ', xb_des.get_shape().as_list()) print('R_des shape: ', R_des.get_shape().as_list()) def transpose(x): return tf.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1]) # Rotational difference Rdiff = tf.matmul(transpose(R_des), R) - tf.matmul( transpose(R), R_des, name='Rdiff') print('Rdiff shape: ', Rdiff.get_shape().as_list()) def tf_vee(R, name='vee'): return tf.squeeze(tf.stack([ tf.squeeze(tf.slice(R, [0, 2, 1], [-1, 1, 1]), axis=2), tf.squeeze(tf.slice(R, [0, 0, 2], [-1, 1, 1]), axis=2), tf.squeeze(tf.slice(R, [0, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 1]), axis=2) ], axis=1, name=name), axis=2) # def vee(R): # return np.array([R[2, 1], R[0, 2], R[1, 0]]) e_R = 0.5 * tf_vee(Rdiff, name='e_R') print('e_R shape: ', e_R.get_shape().as_list()) # e_R[2] *= 0.2 # slow down yaw dynamics e_w = self.Omega_tf # Control orientation dw_des = -kp_a * e_R - kd_a * e_w print('dw_des shape: ', dw_des.get_shape().as_list()) # we want this acceleration, but we can only accelerate in one direction! # thrust_mag =, R[:, 2]) acc_cur = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(R, begin=[0, 0, 2], size=[-1, 3, 1]), axis=2) print('acc_cur shape: ', acc_cur.get_shape().as_list()) acc_dot = tf.multiply(acc_des, acc_cur) print('acc_dot shape: ', acc_dot.get_shape().as_list()) thrust_mag = tf.reduce_sum(acc_dot, axis=1, keepdims=True, name='thrust_mag') print('thrust_mag shape: ', thrust_mag.get_shape().as_list()) # des = np.append(thrust_mag, dw_des) des = tf.concat([thrust_mag, dw_des], axis=1, name='des') print('des shape: ', des.get_shape().as_list()) if Jinv_ is None: # Learn the jacobian inverse Jinv = tf.get_variable('Jinv', initializer=tf.random_normal( shape=[4, 4], mean=0.0, stddev=0.1), trainable=True) else: # Jacobian inverse is provided Jinv = tf.constant(Jinv_.astype(np.float32), name='Jinv') # Jinv = tf.get_variable('Jinv', shape=[4,4], initializer=tf.constant_initializer()) print('Jinv shape: ', Jinv.get_shape().as_list()) ## Jacobian inverse for our quadrotor # Jinv = np.array([[0.0509684, 0.0043685, -0.0043685, 0.02038736], # [0.0509684, -0.0043685, -0.0043685, -0.02038736], # [0.0509684, -0.0043685, 0.0043685, 0.02038736], # [0.0509684, 0.0043685, 0.0043685, -0.02038736]]) # thrusts = np.matmul(self.Jinv, des) thrusts = tf.matmul(des, tf.transpose(Jinv), name='thrust') thrusts = tf.clip_by_value(thrusts, clip_value_min=0.0, clip_value_max=1.0, name='thrust_clipped') return thrusts
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops ops.reset_default_graph() # Open graph session sess = tf.Session() # div() vs truediv() vs floordiv() print(,4))) print(,4))) print(,4.0))) # Mod function print(,5.0))) # Cross Product print([1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.]))) # Trig functions print( print( # Tangemt print(, tf.cos(3.1416/4.)))) # Custom operation test_nums = range(15) #from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops #print(, 3))) def custom_polynomial(x_val): # Return 3x^2 - x + 10 return(tf.sub(3 * tf.square(x_val), x_val) + 10)
def getRotInvPatches(x, adj): # The trick here is to compute a rotation from any face normal to a fixed axis (say, (0,0,1)) # We follow the procedure described here: # Using the Levi-Civita tensor, as explained here batch_size, num_points, in_channels = x.get_shape().as_list() batch_size, num_points, K = adj.get_shape().as_list() # Position xp = tf.slice(x, [0, 0, 3], [-1, -1, -1]) # Normal xn = tf.slice(x, [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 3]) ref_axis_t = tf.reshape(ref_axis, [1, 1, 3]) # [batch, N, 3] #ref_axes = tf.tile(ref_axes,[batch_size,num_points,1]) #ref_axes = broadcast(ref_axes,x.shape) ref_axes = tf.zeros_like(xn) ref_axes = ref_axes + ref_axis_t # [batch, N, 3] ref_cross = tf.cross(xn, ref_axes) # [batch, N, 1] ref_sin = tf.norm(ref_cross) # [batch, N, 1] ref_cos = tensorDotProduct(ref_axis, xn) # [batch, N, 3, 1] ref_cross = tf.expand_dims(ref_cross, -1) # [batch, N, 3, 3, 1] ref_cross = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(ref_cross, 2), [1, 1, 3, 1, 1]) # [1, 1, 3, 3, 3] LC = tf.reshape(LC_tensor, [1, 1, 3, 3, 3]) # [batch, N, 3, 3, 1] temp_zero = tf.zeros_like(ref_cross) # [batch, N, 3, 3, 3] temp_zero = tf.tile(temp_zero, [1, 1, 1, 1, 3]) # [batch, N, 3, 3, 3] LC = LC + temp_zero #LC = tf.tile(LC,[batch_size,num_points,1,1,1]) # [batch, N, 3, 3, 1] ssm = tf.matmul(LC, ref_cross) # [batch, N, 3, 3] ssm = tf.squeeze(ssm) # [batch, N, 1] rot_coef = tf.divide(tf.subtract(1.0, ref_cos), tf.multiply(ref_sin, ref_sin)) # [batch, N, 3, 3] rot_coef = tf.tile(tf.reshape(rot_coef, [batch_size, -1, 1, 1]), [1, 1, 3, 3]) # [1, 1, 3, 3] Idmat = tf.reshape(Id_tensor, [1, 1, 3, 3]) # [batch, N, 3, 3] Idmat = Idmat + tf.zeros_like(rot_coef) #Idmat = tf.tile(Idmat,[batch_size,num_points,1,1]) # [batch, N, 3, 3] rot = Idmat + ssm + tf.multiply(tf.matmul(ssm, ssm), rot_coef) # [batch, N, K, 3, 3] rot = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(rot, axis=2), [1, 1, K, 1, 1]) # rot gives a (3,3) rotation matrix for every face # [batch, N, K, ch] patches = get_patches(x, adj) # Normals part of patches npatches = tf.slice(patches, [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, 3]) # [batch, N, K, ch, 1] npatches = tf.expand_dims(npatches, -1) # [batch, N, K, ch, 1] npatches = tf.matmul(rot, npatches) # [batch, N, K, ch] npatches = tf.reshape(npatches, [batch_size, -1, K, 3]) # Position part of patches # [batch, N, K, 3] ppatches = tf.slice(patches, [0, 0, 0, 3], [-1, -1, -1, -1]) # Compute displacement to current face ppatches = tf.subtract(ppatches, tf.expand_dims(xp, axis=2)) # Rotate, just like the normals ppatches = tf.expand_dims(ppatches, -1) ppatches = tf.matmul(rot, ppatches) ppatches = tf.reshape(ppatches, [batch_size, -1, K, 3]) # [batch, N, K, ch (6)] patches = tf.concat([npatches, ppatches], axis=-1) return patches