def initialize_model_with_bias(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, input_op_names: List[str], output_op_names: List[str]) \ -> tf.compat.v1.Session: """ Initializes given model with bias. Adds zero bias to conv/linear layers without bias param, in given model. :param sess: model to be updated as tf.compat.v1.Session :return: updated session as tf.compat.v1.Session """ assert sess is not None with sess.graph.as_default(): ops = get_valid_ops(sess.graph, input_op_names, output_op_names) for op in ops: # skip gradient ops if not'gradients/') and \ op.type in ['Conv2D', 'DepthwiseConv2dNative', 'MatMul']: # add bias if not present if BiasUtils.is_bias_none(op): # add bias param bias_shape = BiasUtils._get_bias_shape_from_weights(op) zero_bias = tf.Variable( initial_value=np.zeros(bias_shape), dtype=tf.float32) BiasUtils._create_bias_add_op_and_insert( sess, op, zero_bias) new_sess = save_and_load_graph('./temp', sess) sess.close() return new_sess
def insert_bias_add_op(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, conv_op_out_tensor: tf.Tensor, new_bias_tensor: tf.Variable, bias_name="bias_value") -> None: """ Insert bias-add op to given conv op. :param sess: model as tf.compat.v1.Session :param conv_op_out_tensor: output of conv op that should feed into the new bias op as tf.Tensor :param new_bias_tensor: bias tensor to be added as tf.Variable :param bias_name: name string for the bias op :return: None , Note : Higher level api needs to perform a save and load to get updated session after usage of this api """ assert conv_op_out_tensor is not None, 'Error, insert_bias_add_op() : conv op output tensor must be provided' with sess.graph.as_default(): if conv_op_out_tensor.consumers(): consumer_list = [] for consumer in conv_op_out_tensor.consumers(): consumer_list.append(consumer) # create new Bias add op bias_add_op = tf.nn.bias_add(value=conv_op_out_tensor, bias=new_bias_tensor, name=bias_name) # use reroute to insert bias-add and swap current outputs of conv with bias-add op ge.reroute_ts(bias_add_op, conv_op_out_tensor, can_modify=consumer_list) # initialize tensor once it's added[new_bias_tensor]))
def evaluate(model: tf.compat.v1.Session, iterations: int, use_cuda: bool): """ eval function for MNIST LeNet model :param model: tf.compat.v1.Session :param iterations: iterations :param use_cuda: use_cuda :return: """ total_test_images = 10000 batch_size = 64 # iterate over entire test data set, when iterations is None # TODO : figure out way to end iterator when the data set is exhausted if iterations is None: iterations = int(total_test_images / batch_size) parser = MnistParser(data_inputs=['reshape_input'], validation_inputs=['labels'], batch_size=batch_size) # Allocate the generator you wish to use to provide the network with data generator = tfrecord_generator.TfRecordGenerator( tfrecords=[os.path.join('data', 'mnist', 'validation.tfrecords')], parser=parser, num_gpus=1) # Create the tensor map for input and ground truth ops input_tensor_map = {} inputs = ['reshape_input', 'labels'] for name in inputs: input_tensor_map[name] = model.graph.get_tensor_by_name(name + ':0') # get the evaluation tensor eval_tensor = model.graph.get_tensor_by_name('accuracy:0') avg_accuracy = 0 current_iterations = 0 for batch in generator: current_iterations += 1 # Setup the feed dictionary feed_dict = {} for name, data in batch.items(): feed_dict[input_tensor_map[name]] = data with model.as_default(): accuracy =, feed_dict=feed_dict) avg_accuracy += accuracy if current_iterations >= iterations: break return avg_accuracy / current_iterations
def restore_from_pkl(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, varlist: list, pklfile: str): with open(pklfile, 'rb') as f: tensordict = pickle.load(f) l = len(tensordict.keys()) cnt = 0 assgin_list = [] for var in varlist: for k in tensordict.keys(): if == k: assgin_list.append(tf.assign(var, tensordict[k])) cnt += 1 assert l == cnt for i in range(len(assgin_list)):[i])
def _run_epoch(self, sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, dropout: float, print_progress_every: int, epoch: int, log: bool ) -> NoReturn: """ Run one epoch. Parameters ---------- sess : tf.compat.v1.Session Initialized tf session. dropout : float Dropout rate (1 - keep probability). print_progress_every : int Print statistic every print_progress_every iterations. epoch : int Number of current epoch (for printing statistic). log : bool Whether to log or not. """ self.minibatch.shuffle() for batch_edges, current_edge_type, current_edge_type_idx in self.minibatch: # Construct feed dictionary self.feed_dict = self.minibatch.batch_feed_dict( batch_edges=batch_edges, batch_edge_type=current_edge_type_idx, dropout=dropout, placeholders=self.placeholders) t = time.time() # Training step: run single weight update outs =[self.opt.opt_op, self.opt.cost, self.opt.batch_edge_type_idx], feed_dict=self.feed_dict) train_cost = outs[1] batch_edge_type = outs[2] if self.minibatch.iter % print_progress_every == 0: val_auc, val_auprc, val_apk = self._get_accuracy_scores( sess, self.minibatch.val_edges, self.minibatch.val_edges_false, current_edge_type) print("Epoch:", "%04d" % (epoch + 1), "Iter:", "%04d" % (self.minibatch.iter + 1), "Edge:", "%04d" % batch_edge_type, "train_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(train_cost), "val_roc=", "{:.5f}".format(val_auc), "val_auprc=", "{:.5f}".format(val_auprc), "val_apk=", "{:.5f}".format(val_apk), "time=", "{:.5f}".format(time.time() - t)) if log: import neptune neptune.log_metric("val_roc", val_auc, timestamp=time.time()) neptune.log_metric("val_apk", val_apk, timestamp=time.time()) neptune.log_metric("val_auprc", val_auprc, timestamp=time.time()) neptune.log_metric("train_loss", train_cost, timestamp=time.time())
def _get_accuracy_scores(self, sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, edges_pos: Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[np.array]], edges_neg: Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[np.array]], edge_type: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Calculate metrics (AUROC, AUPRC, AP@50) Parameters ---------- sess : tf.compat.v1.Session Initialized tf session. edges_pos : Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[np.array]] From edge type to np.arrays of real edges for every edge class in this type. edges_neg : Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[np.array]] From edge type to np.arrays of fake edges for every edge class in this type. edge_type : Tuple[int, int, int] Edge type with class. Two first elements --- edge type, last element --- class in this type. Returns ------- """ self.feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['dropout']: 0}) self.feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['batch_edge_type_idx']: self.minibatch.edge_type2idx[edge_type]}) self.feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['batch_row_edge_type']: edge_type[0]}) self.feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['batch_col_edge_type']: edge_type[1]}) rec =, feed_dict=self.feed_dict) uv = edges_pos[edge_type[:2]][edge_type[2]] u = uv[:, 0] v = uv[:, 1] preds = expit(rec[u, v]) assert np.all(self.adj_mats[edge_type[:2]][edge_type[2]][u, v] == 1), \ 'Positive examples (real edges) are not exist' uv = edges_neg[edge_type[:2]][edge_type[2]] u = uv[:, 0] v = uv[:, 1] preds_neg = expit(rec[u, v]) assert np.all(self.adj_mats[edge_type[:2]][edge_type[2]][u, v] == 0), \ 'Negative examples (fake edges) are real' # Predicted probs preds_all = np.hstack([preds, preds_neg]) # preds_all = np.nan_to_num(preds_all) # Real probs: 1 for pos, 0 for neg labels_all = np.hstack([np.ones(len(preds)), np.zeros(len(preds_neg))]) roc_sc = metrics.roc_auc_score(labels_all, preds_all) aupr_sc = metrics.average_precision_score(labels_all, preds_all) # Real existing edges (local indexes) actual = range(len(preds)) # All local indexes with probability (sorted) predicted = sorted(range(len(preds_all)), reverse=True, key=lambda i: preds_all[i]) apk_sc = rank_metrics.apk(actual, predicted, k=50) return roc_sc, aupr_sc, apk_sc
def reduce_pad(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, op_tensor_tuple: Tuple[Op, List[tf.Tensor]], _) -> (str, tf.Operation, tf.Operation): """ Pad module reducer :param sess: current tf.compat.v1.Session :param op_tensor_tuple: tuple containing the op to reduce, and a list of input tensors to the op """ name = "reduced_" + op_tensor_tuple[0].dotted_name pad_op = op_tensor_tuple[0].get_module() # Get padding tensor dimensions # Padding dimension information is captured in an input tensor to the pad op, index 1 of pad op inputs # Dimensions of this tensor are always (N, 2), where N is the dimensionality of the input tensor coming into pad. # The value of padding[N][0] gives the amount to pad in dimension N prior to the contents of the input to pad, while # padding[N][1] gives the amount to pad in dimension N after the contents of the input. # Currently we do not support reducing a pad op that modifies the channel dimension, which is the last dimension, # indexed by -1 below. So check to make sure that indices [-1][0] and [-1][1] remain 0 (no padding). padding_tensor_eval =[1]) if padding_tensor_eval[-1][0] != 0 or padding_tensor_eval[-1][1] != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Attempting to reduce pad operation that modifies channel size, not supported.") new_padding_tensor = tf.constant(padding_tensor_eval) # No need to actually modify padding tensor # Get constant value for padding # If pad op takes a non default constant value (default = 0), it appears as a third input tensor to pad op, index 2 const_val = 0 if len(pad_op.inputs) > 2: const_val =[2]) # Get mode # Mode can be 'CONSTANT', 'SYMMETRIC', or 'REFLECT'. 'CONSTANT' is default, and will not appear as a mode attribute # if it is the case. try: mode = pad_op.get_attr('mode') mode = mode.decode('utf-8') except ValueError: mode = 'CONSTANT' new_tensor = tf.pad(op_tensor_tuple[1][0], new_padding_tensor, constant_values=const_val, mode=mode, name=name) module = sess.graph.get_operation_by_name(name) return name, new_tensor.op, module
def get_tensor_as_numpy_data(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, op: tf.Operation) -> np.array: """ return weight kernel in the op as numpy data :param sess: TensorFlow session :param op: tf operation to extract weight tensor from. :return : weight tensor as numpy array type, if found in the given op """ wt_tensor = WeightTensorUtils.get_wt_as_read_var_tensor(op) numpy_data = return numpy_data
def _create_bias_add_op_and_insert(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, conv_op: tf.Operation, new_bias_var: tf.Variable, bias_name="bias_value") -> None: """ creates and adds a bias_add op to conv op :param sess: active tf.compat.v1.Session :param conv_op: Convolution op :param new_bias_var: bias variable :param bias_name: an optional string for bias name :return: None """ assert conv_op.type in ['Conv2D', 'DepthwiseConv2dNative', 'MatMul'] with sess.graph.as_default(): if conv_op.outputs: bias_index_in_op = BiasUtils.get_bias_index_in_given_op( conv_op) conv_op_out_tensor = conv_op.outputs[bias_index_in_op][new_bias_var])) BiasUtils.insert_bias_add_op(sess, conv_op_out_tensor, new_bias_var, bias_name)
def get_bias_as_numpy_data(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, op: tf.Operation) -> tf.Variable: """ return bias in the op as a tf variable type :param sess: TensorFlow session :param op: tf operation to extract weight tensor from. :return : weight tensor as tf variable type, if found in the given op """ # bias tensor feeds into bias-add op through ReadVariableOp type # bias add inputs[1] is the bias tensor we want to read bias_tensor = BiasUtils.get_bias_tensor(op) assert bias_tensor is not None numpy_data = return numpy_data
def gradcam(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, input_frame, action_idx): input_img = cv2.resize(input_frame, (160, 120)) input_img = np.expand_dims(input_img, axis=2) input_layer = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name( 'main_level/agent/main/online/network_0/observation/observation:0') output_layer = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name( 'main_level/agent/main/online/network_1/ppo_head_0/policy:0') convolutional_output = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name( 'main_level/agent/main/online/network_1/observation/Conv2d_4/Conv2D:0') feed_dict = {input_layer: [input_img]} # Get output for this action y_c = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply( output_layer, tf.one_hot([action_idx], output_layer.shape[-1])), axis=1) # Compute gradients based on last cnn layer target_grads = tf.gradients(y_c, convolutional_output)[0] out, grads_value =[convolutional_output, target_grads], feed_dict=feed_dict) out, grads_value = out[0, :], grads_value[0, :, :, :] weights = np.mean(grads_value, axis=(0, 1)) cam =, weights) # ReLU (only positive values are of interest) cam = np.maximum(0, cam) # Postprocess # Scale maximum value to 1.0 cam = cam / np.max(cam) # Scale back to input frame dimensions. input_h, input_w = input_frame.shape[:2] cam = cv2.resize(cam, (input_w, input_h)) return cam
def get_beta_as_numpy_data(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, bn_op: tf.Operation) -> np.ndarray: """ Get beta param from BN op specified. :param sess: tensorflow session :param bn_op: bn_op as tf.Operation :return: beta tensor as numpy data """ try: # try name based tensor look up for Keras layers beta_tensor = BNUtils._get_bn_param_tensor_using_name( sess, bn_op, constants.BNOpParamType.beta) except KeyError: # if we can't find the tensor name, use structure match # to figure out the read tensor for param beta_tensor = BNUtils.get_beta_read_var_op_tensor(bn_op) with sess.graph.as_default(): numpy_data = return numpy_data
def get_gamma_as_numpy_data(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, bn_op: tf.Operation) -> np.ndarray: """ Get gamma param from BN op specified. :param sess: tensorflow session :param bn_op: bn_op obtained from connected graph using get_modules (is mul_1 op inside BN scope) :return: gamma as numpy data """ try: # try name based tensor look up for Keras layers gamma_tensor = BNUtils._get_bn_param_tensor_using_name( sess, bn_op, constants.BNOpParamType.gamma) except KeyError: # if we can't find the tensor name, use structure match # to figure out the read tensor for param gamma_tensor = BNUtils.get_gamma_read_var_op_tensor(bn_op) with sess.graph.as_default(): numpy_data = return numpy_data
def predict(self, image, specific=True, sess: tf.compat.v1.Session = None): if sess is None: sess = get_session() if isinstance(image, str): origin_image = read_img(image) else: origin_image = image origin_h, origin_w = origin_image.shape[:-1] # resize image and return the image with model input size and offset and scale infomation input_image, offset_xy, scale_xy = _image_preprocess( origin_image, input_shape=self.input_shape) input_image = np.expand_dims(input_image, 0) # box [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]...] # box scores [s1, s2, s3...] 0 <= s_i <= 1 # labels etc [c1, c2, c3 ...] 0 <= c_i <= C # score etc [t1, t2, t3 ...] 0 <= t_i <= 1 b, bc, l, ls = [self._box, self._box_confidence, self._labels, self._scores], feed_dict={self.input_image: input_image}) b[:, [0, 2]] = b[:, [0, 2]] - offset_xy[0] b[:, [1, 3]] = b[:, [1, 3]] - offset_xy[1] b[:, [0, 2]] = b[:, [0, 2]] / scale_xy[0] b[:, [1, 3]] = b[:, [1, 3]] / scale_xy[1] b[:, [0, 2]] = np.clip(b[:, [0, 2]], 0, origin_w - 1) b[:, [1, 3]] = np.clip(b[:, [1, 3]], 0, origin_h - 1) # nms _box, _box_confidence, _label, _score = _bbox_proprocess_soft( b, bc, l, ls, image=origin_image) if specific: return _box, _box_confidence, _label, _score else: return _box, _label, _score