def contains_only_server_placed_data(
    type_signature: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
  """Determines if `type_signature` contains only server-placed data.

  Determines if `type_signature` contains only:
  * `tff.StructType`s
  * `tff.SequenceType`s
  * server-placed `tff.FederatedType`s
  * `tff.TensorType`s

      type_signature: The `tff.Type` to test.

    `True` if `type_signature` contains only server-placed data, otherwise
  py_typecheck.check_type(type_signature, computation_types.Type)

  def predicate(type_spec: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
    return (type_spec.is_struct() or
            (type_spec.is_federated() and
             type_spec.placement is placements.SERVER) or
            type_spec.is_sequence() or type_spec.is_tensor())

  return type_analysis.contains_only(type_signature, predicate)
 async def _zip_struct_into_child(self, child, child_index, value,
     """Embeds `value` elements at `child_index` into `child`."""
     if value_type.is_federated():
         py_typecheck.check_type(value, list)
         return value[child_index]
     # Note that structs whose members are all federated values may appear
     # embedded iff the struct *has no non-struct members*, e.g.:
     # <>; <<>>; <<>, <>>
     if isinstance(value, executor_value_base.ExecutorValue):
         if not type_analysis.contains_only(
                 value_type, lambda element_type: element_type.is_struct()):
             raise ValueError(
                 f'Expected zippable value of type `structure.Struct`, but found '
                 f'value of type {value} (TFF type {value_type})')
         return value
     py_typecheck.check_type(value, structure.Struct)
     new_elements = await asyncio.gather(*[
         self._zip_struct_into_child(child, child_index, element,
         for element, element_type in zip(value, value_type)
     named_elements = structure.Struct(
         list(zip(structure.name_list_with_nones(value), new_elements)))
     return await child.create_struct(named_elements)
def is_stateful_process(process: measured_process.MeasuredProcess) -> bool:
    """Determine if a `MeasuredProcess` has a non-empty state."""
    def federated_empty_struct(type_spec: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
        return type_spec.is_struct() or type_spec.is_federated()

    # Check if any child type is not an empty struct.
    return not type_analysis.contains_only(
        process.initialize.type_signature.result, federated_empty_struct)
def _build_reservoir_type(
        sample_value_type: computation_types.Type) -> computation_types.Type:
    """Create the TFF type for the reservoir's state.

  `UnweightedReservoirSamplingFactory` will use this type as the "state" type in
  a `tff.federated_aggregate` (an input to `accumulate`, `merge` and `report`).

    sample_value_type: The `tff.Type` of the values that will be aggregated from

    A `collection.OrderedDict` with three keys:
      random_seed: A 2-tuple of `tf.int64` scalars. This keeps track of the
        `seed` parameter for `tf.random.stateless_uniform` calls for
        sampling during aggregation.
      random_values: A 1-d tensor of `int32` values randomly generated from
        `tf.random.stateless_uniform`. The size of the tensor will be the
        same as the first dimenion of each leaf in `samples` (these can be
        thought of as parallel lists). These values are used to determine
        whether a sample stays in the reservoir, or is evicted, as the values
        are aggregated. If the i-th value of this list is evicted, then the
        i-th (in the first dimension) tensor in each of the `samples` structure
        leaves must be evicted.
      samples: A tensor or structure of tensors representing the actual sampled
        values. If a structure, the shape of the structure matches that of
        `sample_value_type`. All tensors have one additional dimenion prepended
        which has an unknown size. This will be used to concatenate samples and
        store them in the reservoir.

    # TODO(b/181365504): relax this to allow `StructType` once a `Struct` can be
    # returned from `tf.function` decorated methods.
    def is_tesnor_or_struct_with_py_type(t: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
        return t.is_tensor() or t.is_struct_with_python()

    if not type_analysis.contains_only(sample_value_type,
        raise TypeError(
            'Cannot create a reservoir for type structure. Sample type '
            'must only contain `TensorType` or `StructWithPythonType`, '
            f'got a {sample_value_type!r}.')

    def add_unknown_dimension(t):
        if t.is_tensor():
            return (computation_types.TensorType(dtype=t.dtype,
                                                 shape=[None] + t.shape), True)
        return t, False

    # TODO(b/181155367): creating a value from a type for the `zero` is a common
    # pattern for users of `tff.federated_aggregate` that could be made easier
    # for TFF users. Replace this once such helper exists.
    return computation_types.to_type(
            random_seed=computation_types.TensorType(tf.int64, shape=[2]),
            random_values=computation_types.TensorType(tf.int32, shape=[None]),
                sample_value_type, add_unknown_dimension)[0]))
def make_dummy_element_for_type_spec(type_spec, none_dim_replacement=0):
    """Creates ndarray of zeros corresponding to `type_spec`.

  Returns a list containing this ndarray, whose type is *compatible* with, not
  necessarily equal to, `type_spec`. This is due to the fact that some
  dimensions of `type_spec` may be indeterminate, representing compatibility
  of `type_spec` with any number (e.g. leaving a batch dimension indeterminate
  to signify compatibility with batches of any size). However a concrete
  structure (like the ndarray) must have specified sizes for its dimensions.
  So we construct a dummy element where any `None` dimensions of the shape
  of `type_spec` are replaced with the value `none_dim_replacement`.The
  default value of 0 therefore returns a dummy element of minimal size which
  matches `type_spec`.

    type_spec: Instance of `computation_types.Type`, or something convertible to
      one by `computation_types.to_type`.
    none_dim_replacement: `int` with which to replace any unspecified tensor

    Returns possibly nested `numpy ndarray`s containing all zeros: a single
    `ndarray` if `type_spec` is a `computation_types.TensorType` and a list
    of such arrays if  `type_spec` is `computation_types.StructType`.
    This data structure is of the minimal size necessary in order to be
    compatible with `type_spec`.
    type_spec = computation_types.to_type(type_spec)
    if not type_analysis.contains_only(
            type_spec, lambda t: t.is_struct() or t.is_tensor()):
        raise ValueError(
            'Cannot construct array for TFF type containing anything '
            'other than `computation_types.TensorType` or '
            '`computation_types.StructType`; you have passed the '
            'type {}'.format(type_spec))
    py_typecheck.check_type(none_dim_replacement, int)
    if none_dim_replacement < 0:
        raise ValueError('Please pass nonnegative integer argument as '

    def _handle_none_dimension(x):
        if x is None or (isinstance(x, tf.compat.v1.Dimension)
                         and x.value is None):
            return none_dim_replacement
        return x

    if type_spec.is_tensor():
        dummy_shape = [_handle_none_dimension(x) for x in type_spec.shape]
        if type_spec.dtype == tf.string:
            return np.empty(dummy_shape, dtype=str)
        return np.zeros(dummy_shape, type_spec.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
    elif type_spec.is_struct():
        elements = structure.to_elements(type_spec)
        elem_list = []
        for _, elem_type in elements:
        return elem_list
def _is_tensor_or_structure_of_tensors(
        value_type: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
    """Return True if `value_type` is a TensorType or structure of TensorTypes."""

    # TODO(b/181365504): relax this to allow `StructType` once a `Struct` can be
    # returned from `tf.function` decorated methods.
    def is_tensor_or_struct_with_py_type(t: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
        return t.is_tensor() or t.is_struct_with_python()

    return type_analysis.contains_only(value_type,
async def _invoke_mergeable_comp_form(
    comp: MergeableCompForm, arg: Optional[MergeableCompExecutionContextValue],
    execution_contexts: Sequence[
    """Invokes `comp` on `arg`, repackaging the results to a single value."""

    if arg is not None:
        arg_list = arg.value()
        arg_list = [None for _ in range(len(execution_contexts))]

    up_to_merge_futures = asyncio.as_completed([
        _invoke_up_to_merge_and_return_context(comp, x, context)
        for x, context in zip(arg_list, execution_contexts)

    # We compute merge using the most-recently completed context.
    # TODO(b/195349085): merge in a hierarchical fashion here rather than
    # linearly.
    merge_result, merge_context = await next(up_to_merge_futures)

    for up_to_merge_result_future in up_to_merge_futures:
        to_merge, merge_context = await up_to_merge_result_future
        merge_result = await _merge_results(comp, merge_result, to_merge,

    if type_analysis.contains_only(
            lambda x: not x.is_federated() or x.all_equal):
        # In this case, all contexts must return the same result, which must
        # therefore be independent of which element in the arg_list is passed--so we
        # avoid the extra work.
        top_level_arg_slice = arg_list[0]
        return await _compute_after_merged(comp, top_level_arg_slice,
                                           merge_result, merge_context)

    after_merge_results = await asyncio.gather(*[
        _compute_after_merged(comp, x, merge_result, context)
        for x, context in zip(arg_list, execution_contexts)

    repackaged_values = _repackage_partitioned_values(
    return repackaged_values
def is_stateful(process: IterativeProcess) -> bool:
    """Determines whether a process is stateful.

  A process that has a non-empty state is called "stateful"; it follows that
  process with an empty state is called "stateless". In TensorFlow Federated
  "empty" means a type structure that contains only `tff.types.StructType`; no
  tensors or other values. These structures are "empty" in the sense no values
  need be communicated and flattening the structure would result in an empty

    process: The `IterativeProcess` to test for statefulness.

    `True` iff the process is stateful and has a state type structure that
    contains types other than `tff.types.StructType`, `False` otherwise.
    state_type = process.state_type
    if state_type.is_federated():
        state_type = state_type.member
    return not type_analysis.contains_only(state_type, lambda t: t.is_struct())
 def test_returns_false(self, type_signature, types):
     result = type_analysis.contains_only(type_signature,
                                          lambda x: isinstance(x, types))
def _only_tuple_or_tensor(x: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
    return type_analysis.contains_only(
        x, lambda t: t.is_struct() or t.is_tensor())
 def _only_tuple_or_tensor(value):
     return type_analysis.contains_only(
         value.type_signature, lambda t: t.is_struct() or t.is_tensor())
 def _is_compatible(t: computation_types.Type) -> bool:
     return type_analysis.contains_only(
         lambda t: t.is_struct() or t.is_tensor() or t.is_federated())