def get_bottleneck_tensor(input_jpeg_str): # type: tf.Tensor -> tf.Tensor """Calculates the bottleneck tensor for input JPEG string tensor. This function will resize/encode the image as required by Inception V3 model. Then it will run it through the InceptionV3 checkpoint to calculate bottleneck values. Args: input_jpeg_str: Tensor for input JPEG image. Returns: bottleneck_tensor: Tensor for output bottleneck Tensor. """ module_spec = tensorflow_hub.load_module_spec(_FEATURE_VECTORS_MODULE_URL) input_height, input_width = tensorflow_hub.get_expected_image_size( module_spec) input_depth = tensorflow_hub.get_num_image_channels(module_spec) decoded_image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(input_jpeg_str, channels=input_depth) decoded_image_as_float = tf.image.convert_image_dtype( decoded_image, tf.float32) decoded_image_4d = tf.expand_dims(decoded_image_as_float, 0) resize_shape = tf.stack([input_height, input_width]) resize_shape_as_int = tf.cast(resize_shape, dtype=tf.int32) resized_image_4d = tf.image.resize_bilinear(decoded_image_4d, resize_shape_as_int) m = tensorflow_hub.Module(module_spec) bottleneck_tensor = m(resized_image_4d) return bottleneck_tensor
def extract_inception_bottleneck_features(images_train, images_test): # Combine train & test set to single set of images images = images_train + images_test print('Extracting inception bottleneck features...') module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(TFHUB_INCEPTION_V3_MODULE_SPEC_URL) module = hub.Module(module_spec) (image_height, image_width) = hub.get_expected_image_size(module) images = [tf.image.convert_image_dtype(x, tf.float32) for x in images] images = [ tf.image.resize_images(x, (image_height, image_width)) for x in images ] sess = tf.Session() m = hub.Module(module_spec) X = [] batches = [ images[i:i + BATCH_SIZE] for i in range(0, len(images), BATCH_SIZE) ] for batch in batches: bottleneck_tensors = m(batch) x_batch = X.extend(x_batch) # Recover train & test set X_train = X[:len(images_train)] X_test = X[len(images_train):] return (X_train, X_test)
def tfhub_encoder(x, dropout_pr=1.0): """Applies TFHub encoder to batch of images. Args: x: Images on [0, 255] sized (batch_size, scale_size, scale_size, 3). Returns: enc_x: Encodings sized (batch_size, encoding_size). """ x = x / 255. #module_spec_str = ('' # 'feature_vector/1') # This module takes (224, 224) and encodes to (1280). module_spec_str = ( '' 'feature_vector/2') module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(module_spec_str) height, width = hub.get_expected_image_size(module_spec) assert x.shape[1] == height, 'height is {}. Must be {}'.format( x.shape[1], height) assert x.shape[2] == width, 'width is {}. Must be {}'.format( x.shape[2], width) module = hub.Module(module_spec) embedding_tensor = module(x) batch_size, embedding_tensor_size = embedding_tensor.get_shape().as_list() #assert batch_size is None, 'We want to work with arbitrary batch size.' return embedding_tensor
def run(constant_overwrites): config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hyperparams.yml') constants = merge_dict(load_hyperparams(config_path), constant_overwrites) data_generator = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1/255, rotation_range=90, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2, horizontal_flip=True) print('Load', constants['module_spec']) module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(constants['module_spec']) image_size, _ = hub.get_expected_image_size(module_spec) # n_channels = hub.get_num_image_channels(module_spec) # project_dir = 'tmp/semihard_full_' + 'time:' + str(int(time()))[-3:] +\ # '/top:lambda:' + str(constants['lambda_reg']) +\ # 'margin:' + str(constants['tl_margin']) project_dir = '/Users/d777710/src/DeepLearning/vision' print('Project dir:', project_dir) _, _, bottleneck_config = get_bottleneck_config(os.path.join(project_dir, constants['bottleneck_dir']), os.path.join(project_dir, constants['splits_dir'])) bottleneck_flow_gen = ImageFlowGenerator(bottleneck_config, mode='bottleneck') constants.update({ 'train_dir': os.path.join(project_dir, constants['train_subdir']), 'top_model_dir': os.path.join(project_dir, constants['top_model_subdir']), 'val_dir': os.path.join(project_dir, constants['val_subdir']), 'top_model_val_dir': os.path.join(project_dir, constants['top_model_val_subdir']), 'data_flow_gen': bottleneck_flow_gen, 'eval_every_n_steps': 5, 'generator': data_generator, 'image_size': image_size }) model = SemiHardModel(constants, train_top_only=True) run_training(model, constants)
def __init__(self, module_spec): self._module = None self._module_spec = tfhub.load_module_spec(module_spec) self._module_spec_path = module_spec self._sess = None self._graph = tf.Graph() self._inputs = None self._outputs = None
def build(self, input_shape): self.embedder = tfhub.Module(self.module_uri, trainable=self.trainable) self.embedder_spec = tfhub.load_module_spec(self.module_uri) variables_ = [v for v in tensorflow.trainable_variables() if v in self.embedder.variables] self.trainable_weights.extend(variables_) self.weights.extend(variables_) self.trainable_variables.extend(variables_) super(TFHubTextLayer, self).build(input_shape)
def get_text_module_input_name(): """Get the tag used for inputs to the text module. Returns: a string, probably "default" """ module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.module_handle) return list(module_spec.get_input_info_dict())[0]
def download_image_model(mdl_url): # type: str -> (tensorflow_hub.Module, int, int, int) """Returns the Tensorflow Hub model used to process images.""" module_spec = tensorflow_hub.load_module_spec(mdl_url) input_height, input_width = tensorflow_hub.get_expected_image_size( module_spec) input_depth = tensorflow_hub.get_num_image_channels(module_spec) m = tensorflow_hub.Module(module_spec) return (m, input_height, input_width, input_depth)
def eval_from_hub(model_dir, input_fn, eval_steps): """Eval using hub module.""" hub_module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(model_dir) run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(model_dir=model_dir) image_classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator( model_fn=_make_model_fn(hub_module_spec), config=run_config, params={}) eval_results = image_classifier.evaluate(input_fn=input_fn, steps=eval_steps)'Evaluation results: %s' % eval_results)
def run(dataset_folder, network='inception_v3', batch_size=16): assert network in modules, 'Invalid network, pick one of %s' % list(modules.keys()) assert dataset_folder is not None with tf.Graph().as_default(): dataset = basename(dirname(dataset_folder)) filenames_output = os.path.join(dataset_folder, dataset + '_' + network + '_filenames.csv') labels_output = os.path.join(dataset_folder, dataset + '_' + network + '_labels.csv') features_output = os.path.join(dataset_folder, dataset + '_' + network + '_features.csv') module_url = modules[network] types = ('/*/*.jpg', '/*/*.png') filenames = [] for files in types: filenames.extend(glob.glob(dataset_folder + files)) pbar = tqdm(total=len(filenames)) labels = [basename(dirname(f)) for f in filenames] filenames = tf.constant(filenames) labels = tf.constant(labels) module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(module_url) output_size = module_spec.get_output_info_dict()['default'].get_shape()[1] height, width = hub.get_expected_image_size(module_spec) images, labels, files = input_fn(filenames, labels, [height, width], batch_size) features = np.empty((0, output_size), float) classes = np.empty(0, int) filenames = np.empty(0, str) network = hub.Module(module_spec) network = network(images), labels, files with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: while True: try: x, y, f = f = [basename(k) for k in f] filenames = np.append(filenames, f) classes = np.append(classes, y) features = np.append(features, x, axis=0) pbar.update(len(y)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break pbar.close() # pca = PCA(n_components=100, random_state=1) # features = pca.fit_transform(features) np.savetxt(filenames_output, filenames.astype(str), fmt='%s', delimiter=',') np.savetxt(labels_output, classes.astype(str), fmt='%s', delimiter=',') np.savetxt(features_output, features, delimiter=',')
def main(_): # Needed to make sure the logging output is visible. # See tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) if not FLAGS.image_dir: tf.logging.error('Must set flag --image_dir.') return -1 # Prepare necessary directories that can be used during training #prepare_file_system() # Look at the folder structure, and create lists of all the images. image_lists = create_image_lists(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.testing_percentage, FLAGS.validation_percentage) class_count = len(image_lists.keys()) if class_count == 0: tf.logging.error('No valid folders of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir) return -1 if class_count == 1: tf.logging.error('Only one valid folder of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir + ' - multiple classes are needed for classification.') return -1 # Set up the pre-trained graph. module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_image_tensor, wants_quantization = ( create_module_graph(module_spec)) # Add the new layer that we'll be training. with graph.as_default(): (train_step, cross_entropy, bottleneck_input, ground_truth_input, final_tensor) = add_final_retrain_ops(class_count, FLAGS.final_tensor_name, bottleneck_tensor, wants_quantization, is_training=True) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: # Initialize all weights: for the module to their pretrained values, # and for the newly added retraining layer to random initial values. init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Set up the image decoding sub-graph. jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding(module_spec) # We'll make sure we've calculated the 'bottleneck' image summaries and # cached them on disk. cache_bottlenecks(sess, image_lists, FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module)
def main(_): graph = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: tf.saved_model.loader.load(sess, [tag_constants.SERVING], FLAGS.saved_model_dir) # resized_input_tensor image = graph.get_tensor_by_name('Placeholder:0') prediction = graph.get_tensor_by_name('final_result:0') module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding(module_spec) image_lists = create_image_lists(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.subsets, FLAGS.testing_percentage, FLAGS.validation_percentage) hits = 0 total = 0 confusion_matirx = dict() for image_class in image_lists: confusion_matirx[image_class] = collections.defaultdict(int) for image_set in FLAGS.set: for image_filename in image_lists[image_class][image_set]: image_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.image_dir, image_filename) if not tf.gfile.Exists(image_path): tf.logging.fatal('File does not exist %s', image_path) image_data = tf.gfile.GFile(image_path, 'rb').read() resized_image =, {jpeg_data_tensor: image_data}) result =, {image: resized_image}) predicted_class = get_lab(result[0], list(image_lists.keys())) confusion_matirx[image_class][predicted_class] += 1 if image_class == predicted_class: hits = hits + 1 total = total + 1 print("Set: {}".format(" ".join(FLAGS.set))) print("Confusion Matrix") print("{:>15}".format(""), end="") for image_class in image_lists: print("{:>15}".format(image_class), end="") print() for image_class in image_lists: print("{:>15}".format(image_class), end="") for predicted_class in image_lists: print("{:>15}".format( confusion_matirx[image_class][predicted_class]), end="") print() accuracy = hits / total * 100 print("Total Accuracy: {}% (N={})".format(accuracy, total))
def __init__(self, tf_hub_module_spec=None, tf_hub_module_path=None,): """Creates an instance to extract image features from a pre-trained model. The model to use may be specified as a TF-hub module (either by ModuleSpec or path) or as an Inception V4 model checkpoint. If a TF-hub module is given, it is assumed to conform to the interface described in [1]. Its default signature should take an input 'images' Tensor with shape [batch_size, height, width, num_channels=3] and return a [batch_size, feature_dim] Tensor of features. Pass `tf_hub_module_spec=make_module_spec_for_testing()` to stub out the model for tests. [1] Args: tf_hub_module_spec: `hub.ModuleSpec` or None, the TF-hub module to load. tf_hub_module_path: str or None, the location of the TF-hub module to load in a format understood by `load_module_spec()` (URL, '@internal/module/name', '/on/disk/path', etc.) Raises: ValueError: if not exactly one kwarg specifying the model is given. """ self.spec_str = None # String describing the model/module being used. # Input and output tensors for the image to representation computation. # The output tensor will depend on the model options. self._input = None self._output = None self._session = None num_kwargs = sum( int(kwarg is not None) for kwarg in [tf_hub_module_spec, tf_hub_module_path]) if num_kwargs != 1: raise ValueError( 'Must provide exactly one of "tf_hub_module_spec", ' '"tf_hub_module_path".') if tf_hub_module_spec: self.spec_str = 'user_provided_module' self._initialize_from_hub_module(tf_hub_module_spec) elif tf_hub_module_path: self.spec_str = tf_hub_module_path self._initialize_from_hub_module(hub.load_module_spec(tf_hub_module_path))
def get_bottleneck_list(image_dir, label_name): # Look at the folder structure, and create lists of all the images. image_lists = create_image_lists( '/usa/psu/Documents/CISC849/project/example/flower_photos', 10, 10) class_count = len(image_lists.keys()) if class_count == 0: tf.logging.error('No valid folders of images found at ' + image_dir) return -1 if class_count == 1: tf.logging.error('Only one valid folder of images found at ' + image_dir + ' - multiple classes are needed for classification.') return -1 # Set up the pre-trained graph. module_spec = hub.load_module_spec( '') graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_image_tensor, wants_quantization = ( create_module_graph(module_spec)) # Add the new layer that we'll be training. with graph.as_default(): with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: # Initialize all weights: for the module to their pretrained values, # and for the newly added retraining layer to random initial values. init = tf.global_variables_initializer() bottleneck_list = [] label_list = [] # Set up the image decoding sub-graph. jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding( module_spec) for subf_i in os.listdir(image_dir): empty_lable = [0] * len(label_name) index_label = label_name.index(subf_i) empty_lable[index_label] = 1 for file_i in os.listdir(image_dir + subf_i): bottleneck_value = get_bottleneck_values( sess, image_lists, image_dir + subf_i + '/' + file_i, '', jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, '' ) bottleneck_list.append(bottleneck_value) label_list.append(empty_lable) return bottleneck_list, label_list
def train_neural_network(): ModuleSpec = hub.load_module_spec( "" ) graph, bottleneck_tensor, input_tensor = creat_graph(ModuleSpec) with graph.as_default(): _, bottleneck_tensor_size = bottleneck_tensor.get_shape().as_list() X = tf.placeholder_with_default(bottleneck_tensor, shape=[None, bottleneck_tensor_size], name='newlayerinputplacholder') output, cost, optimizer, y = last_layer(X) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() bottleneck_value, labels, batch_step = run_and_save_bottleneck( sess, bottleneck_tensor, input_tensor) saver = tf.train.Saver() for epoch in range(hm_epochs): epoch_loss = 0 for batch in range(batch_step): epoch_x = bottleneck_value[batch * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size] epoch_y = labels[batch * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size] _, c =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict={ X: epoch_x, y: epoch_y }) epoch_loss += c print('Epoch', epoch, 'completed out of', hm_epochs, 'loss:', epoch_loss) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("output", sess.graph) writer.close() # please customize the directory for your project sess, '/home/ali/PycharmProjects/tensorHub/save/my_test_model') # correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(y,1)) # accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float')) # print('Accyracy:', accuracy.eval({x:mnist.test.images, y:mnist.test.labels})) return graph, input_tensor, init
def _build_train_graph(self, n_classes): self._train_graph = tf.Graph() with self._train_graph.as_default(): # Load module spec/blueprint: tfhub_module_spec = hub.load_module_spec('') height, width = hub.get_expected_image_size(tfhub_module_spec) # Create a placeholder tensor for image input to the model (when bottleneck has not been pre-computed). resized_input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, height, width, 3], name='resized_input') # m_reg = hub.Module(tfhub_module_spec, trainable=True, tags={'train'}) m_reg = hub.Module(tfhub_module_spec, trainable=False, tags={'train'}) # m = hub.Module(tfhub_module_spec) # Create a placeholder tensor to catch the output of the pre-activation layer: # bottleneck_tensor = m(resized_input_tensor) # bottleneck_tensor_reg = m_reg(resized_input_tensor) bottleneck_tensor_reg = m_reg() batch_size, bottleneck_tensor_size = bottleneck_tensor_reg.get_shape().as_list() self.bottleneck_input = tf.placeholder_with_default( bottleneck_tensor_reg, shape=[batch_size, bottleneck_tensor_size], name='BottleneckInputPlaceholder' ) self.ground_truth_input = tf.placeholder( tf.int64, [batch_size], name='GroundTruthInput' ) with tf.name_scope('weights'): initial_value = tf.variance_scaling_initializer()(shape=[bottleneck_tensor_size, n_classes]) layer_weights = tf.Variable(initial_value=initial_value, name='final_weights') with tf.name_scope('biases'): layer_biases = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.zeros([n_classes]), name='final_biases') with tf.name_scope('Wx_plus_b'): logits = tf.matmul(self.bottleneck_input, layer_weights) + layer_biases Y_proba = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='Y_proba') xentropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.ground_truth_input, logits=logits) self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy, name='xentropy_loss') optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate) self.training_op = optimizer.minimize(self.loss) correct = tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, self.ground_truth_input, 1) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, tf.float32), name='accuracy') # Declare initializer: self._init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # extra ops for batch normalization self.extra_update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
def load_graphs(subsets_list, main_dir, saved_model_dir, tfhub_module, output_labels): graphs = { 'graph': [], 'sess': [], 'image': [], 'prediction': [], 'jpeg_data_tensor': [], 'decoded_image_tensor': [], 'labels': [], 'is_last_step': [] } for subsets in subsets_list: subset_name = subsets.replace(":", "_").replace(",", "-") model_full_path = os.path.join(main_dir, "retrain_subset_{}".format(subset_name), saved_model_dir) labels_full_path = os.path.join( main_dir, "retrain_subset_{}".format(subset_name), output_labels) with open(labels_full_path) as f: labels = f.readlines() labels = [l.strip() for l in labels] print("Loading model: {}".format(model_full_path)) with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: with tf.Session(graph=graph).as_default() as sess: tf.saved_model.loader.load(sess, [tag_constants.SERVING], model_full_path) # resized_input_tensor image = graph.get_tensor_by_name('Placeholder:0') prediction = graph.get_tensor_by_name('final_result:0') module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(tfhub_module) jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding( module_spec) graphs['graph'].append(graph) graphs['sess'].append(sess) graphs['image'].append(image) graphs['prediction'].append(prediction) graphs['jpeg_data_tensor'].append(jpeg_data_tensor) graphs['decoded_image_tensor'].append(decoded_image_tensor) graphs['labels'].append(labels) graphs['is_last_step'].append(False) graphs['is_last_step'][-1] = True return graphs
def save_file_to_disk(graph, file, hub_module, num_classes, final_tensor_name, learning_rate, CHECKPOINT_DIR): """Saves intermediate model files to disk Args: graph: tensorflow graph file: name of file to be saved module: Tensorflow hub module num_classes: number of classes in our dataset """ module = hub.load_module_spec(hub_module) sess, _, _, _, _ = compute_test_graph(hub_module, num_classes, final_tensor_name, learning_rate, CHECKPOINT_DIR) graph = tf.graph.util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, sess.graph.as_graph_def(), [final_tensor_name]) with tf.gfile.FastGFile(file, 'wb') as f: f.write(graph.SerializeToString())
def build_graph(hub_module): """Build a graph from tensorflow hub module Args: hub_module: Tensorflow Hub module Returns: graph extracted from hub module pre final tensor(bottleneck) input tensor (expected image size by graph) """ module = hub.load_module_spec(hub_module) h, w = hub.get_expected_image_size(module) with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, h, w, 3)) mod = hub.Module(module) pre_final_tensor = mod(input_tensor) return graph, pre_final_tensor, input_tensor
def main(_): #需要確保日誌輸出可見。 tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) if not FLAGS.image_dir: tf.logging.error('Must set flag --image_dir.') return -1 #準備可在培訓期間使用的必要目錄 prepare_file_system() #查看文件夾結構,並創建所有圖像的列表。 image_lists = create_image_lists(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.testing_percentage, FLAGS.validation_percentage) class_count = len(image_lists.keys()) if class_count == 0: tf.logging.error('No valid folders of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir) return -1 if class_count == 1: tf.logging.error('Only one valid folder of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir + ' - multiple classes are needed for classification.') return -1 #看看命令行標誌是否意味著我們正在應用任何扭曲。 do_distort_images = should_distort_images( FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness) #設置預先訓練的圖形。 module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_image_tensor, wants_quantization = ( create_module_graph(module_spec)) #添加我們將要訓練的新圖層。 with graph.as_default(): (train_step, cross_entropy, bottleneck_input, ground_truth_input, final_tensor) = add_final_retrain_ops( class_count, FLAGS.final_tensor_name, bottleneck_tensor, wants_quantization, is_training=True) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
def extract_jpg_feature(image_path): tfhub_module = '' module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(tfhub_module) graph, bottleneck_tensor, jpeg_tensor = create_module_graph(module_spec) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() image_data = tf.gfile.GFile(image_path, 'rb').read() try: bottleneck_values =, {jpeg_tensor: image_data}) bottleneck_values = np.squeeze(bottleneck_values) #np.savetxt(feature_path, bottleneck_values) return bottleneck_values.reshape(1, utils.static_dimension) except Exception as e: log_util.logger.error("extract feature of jpg[%s] fail: %s", image_path, str(e)) return None
def decode_and_resize(hub_module): """Performs image processing steps(decoding and reshaping) Args: hub_module: Tensorflow Hub module Returns: placeholder for image data reshaped tensor as expected by graph """ module = hub.load_module_spec(hub_module) h, w = hub.get_expected_image_size(module) reshape_specs = tf.stack((h, w)) num_channels = hub.get_num_image_channels(module) data_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string, name='data_placeholder') decode = tf.image.decode_jpeg(data_placeholder, channels=num_channels) decode = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(decode, tf.float32) decode = tf.expand_dims(decode, 0) reshape = tf.cast(reshape_specs, dtype=tf.int32) reshaped_image = tf.image.resize_bilinear(decode, reshape) return data_placeholder, reshaped_image
def main(_): if not FLAGS.vid_dir: tf.logging.error('Must set flag --vid_dir.') return -1 included_extensions = ['avi', 'mp4', 'mkv', 'mpeg'] file_list = [ fn for fn in os.listdir(FLAGS.vid_dir) if any( fn.endswith(ext) for ext in included_extensions) ] module = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) height, width = hub.get_expected_image_size(module) resized_input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, width, width, 3]) m = hub.Module(module) feature_tensor = m(resized_input_tensor) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session() for file_name in file_list: print('Processing file: ' + file_name) vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.vid_dir + '/' + file_name) success, image = count = 0 frames = [] while success: frames.append(image) success, image = count += 1 print('Number of frames: ', count) img = [ cv2.cvtColor( cv2.resize(frames[i], dsize=(height, width), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) / 255 for i in range(len(frames)) ] feature_vector =, feed_dict={resized_input_tensor: img}) txt_name = FLAGS.vid_dir + '/' + os.path.splitext( file_name)[0] + '.csv' np.savetxt(txt_name, feature_vector)
def testAssets(self): export_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "assets-module") vocabulary_file = self.create_vocab_file("tokens.txt", ["emerson", "lake", "palmer"]) with tf.Graph().as_default(): assets_module_fn = create_assets_module_fn(vocabulary_file) spec = hub.create_module_spec(assets_module_fn) embedding_module = hub.Module(spec) output = embedding_module(tf.constant([1, 2], dtype=tf.int64)) with tf.Session() as sess: self.assertAllEqual(list(, [b"lake", b"palmer"]) embedding_module.export(export_path, sess) asset_file = os.path.join(*[export_path, "assets", "tokens.txt"]) # Check that asset file got written to the expected place: self.assertTrue(tf.gfile.Exists(asset_file)) # Assets should be hermetic, so we can delete the original vocab file: tf.gfile.Remove(vocabulary_file) with tf.Graph().as_default(): spec = hub.load_module_spec(export_path) embedding_module = hub.Module(spec) output = embedding_module(tf.constant([1, 2], dtype=tf.int64)) with tf.Session() as sess: # Check functionality: self.assertAllEqual(list(, [b"lake", b"palmer"]) # Check that the ASSET_FILEPATHS collection was restored properly: asset_filepaths = [ for tensor in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.ASSET_FILEPATHS) ] # ASSET_FILEPATHS are added for the state graph and for the apply graph: self.assertAllEqual(asset_filepaths, [tf.compat.as_bytes(asset_file)] * 2)
def compute_final_op(sess, batch_size, features_dir, data_dir, hub_module, num_classes, files, data_placeholder, reshaped_image, pre_final_tensor, input_tensor, final_tensor_name, learning_rate, CHECKPOINT_DIR): """Computes final performance using test set Args: sess: Current tensorflow session batch_size: batch size features_dir: hub_module: Tensorflow hub module num_classes: number of classes in our dataset files: Training file names data_placeholder: Placeholder for image data reshaped_image: Reshaped tensor as expected by graph pre_final_tensor: pre_final (bottleneck) tensor input_tensor: input tensor (expected image size by graph) final_tensor_name: learning_rate: CHECKPOINT_DIR: """ module = hub.load_module_spec(hub_module) features, labels, filenames = sample_random_features( sess, num_classes, files, batch_size, 'test', features_dir, data_dir, data_placeholder, reshaped_image, pre_final_tensor, input_tensor, hub_module) sess, input_tensor, pre_final_input_tensor, truth_input_tensor, \ pred, step = compute_test_graph(hub_module, num_classes, final_tensor_name, learning_rate, CHECKPOINT_DIR) acc, p =[step, pred], feed_dict={ data_placeholder: features, truth_input_tensor: labels }) print('Final Test Accuracy {}'.format(acc * 100))
def __init__(self): # member variables. # the URL of the pre-trained model. self.HUB_MODULE = '' # the model spec. self.Module_Spec = hub.load_module_spec(self.HUB_MODULE) # the image size that is required by this model. self.Module_Height, self.Module_Width = hub.get_expected_image_size( self.Module_Spec) self.Modelu_Depth = hub.get_num_image_channels(self.Module_Spec) # A module is understood as instrumented for quantization with TF-Lite # if it contains any of these ops. self.FAKE_QUANT_OPS = ('FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars', 'FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel') # the size of our input images. self.ImageHeight = self.Module_Height self.ImageWidth = self.Module_Width self.ImageChannels = self.Modelu_Depth # Set up the pre-trained graph. self.graph, self.bottleneck_tensor, self.resized_input_tensor, self.wants_quantization = self.create_module_graph( self.Module_Spec)
def _build_graph(tfhub_module_url): module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(tfhub_module_url) height, width = hub.get_expected_image_size(module_spec)'Loaded TensorFlowHub module spec: %s' % tfhub_module_url) graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): # Create a placeholder tensor for image input to the model (when bottleneck has not been pre-computed). resized_input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, height, width, 3], name='resized_input') # Declare the model in accordance with the chosen architecture: m = hub.Module(module_spec) # Create a placeholder tensor to catch the output of the pre-activation layer: bottleneck_tensor = m(resized_input_tensor) msg= 'Defined computational graph from the tensorflow hub module spec.') # Image decoding sub-graph: with tf.name_scope('image_decoding'): jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = _add_jpeg_decoding( module_spec) return graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_input_tensor, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor
def main(_): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) if not FLAGS.image_dir: tf.logging.error('Must set flag --image_dir.') return -1 prepare_file_system() image_lists = create_image_lists(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.testing_percentage, FLAGS.validation_percentage) class_count = len(image_lists.keys()) if class_count == 0: tf.logging.error('No valid folders of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir) return -1 if class_count == 1: tf.logging.error('Only one valid folder of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir + ' - multiple classes are needed for classification.') return -1 do_distort_images = should_distort_images( FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness) module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_image_tensor, wants_quantization = ( create_module_graph(module_spec)) with graph.as_default(): (train_step, cross_entropy, bottleneck_input, ground_truth_input, final_tensor) = add_final_retrain_ops( class_count, FLAGS.final_tensor_name, bottleneck_tensor, wants_quantization, is_training=True) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding(module_spec) if do_distort_images: (distorted_jpeg_data_tensor, distorted_image_tensor) = add_input_distortions( FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness, module_spec) else: cache_bottlenecks(sess, image_lists, FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module) # Create the operations we need to evaluate the accuracy of our new layer. evaluation_step, _ = add_evaluation_step(final_tensor, ground_truth_input) # Merge all the summaries and write them out to the summaries_dir merged = tf.summary.merge_all() train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/train', sess.graph) validation_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/validation') train_saver = tf.train.Saver() for i in range(FLAGS.how_many_training_steps): if do_distort_images: (train_bottlenecks, train_ground_truth) = get_random_distorted_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.train_batch_size, 'training', FLAGS.image_dir, distorted_jpeg_data_tensor, distorted_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor) else: (train_bottlenecks, train_ground_truth, _) = get_random_cached_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.train_batch_size, 'training', FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, FLAGS.image_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module) train_summary, _ = [merged, train_step], feed_dict={bottleneck_input: train_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: train_ground_truth}) train_writer.add_summary(train_summary, i) is_last_step = (i + 1 == FLAGS.how_many_training_steps) if (i % FLAGS.eval_step_interval) == 0 or is_last_step: train_accuracy, cross_entropy_value = [evaluation_step, cross_entropy], feed_dict={bottleneck_input: train_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: train_ground_truth})'%s: Step %d: Train accuracy = %.1f%%' % (, i, train_accuracy * 100))'%s: Step %d: Cross entropy = %f' % (, i, cross_entropy_value)) # TODO: Make this use an eval graph, to avoid quantization validation_bottlenecks, validation_ground_truth, _ = ( get_random_cached_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.validation_batch_size, 'validation', FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, FLAGS.image_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module)) validation_summary, validation_accuracy = [merged, evaluation_step], feed_dict={bottleneck_input: validation_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: validation_ground_truth}) validation_writer.add_summary(validation_summary, i)'%s: Step %d: Validation accuracy = %.1f%% (N=%d)' % (, i, validation_accuracy * 100, len(validation_bottlenecks))) intermediate_frequency = FLAGS.intermediate_store_frequency if (intermediate_frequency > 0 and (i % intermediate_frequency == 0) and i > 0):, CHECKPOINT_NAME) intermediate_file_name = (FLAGS.intermediate_output_graphs_dir + 'intermediate_' + str(i) + '.pb')'Save intermediate result to : ' + intermediate_file_name) save_graph_to_file(intermediate_file_name, module_spec, class_count), CHECKPOINT_NAME) run_final_eval(sess, module_spec, class_count, image_lists, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor)'Save final result to : ' + FLAGS.output_graph) if wants_quantization:'The model is instrumented for quantization with TF-Lite') save_graph_to_file(FLAGS.output_graph, module_spec, class_count) with tf.gfile.FastGFile(FLAGS.output_labels, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(image_lists.keys()) + '\n') if FLAGS.saved_model_dir: export_model(module_spec, class_count, FLAGS.saved_model_dir)
def main(_): logging_verbosity = logging_level_verbosity(FLAGS.logging_verbosity) tf.logging.set_verbosity(logging_verbosity) if not FLAGS.image_dir: tf.logging.error('Must set flag --image_dir.') return -1 # Prepare necessary directories that can be used during training prepare_file_system() # Look at the folder structure, and create lists of all the images. image_lists = create_image_lists(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.testing_percentage, FLAGS.validation_percentage) class_count = len(image_lists.keys()) if class_count == 0: tf.logging.error('No valid folders of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir) return -1 if class_count == 1: tf.logging.error('Only one valid folder of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir + ' - multiple classes are needed for classification.') return -1 # See if the command-line flags mean we're applying any distortions. do_distort_images = should_distort_images(FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness) # Set up the pre-trained graph. module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_image_tensor, wants_quantization = ( create_module_graph(module_spec)) # Add the new layer that we'll be training. with graph.as_default(): (train_step, cross_entropy, bottleneck_input, ground_truth_input, final_tensor) = add_final_retrain_ops(class_count, FLAGS.final_tensor_name, bottleneck_tensor, wants_quantization, is_training=True) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: # Initialize all weights: for the module to their pretrained values, # and for the newly added retraining layer to random initial values. init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Set up the image decoding sub-graph. jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding(module_spec) if do_distort_images: # We will be applying distortions, so set up the operations we'll need. (distorted_jpeg_data_tensor, distorted_image_tensor) = add_input_distortions( FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness, module_spec) else: # We'll make sure we've calculated the 'bottleneck' image summaries and # cached them on disk. cache_bottlenecks(sess, image_lists, FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module) # Create the operations we need to evaluate the accuracy of our new layer. evaluation_step, _ = add_evaluation_step(final_tensor, ground_truth_input) # Merge all the summaries and write them out to the summaries_dir merged = tf.summary.merge_all() train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/train', sess.graph) validation_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/validation') # Create a train saver that is used to restore values into an eval graph # when exporting models. train_saver = tf.train.Saver() # Run the training for as many cycles as requested on the command line. for i in range(FLAGS.how_many_training_steps): # Get a batch of input bottleneck values, either calculated fresh every # time with distortions applied, or from the cache stored on disk. if do_distort_images: (train_bottlenecks, train_ground_truth) = get_random_distorted_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.train_batch_size, 'training', FLAGS.image_dir, distorted_jpeg_data_tensor, distorted_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor) else: (train_bottlenecks, train_ground_truth, _) = get_random_cached_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.train_batch_size, 'training', FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, FLAGS.image_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module) # Feed the bottlenecks and ground truth into the graph, and run a training # step. Capture training summaries for TensorBoard with the `merged` op. train_summary, _ = [merged, train_step], feed_dict={ bottleneck_input: train_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: train_ground_truth }) train_writer.add_summary(train_summary, i) # Every so often, print out how well the graph is training. is_last_step = (i + 1 == FLAGS.how_many_training_steps) if (i % FLAGS.eval_step_interval) == 0 or is_last_step: train_accuracy, cross_entropy_value = [evaluation_step, cross_entropy], feed_dict={ bottleneck_input: train_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: train_ground_truth })'%s: Step %d: Train accuracy = %.1f%%' % (, i, train_accuracy * 100))'%s: Step %d: Cross entropy = %f' % (, i, cross_entropy_value)) # TODO: Make this use an eval graph, to avoid quantization # moving averages being updated by the validation set, though in # practice this makes a negligable difference. validation_bottlenecks, validation_ground_truth, _ = ( get_random_cached_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.validation_batch_size, 'validation', FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, FLAGS.image_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module)) # Run a validation step and capture training summaries for TensorBoard # with the `merged` op. validation_summary, validation_accuracy = [merged, evaluation_step], feed_dict={ bottleneck_input: validation_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: validation_ground_truth }) validation_writer.add_summary(validation_summary, i) '%s: Step %d: Validation accuracy = %.1f%% (N=%d)' % (, i, validation_accuracy * 100, len(validation_bottlenecks))) # Store intermediate results intermediate_frequency = FLAGS.intermediate_store_frequency if (intermediate_frequency > 0 and (i % intermediate_frequency == 0) and i > 0): # If we want to do an intermediate save, save a checkpoint of the train # graph, to restore into the eval graph., FLAGS.checkpoint_path) intermediate_file_name = ( FLAGS.intermediate_output_graphs_dir + 'intermediate_' + str(i) + '.pb')'Save intermediate result to : ' + intermediate_file_name) save_graph_to_file(intermediate_file_name, module_spec, class_count) # After training is complete, force one last save of the train checkpoint., FLAGS.checkpoint_path) # We've completed all our training, so run a final test evaluation on # some new images we haven't used before. run_final_eval(sess, module_spec, class_count, image_lists, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor) # Write out the trained graph and labels with the weights stored # constants.'Save final result to : ' + FLAGS.output_graph) if wants_quantization: 'The model is instrumented for quantization with TF-Lite') save_graph_to_file(FLAGS.output_graph, module_spec, class_count) with tf.gfile.GFile(FLAGS.output_labels, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(image_lists.keys()) + '\n') if FLAGS.saved_model_dir: export_model(module_spec, class_count, FLAGS.saved_model_dir)
def testModuleWithBatchNorm(self): export_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "batch-norm-module") # This test resorts to lookup by name to retrieve the moving mean, # because tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm() does not return it, and even if, # module_fn() has no way to return it next to the result for training. moving_mean_name = ( "module/BatchNorm/moving_mean/Read/ReadVariableOp:0") batch_norm_train_tags = ["batch_norm_trains"] batch_norm_fixed_tags = ["batch_norm_fixed"] spec = hub.create_module_spec( batch_norm_module_fn, [(batch_norm_train_tags, {"is_training": True}), (batch_norm_fixed_tags, {"is_training": False})]) # Test Module creation and training. with tf.Graph().as_default() as g: m = hub.Module(spec, trainable=True, tags=batch_norm_train_tags) # The module is trained on a fixed batch of inputs, which has a mean # of 12.0 and some sample variance of a less obvious value. The module # learns scale and offset parameters that achieve the mapping x --> 2*x # for the observed mean and variance. x = tf.constant([[11.0], [12.0], [13.0]]) training_mean = [12.0] y_target = tf.constant([[22.0], [24.0], [26.0]]) y = m(x) step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step") train = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss( loss=tf.losses.mean_squared_error(y, y_target), global_step=step, learning_rate=0.1, optimizer="SGD") moving_mean = g.get_tensor_by_name(moving_mean_name) with tf.Session() as sess: self.assertAllClose(, [0.0]) for _ in range(100):[train]) trained_moving_mean, trained_y =[moving_mean, y]) self.assertAllClose(trained_moving_mean, training_mean) self.assertAllClose(trained_y, [[22.0], [24.0], [26.0]]) # Test export. m.export(export_path, sess) # Test import and use. spec = hub.load_module_spec(export_path) with tf.Graph().as_default() as g: # The module gets run for inference on inputs with different mean and # variance. However, both mean and variance as well as offset and scale # are now frozen to the values from learning, so the same mapping # x --> 2*x is recovered. x = tf.constant([[10.0], [20.0], [30.0]]) y = hub.Module( spec, tags=batch_norm_fixed_tags)(x) moving_mean = g.get_tensor_by_name(moving_mean_name) with tf.Session() as sess: for _ in range(100): served_moving_mean, served_y =[moving_mean, y]) # No update occurs to the moving_mean from training time. self.assertAllClose(served_moving_mean, training_mean) # Prediction results are correct. self.assertAllClose(served_y, [[20.0], [40.0], [60.0]])
if args.saved_model_dir: saved_model_dir = args.saved_model_dir else: saved_model_dir = os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.sep), 'tmp'), 'saved_model') if args.output_labels: output_labels = args.output_labels else: output_labels = os.path.join(saved_model_dir, 'label.txt') image_size = None if args.image_size: image_size = (args.image_size, args.image_size) else: try: module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(args.tfhub_module) image_size = tuple(hub.get_expected_image_size(module_spec)) print("get model spec", image_size) except: if "mobilenet" in args.tfhub_module: print("get model spec failed, use default spec as 224 x 224,") image_size = (224, 224) if image_size: Retrain(data_dir=args.image_dir, saved_model_path=saved_model_dir, saved_label_path=output_labels, epochs=args.epochs, batch_size=args.batch_size, module_handle=args.tfhub_module, image_size=image_size,
# train params epochs = args.epochs batch_size = args.batch_size learning_rate = args.learning_rate csv_out = args.csv_output pred_out = args.prediction_output dropout = args.dropout save_models = import_features = args.import_features tfhub = args.tfhub_module ##### LOAD IMAGES ###### if tfhub != None: module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(tfhub) height, width = hub.get_expected_image_size(module_spec) channels = hub.get_num_image_channels(module_spec) else: height, width, channels = 224, 224, 3 ### training images # read paths and labels for each image listimgs, listlabels = parse_input(train_paths) # load images loaded_imgs = [load_image(img, size=height).reshape((height, width, channels)) for img in listimgs] print('[TRAINING] Loaded', len(loaded_imgs), 'images and', len(listlabels), 'labels') # map string labels to unique integers u,indices = np.unique(np.array(listlabels), return_inverse=True) print('[TRAINING] Categories: ', u) num_categories = len(u)
def retrain(inputdir=None): # Needed to make sure the logging output is visible. # See tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.ERROR) if inputdir: if type(inputdir)==str: FLAGS.image_dir = inputdir else: tf.logging.error("Invalid input directory!") return -1 if not FLAGS.image_dir: tf.logging.error('Must set flag --image_dir.') return -1 print('Retraining with images in directory: ' + FLAGS.image_dir) # Prepare necessary directories that can be used during training prepare_file_system() # Look at the folder structure, and create lists of all the images. image_lists = create_image_lists(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.testing_percentage, FLAGS.validation_percentage) class_count = len(image_lists.keys()) if class_count == 0: tf.logging.error('No valid folders of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir) return -1 if class_count == 1: tf.logging.error('Only one valid folder of images found at ' + FLAGS.image_dir + ' - multiple classes are needed for classification.') return -1 # See if the command-line flags mean we're applying any distortions. do_distort_images = should_distort_images( FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness) # Set up the pre-trained graph. module_spec = hub.load_module_spec(FLAGS.tfhub_module) graph, bottleneck_tensor, resized_image_tensor, wants_quantization = ( create_module_graph(module_spec)) # Add the new layer that we'll be training. with graph.as_default(): (train_step, cross_entropy, bottleneck_input, ground_truth_input, final_tensor) = add_final_retrain_ops( class_count, FLAGS.final_tensor_name, bottleneck_tensor, wants_quantization, is_training=True) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: # Initialize all weights: for the module to their pretrained values, # and for the newly added retraining layer to random initial values. init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Set up the image decoding sub-graph. jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor = add_jpeg_decoding(module_spec) if do_distort_images: # We will be applying distortions, so set up the operations we'll need. (distorted_jpeg_data_tensor, distorted_image_tensor) = add_input_distortions( FLAGS.flip_left_right, FLAGS.random_crop, FLAGS.random_scale, FLAGS.random_brightness, module_spec) else: # We'll make sure we've calculated the 'bottleneck' image summaries and # cached them on disk. cache_bottlenecks(sess, image_lists, FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module) # Create the operations we need to evaluate the accuracy of our new layer. evaluation_step, _ = add_evaluation_step(final_tensor, ground_truth_input) # Merge all the summaries and write them out to the summaries_dir merged = tf.summary.merge_all() train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/train', sess.graph) validation_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/validation') # Create a train saver that is used to restore values into an eval graph # when exporting models. train_saver = tf.train.Saver() # Run the training for as many cycles as requested on the command line. for i in range(FLAGS.how_many_training_steps): # Get a batch of input bottleneck values, either calculated fresh every # time with distortions applied, or from the cache stored on disk. if do_distort_images: (train_bottlenecks, train_ground_truth) = get_random_distorted_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.train_batch_size, 'training', FLAGS.image_dir, distorted_jpeg_data_tensor, distorted_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor) else: (train_bottlenecks, train_ground_truth, _) = get_random_cached_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.train_batch_size, 'training', FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, FLAGS.image_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module) # Feed the bottlenecks and ground truth into the graph, and run a training # step. Capture training summaries for TensorBoard with the `merged` op. train_summary, _ = [merged, train_step], feed_dict={bottleneck_input: train_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: train_ground_truth}) train_writer.add_summary(train_summary, i) # Every so often, print out how well the graph is training. is_last_step = (i + 1 == FLAGS.how_many_training_steps) if (i % FLAGS.eval_step_interval) == 0 or is_last_step: train_accuracy, cross_entropy_value = [evaluation_step, cross_entropy], feed_dict={bottleneck_input: train_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: train_ground_truth})'%s: Step %d: Train accuracy = %.1f%%' % (, i, train_accuracy * 100))'%s: Step %d: Cross entropy = %f' % (, i, cross_entropy_value)) # TODO: Make this use an eval graph, to avoid quantization # moving averages being updated by the validation set, though in # practice this makes a negligable difference. validation_bottlenecks, validation_ground_truth, _ = ( get_random_cached_bottlenecks( sess, image_lists, FLAGS.validation_batch_size, 'validation', FLAGS.bottleneck_dir, FLAGS.image_dir, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor, FLAGS.tfhub_module)) # Run a validation step and capture training summaries for TensorBoard # with the `merged` op. validation_summary, validation_accuracy = [merged, evaluation_step], feed_dict={bottleneck_input: validation_bottlenecks, ground_truth_input: validation_ground_truth}) validation_writer.add_summary(validation_summary, i)'%s: Step %d: Validation accuracy = %.1f%% (N=%d)' % (, i, validation_accuracy * 100, len(validation_bottlenecks))) # Store intermediate results intermediate_frequency = FLAGS.intermediate_store_frequency if (intermediate_frequency > 0 and (i % intermediate_frequency == 0) and i > 0): # If we want to do an intermediate save, save a checkpoint of the train # graph, to restore into the eval graph., CHECKPOINT_NAME) intermediate_file_name = (FLAGS.intermediate_output_graphs_dir + 'intermediate_' + str(i) + '.pb')'Save intermediate result to : ' + intermediate_file_name) save_graph_to_file(graph, intermediate_file_name, module_spec, class_count) # After training is complete, force one last save of the train checkpoint., CHECKPOINT_NAME) # We've completed all our training, so run a final test evaluation on # some new images we haven't used before. run_final_eval(sess, module_spec, class_count, image_lists, jpeg_data_tensor, decoded_image_tensor, resized_image_tensor, bottleneck_tensor) # Write out the trained graph and labels with the weights stored as # constants.'Save final result to : ' + FLAGS.output_graph) if wants_quantization:'The model is instrumented for quantization with TF-Lite') save_graph_to_file(graph, FLAGS.output_graph, module_spec, class_count) with tf.gfile.FastGFile(FLAGS.output_labels, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(image_lists.keys()) + '\n') if FLAGS.saved_model_dir: export_model(module_spec, class_count, FLAGS.saved_model_dir)