def __call__(self, features, training=False): raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1) x = features for index in range(self._layers): x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x) if self._dist == 'tanh_normal': # Original from Dreamer # x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x) mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1) mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale) std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1) dist = tools.SampleDist(dist) elif self._dist == 'normalized_tanhtransformed_normal': # Normalized variation of the original actor: (mu,std) normalized, then create tanh normal from them # The normalization params (moving avg, std) are updated only during training x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 2 * self._size]) x = self.get(f'hnorm', tfkl.BatchNormalization)(x, training=training) # `training` true only in imagination x = tf.reshape(x, [*features.shape[:-1], -1]) mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1) std = tf.nn.softplus(std) + self._min_std # to have positive values dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1) dist = tools.SampleDist(dist) else: raise NotImplementedError(self._dist) return dist
def _build(self, inputs): mean, covariance, scale = self.create_mean_n_cov_layers(inputs) #TODO is this the kind of regularization we want. I think it makes sense. self.set_contractive_regularizer(mean, covariance, self._contractive_regularizer_inputs, self._contractive_regularizer_tuple, self._contractive_collection_network_str) gaussian = tfd.Normal(loc=mean, scale=scale) sigmoid_bijector = tfb.Sigmoid() logitnormal = tfd.TransformedDistribution(distribution = gaussian, bijector = sigmoid_bijector) # add reconstruction_node method (needed to some sort of mean or median to get reconstructions without sampling) def reconstruction_node(self): # this is because there is not been for the LogitNormalDiagonal distribution return sigmoid_bijector.forward(gaussian.mean()) logitnormal.reconstruction_node = types.MethodType(reconstruction_node, logitnormal) clip_value = self._clip_value # make sure a rescale the input for log_prob def log_prob(self, x, name='log_prob', **kwargs): # kinda of dirty I know, it is used to avoid recursion (Luigi) return self._call_log_prob(tf_clip(x, low=-1.0 + clip_value, high=1.0 -clip_value), name=name, **kwargs) logitnormal.log_prob = types.MethodType(log_prob, logitnormal) return logitnormal
def affine_flow_actor_critic(a, k): d = r = act_dim = a.shape.as_list()[-1] DTYPE = tf.float32 bijectors = [] initializer = tf.initializers.truncated_normal(0, 0.1) for i in range(k): with tf.variable_scope('bijector_%d' % i): V = tf.get_variable('V', [d, r], dtype=DTYPE, initializer=initializer) shift = tf.get_variable('shift', [d], dtype=DTYPE, initializer=initializer) L = tf.get_variable('L', [d * (d + 1) / 2], dtype=DTYPE, initializer=initializer) bijectors.append( tfpb.Affine( scale_tril=tfpd.fill_triangular(L), scale_perturb_factor=V, shift=shift, )) alpha = tf.abs(tf.get_variable('alpha', [], dtype=DTYPE)) + .01 bijectors.append(PReLU(alpha=alpha)) mlp_bijector = tfpb.Chain(list(reversed(bijectors[:-1])), name='mlp_bijector') dist = tfpd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfpd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=tf.zeros(act_dim), scale_diag=0.1 * tf.ones(act_dim)), bijector=mlp_bijector) pi = dist.sample(1) logp_pi = tf.squeeze(dist.log_prob(pi)) logp = dist.log_prob(a) return pi, logp, logp_pi
def transform(self, base_dist, name=None): dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=base_dist, bijector=self.bijector, name=name) return dist
def __call__(self, features): raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1) x = features for index in range(self._layers): x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x) if self._dist == 'tanh_normal': # x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x) mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1) mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale) std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1) dist = tools.SampleDist(dist) elif self._dist == 'onehot': x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x) dist = tools.OneHotDist(x) elif self._dist == 'gumbel': x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x) dist = tfd.RelaxedOneHotCategorical(temperature=1e-1, logits=x) dist = tools.SampleDist(dist) else: raise NotImplementedError return dist
def SoftplusNormal(loc, scale, name="SoftplusNormal"): return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Normal( loc=loc, scale=scale), bijector=tfp.bijectors.Softplus(), name=name)
def feed_forward( state, data_shape, num_layers=2, activation=tf.nn.relu, mean_activation=None, stop_gradient=False, trainable=True, units=100, std=1.0, low=-1.0, high=1.0, dist='normal'): """Create a model returning unnormalized MSE distribution.""" hidden = state if stop_gradient: hidden = tf.stop_gradient(hidden) for _ in range(num_layers): hidden = tf.compat.v1.layers.dense(hidden, units, activation) mean = tf.compat.v1.layers.dense( hidden, int(, mean_activation, trainable=trainable) mean = tf.reshape(mean, tools.shape(state)[:-1] + data_shape) if std == 'learned': std = tf.compat.v1.layers.dense( hidden, int(, None, trainable=trainable) std = tf.nn.softplus(std + 0.55) + 0.01 std = tf.reshape(std, tools.shape(state)[:-1] + data_shape) if dist == 'normal': dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) elif dist == 'truncated_normal': # dist = tfd.TruncatedNormal(mean, std, low, high) elif dist == 'tanh_normal': # dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tfp.bijectors.Tanh()) elif dist == 'deterministic': dist = tfd.Deterministic(mean) else: raise NotImplementedError(dist) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, len(data_shape)) return dist
def __call__(self, inputs): out = self.get('out', tfkl.Dense, out = tf.reshape(out, tf.concat([tf.shape(inputs)[:-1], self._shape], 0)) out = tf.cast(out, tf.float32) if self._dist in ('normal', 'tanh_normal', 'trunc_normal'): std = self.get('std', tfkl.Dense, std = tf.reshape(std, tf.concat([tf.shape(inputs)[:-1], self._shape], 0)) std = tf.cast(std, tf.float32) if self._dist == 'mse': dist = tfd.Normal(out, 1.0) return tfd.Independent(dist, len(self._shape)) if self._dist == 'normal': dist = tfd.Normal(out, std) return tfd.Independent(dist, len(self._shape)) if self._dist == 'binary': dist = tfd.Bernoulli(out) return tfd.Independent(dist, len(self._shape)) if self._dist == 'tanh_normal': mean = 5 * tf.tanh(out / 5) std = tf.nn.softplus(std + self._init_std) + self._min_std dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, common.TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, len(self._shape)) return common.SampleDist(dist) if self._dist == 'trunc_normal': std = 2 * tf.nn.sigmoid((std + self._init_std) / 2) + self._min_std dist = common.TruncNormalDist(tf.tanh(out), std, -1, 1) return tfd.Independent(dist, 1) if self._dist == 'onehot': return common.OneHotDist(out) raise NotImplementedError(self._dist)
def _init_distribution(conditions): loc, scale = conditions["loc"], conditions["scale"] return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Normal(loc=loc, scale=scale), bijector=bij.Sigmoid(), name="LogitNormal", )
def transform(self, base_dist, name=None): dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(distribution=base_dist, bijector=self.bijector, validate_args=True, name=name or return dist
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._parents = [] # Override default bijector if provided self._bijector = kwargs.pop("bijector", self._bijector) self._untransformed_distribution = self._base_dist(*args, **kwargs) self._sample_shape = () self._dim_names = () ctx = contexts.get_context() = kwargs.get("name", None) if isinstance(ctx, contexts.InferenceContext) and is None: # Unfortunately autograph does not allow changing the AST, # thus we instead retrieve the name from when it was set # ForwardContext where AST parsing is possible. order_id = len(ctx.vars) # where am I in the order of RV creation? = ctx._names[order_id] if not isinstance(ctx, contexts.FreeForwardContext) and is None: # We only require names for book keeping during inference raise ValueError("No name was set. Supply one via the name kwarg.") self._creation_context_id = id(ctx) self._backend_tensor = None self._distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=self._untransformed_distribution, bijector=bijectors.Invert(self._bijector) ) ctx.add_variable(self)
def __call__(self, observation): x = self._policy(observation) multivariate_normal_diag = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=self._mu(x), scale_diag=self._stddev(x)) # Squash actions to [-1, 1] squashed = tfd.TransformedDistribution(multivariate_normal_diag, utils.StableTanhBijector()) return utils.SampleDist(squashed)
def _base_dist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logit normal base distribution. A LogitNormal is the standard logistic (i.e. sigmoid) of a Normal. """ return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Normal(*args, **kwargs), bijector=tfp.bijectors.Sigmoid(), name="LogitNormal", )
def _base_dist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Half student-T base distribution. A HalfStudentT is the absolute value of a StudentT. """ return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.StudentT(*args, **kwargs), bijector=tfp.bijectors.AbsoluteValue(), name="HalfStudentT", )
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize PositiveContinuousRV. Developer Note -------------- The inverse of the exponential bijector is the log bijector. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._transformed_distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=self._distribution, bijector=bijectors.Invert(bijectors.Exp()))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize UnitContinuousRV. Developer Note -------------- The inverse of the sigmoid bijector is the logodds bijector. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._transformed_distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=self._distribution, bijector=bijectors.Invert(bijectors.Sigmoid()))
def __init__(self, event_shape, flow_params, dim, channels): self._flow_params = flow_params self._dim = dim self._channels = channels base_dist = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=tf.zeros(event_shape)) self._independent_channels_distributions = [] for ch in range(self._channels): flow_maf = build_flow(flow_params, flow_size=dim) transformed_distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution(distribution=base_dist, bijector=flow_maf) self._independent_channels_distributions.append(transformed_distribution) print()
def test_transformed_executor_logp_tensorflow(transformed_model): norm_log = tfd.TransformedDistribution(tfd.HalfNormal(1), bij.Invert(bij.Exp())) _, state = pm.evaluate_model_transformed(transformed_model(), values=dict(__log_n=-math.pi)) np.testing.assert_allclose( state.collect_log_prob(), norm_log.log_prob(-math.pi), equal_nan=False ) _, state = pm.evaluate_model_transformed(transformed_model(), values=dict(n=math.exp(-math.pi))) np.testing.assert_allclose( state.collect_log_prob(), norm_log.log_prob(-math.pi), equal_nan=False )
def _base_dist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Weibull base distribution. The inverse of the Weibull bijector applied to a U[0, 1] random variable gives a Weibull-distributed random variable. """ return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0), bijector=tfp.bijectors.Invert( tfp.bijectors.Weibull(*args, **kwargs)), name="Weibull", )
def _base_dist(self, lower: TensorLike, upper: TensorLike, *args, **kwargs): """ Discrete uniform base distribution. A DiscreteUniform is an equiprobable Categorical over (upper - lower), shifted up by low. """ probs = np.ones(int(upper - lower)) / (upper - lower) return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=probs, dtype=tf.float32), bijector=tfp.bijectors.AffineScalar(shift=float(lower)), name="DiscreteUniform", )
def _base_dist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Discrete uniform base distribution. A DiscreteUniform is an equiprobable Categorical over (high-low), shifted up by low. """ low = kwargs.pop("low") high = kwargs.pop("high") probs = np.ones(high - low, dtype=np.float32) / (high - low) return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=probs, dtype=tf.float32), bijector=tfp.bijectors.AffineScalar(shift=float(low)), name="DiscreteUniform", )
def _base_dist(self, nu: IntTensorLike, sigma: TensorLike, *args, **kwargs): """ Half student-T base distribution. A HalfStudentT is the absolute value of a StudentT. """ return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.StudentT(df=nu, scale=sigma, loc=0, *args, **kwargs), bijector=tfp.bijectors.AbsoluteValue(), name="HalfStudentT", )
def __init__(self, mean: tf.Tensor, std: tf.Tensor, feature_dims: int = 1, num_samples: int = 100) -> None: dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, feature_dims) self._dist = dist self._num_samples = num_samples super().__init__( dtype=self._dist.dtype, reparameterization_type=self._dist.reparameterization_type, validate_args=False, allow_nan_stats=self._dist.allow_nan_stats, name='TanhNormalDistribution')
def _init_distribution(conditions): concentration, scale = conditions["concentration"], conditions["scale"] scale_tensor, concentration_tensor = ( tf.convert_to_tensor(scale), tf.convert_to_tensor(concentration), ) broadcast_shape = dist_util.prefer_static_broadcast_shape( scale_tensor.shape, concentration_tensor.shape ) return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=tf.zeros(broadcast_shape), high=tf.ones(broadcast_shape)), bijector=bij.Invert(bij.WeibullCDF(scale=scale, concentration=concentration)), name="Weibull", )
def get_iaf_elbo(target, num_mc_samples, param_shapes): shape_sizes = [ _tensorshape_size(pshape) for pshape in param_shapes.values() ] overall_shape = [sum(shape_sizes)] def unmarshal(variational_sample): results = [] n_dimensions_used = 0 for (n_to_add, result_shape) in zip(shape_sizes, param_shapes.values()): result = variational_sample[Ellipsis, n_dimensions_used:n_dimensions_used + n_to_add] results.append(tf.reshape(result, result_shape)) n_dimensions_used += n_to_add return tuple(results) variational_dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.), bijector=tfb.Invert( tfb.MaskedAutoregressiveFlow( shift_and_log_scale_fn=tfb. masked_autoregressive_default_template( hidden_layers=[256, 256]))), event_shape=overall_shape, name='q_iaf') variational_samples = variational_dist.sample(num_mc_samples) target_q_sum = tf.reduce_sum( variational_dist.log_prob(variational_samples)) target_sum = 0. for s in range(num_mc_samples): params = unmarshal(variational_samples[s, Ellipsis]) target_sum = target_sum + target(*params) energy = target_sum / float(num_mc_samples) entropy = -target_q_sum / float(num_mc_samples) elbo = energy + entropy tf.summary.scalar('energy', energy) tf.summary.scalar('entropy', entropy) tf.summary.scalar('elbo', elbo) return elbo
def _create_dist(self): scale_diag = tf.nn.softplus(self._scale_variable) if self._softplus_scale \ else self._scale_variable scale = distribution_util.make_diag_scale(loc=self._loc_variable, scale_diag=scale_diag, validate_args=False, assert_positive=False) batch_shape, event_shape = distribution_util.shapes_from_loc_and_scale( self._loc_variable, scale) return tfp.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfp.Cauchy(loc=tf.zeros([], dtype=scale.dtype), scale=tf.ones([], dtype=scale.dtype)), bijector=bijectors.AffineLinearOperator(shift=self._loc_variable, scale=scale), batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=event_shape, name="MultivariateCauchyDiag" + ("SoftplusScale" if self._softplus_scale else ""))
def call(self, x): x = self._layers(x) if self._is_action_discrete: dist = Categorical(x) terms = {} else: raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1) mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1) # # we bound the mean to [-5, +5] to avoid numerical instabilities # as atanh becomes difficult in highly saturated regions mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale) std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1) dist = SampleDist(dist) terms = dict(raw_act_std=std) return dist, terms
def __call__(self, features): raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1) x = features for index in range(self._layers_num): x = self.get(f"h{index}", tf.keras.layers.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x) if self._dist == "tanh_normal": # x = self.get(f"hout", tf.keras.layers.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x) mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1) mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale) std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std) dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector()) dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1) dist = tools.SampleDist(dist) elif self._dist == "onehot": x = self.get(f"hout", tf.keras.layers.Dense, self._size)(x) dist = tools.OneHotDist(x) else: raise NotImplementedError(dist) return dist
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._transformed_distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=self._distribution, bijector=bijectors.Identity())
def _base_dist(self, mu: TensorLike, sigma: TensorLike, *args, **kwargs): return tfd.TransformedDistribution( distribution=tfd.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, *args, **kwargs), bijector=tfp.bijectors.Sigmoid(), name="LogitNormal", )