def _log_cdf(self, y):
        low = self._low
        high = self._high

        # Recall the promise:
        # cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
        #         = 1, if y >= high,
        #         = 0, if y < low,
        #         = P[X <= y], otherwise.

        # P[Y <= j] = P[floor(Y) <= j] since mass is only at integers, not in
        # between.
        j = tf.floor(y)

        result_so_far = self.distribution.log_cdf(j)

        # Re-define values at the cutoffs.
        if low is not None:
            result_so_far = tf.where(
                j < low,
                dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(self.dtype)(-np.inf), result_so_far)
        if high is not None:
            result_so_far = tf.where(j >= high, tf.zeros_like(result_so_far),

        return result_so_far
    def _cdf(self, y):
        low = self._low
        high = self._high

        # Recall the promise:
        # cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
        #         = 1, if y >= high,
        #         = 0, if y < low,
        #         = P[X <= y], otherwise.

        # P[Y <= j] = P[floor(Y) <= j] since mass is only at integers, not in
        # between.
        j = tf.floor(y)

        # P[X <= j], used when low < X < high.
        result_so_far = self.distribution.cdf(j)

        # Re-define values at the cutoffs.
        if low is not None:
            result_so_far = tf.where(j < low, tf.zeros_like(result_so_far),
        if high is not None:
            result_so_far = tf.where(j >= high, tf.ones_like(result_so_far),

        return result_so_far
    def loop_body(should_continue, k):
      """Resample the non-accepted points."""
      # The range of U is chosen so that the resulting sample K lies in
      # [0, tf.int64.max). The final sample, if accepted, is K + 1.
      u = tf.random.uniform(

      # Sample the point X from the continuous density h(x) \propto x^(-power).
      x = self._hat_integral_inverse(u, power=power)

      # Rejection-inversion requires a `hat` function, h(x) such that
      # \int_{k - .5}^{k + .5} h(x) dx >= pmf(k + 1) for points k in the
      # support. A natural hat function for us is h(x) = x^(-power).
      # After sampling X from h(x), suppose it lies in the interval
      # (K - .5, K + .5) for integer K. Then the corresponding K is accepted if
      # if lies to the left of x_K, where x_K is defined by:
      #   \int_{x_k}^{K + .5} h(x) dx = H(x_K) - H(K + .5) = pmf(K + 1),
      # where H(x) = \int_x^inf h(x) dx.

      # Solving for x_K, we find that x_K = H_inverse(H(K + .5) + pmf(K + 1)).
      # Or, the acceptance condition is X <= H_inverse(H(K + .5) + pmf(K + 1)).
      # Since X = H_inverse(U), this simplifies to U <= H(K + .5) + pmf(K + 1).

      # Update the non-accepted points.
      # Since X \in (K - .5, K + .5), the sample K is chosen as floor(X + 0.5).
      k = tf.where(should_continue, tf.floor(x + 0.5), k)
      accept = (u <= self._hat_integral(k + .5, power=power) + tf.exp(
          self._log_prob(k + 1, power=power)))

      return [should_continue & (~accept), k]
  def _log_prob(self, x, power=None):
    # The log probability at positive integer points x is log(x^(-power) / Z)
    # where Z is the normalization constant. For x < 1 and non-integer points,
    # the log-probability is -inf.
    # However, if interpolate_nondiscrete is True, we return the natural
    # continuous relaxation for x >= 1 which agrees with the log probability at
    # positive integer points.
    # If interpolate_nondiscrete is False and validate_args is True, we check
    # that the sample point x is in the support. That is, x is equivalent to a
    # positive integer.
    power = power if power is not None else tf.convert_to_tensor(self.power)
    x = tf.cast(x, power.dtype)
    if self.validate_args and not self.interpolate_nondiscrete:
      x = distribution_util.embed_check_integer_casting_closed(
          x, target_dtype=self.dtype, assert_positive=True)
    log_normalization = tf.math.log(tf.math.zeta(power, 1.))

    safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x), 1.)
    y = -power * tf.math.log(safe_x)
    log_unnormalized_prob = tf.where(
        tf.equal(x, safe_x), y, dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(y.dtype)(-np.inf))

    return log_unnormalized_prob - log_normalization
 def _log_unnormalized_prob(self, x, log_rate):
     # The log-probability at negative points is always -inf.
     # Catch such x's and set the output value accordingly.
     safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x),
     y = safe_x * log_rate - tf.math.lgamma(1. + safe_x)
     return tf.where(tf.equal(x, safe_x), y,
 def _log_prob(self, x):
     with tf.control_dependencies(self._maybe_assert_valid_sample(x)):
         probs = self._probs_parameter_no_checks()
         if not self.validate_args:
             # For consistency with cdf, we take the floor.
             x = tf.floor(x)
         safe_domain = tf.where(tf.equal(x, 0.), tf.zeros_like(probs),
         return x * tf.math.log1p(-safe_domain) + tf.math.log(probs)
 def _cdf(self, x):
     with tf.control_dependencies(self._maybe_assert_valid_sample(x)):
         probs = self._probs_parameter_no_checks()
         if not self.validate_args:
             # Whether or not x is integer-form, the following is well-defined.
             # However, scipy takes the floor, so we do too.
             x = tf.floor(x)
         return tf.where(x < 0., tf.zeros_like(x), -tf.math.expm1(
             (1. + x) * tf.math.log1p(-probs)))
 def _cdf(self, x):
     # CDF is the probability that the Poisson variable is less or equal to x.
     # For fractional x, the CDF is equal to the CDF at n = floor(x).
     # For negative x, the CDF is zero, but tf.igammac gives NaNs, so we impute
     # the values and handle this case explicitly.
     safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x),
     cdf = tf.math.igammac(1. + safe_x, self._rate_parameter_no_checks())
     return tf.where(x < 0., tf.zeros_like(cdf), cdf)
  def _cdf(self, x):
    # CDF(x) at positive integer x is the probability that the Zipf variable is
    # less than or equal to x; given by the formula:
    #     CDF(x) = 1 - (zeta(power, x + 1) / Z)
    # For fractional x, the CDF is equal to the CDF at n = floor(x).
    # For x < 1, the CDF is zero.

    # If interpolate_nondiscrete is True, we return a continuous relaxation
    # which agrees with the CDF at integer points.
    power = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.power)
    x = tf.cast(x, power.dtype)
    safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x), 0.)

    cdf = 1. - (
        tf.math.zeta(power, safe_x + 1.) / tf.math.zeta(power, 1.))
    return tf.where(x < 1., tf.zeros_like(cdf), cdf)
    def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
        # Uniform variates must be sampled from the open-interval `(0, 1)` rather
        # than `[0, 1)`. To do so, we use
        # `np.finfo(dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(self.dtype)).tiny`
        # because it is the smallest, positive, 'normal' number. A 'normal' number
        # is such that the mantissa has an implicit leading 1. Normal, positive
        # numbers x, y have the reasonable property that, `x + y >= max(x, y)`. In
        # this case, a subnormal number (i.e., np.nextafter) can cause us to sample
        # 0.
        probs = self._probs_parameter_no_checks()
        sampled = tf.random.uniform(
            tf.concat([[n], tf.shape(probs)], 0),

        return tf.floor(tf.math.log(sampled) / tf.math.log1p(-probs))
 def _mode(self):
     return tf.floor(self._rate_parameter_no_checks())
 def _mode(self):
   return tf.floor(
       (1. + self._total_count) * self._probs_parameter_no_checks())
 def _mode(self):
     total_count = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.total_count)
     adjusted_count = tf.where(1. < total_count, total_count - 1.,
     return tf.floor(adjusted_count *