def setAllWeights(self): """ Set all parameter weights to a plausible value - mostly useful for proppr programs, where parameters are known. """ logging.debug('setting feature weights %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) self.setFeatureWeights() logging.debug('setting rule weights %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) self.setRuleWeights() self.db.checkTyping()
def __init__(self,db,summaryFile=None): logging.debug('SparseMatDenseMsgCrossCompiler calling %r %.3f Gb' % (super(SparseMatDenseMsgCrossCompiler,self).__init__,util.memusage())) super(SparseMatDenseMsgCrossCompiler,self).__init__(db,summaryFile=summaryFile) logging.debug('SparseMatDenseMsgCrossCompiler finished super.__init__ %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) # we will need to save the original indices/indptr representation # of each sparse matrix self.sparseMatInfo = {} logging.debug('SparseMatDenseMsgCrossCompiler initialized %.3f Gb' % util.memusage())
def runExpt(self,prog=None,trainData=None,testData=None,targetMode=None, savedTestPredictions=None,savedTestExamples=None,savedTrainExamples=None,savedModel=None, optimizer=None, epochs=10, minibatchSize=0): """Similar to tensorlog.expt.Expt().run() """ assert targetMode is not None,'targetMode must be specified' assert prog is not None,'prog must be specified' logging.debug('runExpt calling setAllWeights %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) prog.setAllWeights() logging.debug('runExpt finished setAllWeights %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) expt.Expt.timeAction('compiling and cross-compiling', lambda:self.ensureCompiled(targetMode,inputs=None)) assert optimizer is None,'optimizers not supported yet' optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) train_step = optimizer.minimize(, var_list=self.getParamVariables(targetMode)) X = trainData.getX(targetMode) Y = trainData.getY(targetMode) X,Y = self._ensureWrapped(X,Y,False) TX = testData.getX(targetMode) TY = testData.getY(targetMode) TX,TY = self._ensureWrapped(TX,TY,False) lossFun = self.dataLossFunction(targetMode,wrapInputs=False,unwrapOutputs=False) def printLoss(msg,X,Y): print msg,lossFun(X,Y) def printAccuracy(msg,X,Y): print msg,self.accuracy(targetMode,X,Y,wrapped=True) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing train loss',lambda:printLoss('initial train loss',X,Y)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing test loss',lambda:printLoss('initial test loss',TX,TY)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing train accuracy',lambda:printAccuracy('initial train accuracy',X,Y)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing test accuracy',lambda:printAccuracy('initial test accuracy',TX,TY)) expt.Expt.timeAction('training', lambda:self.optimizeDataLoss(targetMode,optimizer,X,Y,epochs=epochs,minibatchSize=minibatchSize,wrapped=True)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing train loss',lambda:printLoss('final train loss',X,Y)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing test loss',lambda:printLoss('final test loss',TX,TY)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing train accuracy',lambda:printAccuracy('final train accuracy',X,Y)) expt.Expt.timeAction('computing test accuracy',lambda:printAccuracy('final test accuracy',TX,TY)) if savedModel: self.exportAllLearnedParams() expt.Expt.timeAction('saving trained model', lambda:prog.db.serialize(savedModel)) def savePredictions(fileName): inferenceFun = self.inferenceFunction(targetMode,wrapInputs=False,unwrapOutputs=True) Y_ = inferenceFun(TX) # Y_ is unwrapped, but need to get unwrapped version of TX from testData expt.Expt.predictionAsProPPRSolutions(fileName,targetMode.functor,prog.db,testData.getX(targetMode),Y_) if savedTestPredictions: expt.Expt.timeAction('saving test predictions', lambda:savePredictions(savedTestPredictions)) if savedTestExamples: expt.Expt.timeAction('saving test examples', lambda:testData.saveProPPRExamples(savedTestExamples,prog.db)) if savedTrainExamples: expt.Expt.timeAction('saving train examples',lambda:trainData.saveProPPRExamples(savedTrainExamples,prog.db)) if savedTestPredictions and savedTestExamples: print 'ready for commands like: proppr eval %s %s --metric auc --defaultNeg' % (savedTestExamples,savedTestPredictions)
def ensureSessionInitialized(self): """ Make sure the varables in the session have been initialized, initializing them if needed """ if self.session is None: logging.debug('creating session %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) self.session = tf.Session() logging.debug('session created %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) if not self.sessionInitialized: logging.debug('initializing session %.3f Gb' % util.memusage()) for var in self.tfVarsToInitialize: self.sessionInitialized = True logging.debug('session initialized %.3f Gb' % util.memusage())
def __init__(self, prog): # We need to create variables in different namespaces for # different instances of an OpSeqFunction, so that the variables # used to represent OpSeqFunction intermediate values don't clash. # namespaces are defined by integer ids, and we allocate a new one # for every distinct OpSeqFunction that gets compiled. self._nextNamespaceId = 0 # holds outputs of compilation, indexed by mode self._wsDict = {} # holds output of current compilation process = None # pointers back to the program and matrixdb self.prog = prog self.db = prog.db # when a db is 'typeless', ie all entities are of type # matrixdb.THING, then _onlyType is set to THING self._onlyType = None # maps typeName to the vector used to introduce NULL entities, # with low weight, into a vector of type typeName self._nullSmoother = {} # set after vectors are allocated for the nullSmoother's self._globalsSet = None # Cache 'handle expressions' for some of the objects in the # tensorlog database. The handle expressions are indexed by a # (functor,arity) pair. Handle expressions must be inserted by # calling insertHandleExpr(). self._handleExpr = {} # For each handle expression, there is some underlying variable # with a gradient that is optimized. Often this is the same as the # handle expression, but not always. These are indexed by # functor,arity key. self._handleExprVar = {} logging.debug('AbstractCrossCompiler initialized %.3f Gb' % util.memusage())
def __init__(self,db,summaryFile=None): """If summaryFile is provided, save some extra information to pass on to tensorboard. """ super(TensorFlowCrossCompiler,self).__init__(db) self.tfVarsToInitialize = [] self.summaryFile = summaryFile self.session = None self.sessionInitialized = None logging.debug('TensorFlowCrossCompiler initialized %.3f Gb' % util.memusage())
def status(msg):'%s time %.3f sec mem %.3f Gb' % (msg, time.time() - startTime, util.memusage()))