def test_erpac():
    """Test the ERPAC."""
    data = np.random.rand(2, 1024)
    p = Pac(idpac=(4, 0, 0))
    pha = p.filter(1024, data, axis=1, ftype='phase')
    amp = p.filter(1024, data, axis=1, ftype='amplitude')
    p.erpac(pha, amp, traxis=1)
                            npts=npts, dpha=10, damp=10, sf=sf)
# Generate noise and concatenate the coupling and the noise :
x2 = np.random.rand(ntrials, 700)
x = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=1)  # Shape : (ntrials, npts)
time = np.arange(x.shape[1]) / sf

# Define a PAC object :
p = Pac(fpha=[9, 11], famp=(60, 140, 5, 1), dcomplex='wavelet', width=12)

# Extract the phase and the amplitude :
pha = p.filter(sf, x, axis=1, ftype='phase')  # Shape (npha, ntrials, npts)
amp = p.filter(sf, x, axis=1, ftype='amplitude')  # Shape (namp, ntrials, npts)

# Compute the ERPAC and use the traxis to specify that the trial axis is the
# first one :
erpac, pval = p.erpac(pha, amp, traxis=1)

# Remove unused dimensions :
erpac, pval = np.squeeze(erpac), np.squeeze(pval)

# Plot without p-values :
p.pacplot(erpac, time, p.yvec, xlabel='Time (second)', cmap='Spectral_r',
          ylabel='Amplitude frequency', title=str(p), cblabel='ERPAC',
          vmin=0., rmaxis=True)

# Plot with every non-significant values masked in gray :
# p.pacplot(erpac, time, p.yvec, xlabel='Time (second)', cmap='Spectral_r',
#           ylabel='Amplitude frequency', title='ERPAC example', vmin=0.,
#           vmax=1., pvalues=pval, bad='lightgray', plotas='contour',
#           cblabel='ERPAC')