def evaluate(checkpoint_file): result_file = get_checkpoint_path( checkpoint_file) + f".knn{args.top_k}.txt" if os.path.isfile(result_file):"Skipping evaluation of {result_file}.") return with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: SmartInit(checkpoint_file).init(sess) for batch_img, batch_idx in tqdm.tqdm(train_ds, total=len(train_ds)):, feed_dict={ image_input: batch_img, idx_input: batch_idx }) if hvd.rank() == 0: acc = Accuracy() val_df = get_imagenet_dataflow(, "val", local_batch_size) val_df.reset_state() for batch_img, batch_label in val_df: topk_indices_pred = topk_indices, feed_dict={image_input: batch_img}) for indices, gt in zip(topk_indices_pred, batch_label): pred = [all_train_files[k][1] for k in indices] top_pred = Counter(pred).most_common(1)[0] acc.feed(top_pred[0] == gt, total=1) f"Accuracy of {checkpoint_file}: {acc.accuracy} out of {}" ) with open(result_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(acc.accuracy))
def __init__(self, model_path, prefix=None): """ Args: model_path (str): a model name (model-xxxx) or a ``checkpoint`` file. prefix (str): during restore, add a ``prefix/`` for every variable in this checkpoint """ model_path = get_checkpoint_path(model_path) self.path = model_path self.prefix = prefix
def save_model(model_paths, model, target="", compact=False): """Save a model to given dir""" from os import path from os import makedirs import tensorpack as tp from tensorpack.tfutils.varmanip import get_checkpoint_path from tensorpack.tfutils.export import ModelExporter import misc.logger as logger _L = logger.getLogger("Saver") save_to_modeldir = target is "" for model_path in model_paths: # get model path real_path = get_checkpoint_path(model_path) abs_p = path.realpath(model_path) if (not path.isfile(abs_p)): _L.error("{} is not a model file".format(model_path)) continue # save to same folder as model if (save_to_modeldir): target = path.dirname(abs_p) # make sure the folder exists if not path.exists(target): makedirs(target) conf = tp.PredictConfig(session_init=tp.get_model_loader(model_path), model=model, input_names=["input"], output_names=["emb"]) exporter = ModelExporter(conf) if (compact): out = path.join(target, "{}.pb".format(path.basename(real_path)))"saving {} to {}".format(path.basename(real_path), out)) exporter.export_compact(out) else:"compact saving {} to {}".format(path.basename(real_path), target)) exporter.export_serving(target)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File: import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import six import sys import pprint from tensorpack.tfutils.varmanip import get_checkpoint_path if __name__ == '__main__': fpath = sys.argv[1] if fpath.endswith('.npy'): params = np.load(fpath, encoding='latin1').item() dic = {k: v.shape for k, v in six.iteritems(params)} elif fpath.endswith('.npz'): params = dict(np.load(fpath)) dic = {k: v.shape for k, v in six.iteritems(params)} else: path = get_checkpoint_path(sys.argv[1]) reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(path) dic = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() pprint.pprint(dic)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File: import numpy as np import pprint import sys import six import tensorflow as tf from tensorpack.tfutils.varmanip import get_checkpoint_path if __name__ == '__main__': fpath = sys.argv[1] if fpath.endswith('.npy'): params = np.load(fpath, encoding='latin1').item() dic = {k: v.shape for k, v in six.iteritems(params)} elif fpath.endswith('.npz'): params = dict(np.load(fpath)) dic = {k: v.shape for k, v in six.iteritems(params)} else: path = get_checkpoint_path(fpath) reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(path) dic = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() pprint.pprint(dic)
def test(dataset, model_paths, model=None): import tensorpack as tp import tensorflow as tf from tensorpack.tfutils.varmanip import get_checkpoint_path from tensorflow.contrib.tensorboard.plugins import projector import numpy as np import misc.logger as logger import cnn.plotter as plotter import struct def pairwise(sess): from cnn.main import pairwise_distance descs = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, ( None, 8, ), "descs") cnn_dists = pairwise_distance(descs, True) pred = tp.OnlinePredictor([descs], [cnn_dists], sess=sess) def calculate(*args, **kwargs): return pred(*args, **kwargs)[0] return calculate _L = logger.getLogger("test") # noqa sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() cnn_summ = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(tp.logger.get_logger_dir() + "/cnn") lbd_summ = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(tp.logger.get_logger_dir() + "/lbd") cnn_logdir = cnn_summ.get_logdir() # [[Match...], [Label...], [Descriptor...]] dataset.reset_state() data = fake_data(dataset, len(model_paths), _L) pairwise_distance = pairwise(sess) for model_path in model_paths: # get global step real_path = get_checkpoint_path(model_path) reader = tf.compat.v1.train.NewCheckpointReader(real_path) global_step = reader.get_tensor("global_step") # predictor pred = get_predictor(real_path, model) img_info = [[], []] imgs = [] # summaries cnn_summaries = tf.compat.v1.Summary() lbd_summaries = tf.compat.v1.Summary() # collected data for ROC curves roc_data = [] for batch_n in range(config.batch_num): # test the batch (emb, heights, labels, left, timgs, tinfo, cnn_dists, lbd_dists) = test_batch(pairwise_distance, pred, next(data), batch_n) roc_data.append((labels, left, cnn_dists, lbd_dists)) # save results of CNN to NPZ file # if config.save_results is not None: # from pathlib import Path # # # convert to path and use NPZ suffix # file = Path(str(config.save_results)) # file = file.with_suffix('.npz') # file = str(file) # # # save NPZ to given path # np.savez_compressed(file, cutout_list=list(timgs), cnn_desc_list=list(emb), cnn_dist_matrix=cnn_dists, # label_list=list(labels), left_list=list(left), target_height_list=list(heights)) # # _L.debug('Saved CNN results to \'{}\''.format(file)) if config.save_results: nested = dataset.ds.ds save_op = getattr(nested, 'save_results', None) # check if nested dataset has a callable 'save_results' function if callable(save_op): nested.save_results(cnn_desc_list=list(emb), label_list=list(labels), left_list=list(left)) # TODO: warn user that save results is not yet implemented! else: pass if config.return_results and hasattr(dataset, 'client') and dataset.client: message = struct.pack('II', *cnn_dists.shape[:2]) message += cnn_dists.tobytes() dataset.client.send('c', message, wait=False) # generate image output if config.tp_imgs: cimgs = [ np.resize(el, (heights[i], *el.shape[1:])) for i, el in enumerate(timgs) ] imgs.append(cimgs) for i in [0, 1]: img_info[i].append(tinfo[i]) # generate projection output if config.tp_proj: mdata_name = "metadata_{}.tsv".format(batch_n) mdata_path = "{}/{}".format(cnn_logdir, mdata_name) with open(mdata_path, "w") as mfile: for label in labels: mfile.write("{}\n".format(label)) sprite = make_sprite(timgs, timgs[0].shape, cnn_logdir, batch_n) sprite_size = max(timgs[0].shape) embv = tf.Variable(emb, name="embeddings") initop = tf.variables_initializer([embv]) pconf = projector.ProjectorConfig() embconf = pconf.embeddings.add() embconf.tensor_name = embconf.metadata_path = mdata_name embconf.sprite.image_path = sprite embconf.sprite.single_image_dim.extend( [sprite_size, sprite_size]) projector.visualize_embeddings(cnn_summ, pconf) saver = tf.train.Saver(), "{}/embeddings.ckpt".format(cnn_logdir), batch_n) # generate ROC tap_dists, tan_dists = split_dists(roc_data) cnn_plots = plotter.plot_roc(tap_dists[0], tan_dists[0], "cnn: {}".format(config.depth), color="g") plotter.plot_roc(tap_dists[1], tan_dists[1], "lbd", color="b", figs=cnn_plots) suffix = "" for i in range(2): img = plotter.plot_to_np(cnn_plots[i]) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) s = tp.summary.create_image_summary( "ROC{}/{}".format(suffix, global_step), img) cnn_summaries.value.extend(s.value) suffix = "_zoomed" # get images # add image summary if config.tp_imgs: for i in range(len(img_info[0])): for j in range(len(img_info[0][i])): cnn_info = img_info[0][i][j] lbd_info = img_info[1][i][j] generate_tensorboard_img_summary(cnn_summaries, cnn_info, imgs[i], "imgs/cnn", global_step, i) generate_tensorboard_img_summary(lbd_summaries, lbd_info, imgs[i], "imgs/lbd", global_step, i) cnn_summ.add_summary(cnn_summaries, global_step) lbd_summ.add_summary(lbd_summaries, global_step) lbd_summ.flush() cnn_summ.flush() lbd_summ.close() cnn_summ.close() sess.close()