def _init(self):"[{}]: agent init, isTrain={}".format(self._agentIdent, self._isTrain)) self._episodeCount = -1 from tensorpack.utils.utils import get_rng self._rng = get_rng(self) from tensorpack.utils.stats import StatCounter self.reset_stat() self.rwd_counter = StatCounter() self._memorySaver = None save_dir = self._kwargs.pop('save_dir', None) if save_dir is not None: self._memorySaver = MemorySaver(save_dir, self._kwargs.pop('max_save_item', 3), self._kwargs.pop('min_save_score', None), ) self.restart_episode() pass
def __init__(self, predictor_io_names, player, state_shape, batch_size, memory_size, init_memory_size, init_exploration, update_frequency, history_len): """ Args: predictor_io_names (tuple of list of str): input/output names to predict Q value from state. player (RLEnvironment): the player. state_shape (tuple): h, w, c history_len (int): length of history frames to concat. Zero-filled initial frames. update_frequency (int): number of new transitions to add to memory after sampling a batch of transitions for training. """ assert len(state_shape) == 3, state_shape init_memory_size = int(init_memory_size) for k, v in locals().items(): if k != 'self': setattr(self, k, v) self.exploration = init_exploration self.num_actions = player.action_space.n"Number of Legal actions: {}".format(self.num_actions)) self.rng = get_rng(self) self._init_memory_flag = threading.Event() # tell if memory has been initialized # a queue to receive notifications to populate memory self._populate_job_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=5) self.mem = ReplayMemory(memory_size, state_shape, history_len) self._current_ob = self.player.reset() self._player_scores = StatCounter() self._current_game_score = StatCounter()
def __init__(self, directory=None, viz=False, task=False, files_list=None, screen_dims=(27, 27, 27), history_length=20, multiscale=True, max_num_frames=0, saveGif=False, saveVideo=False): """ :param train_directory: environment or game name :param viz: visualization set to 0 to disable set to +ve number to be the delay between frames to show set to a string to be the directory for storing frames :param screen_dims: shape of the frame cropped from the image to feed it to dqn (d,w,h) - defaults (27,27,27) :param nullop_start: start with random number of null ops :param location_history_length: consider lost of lives as end of episode (useful for training) :max_num_frames: maximum numbe0r of frames per episode. """ # ###################################################################### # ## generate evaluation results from 19 different points # ## save results in csv file # self.csvfile = 'DuelDoubleDQN_multiscale_brain_mri_point_pc_ROI_45_45_45_midl2018.csv' # if not train: # with open(self.csvfile, 'w') as outcsv: # fields = ["filename", "dist_error"] # writer = csv.writer(outcsv) # writer.writerow(map(lambda x: x, fields)) # # x = [0.5,0.25,0.75] # y = [0.5,0.25,0.75] # z = [0.5,0.25,0.75] # self.start_points = [] # for combination in itertools.product(x, y, z): # if 0.5 in combination: self.start_points.append(combination) # self.start_points = itertools.cycle(self.start_points) # self.count_points = 0 # self.total_loc = [] # ###################################################################### super(MedicalPlayer, self).__init__() # inits stat counters self.reset_stat() # counter to limit number of steps per episodes self.cnt = 0 # maximum number of frames (steps) per episodes self.max_num_frames = max_num_frames # stores information: terminal, score, distError = None # option to save display as gif self.saveGif = saveGif self.saveVideo = saveVideo # training flag self.task = task # image dimension (2D/3D) self.screen_dims = screen_dims self.dims = len(self.screen_dims) # multi-scale agent self.multiscale = multiscale # init env dimensions if self.dims == 2: self.width, self.height = screen_dims else: self.width, self.height, self.depth = screen_dims with _ALE_LOCK: self.rng = get_rng(self) # visualization setup if isinstance(viz, six.string_types): # check if viz is a string assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.viewer = None self.gif_buffer = [] # stat counter to store current score or accumlated reward self.current_episode_score = StatCounter() # get action space and minimal action set self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(6) # change number actions here self.actions = self.action_space.n self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=self.screen_dims, dtype=np.uint8) # history buffer for storing last locations to check oscilations self._history_length = history_length self._loc_history = [(0, ) * self.dims] * self._history_length self._qvalues_history = [(0, ) * self.actions] * self._history_length # initialize rectangle limits from input image coordinates self.rectangle = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # add your data loader here if self.task == 'play': self.files = filesListBrainMRLandmark(files_list, returnLandmarks=False) else: self.files = filesListBrainMRLandmark(files_list, returnLandmarks=True) # prepare file sampler self.filepath = None self.sampled_files = self.files.sample_circular() # reset buffer, terminal, counters, and init new_random_game self._restart_episode()
def reset_state(self): """ Reset the RNG """ self.rng = get_rng(self) super(lymphomaBase, self).reset_state()
def __init__(self, pipe_c2s, pipe_s2c, model): super(MySimulatorMaster, self).__init__(pipe_c2s, pipe_s2c) self.M = model self.queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=BATCH_SIZE * 8 * 2) from tensorpack.utils.utils import get_rng self._rng = get_rng(self)
def __init__(self): self.rng = get_rng(self)
def __init__(self, data_dir='/home/Pearl/quantm/QuadRand/data/SNEMI/', viz=0, frame_skip=8, nullop_start=30, max_num_frames=0): """ Args: data_dir: path to the image frame_skip: skip every k frames and repeat the action viz: visualization to be done. Set to 0 to disable. Set to a positive number to be the delay between frames to show. Set to a string to be a directory to store frames. nullop_start: start with random number of null ops. live_losts_as_eoe: consider lost of lives as end of episode. Useful for training. max_num_frames: maximum number of frames per episode. """ super(ImagePlayer, self).__init__() # Read the image here import glob,, cv2 from natsort import natsorted self.imageFiles = natsorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'images/*.tif'))) self.labelFiles = natsorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'labels/*.tif'))) # self.images = cv2.imread(self.imageFiles[idx], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE).astype(np.uint8) # self.labels = cv2.imread(self.labelFiles[idx], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE).astype(np.uint8) print(self.imageFiles) print(self.labelFiles) self.images = [] self.labels = [] for imageFile in self.imageFiles: self.images.append( for labelFile in self.labelFiles: self.labels.append( # 3x100x1024x1024 # self.images = np.array(self.images) # self.labels = np.array(self.labels) self.image = None self.label = None self.estim = None self.heap = None self.root = None # avoid simulator bugs: with _SAFE_LOCK: self.rng = get_rng(self) # viz setup if isinstance(viz, six.string_types): assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.windowname = os.path.basename(data_dir) cv2.namedWindow(self.windowname) self.width = DIMX self.height = DIMY self.actions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # Modify here {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: bg, fg, split} self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.nullop_start = nullop_start self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.height, self.width, 1), dtype=np.uint8) self._restart_episode()
def __init__(self, rom_file, viz=0, frame_skip=4, nullop_start=30, live_lost_as_eoe=True, max_num_frames=0): """ Args: rom_file: path to the rom frame_skip: skip every k frames and repeat the action viz: visualization to be done. Set to 0 to disable. Set to a positive number to be the delay between frames to show. Set to a string to be a directory to store frames. nullop_start: start with random number of null ops. live_losts_as_eoe: consider lost of lives as end of episode. Useful for training. max_num_frames: maximum number of frames per episode. """ super(AtariPlayer, self).__init__() if not os.path.isfile(rom_file) and '/' not in rom_file: rom_file = get_dataset_path('atari_rom', rom_file) assert os.path.isfile(rom_file), \ "rom {} not found. Please download at {}".format(rom_file, ROM_URL) try: ALEInterface.setLoggerMode(ALEInterface.Logger.Error) except AttributeError: if execute_only_once(): logger.warn("You're not using latest ALE") # avoid simulator bugs: with _ALE_LOCK: self.ale = ALEInterface() self.rng = get_rng(self) self.ale.setInt(b"random_seed", self.rng.randint(0, 30000)) self.ale.setInt(b"max_num_frames_per_episode", max_num_frames) self.ale.setBool(b"showinfo", False) self.ale.setInt(b"frame_skip", 1) self.ale.setBool(b'color_averaging', False) # manual.pdf suggests otherwise. self.ale.setFloat(b'repeat_action_probability', 0.0) # viz setup if isinstance(viz, six.string_types): assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz self.ale.setString(b'record_screen_dir', viz) viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.windowname = os.path.basename(rom_file) cv2.startWindowThread() cv2.namedWindow(self.windowname) self.ale.loadROM(rom_file.encode('utf-8')) self.width, self.height = self.ale.getScreenDims() self.actions = self.ale.getMinimalActionSet() self.live_lost_as_eoe = live_lost_as_eoe self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.nullop_start = nullop_start self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) self._restart_episode()
def reset_state(self): self.rng = get_rng(self) print self.is_training
def __init__(self, directory=None, viz=False, task=False, files_list=None, file_type="brain", landmark_ids=None, screen_dims=(27, 27, 27), history_length=28, multiscale=True, max_num_frames=0, saveGif=False, saveVideo=False, agents=1, oscillations_allowed=4, logger=None): """ :param train_directory: environment or game name :param viz: visualization set to 0 to disable set to +ve number to be the delay between frames to show set to a string to be the directory for storing frames :param screen_dims: shape of the frame cropped from the image to feed it to dqn (d,w,h) - defaults (27,27,27) :param nullop_start: start with random number of null ops :param location_history_length: consider lost of lives as end of episode (useful for training) :max_num_frames: maximum numbe0r of frames per episode. """ super(MedicalPlayer, self).__init__() self.agents = agents self.oscillations_allowed = oscillations_allowed self.logger = logger # inits stat counters self.reset_stat() # counter to limit number of steps per episodes self.cnt = 0 # maximum number of frames (steps) per episodes self.max_num_frames = max_num_frames # stores information: terminal, score, distError = None # option to save display as gif self.saveGif = saveGif self.saveVideo = saveVideo # training flag self.task = task # image dimension (2D/3D) self.screen_dims = screen_dims self.dims = len(self.screen_dims) # multi-scale agent self.multiscale = multiscale # init env dimensions if self.dims == 2: self.width, self.height = screen_dims else: self.width, self.height, self.depth = screen_dims with _ALE_LOCK: self.rng = get_rng(self) # visualization setup if isinstance(viz, six.string_types): # check if viz is a string assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.viewer = None self.gif_buffer = [] # stat counter to store current score or accumlated reward self.current_episode_score = [StatCounter()] * self.agents # get action space and minimal action set self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(6) # change number actions here self.actions = self.action_space.n self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=self.screen_dims, dtype=np.uint8) # history buffer for storing last locations to check oscilations self._history_length = history_length self._loc_history = [[(0, ) * self.dims for _ in range(self._history_length)] for _ in range(self.agents)] self._qvalues_history = [[(0, ) * self.actions for _ in range(self._history_length)] for _ in range(self.agents)] # initialize rectangle limits from input image coordinates self.rectangle = [Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)] * int(self.agents) returnLandmarks = (self.task != 'play') # add your data loader here if file_type == "brain": self.files = filesListBrainMRLandmark(files_list, returnLandmarks, self.agents) elif file_type == "cardiac": self.files = filesListCardioLandmark(files_list, returnLandmarks, self.agents) elif file_type == "fetal": self.files = filesListFetalUSLandmark(files_list, returnLandmarks, self.agents) # prepare file sampler self.filepath = None self.sampled_files = self.files.sample_circular(landmark_ids) # reset buffer, terminal, counters, and init new_random_game self._restart_episode()
def __init__(self, num): super(DiscreteActionSpace, self).__init__() self.num = num self.rng = get_rng(self)
def __init__(self, directory=None, files_list=None, viz=False, train=False, screen_dims=(27, 27, 27), spacing=(1, 1, 1), nullop_start=30, history_length=30, max_num_frames=0, saveGif=False, saveVideo=False): """ :param train_directory: environment or game name :param viz: visualization set to 0 to disable set to +ve number to be the delay between frames to show set to a string to be the directory for storing frames :param screen_dims: shape of the frame cropped from the image to feed it to dqn (d,w,h) - defaults (27,27,27) :param nullop_start: start with random number of null ops :param history_length: consider lost of lives as end of episode (useful for training) """ super(MedicalPlayer, self).__init__() self.reset_stat() self._supervised = False self._init_action_angle_step = 8 self._init_action_dist_step = 4 ## save results in csv file # brain_adult_spacing_multi_3_actionh_8_4_unsupervised_duel_double_smooth_batch_32_layers_8_fold_1_model_2000000 self.csvfile = 'dummy.csv' if not train: with open(self.csvfile, 'w') as outcsv: fields = ["filename", "dist_error", "angle_error"] writer = csv.writer(outcsv) writer.writerow(map(lambda x: x, fields)) # read files from directory - add your data loader here self.files = filesListBrainMRPlane(directory, files_list) # prepare file sampler self.sampled_files = self.files.sample_circular() self.filepath = None # maximum number of frames (steps) per episodes self.cnt = 0 self.max_num_frames = max_num_frames # stores information: terminal, score, distError = None # option to save display as gif self.saveGif = saveGif self.saveVideo = saveVideo # training flag self.train = train # image dimension (2D/3D) self._plane_size = screen_dims self.dims = len(self._plane_size) if self.dims == 2: self.width, self.height = self._plane_size else: self.width, self.height, self.depth = self._plane_size # plane sampling spacings self.init_spacing = np.array(spacing) # stat counter to store current score or accumlated reward self.current_episode_score = StatCounter() # get action space and minimal action set self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(8) # change number actions here self.actions = self.action_space.n self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=self._plane_size) # history buffer for storing last locations to check oscillations self._history_length = history_length # circular buffer to store plane parameters history [4,history_length] self._plane_history = deque(maxlen=self._history_length) self._bestq_history = deque(maxlen=self._history_length) self._dist_history = deque(maxlen=self._history_length) self._dist_history_params = deque(maxlen=self._history_length) self._dist_supervised_history = deque(maxlen=self._history_length) # self._loc_history = [(0,) * self.dims] * self._history_length self._loc_history = [(0, ) * 4] * self._history_length self._qvalues_history = [(0, ) * self.actions] * self._history_length self._qvalues = [ 0, ] * self.actions with _ALE_LOCK: self.rng = get_rng(self) # visualization setup if isinstance(viz, six.string_types): # check if viz is a string assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.viewer = None self.gif_buffer = [] self._restart_episode()
def __init__(self, rom_file, viz=0, frame_skip=4, nullop_start=30, live_lost_as_eoe=True, max_num_frames=0): """ Args: rom_file: path to the rom frame_skip: skip every k frames and repeat the action viz: visualization to be done. Set to 0 to disable. Set to a positive number to be the delay between frames to show. Set to a string to be a directory to store frames. nullop_start: start with random number of null ops. live_losts_as_eoe: consider lost of lives as end of episode. Useful for training. max_num_frames: maximum number of frames per episode. """ super(AtariPlayer, self).__init__() if not os.path.isfile(rom_file) and '/' not in rom_file: rom_file = get_dataset_path('atari_rom', rom_file) assert os.path.isfile(rom_file), \ "rom {} not found. Please download at {}".format(rom_file, ROM_URL) try: ALEInterface.setLoggerMode(ALEInterface.Logger.Error) except AttributeError: if execute_only_once(): logger.warn("You're not using latest ALE") # avoid simulator bugs: with _ALE_LOCK: self.ale = ALEInterface() self.rng = get_rng(self) self.ale.setInt(b"random_seed", self.rng.randint(0, 30000)) self.ale.setInt(b"max_num_frames_per_episode", max_num_frames) self.ale.setBool(b"showinfo", False) self.ale.setInt(b"frame_skip", 1) self.ale.setBool(b'color_averaging', False) # manual.pdf suggests otherwise. self.ale.setFloat(b'repeat_action_probability', 0.0) # viz setup if isinstance(viz, six.string_types): assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz self.ale.setString(b'record_screen_dir', viz) viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.windowname = os.path.basename(rom_file) cv2.startWindowThread() cv2.namedWindow(self.windowname) self.ale.loadROM(rom_file.encode('utf-8')) self.width, self.height = self.ale.getScreenDims() self.actions = self.ale.getMinimalActionSet() self.live_lost_as_eoe = live_lost_as_eoe self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.nullop_start = nullop_start self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=0, high=255, shape=(self.height, self.width)) self._restart_episode()
for k in range(self.frame_skip): if k == self.frame_skip - 1: self.last_raw_screen = self._grab_raw_image() r += self.ale.act(self.actions[act]) newlives = self.ale.lives() if self.ale.game_over() or \ (self.live_lost_as_eoe and newlives < oldlives): break isOver = self.ale.game_over() if self.live_lost_as_eoe: isOver = isOver or newlives < oldlives info = {'ale.lives': newlives} return self._current_state(), r, isOver, info if __name__ == '__main__': import sys a = AtariPlayer(sys.argv[1], viz=0.03) num = a.action_space.n rng = get_rng(num) while True: act = rng.choice(range(num)) state, reward, isOver, info = a.step(act) if isOver: print(info) a.reset() print("Reward:", reward)
def reset_state(self): self.rng = get_rng(self)
for i in xrange(x): for j in xrange(y): im = image[i:i + xo, j:j + yo] if im.shape == obj.shape: if method == 'absolute': diff = float(np.sum(im != obj)) / obj.size elif method == 'relative': diff = np.sum(abs(im - obj) / 255.0) / obj.size if diff < max_diff: answers.append((i, j)) return answers if __name__ == '__main__': player = get_player() rng = get_rng() task = 'detect' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if task == 'save': for i in xrange(50): #random_action = rng.choice(range(NUM_ACTIONS)) player.action(1) # Original image: (210 * 160 * 3) by print player.current_state().shape # print player.current_state().shape #if i == 25: # player.restart_episode() file_name = 'freeway/' + ENV_NAME + '_' + str(i) X = player.current_state(), X)
def __init__(self, wmin, hmin, wmax=None, hmax=None): self.rng = get_rng() super().__init__(wmin, hmin, wmax, hmax)
def __init__(self, directory=None, viz=False, task=False, files_list=None, observation_dims=(27, 27, 27), multiscale=False, # FIXME automatic dimensions max_num_frames=0, saveGif=False, saveVideo=False): # FIXME hardcoded max num frames! """ :param train_directory: environment or game name :param viz: visualization set to 0 to disable set to +ve number to be the delay between frames to show set to a string to be the directory for storing frames :param observation_dims: shape of the frame cropped from the image to feed it to dqn (d,w,h) - defaults (27,27,27) :param nullop_start: start with random number of null ops :param location_history_length: consider lost of lives as end of episode (useful for training) :max_num_frames: maximum number of frames per episode. """ super(Brain_Env, self).__init__() # inits stat counters self.reset_stat() # counter to limit number of steps per episodes self.cnt = 0 # maximum number of frames (steps) per episodes self.max_num_frames = max_num_frames # stores information: terminal, score, distError = None # option to save display as gif self.saveGif = saveGif self.saveVideo = saveVideo # training flag self.task = task # image dimension (2D/3D) self.observation_dims = observation_dims self.dims = len(self.observation_dims) # multi-scale agent self.multiscale = multiscale # FIXME force multiscale false for now self.multiscale = False # init env dimensions if self.dims == 2: self.width, self.height = observation_dims elif self.dims == 3: self.width, self.height, self.depth = observation_dims else: raise ValueError with THREAD_LOCKER: self.rng = get_rng(self) self.viz = viz print("viz {} gif {} video {}".format(self.viz, self.saveGif, self.saveVideo)) # get action space and minimal action set self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(6) # change number actions here self.actions = self.action_space.n self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-1., high=1., shape=self.observation_dims, dtype=np.uint8) # history buffer for storing last locations to check oscilations # TODO initialize _observation_bounds limits from input image coordinates # -1 to compensate for 0 indexing self._observation_bounds = ObservationBounds(0, self.observation_dims[0] - 1, 0, self.observation_dims[1] - 1, 0, self.observation_dims[2] - 1) self.files = FilesListCubeNPY(directory, files_list) # self.files = filesListFetalUSLandmark(directory,files_list) # self.files = filesListCardioMRLandmark(directory,files_list) # prepare file sampler self.filepath = None self.file_sampler = self.files.sample_circular() # returns generator # reset buffer, terminal, counters, and init new_random_game # we put this here so that init_player in doesn't try to update_history self._clear_history() # init arrays self._restart_episode() assert (np.shape(self._state) == self.observation_dims) # test jaccard assert np.isclose(jaccard(self.original_state, self.original_state)[0], 1)