def delete_local(self,local_path): """ Deletes a local svn repo @param local_path: path to the repository @return: boolean """ if self.is_path(local_path): shell("rm -rf %s" % local_path,verbose=False) return True else: self.log.error("Not an svn repo %s" % (local_path)) return False
def bsdiff(self): ''' Generate bsdiff origin file of self Generate bsdiff origin file to new file diff compare origin to new ''' diffs = [] for file_path in self.union: tag_origin = "%s%s" % ('origin',file_path.replace('/','.')) tag_new = "%s%s" % ('new',file_path.replace('/','.')) path_origin = "%s%s" % (self.origin,file_path) path_new = "%s%s" % (,file_path) if self.is_symlink(path_new): print "slink: %s" % (path_new) self.slinks.append(path_new) pass if self.is_symlink(path_origin): print "slink: %s" % (path_origin) self.slinks.append(path_origin) pass self._bsdiff(path_origin, path_origin, tag_origin) self._bsdiff(path_origin, path_new, tag_new) cmd = "diff %s/%s %s/%s" % (self.path,tag_origin,self.path,tag_new) session = shell(cmd) output = session.get('stdout') if self.options.debug: print output if("differ\n" in output): print "Found: %s" % file_path diffs.append(file_path) else: print " Pass: %s" % file_path self._write(diffs) return diffs
def reset(options): ip = options.get('ip') user = options.get('user') password = options.get('password') cmd = 'ipmitool -I lanplus -H %s -U %s -P %s power reset' % (ip, user, password) session = shell(cmd) return session
def make_package(options): if shell("cd %s/docs; sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../isi_fog_py" % (package_path)) shell("cd %s/docs; make html" % (package_path)) shell("cd %s; tar -zcvf isi_fog_py.tar.gz ./isi_fog_py" % (package_path)) shell("cd %s; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -Tclean" % (package_path)) shell("cd %s; dpkg-buildpackage -b" % (package_path)) server = options.server src = "%s/%s" % (artifact_path, dest = "/root" print "server: %s" % server print " src: %s" % src print " dest: %s" % dest rsync(server, src, dest, rsa_private="~/.ssh/id_rsa", option='push') ssh(server, "cd /root; gdebi %s -n" % (, rsa_private="~/.ssh/id_rsa")
def init_package(self,name): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.package_base) machine_info = {} drone_pkg_path = "%s/%s.drone" % (self.package_base,name) drone_path = "%s/%s" % (self.package_base,name) drone_yml_path = "%s/%s" % (drone_path,"drone.yml") drone_disk_path= "%s/%s.vdi" % (drone_path,name) if os.path.exists(drone_pkg_path): print "\nunpacking drone package..." shell("tar -zxvf %s" % (drone_pkg_path),shell=True) else: print 'Error drone package not found %s' % drone_pkg_path return False drn_yaml = None os.chdir(cwd) if os.path.exists(drone_yml_path): with open(drone_yml_path, 'r') as cfg: drn_yaml = yaml.load(cfg) else: print "Error unable to find drone.yml file in package %s" % drone_yml_path return False if os.path.exists(drone_disk_path): if drn_yaml: drn_yaml['memorySize']=int(drn_yaml.get('memorySize')) drn_yaml['OSTypeID']= drn_yaml.get('OSTypeID') drn_yaml['hard_disk_path']=drone_disk_path drn_yaml['network_adapter']=1 drn_yaml['network_enabled']=True drn_yaml['network_connected']=True drn_yaml['guest_ssh_port']='22' drn_yaml['host_ssh_port']=str(self.new_ssh_port(2223)) for k,v in drn_yaml.iteritems(): print "%s : %s" % (k,v) machine = Machine(drn_yaml) print "\nlaunching virtual machine %s..." % drn_yaml.get('name') print machine.create() shell("rm -rf %s" % (drone_path)) else: print "Error unable to find drone disk file %s" % (drone_disk_path) return False return True
def is_alive(self): """ Pings the remote to make sure its a valid address :return: boolean """ session = shell('/usr/bin/env ping -c 1 %s' % (self.server), strict=False, verbose=False, show_cmd=False) if session.get('code') == 0: return True return False
def _set_ssh_config(self, ssh_config, git_host): """ This turns off host verification :param ssh_config: path to <user>/.ssh/config :param git_host: example. """ if os.path.exists(ssh_config): with open(ssh_config, 'r') as file: config = if git_host not in config: print "[Info] adding host @ %s" % (ssh_config) cmd = ("sudo printf " "'Host %s\\n\\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\\n' " ">> %s") % (git_host, ssh_config) shell(cmd, shell=True) else: print "[Info] Creating ssh config @ %s" % (ssh_config) cmd = ("sudo printf " "'Host %s\\n\\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\\n' " "> %s") % (git_host, ssh_config) shell(cmd, shell=True)
def _bsdiff(self,base_a, base_b,tag='tag'): ''' perform a bsdiff :param base_a: String, path to file a :param base_b: String, path to file b :param tag: tag of file ''' cmd = "cd %s; bsdiff %s %s %s" % (self.path, base_a, base_b, tag) if self.options.debug: print cmd session = shell(cmd) if self.options.debug: print session if session.get('code') > 0: print "Error: %s" % (base_a) self.errors.append(base_a) return session.get('stdout')
def create_package(self,name,package_name): machine = self.get_machine(name) if machine: #package_base = "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).rsplit('/',1)[0],'packages') print "\n creating drone package..." package_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.package_base,package_name) drone_cfg = "%s/drone.yml" % (package_dir) machine_path = machine.settingsFilePath.rsplit('/',1)[0] disk_name = None disk_path = None if os.path.exists(package_dir): shell("rm -rf %s" % (package_dir)) if not os.path.exists(package_dir): os.makedirs(package_dir) for file in os.listdir(machine_path): # find the disk if '.vdi' in file: disk_name = file disk_path = "%s/%s" % (machine_path,disk_name) if not os.path.exists(disk_path):# make sure the disk exists print 'Unable to find disk file' return None src = disk_path package_name_disk = "%s.vdi" % package_name dst = "%s/%s" % (package_dir,package_name_disk) print "\ncloning disk..." try: clonehd_code = shell("VBoxManage clonehd '%s' '%s' --format VDI" % (src,dst),strict=True) except Exception as e: print str(e) print "\n --note Make sure the vm is off" os.sys.exit(1) #if not os.path.exists(dst): # shutil.copyfile(src,dst) # copy the disk into package if not os.path.exists(drone_cfg): with open(drone_cfg,'w') as drone_file: machine_info = self.get_machine_info(name) machine_info['name']=package_name yaml.dump(machine_info, drone_file,default_flow_style=False) output = shell("tar czf %s.drone -C %s/ %s" % (package_dir,self.package_base,package_name)) if output.get('code')==0: shell("rm -rf %s" % (package_dir)) print "\ndrone package created" else: print "Error creating drone package"