def test_fill_hatch2(self): kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel.console("operation* delete\n") kernel.console("rect 0 0 1in 1in\n") kernel.console("rect 3in 0 1in 1in\n") kernel.console("hatch\n") hatch = list(kernel.elements.ops())[0] hatch.hatch_type = "eulerian" rect0 = list(kernel.elements.elems())[0] hatch.add_node(copy(rect0)) rect1 = list(kernel.elements.elems())[1] hatch.add_node(copy(rect1)) commands = list() # kernel.console("tree list\n") hatch.preprocess(kernel.root, Matrix(), commands) for command in commands: command() # kernel.console("tree list\n") polyline_node0 = hatch.children[0] shape0 = polyline_node0.shape self.assertEqual(len(shape0), 77) # print(shape0) polyline_node1 = hatch.children[1] shape1 = polyline_node1.shape self.assertEqual(len(shape1), 50) # print(shape1) finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_kernel_commands(self): """ Tests all commands with no arguments to test for crashes... """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: for cmd, path, command in kernel.find("command/.*"): if "server" in command: continue if "ruida" in command: continue if "quit" in command: continue if "shutdown" in command: continue if "loop" in command: continue if not cmd.regex: print("Testing command: %s" % command) # command should be generated with something like # kernel.console(" ".join(command.split("/")[1:]) + "\n") # if first parameter is not base but this fails so not # changing yet kernel.console(command.split("/")[-1] + "\n") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_fill_kernel_registered(self): kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: eulerian_fill_k = kernel.lookup("hatch/eulerian") self.assertIs(eulerian_fill_k, eulerian_fill) finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_elements_specific(self): """ Tests specific elements for correct non-failure. """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel.console("polyline grid 3 3\n") kernel.console("polyline 3cm 3cm 2cm 2cm 1cm 1cm grid 3 3\n") kernel.console("circle 2cm 2cm 1cm grid 3 3\n") kernel.console("rect 2cm 2cm 1cm 1cm grid 3 3\n") kernel.console("ellipse 2cm 2cm 1cm 1cm grid 3 3\n") kernel.console("line 2cm 2cm 1cm 1cm grid 3 3\n") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_elements_shapes(self): """ Intro test for elements :return: """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel_root = kernel.get_context("/") kernel_root("shape 5 2in 2in 1in\n") # kernel_root("polygon 1in 1in 2in 2in 0in 4cm\n") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_elements_clipboard(self): """ Intro test for elements :return: """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel_root = kernel.get_context("/") kernel_root("rect 1in 1in 1in 1in stroke red fill blue\n") kernel_root("clipboard copy\n") kernel_root("clipboard paste -xy 2in 2in\n") kernel_root("grid 2 4\n") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_echo_and_ansi(self): """ Tests all echo options separately and combined with output to ansi terminal window """ echo_commands = [ "echo", "echo [bg-white][black] black text", "echo [red] red text", "echo [green] green text", "echo [yellow] yellow text", "echo [blue] blue text", "echo [magenta] magenta text", "echo [cyan] cyan text", "echo [bg-black][white] white text", "echo [bg-black][white] black background", "echo [bg-red] red background", "echo [bg-green] green background", "echo [bg-yellow] yellow background", "echo [bg-blue] blue background", "echo [bg-magenta] magenta background", "echo [bg-cyan] cyan background", "echo [bg-white][black] white background", "echo [bg-white][black] bright black text", "echo [bold][red] bright red text", "echo [bold][green] bright green text", "echo [bold][yellow] bright yellow text", "echo [bold][blue] bright blue text", "echo [bold][magenta] bright magenta text", "echo [bold][cyan] bright cyan text", "echo [bold][bg-black][white] bright white text", "echo [bold] bold text [/bold] normal text", "echo [italic] italic text [/italic] normal text", "echo [underline] underline text [/underline] normal text", "echo [underscore] underscore text [/underscore] normal text", "echo [negative] negative text [positive] positive text", "echo [negative] negative text [normal] normal text", "echo [raw][red] red bbcode and normal text", ] kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: for echo in echo_commands: print("Testing echo command: %s" % echo) kernel.console(echo + "\n") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_elements_type(self): """ Tests some generic elements commands and validates output as correct type """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() @kernel.console_command("validate_type", input_type="elements") def validation_type(command, data=None, **kwargs): for node in data: self.assertTrue(isinstance(node, Node)) try: for cmd, path, command in kernel.find("command/elements.*"): kernel.console("element* " + command.split("/")[-1] + " validate_type\n") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_penbox(self): """ Test penbox code :return: """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel_root = kernel.get_context("/") kernel_root("penbox testpasses add 5 set 0-4 hatch_angle 0-90\n") self.assertEqual(len(kernel_root.elements.penbox["testpasses"]), 5) self.assertEqual( kernel_root.elements.penbox["testpasses"][-1]["hatch_angle"], 90) finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_elements_circle(self): """ Intro test for elements :return: """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel_root = kernel.get_context("/") kernel_root("circle 1in 1in 1in\n") for node in kernel_root.elements.elems(): # print(element) self.assertEqual( node.shape, Circle( center=(1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL, 1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL), r=1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL, ), ) self.assertEqual(node.stroke, "blue") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_elements_rect(self): """ Intro test for elements :return: """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel_root = kernel.get_context("/") kernel_root("rect 1in 1in 1in 1in stroke red fill blue\n") for node in kernel_root.elements.elems(): self.assertEqual( node.shape, Rect( 1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL, 1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL, 1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL, 1000 * UNITS_PER_MIL, ), ) self.assertEqual(node.stroke, "red") self.assertEqual(node.fill, "blue") finally: kernel.shutdown()
def test_actualize_pureblack(self): """ Test that a pure black image does not crash. :return: """ kernel = bootstrap.bootstrap() try: kernel_root = kernel.get_context("/") # kernel_root("channel print console\n") image ="RGBA", (256, 256), "black") elements = kernel_root.elements node = elements.elem_branch.add( image=image, dpi=1000.0, matrix=Matrix(), type="elem image" ) node.emphasized = True kernel_root("image resample\n") for element in kernel_root.elements.elems(): if node.type == "elem image": self.assertEqual(element.image.size, (256, 256)) self.assertEqual(element.matrix.value_trans_x(), 0) self.assertEqual(element.matrix.value_trans_y(), 0) finally: kernel.shutdown()