def dds_loopback(classname, devicename, param_set, channel, frequency, scale, peak_min):
    bi = BoardInterface(classname, devicename)
    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(bi.classname + "(uri='" + bi.uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])
    # Set common buffer settings
    sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
    N = 2 ** 14
    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)

    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)
    sdr.dds_single_tone(frequency, scale, channel)

    # Pass through SDR
        for _ in range(10):  # Wait
            data = sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=2 ** 15)
    indx = np.argmax(tone_peaks)
    diff = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx] - frequency)
    print("Peak: " + str(tone_peaks[indx]) + "@" + str(tone_freqs[indx]))
    assert (frequency * 0.01) > diff
    assert tone_peaks[indx] > peak_min
def dds_loopback(uri, classname, param_set, channel, frequency, scale,
    """ dds_loopback: Test DDS loopback with connected loopback cables.
        This test requires a devices with TX and RX onboard where the transmit
        signal can be recovered. TX FPGA DDSs are used to generate a sinusoid
        which is then estimated on the RX side. The receive tone must be within
        1% of its expected frequency with a specified peak

            uri: type=string
                URI of IIO context of target board/system
            classname: type=string
                Name of pyadi interface class which contain attribute
            param_set: type=dict
                Dictionary of attribute and values to be set before tone is
                generated and received
            channel: type=list
                List of integers or list of list of integers of channels to
                enable through tx_enabled_channels
            frequency: type=integer
                Frequency in Hz of transmitted tone
            scale: type=float
                Scale of DDS tone. Range [0,1]
            peak_min: type=float
                Minimum acceptable value of maximum peak in dBFS of received tone

    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(classname + "(uri='" + uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])
    # Set common buffer settings
    sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
    N = 2**14
    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)

    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)
    sdr.dds_single_tone(frequency, scale, channel)

    # Pass through SDR
        for _ in range(10):  # Wait
            data = sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=2**15)
    indx = np.argmax(tone_peaks)
    diff = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx] - frequency)
    print("Peak: " + str(tone_peaks[indx]) + "@" + str(tone_freqs[indx]))
    assert (frequency * 0.01) > diff
    assert tone_peaks[indx] > peak_min
def cw_loopback(classname, devicename, channel, param_set):
    bi = BoardInterface(classname, devicename)
    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(bi.classname + "(uri='" + bi.uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])
    # Set common buffer settings
    sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
    N = 2 ** 14
    sdr.tx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.tx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.tx_enabled_channels)
    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)
    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)
    A = 2 ** 15
    fc = RXFS * 0.1
    ts = 1 / float(RXFS)
    t = np.arange(0, N * ts, ts)
    if sdr._complex_data:
        i = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 0.5
        q = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 0.5
        cw = i + 1j * q
        cw = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 1

    # Pass through SDR
        for _ in range(30):  # Wait to stabilize
            data = sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    # tone_freq = freq_est(data, RXFS)
    # diff = np.abs(tone_freq - fc)
    # print("Peak: @"+str(tone_freq) )
    # assert (fc * 0.01) > diff

    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=A)
    indx = np.argmax(tone_peaks)
    diff = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx] - fc)
    print("Peak: " + str(tone_peaks[indx]) + "@" + str(tone_freqs[indx]))
    assert (fc * 0.01) > diff
def cw_loopback(uri,
    """cw_loopback: Test CW loopback with connected loopback cables.
    This test requires a devices with TX and RX onboard where the transmit
    signal can be recovered. Sinuoidal data is passed to DMAs which is then
    estimated on the RX side. The receive tone must be within
    1% of its expected frequency at the max peak found

        uri: type=string
            URI of IIO context of target board/system
        classname: type=string
            Name of pyadi interface class which contain attribute
        channel: type=list
            List of integers or list of list of integers of channels to
            enable through tx_enabled_channels
        param_set: type=dict
            Dictionary of attribute and values to be set before tone is
            generated and received
        use_tx2: type=bool
            Boolean if set will use tx2() as tx method
        use_rx2: type=bool
            Boolean if set will use rx2() as rx method
    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(classname + "(uri='" + uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])
    # Verify still set
    for p in param_set.keys():
        if isinstance(param_set[p], str):
            assert getattr(sdr, p) == param_set[p]
            assert (np.argmax(
                np.abs(np.array(getattr(sdr, p)) - np.array(param_set[p]))) <
    # Set common buffer settings
    N = 2**14
    if use_tx2:
        sdr.tx2_cyclic_buffer = True
        sdr.tx2_enabled_channels = [channel]
        sdr.tx2_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.tx2_enabled_channels)
        sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
        sdr.tx_enabled_channels = [channel]
        sdr.tx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.tx_enabled_channels)

    if use_rx2:
        sdr.rx2_enabled_channels = [channel]
        sdr.rx2_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx2_enabled_channels)
        sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
        sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)

    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
    elif hasattr(sdr, "rx_sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)
        """no sample_rate nor rx_sample_rate. Let's try something like
        attr = "rx" + str(channel) + "_sample_rate"
        RXFS = int(getattr(sdr, attr))

    A = 2**15
    fc = RXFS * 0.1
    fc = int(fc / (RXFS / N)) * (RXFS / N)

    ts = 1 / float(RXFS)
    t = np.arange(0, N * ts, ts)
    if sdr._complex_data:
        i = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 0.5
        q = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 0.5
        cw = i + 1j * q
        cw = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 1

    # Pass through SDR
        if use_tx2:
        for _ in range(30):  # Wait to stabilize
            data = sdr.rx2() if use_rx2 else sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    # tone_freq = freq_est(data, RXFS)
    # diff = np.abs(tone_freq - fc)
    # print("Peak: @"+str(tone_freq) )
    # assert (fc * 0.01) > diff

    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=A)
    indx = np.argmax(tone_peaks)
    diff = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx] - fc)
    print("Peak: " + str(tone_peaks[indx]) + "@" + str(tone_freqs[indx]))
    assert (fc * 0.01) > diff
def nco_loopback(uri, classname, param_set, channel, frequency, peak_min):
    """nco_loopback: TX/DAC Test tone loopback with connected loopback cables.
    This test requires a devices with TX and RX onboard where the transmit
    signal can be recovered. TX/DAC internal NCOs are used to generate a sinusoid
    which is then estimated on the RX side. The receive tone must be within
    1% of its expected frequency with a specified peak

        uri: type=string
            URI of IIO context of target board/system
        classname: type=string
            Name of pyadi interface class which contain attribute
        param_set: type=dict
            Dictionary of attribute and values to be set before tone is
            generated and received
        channel: type=list
            List of integers or list of list of integers of channels to
            enable through tx_enabled_channels
        frequency: type=integer
            Frequency in Hz of transmitted tone
        peak_min: type=float
            Minimum acceptable value of maximum peak in dBFS of received tone

    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(classname + "(uri='" + uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])

    N = 2**14
    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)
    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
    elif hasattr(sdr, "rx_sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)
        """no sample_rate nor rx_sample_rate. Let's try something like
        attr = "rx" + str(channel) + "_sample_rate"
        RXFS = int(getattr(sdr, attr))

    # Pass through SDR
        for _ in range(10):  # Wait
            data = sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=2**15)
    indx = np.argmax(tone_peaks)
    diff = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx] - frequency)
    s = "Peak: " + str(tone_peaks[indx]) + "@" + str(tone_freqs[indx])
    if do_html_log:
        pytest.data_log = {
                "Frequency (Hz)",
                "Amplitude (dBFS)",
                "{} ({})".format(s, classname),

    assert (frequency * 0.01) > diff
    assert tone_peaks[indx] > peak_min
def dds_two_tone(
    dds_two_tone: Test DDS loopback with connected loopback cables.
    This test requires a devices with TX and RX onboard where the transmit
    signal can be recovered. TX FPGA DDSs are used to generate two sinusoids
    which are then estimated on the RX side. The receive tones must be within
    1% of its respective expected frequency with a specified peak.

        uri: type=string
            URI of IIO context of target board/system
        classname: type=string
            Name of pyadi interface class which contain attribute
        param_set: type=dict
            Dictionary of attribute and values to be set before tone is
            generated and received
        channel: type=list
            List of integers or list of list of integers of channels to
            enable through tx_enabled_channels
        frequency1: type=integer
            Frequency in Hz of the first transmitted tone
        scale1: type=float
            Scale of the first DDS tone. Range [0,1]
        peak_min1: type=float
            Minimum acceptable value of maximum peak in dBFS of the received
            first tone
        frequency2: type=integer
            Frequency in Hz of the second transmitted tone
        scale2: type=float
            Scale of the second DDS tone. Range [0,1]
        peak_min2: type=float
            Minimum acceptable value of maximum peak in dBFS of the received
            second tone

    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(classname + "(uri='" + uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])
    # Set common buffer settings
    sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
    N = 2**14
    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)

    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)
    sdr.dds_dual_tone(frequency1, scale1, frequency2, scale2, channel)

    # Pass through SDR
        for _ in range(10):  # Wait
            data = sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=2**15)
    indx = heapq.nlargest(2, range(len(tone_peaks)), tone_peaks.__getitem__)
    s1 = "Peak 1: " + str(tone_peaks[indx[0]]) + " @ " + str(
    s2 = "Peak 2: " + str(tone_peaks[indx[1]]) + " @ " + str(

    if do_html_log:
        pytest.data_log = {
                "Frequency (Hz)",
                "Amplitude (dBFS)",
                "{}\n{} ({})".format(s1, s2, classname),

    if (abs(frequency1 - tone_freqs[indx[0]]) <=
        (frequency1 * 0.01)) and (abs(frequency2 - tone_freqs[indx[1]]) <=
                                  (frequency2 * 0.01)):
        diff1 = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx[0]] - frequency1)
        diff2 = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx[1]] - frequency2)
        # print(frequency1, frequency2)
        # print(tone_freqs[indx[0]], tone_freqs[indx[1]])
        # print(tone_peaks[indx[0]], tone_peaks[indx[1]])
        # print(diff1, diff2)
        assert (frequency1 * 0.01) > diff1
        assert (frequency2 * 0.01) > diff2
        assert tone_peaks[indx[0]] > peak_min1
        assert tone_peaks[indx[1]] > peak_min2
    elif (abs(frequency2 - tone_freqs[indx[0]]) <=
          (frequency2 * 0.01)) and (abs(frequency1 - tone_freqs[indx[1]]) <=
                                    (frequency1 * 0.01)):
        diff1 = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx[0]] - frequency2)
        diff2 = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx[1]] - frequency1)
        assert (frequency2 * 0.01) > diff1
        assert (frequency1 * 0.01) > diff2
        assert tone_peaks[indx[1]] > peak_min1
        assert tone_peaks[indx[0]] > peak_min2
def cw_loopback(uri, classname, channel, param_set):
    # See if we can tone using DMAs
    sdr = eval(classname + "(uri='" + uri + "')")
    # Set custom device parameters
    for p in param_set.keys():
        setattr(sdr, p, param_set[p])
    # Verify still set
    for p in param_set.keys():
        if isinstance(param_set[p], str):
            assert getattr(sdr, p) == param_set[p]
            assert np.abs(getattr(sdr, p) - param_set[p]) < 4
    # Set common buffer settings
    sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
    N = 2**14
    sdr.tx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.tx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.tx_enabled_channels)
    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [channel]
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * 2 * len(sdr.rx_enabled_channels)
    # Create a sinewave waveform
    if hasattr(sdr, "sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.sample_rate)
    elif hasattr(sdr, "rx_sample_rate"):
        RXFS = int(sdr.rx_sample_rate)
        """ no sample_rate nor rx_sample_rate. Let's try something like
        attr = "rx" + str(channel) + "_sample_rate"
        RXFS = int(getattr(sdr, attr))

    A = 2**15
    fc = RXFS * 0.1
    ts = 1 / float(RXFS)
    t = np.arange(0, N * ts, ts)
    if sdr._complex_data:
        i = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 0.5
        q = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 0.5
        cw = i + 1j * q
        cw = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * A * 1

    # Pass through SDR
        for _ in range(30):  # Wait to stabilize
            data = sdr.rx()
    except Exception as e:
        del sdr
        raise Exception(e)
    del sdr
    # tone_freq = freq_est(data, RXFS)
    # diff = np.abs(tone_freq - fc)
    # print("Peak: @"+str(tone_freq) )
    # assert (fc * 0.01) > diff

    tone_peaks, tone_freqs = spec.spec_est(data, fs=RXFS, ref=A)
    indx = np.argmax(tone_peaks)
    diff = np.abs(tone_freqs[indx] - fc)
    print("Peak: " + str(tone_peaks[indx]) + "@" + str(tone_freqs[indx]))
    assert (fc * 0.01) > diff