def test_windows(): windows = get_task_windows() if "number" in windows[0] and "number" in windows[1]: passed() else: failed("Use % operator")
def test_published_date1(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[2] if "DateTimeField" in placeholder and "blank" in placeholder and "null" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Define variable as DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)")
def test_published_date(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[2] if "published_date" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Define published_date variable")
def test_answer_placeholders1(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if "views.post_list" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Map url to the views.post_list")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder == "models.Model": passed() else: failed("Use models.Model as an ancestor")
def test_title(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[1] if "title" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Define title variable")
def test_title1(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[1] if "CharField" in placeholder and "max_length" in placeholder and "200" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Create models.CharField(max_length=200) here")
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if " in " in window: passed() else: failed("Use 'in' operator for this check")
def test_ice_cream(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "ice cream" in window or "ice_cream": passed() else: failed("Check if there is 'ice' in 'ice cream'")
def test_windows(): windows = get_answer_placeholders() if "number" in windows[0] and "number" in windows[1]: passed() else: failed("Use % operator")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder.find('service_address') != -1: passed() else: failed('Sorry that is not correct. Check the Hint for more help.')
def test_answer_placeholders2(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if "{{" in placeholder and "}}" in placeholder and "post" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Use {{ post }} to print post content")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if "{%" in placeholder and "%}" in placeholder and "for" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Use '{% for ... in ... %}' tag")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[1] if "raw_input(" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Remember to use raw_input(prompt)")
def test_answer_placeholders1(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if "{%" in placeholder and "%}" in placeholder and "endfor" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Don't forget to close for tag")
def test_value(): file = import_task_file() if file.greetings == "greetings": failed("You should assign different value to the variable") else: passed()
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if (placeholder[:7] == 'print("' or placeholder[:7] == "print('") and (placeholder[-2:] == '")' or placeholder[-2:] == "')") : passed() else: failed()
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder == "%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S%p": passed() else: failed('Sorry, that is not correct. Check the Hint for the correct answer.')
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0].replace('"', "'") if placeholder == "'%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'": passed() else: failed()
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() if placeholders[1].replace("\'", "\"") == '"hot "' and placeholders[0].replace(" ", "").replace("\'", "\"") == '"grass"+"hopper"' \ and placeholders[2].replace(" ", "").replace("\'", "\"") == '"l"+"a"+"d"+"y"+"b"+"u"+"g"': passed() else: failed()
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder == "root": passed() else: failed()
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder == "print": # TODO: your condition here passed() else: failed("Use the print luke.")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() not_correct = placeholders[0] while_condition = placeholders[1] user_input = placeholders[2] equals_to = placeholders[3] less_than = placeholders[4] if not_correct == "True": # TODO: your condition here passed() else: failed("When we start, should the user be correct or incorrect?") if while_condition == "not_correct": passed() else: failed("We want the loop to keep running when what is True?") if "raw_input(" in user_input: passed() else: failed("This is where we ask the user to guess the number") if "==" in equals_to: passed() else: failed("When does the user win?") if "<" in less_than: passed() else: failed("When should we say higher than?")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder == "logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())": passed() else: failed()
def test_outputs(): outputs = get_file_output() if len(outputs) >= 3 and outputs[-3:] == ['IT IS STILL SNOWING', 'SHOULD WE GO SLEDDING', 'I CANNOT FIND MY BOOTS']: passed() else: failed(message='Please try again.')
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0].replace('"', "'") if placeholder == "filename=log_filename": passed() else: failed()
def test_window(): windows = get_answer_placeholders() if windows[0] == "%d": passed() else: failed("Use %d special symbol")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if placeholder == "False" or placeholder == '0': passed() else: failed()
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0] if "^$" in placeholder: passed() else: failed("Use '^$' to match empty string")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() placeholder = placeholders[0].replace('"', "'") if placeholder.startswith("logger.exception(") and placeholder.find("'") != -1: passed() else: failed("That is not correct. Be sure to call exception() with a string argument.")
def check_position(): task = import_task_file() if task.board.servos[0].position == -0.25: return passed() return failed("Position incorrect")
from maximum_salary import largest_number def reference(numbers): numbers = list(map(str, numbers)) for _ in numbers: for i in range(len(numbers) - 1): if numbers[i] + numbers[i + 1] < numbers[i + 1] + numbers[i]: t = numbers[i] numbers[i] = numbers[i + 1] numbers[i + 1] = t return int("".join(numbers)) if __name__ == '__main__': run_common_tests() check_tests_pass("") all_tests_passed = True for numbers in [[2, 21, 23, 211, 213, 231, 232], [56, 5, 6, 556, 566, 666, 665, 656]]: if reference(numbers) != largest_number(numbers): all_tests_passed = False failed("Wrong answer for n={}".format(numbers)) break if all_tests_passed: passed()
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "square" in window and "def " in window: passed() else: failed("Name your function 'square'")
def test_column(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if ":" in window: passed() else: failed("Don't forget a colon at the end of the statement")
from test_helper import run_common_tests, failed, passed, check_tests_pass from money_change_again import change, change_naive from random import randint if __name__ == '__main__': run_common_tests() check_tests_pass("") all_tests_passed = True for _ in range(20): money = randint(1, 100) if change_naive(money) != change(money): all_tests_passed = False failed("Wrong answer for money={}".format(money)) break if all_tests_passed: passed()
def test_task_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "anderer Wert" == window: failed("Du solltest die Variable 'gruesse' neu definieren") else: passed()
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "int" in window and "float_number" in window: passed() else: failed("Use the int() function")
def test_remainder(): file = import_task_file() if file.remainder == 1.0: passed() else: failed("Wrong remainder")
def check_integer_truthiness_tests(): task_module = import_task_file() TestIntegerTruthiness = inspect_assertions( task_module.TestIntegerTruthiness) test_result = run_test_case_tests(TestIntegerTruthiness) if not test_result.wasSuccessful(): failed("Some of the TestIntegerTruthiness tests failed!") placeholder_windows = get_answer_placeholders()[0:3] test_zero_window, test_one_window, test_other_value_window = placeholder_windows # check test_zero n_assertions = TestIntegerTruthiness.get_test_method_total_call_count( "test_zero") test_name = "TestIntegerTruthiness.test_zero" if n_assertions > 1: failed(name=test_name, message="must use only one assertion") elif n_assertions == 0: failed(name=test_name, message="must use an assertion") elif in TestIntegerTruthiness.per_method_counters[ "test_zero"]["assertFalse"].call_args_list: passed(name=test_name) else: failed(name=test_name) # check test_one n_assertions = TestIntegerTruthiness.get_test_method_total_call_count( "test_one") test_name = "TestIntegerTruthiness.test_one" if n_assertions > 1: failed(name=test_name, message="must use only one assertion") elif n_assertions == 0: failed(name=test_name, message="must use an assertion") elif in TestIntegerTruthiness.per_method_counters[ "test_one"]["assertTrue"].call_args_list: passed(name=test_name) else: failed(name=test_name) # check test_other_value wrapped_assertTrue = TestIntegerTruthiness.per_method_counters[ "test_other_value"]["assertTrue"] n_assertions = TestIntegerTruthiness.get_test_method_total_call_count( "test_other_value") test_name = "TestIntegerTruthiness.test_other_value" if n_assertions > 1: failed(name=test_name, message="must use only one assertion") elif n_assertions == 0: failed(name=test_name, message="must use an assertion") elif ("self.assertTrue" in test_other_value_window and wrapped_assertTrue.call_count > 0 and isinstance(wrapped_assertTrue.call_args[0][0], int) and wrapped_assertTrue.call_args[0][0] not in {0, 1}): passed(name=test_name) else: failed(name=test_name)
def test_division(): file = import_task_file() if file.result == 4.5: passed() else: failed("Wrong result")
def test_moyenne(): file = import_task_file() if file.moyenne == 14.166666666666666: passed() else: failed("Résultat erroné!")
def check_test_container_class_assertion_methods(): window1, window2 = get_answer_placeholders()[4:6] if window1 == 'False' and window2 == 'True': passed() else: failed()
def testAnswer6(self): self.assertRegex(helper.answers[5],"1")) def testAnswer7(self): self.assertEqual(helper.answers[6], "if") def testAnswer8(self): self.assertRegex(helper.answers[7], "Ja|ja") def testAnswer9(self): self.assertEqual(helper.answers[8], "y") def testAnswer10(self): self.assertRegex(helper.answers[9],"10 >= y")) def testAnswer11(self): self.assertEqual(helper.answers[10], "False") if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase( testCaseClass=varAanmaken) res = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite) if res.wasSuccessful(): passed("Congratulations") else: for el in res.failures: failed(f"There is an error in " + str(el[0])[4:12])
def conditional_passed_or_failed(condition, name): if condition: passed(name=name) else: failed(name=name)
d[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] = max(d[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1], d[i][j][k] + 1) return d[len(a)][len(b)][len(c)] if __name__ == '__main__': run_common_tests() check_tests_pass("") seed(239) all_tests_passed = True for _ in range(10): for n in (3, 5, 20, 10): for m in (2, 3, 4, 10, 100): lena = randint(1, n) lenb = randint(1, n) lenc = randint(1, n) a = [randint(1, m) for _ in range(lena)] b = [randint(1, m) for _ in range(lenb)] c = [randint(1, m) for _ in range(lenc)] if lcs3(a, b, c) != ref(a, b, c): all_tests_passed = False failed("Wrong answer: {}; {}; {}".format(a, b, c)) break if all_tests_passed: passed()
def test_var_used(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "note1" in window and "note2" in window and "note3" in window: passed() else: failed("Veuillez affecter les variables note1, note2 et note3 par leurs valeurs")
def test_value(): file = import_task_file() if hasattr(file, "p_letter") and file.p_letter == "P": passed() else: failed("String index starts at 0.")
def test_answer_placeholders(): placeholders = get_answer_placeholders() phi = placeholders[0] stri = "Answer 1" if len(phi) > 50: failed(stri + " please keep length to less than 50 characters. Your answer '" + phi + "' is " + str(len(phi)) + " characters.") return False answer = eval("(" + phi + ")", {}, {}) print(answer) if not isinstance(answer, tuple): failed(stri + " is not a tuple. It is a " + escape(str(type(answer))) + ". Your answer '" + phi + "'") return False print(str(len(answer))) if len(answer) != 2: failed(stri + " is supposed to contain 2 elements but has " + str(len(answer)) + ". Your answer '" + phi + "'") return False if not isinstance(answer[0],str): failed(stri + " first element is not a string. It is " + repr(answer[0]) + " which has type " + escape(str(type(answer[0])))) return False print(str(type(answer[1]))) if not isinstance(answer[1],str): failed(stri + " second element is not a string. It is " + repr(answer[1]) + " which has type " + escape(str(type(answer[1])))) return False phi = placeholders[1] stri = "Answer 2" if len(phi) > 50: failed(stri + " please keep length to less than 50 characters. Your answer '" + phi + "' is " + str(len(phi)) + " characters.") return False answer = eval("(" + phi + ")", {}, {}) if not isinstance(answer, tuple): failed(stri + " is not a tuple. It is a " + escape(str(type(answer))) + ". Your answer '" + phi + "'") return False if len(answer) != 3: failed(stri + " is supposed to contain 3 elements but has " + str(len(answer)) + ". Your answer '" + phi + "'") return False if not isinstance(answer[0],str): failed(stri + " first element is not a string. It is " + repr(answer[0]) + " which has type " + escape(str(type(answer[0])))) return False if not isinstance(answer[1],int): failed(stri + " second element is not an int. It is " + repr(answer[1]) + " which has type " + escape(str(type(answer[1])))) return False if not isinstance(answer[2],float): failed(stri + " third element is not a float. It is " + repr(answer[2]) + " which has type " + escape(str(type(answer[2])))) return False if not test_string(placeholders, 2, "1"): return False if not test_string(placeholders, 3, "5"): return False if not test_exec(placeholders, 4, "x, y, z = t1",[{'t1':(15,6,1234)}]): return False passed() return True
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "my_object" in window and "variable1" in window: passed() else: failed("Access 'variable1' using my_object.variable1")
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "[" in window and "0" in window and "]" in window: passed() else: failed("Use indexing")
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "for " in window: passed() else: failed("Use a for loop to iterate over the hello_world string")
from test_helper import run_common_tests, failed, passed, get_answer_placeholders from task import * if __name__ == '__main__': n = 10 arr1 = "0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1" arr2 = "5 10 17 6 2 1 3 2 4" if maxVahed(n, arr1, arr2) != 20: failed("Wrong Answer") n = 6 arr1 = "0 0 1 0 1" arr2 = "10 12 2 1 3" if maxVahed(n, arr1, arr2) != 13: failed("Wrong Answer")
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "print" in window and "line" in window: passed() else: failed("Use print function")
def test_value(): file = import_task_file() if hasattr(file, "length") and file.length == 13: passed() else: failed("Count again")
def test_window3(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[2] if "tmp_var" in window: passed() else: failed("Update a with tmp_var")
from test_helper import run_common_tests, failed, passed, get_answer_placeholders from random import shuffle from random import randint from task import data_structure as func from task_copy import data_structure as func_judge def test_generator(n): li = [] for i in range(n): kind = randint(1, 2) max_range = 10000 if kind == 1: li.append((1, randint(1, max_range), randint(1, max_range))) else: li.append((2, randint(1, max_range))) return li if __name__ == '__main__': test_nums = [10, 10, 100, 100, 10000] for test_num in test_nums: li = test_generator(test_num) user_li = func(li[0:len(li)]) judge_li = func_judge(li[0:len(li)]) if user_li != judge_li: failed("Wrong Answer! Input: " + str(li) + " Your Answer: " + str(user_li) + " Expected Answer: " + str(judge_li)) print("PASS")
def test_window(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "from " in window: passed() else: failed("Benutze hello_world importiert aus my_module")
def test_window1(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[0] if "1" in window: passed() else: failed("Initialize b with 1")
from test_helper import run_common_tests, failed, passed, check_tests_pass from closest_points import minimum_distance_squared, minimum_distance_squared_naive, Point from math import fabs from random import randint if __name__ == '__main__': run_common_tests() check_tests_pass("") all_tests_passed = True for points in ([Point(-10**9, -10**9), Point(10**9, 10**9)], [Point(i, i + 1) for i in range(100)], [Point(randint(1, 10), randint(1, 10)) for _ in range(5)], [Point(randint(1, 10), randint(1, 10)) for _ in range(500)]): if fabs( minimum_distance_squared(points) - minimum_distance_squared_naive(points)) > 1e-03: all_tests_passed = False failed("Wrong answer for points={}".format(points)) break if all_tests_passed: passed()
def test_window2(): window = get_answer_placeholders()[1] if "b" in window and "a" in window: passed() else: failed("Update b with a + b")