    def test_delete(self):
        print '\tTesting DELETE method'
        headers = {'Authorization': self.ACCESS_TOKEN}
        r = requests.delete(self.API_URL, headers=headers, data=self.SNIPPET)

        testfor.status_code(self, r, 200)
        testfor.cors_headers(self, r, {'Origin': '*'})
        testfor.valid_json(self, r)
        testfor.key_val(self, r, 'response', 'Successfully deleted.')
    def test_get_invalid_snippet(self):
        print '\tTesting GET method (with invalid snippet id)'
        r = requests.get(self.INVALID_SNIPPET_URL)

        testfor.status_code(self, r, 404)
        testfor.cors_headers(self, r, {'Origin': '*'})
            self, r, 'No snippet exists with key "%s/%s"' %
            (TestEndpoint.USER_ID, TestEndpoint.INVALID_SNIPPET_KEY))
    def test_post(self):
        print '\tTesting POST method'
        r = requests.post(self.API_URL)

        testfor.status_code(self, r, 200)
        testfor.cors_headers(self, r, {'Origin': '*'})
        p = urlparse(r.text)
        if p.scheme != 'https' or self.USER_ID + '/snippets.zip' not in p.path:
            self.fail('Response is not URL or is incorrect')
    def test_options (self):
        print('\tTesting OPTIONS method')
        r = requests.options(self.API_URL)

        testfor.status_code(self, r, 200)
        testfor.cors_headers(self, r, {
            'Headers' : 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,x-api-key,x-amz-security-token',
            'Methods' : 'GET,OPTIONS',
            'Origin'  : '*'
        testfor.body(self, r, '')
    def test_put(self, note):
        print '\tTesting PUT method (' + note + ')'
        headers = {'Authorization': self.ACCESS_TOKEN}
        r = requests.put(self.API_URL, headers=headers, data=self.SNIPPET)

        testfor.status_code(self, r, 200)
        testfor.cors_headers(self, r, {'Origin': '*'})
        testfor.valid_json(self, r)

        expected_key = json.loads(self.SNIPPET) \
                           ['snippetTitle']     \
                           .replace(' ', '_')   \
        testfor.key_val_start(self, r, 'key', expected_key)
    def test_post(self):
        print '\tTesting POST method'
        headers = {'Authorization': self.ACCESS_TOKEN}
        r = requests.post(self.API_URL, headers=headers, data=self.SNIPPET)

        testfor.status_code(self, r, 200)
        testfor.cors_headers(self, r, {'Origin': '*'})
        testfor.valid_json(self, r)

        expected_key = json.loads(self.SNIPPET) \
                           ['snippetTitle']     \
                           .replace(' ', '_')   \
        testfor.key_val_start(self, r, 'key', expected_key)

        # Update config file with received key for later tests
        config.update('snippet_id', r.json()['key'])