Container.READONLY: False } DBUS_GW_CONFIG = [{ "dbus-gateway-config-session": [{ "direction": "outgoing", "interface": "*", "object-path": "*", "method": "*" }], "dbus-gateway-config-system": [] }] """ Cap with the purpose of just providing a valid cap """ # TODO: Using this cap should actually fail when we get the error handling correct, # see reported issue test_cap = Capability("test.cap", [{"id": "test", "config": []}]) """ A valid dbus GW cap to test e.g. listing of available caps """ test_cap_dbus = Capability("test.cap.valid-dbus", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": DBUS_GW_CONFIG }]) test_cap_broken = Capability("test.cap.broken-gw-config", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": ["malformed"] }]) manifest = StandardManifest(TESTOUTPUT_DIR, "caps-test-manifest.json", [test_cap, test_cap_dbus, test_cap_broken]) """ Sample env gateway config, used for default capabilities """
GW_CONFIG_APPEND = [{ "name": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "value": "/another/path", "mode": "append", "separator": ":" }] GW_CONFIG_PREPEND = [{ "name": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "value": "/another/path", "mode": "prepend", "separator": ":" }] """ Cap that appends to a non existent env variable """ test_cap_2 = Capability("environment.test.cap.2", [{ "id": "env", "config": GW_CONFIG_APPEND }]) """ Cap that sets one env variable """ test_cap_4 = Capability("environment.test.cap.4", [{ "id": "env", "config": GW_CONFIG_ONE_VAR }]) """ Cap that sets the same env variable twice """ test_cap_1 = Capability("environment.test.cap.1", [{ "id": "env", "config": GW_CONFIG_ONE_VAR }, { "id": "env", "config": GW_CONFIG_SAME_VAR }]) """ Cap that sets two env variables """
"setting": "cpu.shares", "value": CPU_SHARES_LOW_VALUE }] CPU_SHARES_WHITELISTING_VALUE = "750" CONFIG_CPU_SHARES_WHITELISTING = [{ "setting": "cpu.shares", "value": "250" }, { "setting": "cpu.shares", "value": CPU_SHARES_WHITELISTING_VALUE }] cap_0 = Capability("test.cap.small.threshold", [{ "id": "cgroups", "config": CONFIG_TEST_MEMORY_SMALL_THRESHOLD }]) cap_1 = Capability("test.cap.memory.share", [{ "id": "cgroups", "config": CONFIG_TEST_MEMORY_SHARE }]) cap_2 = Capability("test.cap.memory.whitelist", [{ "id": "cgroups", "config": CONFIG_TEST_MEMORY_WHITELISTING }]) cap_3 = Capability("test.cap.netcls", [{
# This function is used by the testframework 'testhelper' fixture to know where the # testhelper should be made available when running the tests def mounted_path_in_host(): return CURRENT_DIR # # Gateway config and capability + service manifest for enabling core dumps # FILE_CONFIG = [{ "path-host": coredump_path(), "path-container": coredump_path(), "read-only": False }] default_cap = Capability("test.cap.default.coredump", [{ "id": "file", "config": FILE_CONFIG }]) default_manifest = DefaultManifest(TESTOUTPUT_DIR, "default-caps.json", [default_cap]) def service_manifests(): """ The agent fixture calls this function when it creates the service manifests that should be used with this test module. The agent fixture expects a list of StandardManifest and/or DefaultManifest objects. """ return [default_manifest] @pytest.fixture def create_coredump_dir(scope="module"):
GW_CONFIG_SAME_DEV_0 = [{"name": "/dev/input/mouse0", "mode": 644}] GW_CONFIG_SAME_DEV_1 = [{"name": "/dev/input/mouse0", "mode": 754}] GW_CONFIG_NEW_DEV_0 = [{"name": "/dev/tty0", "mode": 644}] GW_CONFIG_NEW_DEV_1 = [{"name": "/dev/tty1", "mode": 755}] GW_CONFIG_SAME_DEV_SAME_MODE = [{"name": "/dev/tty0", "mode": 644}] """ Following capabilities are fed to DynamicConfiguration tests to examine the case when new mode is configured for same device. """ test_cap_0 = Capability("double.activation.same.device.0.cap", [{ "id": "devicenode", "config": GW_CONFIG_SAME_DEV_0 }]) test_cap_1 = Capability("double.activation.same.device.1.cap", [{ "id": "devicenode", "config": GW_CONFIG_SAME_DEV_1 }]) """ Following capabilities are fed to DynamicConfiguration tests to examine the case when a new device is added to configuration """ test_cap_2 = Capability("", [{ "id": "devicenode", "config": GW_CONFIG_NEW_DEV_0
def logfile_path(): return CURRENT_DIR + "/test.log" GW_CONFIG = [{ "dbus-gateway-config-session": [{ "direction": "*", "interface": "*", "object-path": "*", "method": "*" }], "dbus-gateway-config-system": [] }] test_cap = Capability("test.cap.profiling", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": GW_CONFIG }]) manifest = StandardManifest(TESTOUTPUT_DIR, "profiling-test-manifest.json", [test_cap]) def service_manifests(): """ The agent fixture calls this function when it creates the service manifests that should be used with this test module. The agent fixture expects a list of StandardManifest and/or DefaultManifest objects. """ return [manifest] def run_test(num_starts=3):
"direction": "OUTGOING", "allow": [{ "host": "", "protocols": "icmp" }] }, { "direction": "INCOMING", "allow": [{ "host": "", "protocols": "icmp" }] }] """ An empty network GW config """ test_cap_1 = Capability("test.cap.empty", [{"id": "network", "config": []}]) test_cap_2 = Capability("test.cap.policy-drop", [{ "id": "network", "config": GW_CONFIG_POLICY_DROP }]) test_cap_3 = Capability("test.cap.policy-accept-ping", [{ "id": "network", "config": GW_CONFIG_POLICY_ACCEPT_PING }]) test_cap_4 = Capability("test.cap.accept-example-com", [{
}], "dbus-gateway-config-system": [] }] GW_CONFIG_ALLOW_PING = [{ "dbus-gateway-config-session": [{ "direction": "outgoing", "interface": "*", "object-path": "*", "method": ["Ping", "Introspect"] }], "dbus-gateway-config-system": [] }] """ Cap with only GW_CONFIG""" test_cap_1 = Capability("test.cap.gwconfig", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": GW_CONFIG }]) """ Cap with only WL_CONFIG """ test_cap_2 = Capability("test.cap.wlconfig", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": WL_CONFIG }]) """ Cap with only GW_CONFIG_DENY_ALL """ test_cap_deny_all = Capability("test.cap.denyall", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": GW_CONFIG_DENY_ALL }]) """ Cap with only GW_CONFIG_ALLOW_PING """ test_cap_allow_ping = Capability("test.cap.allowping", [{
# This function is used by the 'agent' fixture to know where the log should be stored def logfile_path(): return TESTOUTPUT_DIR + "/test.log" # These default values are used to pass various test specific values and # configurations to the Container helper. Tests that need to add, remove or # update entries can simply base their dict on this one for convenience. DATA = { Container.CONFIG: '[{"enableWriteBuffer": false}]', Container.BIND_MOUNT_DIR: "/gateways/app", Container.HOST_PATH: CURRENT_DIR, Container.READONLY: False } """ An empty capability for the service manifest """ test_cap = Capability("test.cap.valid-dbus", []) manifest = StandardManifest(TESTOUTPUT_DIR, "queries-test-manifest.json", [test_cap]) def service_manifests(): """ The agent fixture calls this function when it creates the service manifests that should be used with this test module. The agent fixture expects a list of StandardManifest and/or DefaultManifest objects. """ return [manifest] # This function is used by the testframework 'testhelper' fixture to know where the # testhelper should be made available when running the tests
}], "dbus-gateway-config-system": [] }] WL_CONFIG = [{ "dbus-gateway-config-session": [{ "direction": "*", "interface": "*", "object-path": "*", "method": "*" }], "dbus-gateway-config-system": [] }] """ Cap with only GW_CONFIG""" test_cap_1 = Capability("test.cap.gwconfig", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": GW_CONFIG }]) """ Cap with only WL_CONFIG """ test_cap_2 = Capability("test.cap.wlconfig", [{ "id": "dbus", "config": WL_CONFIG }]) manifest = StandardManifest(TESTOUTPUT_DIR, "dbus-test-manifest.json", [test_cap_1, test_cap_2]) def service_manifests(): """ The agent fixture calls this function when it creates the service manifests that should be used with this test module. The agent fixture expects a list of StandardManifest and/or DefaultManifest objects.