def semtec_function(): log = getSyslog() log.log(' Hello semtec') enc = semtec.encryptor() enc.set_TID('325010967') log.log('SemtecResult=', enc.decrypt(pan='5413335519260012', expiry='5812'))
def do_testharness(): parse_args() slog = getSyslog() fd = None old_term = None if == 'posix': import termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() try: new_term = termios.tcgetattr(fd) old_term = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new_term[3] = (new_term[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO) termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, new_term) except termios.error: pass try: for t in __testharness_tests: t() except Exception: slog.save_xml_output() slog.logerr(traceback.format_exc()) finally: slog.save_xml_output() if == 'posix' and old_term != None: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, old_term)
def putfile(filename, remotefilename, forceput): conn = Connection() log = getSyslog() req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf)) progress = partial(util.display_console_progress_bar, util.get_terminal_width()) if forceput: fops.putfile(conn, log, filename, remotefilename, progress=progress) else: try: fops.updatefile(conn, log, filename, remotefilename, False, progress=progress) except exc.invResponseException as e: log.logerr("Unable to use updatefile fallback to putfile") fops.putfile(conn, log, filename, remotefilename, progress=progress)
def OnlinePIN(): ''' First create connection ''' req_unsolicited = conn.connect() ''' If unsolicited read it''' #status, buf, uns = conn.receive() #check_status_error( status ) ''' Send data ''' pan = b'\x54\x13\x33\x00\x89\x00\x00\x39' c_tag = tagStorage() #BUG: Unable to push the direct string not bytearray (0xDF, 0xEC, 0x05), 0x00 ) (0xDF, 0xED, 0x05), 0x08 ) (0xDF, 0x17), '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x51' ) (0xDF, 0x24), '\x08\x26' ) (0xDF, 0x1C,), 0x02 ) (0x5A), pan ) conn.send([0xDE, 0xD6, 0x03, 0x00] , c_tag.getTemplate(0xE0)) sleep(3) conn.send([0xD0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x32]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() check_status_error( status ) # Wait for last package status, buf, uns = conn.receive() slog = getSyslog() if status == 0x9F41: slog.loginfo('Status is "Cancelled amount" as expected:', hex(status)) else: slog.logerr('Status is not "Cancelled amount"', hex(status), buf) sys.exit(-1)
def _send(self, value , tags = None, le_byte = None, log_packet = True, se=False ): se = True if (se and not (str(value[0])+ str(value[1])).upper() in self.ClearCommands) else False slog = getSyslog() slog.loginfo("-- SE --" + str(se)) from testharness.exceptions import logicalException tlvp = TLVPrepare() tosend=None if len( value ) != 4: logicalException(' Invalid header len must be equal 4') log_out_frame_buf = [] tags_array = None le_array = bytearray() if le_byte != None: le_array = bytearray([ le_byte & 0xFF ]) if tags == None: c_pcb = 0 tosend=bytearray( value ) + le_array if se: self.__SEQ_NUM+=1 tosend+=self.__SEQ_NUM.to_bytes(4,'big') tosend = self.tdes.encrypt( tosend ) c_pcb |= 2 w_len = len( tosend ) lrc = tutil.lrccalc( self.__nad, c_pcb, w_len, tosend ) log_out_frame_buf += self.send_raw( self.__nad, c_pcb, w_len, tosend ,lrc ) else: tags_array = tlvp.prepare_packet_from_tags(tags) #Prepare length tags_array[0] = 255 if (len(tags_array)-1) > 255 else len(tags_array)-1 tags_array = bytearray( value ) + tags_array tags_array += le_array if se: self.__SEQ_NUM+=1 tags_array+=self.__SEQ_NUM.to_bytes(4,'big') tags_array=self.tdes.encrypt( tags_array ) w_len = len( tags_array ) #Send long or short packets depends on the chained msgs enabled if w_len > self.__MAX_PACKET_PROTO_LEN and not self.__chained_tx_messages: raise logicalException('Packet too long > 254 and chained msgs not enabled') if w_len <= self.__MAX_PACKET_PROTO_LEN: c_pcb = 2 if se else 0 lrc = tutil.lrccalc( self.__nad, c_pcb, w_len, tags_array ) log_out_frame_buf += self.send_raw( self.__nad, c_pcb, w_len ,tags_array ,lrc ) else: total_len = w_len for p in range(0,total_len, self.__MAX_PACKET_PROTO_LEN): raw_data = tags_array[p:(p+self.__MAX_PACKET_PROTO_LEN) ] c_pcb = 2 if se else 0 c_pcb |= 1 if len(raw_data)==self.__MAX_PACKET_PROTO_LEN else 0 raw_len = len(raw_data) lrc = tutil.lrccalc( self.__nad, c_pcb, raw_len, raw_data ) log_out_frame_buf += self.send_raw( self.__nad, c_pcb, raw_len, raw_data ,lrc ) if not se and log_packet: self.log_message('send', tags_array , log_out_frame_buf, tags, value) elif log_packet: if tags == None: self.log_message('send', tags_array, [ self.tdes.decrypt( tosend) ], tags, value ) else: self.log_message('send', tags_array, [ self.tdes.decrypt( tags_array ) ], tags, value )
def transtest_function(): log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection(); prev_nad = conn.setnad(2) #Create ssl server #conn.connect_serial('COM1', 57600, timeout=2 ); req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf) ) #Send INIT contactless conn.send([0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('ctls init fail') exit(-1) # Now wait for the user to send CLOSE input("[ENTER] to send 'close'") #Send CLOSE contactless conn.send([0xc0, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('ctls close fail') exit(-1)
def execute_script(filename): global __SCRIPT_ROOT __SCRIPT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) th_ast_parser = __create_ast_th_language_syntax() ast = th_ast_parser.parseFile(filename, True) log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection() req_unsolicited = conn.connect() abort_sw1sw2 = True pool = tagStorage() localtempl = {} if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: raise exc.invResponseException('Unsolicited message fail', status) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf)) for toks in ast: if toks[0] == 'setnad': conn.setnad(toks[1]) log.loginfo('Set NAD to', toks[1]) elif toks[0] == '#': log.loginfo("Comment:", str(toks[1]).strip()) elif toks[0] == 'setdevice': log.loginfo('Set device to', toks[1]) elif toks[0] == 'flush': log.loginfo('Flush comms') elif toks[0] == 'clearlocalpool': pool.clear() localtempl.clear() log.loginfo('Clear local pool') elif toks[0] == 'pause': log.loginfo('Pause for', toks[1], 'sec') time.sleep(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == 'send': __send_command(toks, conn, pool, localtempl, log) elif toks[0] == 'abortsw1sw2': abort_sw1sw2 = toks[1] log.loginfo('Abort SW1SW2 =', abort_sw1sw2) elif toks[0] == 'wait': __wait_command(toks, conn, log, abort_sw1sw2) elif toks[0] == 'prompt': log.loginfo('Prompt message:', str(" ").join(toks[1].asList())) __wait_command(toks, conn, log, abort_sw1sw2) elif toks[0] == 'storelocaltag': pool = __storetag_command(toks, pool) elif toks[0] == 'appendlocal': tpl, data = __appendlocal_command(toks, pool) localtempl[tpl] = data elif toks[0] == 'senddirect': __senddirect_command(toks, conn, log) elif toks[0] == 'putfile': __putfile_command(toks, conn, log) elif toks[0] == 'updatefile': __updatefile_command(toks, conn, log) elif toks[0] == 'getfile': __getfile_command(toks, conn, log) else: log.logerr('Unknown tokens', str(toks)) raise exc.logicalException('Unknown tokens in script')
def check_status_error(receive_tpl): slog = getSyslog() if type(receive_tpl) == int: status = receive_tpl buf = None else: status, buf, uns = receive_tpl if status != 0x9000: slog.logerr('Check status failed', hex(status), buf) sys.exit(-1)
def checkfile( filename ): conn = Connection() log = getSyslog() req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf) ) progress = partial( util.display_console_progress_bar, util.get_terminal_width() ) openfile( conn, log, filename, progress )
def connect(self): slog = getSyslog() #Create argument list result = tutil.parse_args() if 'sslkey' in vars(result): ssl_protocol = True else: ssl_protocol = None SSLVERIFY = { 'none': ssl.CERT_NONE, 'optional' : ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, 'required' : ssl.CERT_REQUIRED } ctimeout = result.timeout if type(ctimeout)==int and ctimeout < 1: ctimeout=1 sslverify = isslverify=SSLVERIFY[result.sslverify] if 'sslverify' in vars(result) else None sslca = result.sslca if 'sslca' in vars(result) else None sslcert = result.sslcert if 'sslcert' in vars(result) else None sslkey = result.sslkey if 'sslkey' in vars(result) else None sslpasswd = result.sslpasswd if 'sslpasswd' in vars(result) else None # Information about certificate if result.se_whitelist: self.ClearCommands=result.se_whitelist.split(',') if result.seq_num: self.__SEQ_NUM = int(result.seq_num) if result.se_cert == None: self.send = self.send_standard self.receive = self.receive_standard else: self.send = self.send_se self.receive = self.receive_se self.tdes=pyDes.triple_des(open(result.se_cert, 'rb').read(), pyDes.CBC, b"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", pad=None, padmode=pyDes.PAD_PKCS5) if result.serial_port!=None and ssl_protocol: slog.log('SSL mode CA:', sslca, 'KEYFILE:', sslkey, 'CERT:', sslcert, 'VERIFY:', result.sslverify, 'CERTPASS:'******'Yes' if result.sslpasswd else 'No' ) #Parse results and apply class member if result.tcp_server!=None: slog.log("Argument parse TCP server mode listen on port", int(result.tcp_server)) self.connect_tcp_server( port = int(result.tcp_server), timeout = ctimeout, ssl_protocol=ssl_protocol, verify_mode=sslverify, ca_cert=sslca, certfile=sslcert, keyfile=sslkey, cert_pass = sslpasswd ) elif result.tcp_client!=None: hostport= result.tcp_client.split(':') slog.log("Argument parse TCP client mode trying to connect to", result.tcp_client) self.connect_tcp_client(hostport[0], int(hostport[1]) ,ssl_protocol, ctimeout, sslverify, sslca, sslcert, sslkey, sslpasswd ) else: portspeed = result.serial_port.split(':') if len( portspeed )==1: portspeed.append('57600') slog.log("Argument parse SERIAL mode connecting to", result.serial_port, ", flow control:", result.flow_ctrl) self.connect_serial(portspeed[0], int(portspeed[1]), timeout=ctimeout, use_rtscts = (result.flow_ctrl == 'rts-cts'), use_xonxoff = (result.flow_ctrl == 'xon-xoff')) return self.in_waiting(10) > self.__HEADER_PROTO_LEN
def delfile(file): conn = Connection() log = getSyslog() req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf) ) conn.send([0x00, 0xAB, 0x00, 0x00], file) sw12 = conn.receive()[0] if sw12 != 0x9000: exit(sw12)
def transtest_function(): log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection() #Create ssl server #conn.connect_serial('COM1', 57600, timeout=2 ); req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf)) #Send INIT contactless conn.send([0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('ctls init fail') exit(-1) #Create localtag for transaction start_trans_tag = [[(0x9F, 0x02), b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x56'], [(0x9C), b'\x00'], [(0x5F, 0x2A), b'\x08\x26'], [(0x9F, 0x1A), b'\x08\x26']] start_templ = (0xe0, start_trans_tag) print(start_templ) #Start transaction conn.send([0xc0, 0xa0, 0x01, 0x20], start_templ) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Start transaction fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) # Now wait for the user to CANCEL input("ENTER to CANCEL") conn.send([0xc0, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('cancel fail!') exit(-1) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('start txn fail!') exit(-1)
def connect_tcp_client(self, host, port=16107,ssl_protocol = None, timeout = None, verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, ca_cert = None, certfile = None, keyfile =None, cert_pass = None ): slog = getSyslog() s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) if ssl_protocol == True: raw_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, cert_reqs=verify_mode, ca_certs = ca_cert) raw_sock.settimeout(10) self.ssl = True else: raw_sock = s raw_sock.connect((host,port)) if ssl_protocol != None: slog.logsys('Server cert is',raw_sock.getpeercert()) slog.logsys('Connected to', host, port ) if timeout != None: raw_sock.settimeout(timeout) else: raw_sock.settimeout(None) self.__connection = socket.SocketIO( raw_sock, "rwb") self.__raw_socket = raw_sock self.__timeout = timeout
def connect_tcp_server(self, interface='', port=16107, timeout = None, ssl_protocol = None, verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, ca_cert = None, certfile = None, keyfile =None, cert_pass = None): slog = getSyslog() listen_s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) listen_s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) listen_s.bind((interface,port)) listen_s.listen(1) slog.logsys('Waiting for connections'); s, addr = listen_s.accept() if ssl_protocol == True: raw_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, cert_reqs=verify_mode, ca_certs = ca_cert, server_side=True) raw_sock.settimeout(10) self.ssl = True else: raw_sock = s if timeout != None: raw_sock.settimeout( timeout ) else: raw_sock.settimeout( None ) slog.logsys("Connected from", addr ) if ssl_protocol == True: cert = raw_sock.getpeercert() slog.logsys('Peer cert', cert) self.__connection = socket.SocketIO( raw_sock, "rwb") self.__raw_socket = raw_sock self.__timeout = timeout
from testharness.utility import check_status_error from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify ''' How to create example scripts ''' def demo_function(): ''' First create connection ''' req_unsolicited = conn.connect() ''' If unsolicited read it''' if req_unsolicited: status, buf, uns = conn.receive() check_status_error(status) ''' Reset display ''' conn.send([0xD2, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() check_status_error(status) ''' Send data ''' conn.send_rawhex( '010036DD210100B2E0B0DF831308D202964900000000DF831A203030203030203030203030203030203030203030203030203030203030203036' ) ''' Check for status ''' status, buf, uns = conn.receive() check_status_error(status) if __name__ == '__main__': log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection() utility.register_testharness_script(demo_function) utility.do_testharness()
def transtest_function(): log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection() # # !!! NOTE: Now you can set connection parameters from command line! # #Create ssl server #conn.connect_serial('COM1', 57600, timeout=2 ); req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf)) #Send INIT contactless conn.send([0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('ctls init fail') exit(-1) ##################################################### # Get handle conn.send([0xc0, 0xf8, 0x01, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Get handle fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) tlv = TLVParser(buf) cicappHandle = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), TLVParser.CONVERT_INT)[0] log.log('Handle=', hex(cicappHandle)) ##################################################### # Force proxy mode conn.send([0xc0, 0xf8, 0x02, 0x01]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Control proxy mode fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'PassThruEnable' passThruCtlTags = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x40), [0x01]] ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 220, passThruCtlTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'ControlUI' log.log('Enable LEDs') controlUI = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x18), [0xff]], # All LED's on [(0xdf, 0x0c), [0x01]] # Buzzer - success/single beep ] # 222=ControlUI SendPassThruPacket(conn, 222, controlUI) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) time.sleep(1) ##################################################### # Send 'ControlUI' log.log('Change LEDs') controlUI = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x18), [0x04]] # 3rd LED on ] # 222=ControlUI SendPassThruPacket(conn, 222, controlUI) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) time.sleep(1) ##################################################### # Send 'ControlUI' log.log('Change LEDs') controlUI = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x18), [0x0a]], # 2nd & 4th LED on [(0xdf, 0x0c), [0x02]] # Buzzer - error/double beep ] # 222=ControlUI SendPassThruPacket(conn, 222, controlUI) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) time.sleep(1) ##################################################### # Send 'ControlUI' log.log('Disable LEDs') controlUI = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x18), [0x00]] # All LED's off ] # 222=ControlUI SendPassThruPacket(conn, 222, controlUI) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1)
from testharness import syslog tags = [[(0xDF, 0xA2, 0x22), 'CHI'], [(0xDF, 0xA2, 0x23), [0x10, 0x20, 0x30]], [(0xDF, 0xA2, 0x24), b'\x05\x10\x15']] data1 = [0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5] data2 = "dupajas1" template1 = ((0xE0), tags) template2 = ((0xE1), tags) long_tag = [[( 0xDF, 0xC0, 0x01 ), b'0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789' ]] slog = syslog.getSyslog() slog.logerr('Error log', 1, 2, 3) slog.log('Normal log') exit(0) conn = connection.Connection() #conn.connect_serial('COM5', 57600, timeout=2 ); #conn.connect_tcp_server(timeout=15) #conn.connect_tcp_client('', ssl_protocol=True, # ca_cert='c:/pc/testharness/certs/ca.pem', # timeout = 10) #conn.send_raw( unhexlify(b'010004D2D0000007') ); #conn.send_rawhex('010004D2D0000007'); #conn.send_raw( [0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0xD2, 0xD0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07] ); #status0, buf0 = conn.receive() #print( buf0 )
def transtest_function(): log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection(); # # !!! NOTE: Now you can set connection parameters from command line! # #Create ssl server #conn.connect_serial('COM1', 57600, timeout=2 ); req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf) ) #Send INIT contactless conn.send([0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('ctls init fail') exit(-1) ##################################################### # Get handle conn.send([0xc0, 0xf8, 0x01, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Get handle fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) tlv = TLVParser(buf) cicappHandle = tlv.getTag((0xdf,0xc0,0x01), TLVParser.CONVERT_INT)[0] log.log('Handle=', hex(cicappHandle)) ##################################################### # Force proxy mode conn.send([0xc0, 0xf8, 0x02, 0x01]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Control proxy mode fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'PassThruEnable' passThruCtlTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle] ], [ (0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30] ], # POS timeout [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x40), [0x01] ] ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 220, passThruCtlTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'WaitForCard' waitForCardTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle] ], [ (0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30] ] # POS timeout ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 221, waitForCardTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) # Wait for unsolicited message status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Wait for card fail!') exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'HighLevelPassThru' ('MIFARE Authenticate') innerTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5a), [0x00] ], # Sector number [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5b), [0x01] ], # Key A (01) [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5c), [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ] ] # Key value ] hlPassThruTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle] ], [ (0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30] ], # POS timeout [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x58), [0x00, 0x01] ], # Subcommand: MIFARE Authenticate [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x59), Tags2Array(innerTags) ] # Subcommand data ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 224, hlPassThruTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'HighLevelPassThru' ('MIFARE Read') innerTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5e), [0x01] ], # Block count [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5d), [0x02] ] # Start block ] hlPassThruTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle] ], [ (0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30] ], # POS timeout [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x58), [0x00, 0x02] ], # Subcommand: MIFARE Read [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x59), Tags2Array(innerTags) ] # Subcommand data ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 224, hlPassThruTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'HighLevelPassThru' ('MIFARE Write') innerTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5e), [0x01] ], # Block count [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5d), [0x02] ], # Start block [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5f), binascii.unhexlify(b'0123456789abcdef0f1e2d3c4b5a6978') ] # Data 16 bytes! ] hlPassThruTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle] ], [ (0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30] ], # POS timeout [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x58), [0x00, 0x03] ], # Subcommand: MIFARE Write [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x59), Tags2Array(innerTags) ] # Subcommand data ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 224, hlPassThruTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'HighLevelPassThru' ('MIFARE Read') innerTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5e), [0x01] ], # Block count [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x5d), [0x02] ] # Start block ] hlPassThruTags = [ [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle] ], [ (0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30] ], # POS timeout [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x58), [0x00, 0x02] ], # Subcommand: MIFARE Read [ (0xdf, 0xc0, 0x59), Tags2Array(innerTags) ] # Subcommand data ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 224, hlPassThruTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1)
def __receive( self, parse, timeout, log_packet, se=False ): if timeout == None: timeout = self.__timeout req_set = False else: req_set = True if timeout !=None and timeout > 0 and req_set == True: if self.__raw_socket != None: self.__raw_socket.settimeout( timeout ) else: self.__connection.setTimeout( timeout ) from testharness.exceptions import logicalException data_frame = bytearray() is_unsolicited = None log_out_frame_buf = [] while True: rxbuf = bytearray() while True: read_value = 3 ) if timeout!=None and timeout > 0 and len( read_value )==0: raise timeoutException() rxbuf += read_value if len(rxbuf) < 3: continue nad = rxbuf[0] pcb = rxbuf[1] blen = rxbuf[2] if is_unsolicited==None: is_unsolicited = True if pcb&0x40 else False break rxbuf = bytearray() while True: read_value = blen ) if timeout!=None and timeout > 0 and len( read_value )==0: raise timeoutException() rxbuf += read_value if len(rxbuf) >= blen: break while True: lrc = 1 ) if timeout!=None and timeout > 0 and len( lrc )==0: raise timeoutException() if len( lrc ) >= 1: break calc_lrc = tutil.lrccalc( nad, pcb, blen, rxbuf, lrc ) if calc_lrc != 0 and nad == self.__nad: raise logicalException('Invalid LRC') if nad != self.__nad: rxbuf = bytearray() continue data_frame += rxbuf log_out_frame_buf += [ bytearray( [nad] ) + bytearray( [pcb] ) + bytearray( [blen] ) + data_frame + lrc ] if pcb&1 == 0: break from struct import unpack from binascii import hexlify tags=None slog = getSyslog() if se and ( pcb & 2): data_frame = bytearray(self.tdes.decrypt( data_frame ) ) slog.log("Received seq num: ",str(hexlify( data_frame[ len(data_frame) - 4: ] ))) # if se take response except last 4 bytes data_frame = data_frame[:-4] slog.loginfo("IN: " + str(hexlify(data_frame))) if parse: tlvp = TLVPrepare() tags = tlvp.parse_received_data( data_frame ) else: tags = data_frame[:-2] b_status = unpack("!H",data_frame[-2:])[0] if log_packet: self.log_message('recv', data_frame[:-2] , log_out_frame_buf, tags, b_status) return b_status, tags , is_unsolicited
def transtest_function(): log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection() # # !!! NOTE: Now you can set connection parameters from command line! # #Create ssl server #conn.connect_serial('COM1', 57600, timeout=2 ); req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf)) #Send INIT contactless conn.send([0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('ctls init fail') exit(-1) ##################################################### # Get handle conn.send([0xc0, 0xf8, 0x01, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Get handle fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) tlv = TLVParser(buf) cicappHandle = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), TLVParser.CONVERT_INT)[0] log.log('Handle=', hex(cicappHandle)) ##################################################### # Force proxy mode log.log('Force MAPP ctls proxy mode') conn.send([0xc0, 0xf8, 0x02, 0x01]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Control proxy mode fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) ##################################################### # Send 'StartTxn' with MIFARE poll log.log('Sending StartTxn with MIFARE polling on') innerTags = [[(0x9F, 0x02), b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x56'], [(0x9C), b'\x00'], [(0x5F, 0x2A), b'\x08\x26'], [(0x9F, 0x1A), b'\x08\x26']] passThruCtlTags = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x05]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x30), Tags2Array(innerTags)], # Transaction data [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x31), [0x01]], # Transaction result request [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x3d), [0x01]] # TransactionSelectionMask: PollForMIFARE ] # 203 = StartTransaction SendPassThruPacket(conn, 203, passThruCtlTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) log.log("Waiting for card tap") # Wait for unsolicited message transactionOutcome = -1 while True: status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Wait for card fail!') exit(-1) # Check the buffer for transaction outcome log.log('type(buf)=', type(buf)) log.log('buf=', buf) tlv = TLVParser(buf) print('tlv=', tlv) rawCICAPPFrame = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0xc0, 0x59)) if len(rawCICAPPFrame) == 0: log.logerr('Unexpected frame received') else: # FULL CICAPP frame received frameData = rawCICAPPFrame[0] cmdCode = frameData.pop(0) log.log('Received response for command', hex(cmdCode), "=", cmdCode) tlv = TLVParser(Array2Tags(frameData)) print('tlv=', tlv) transactionOutcome = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0xc0, 0x36), TLVParser.CONVERT_INT) if (len(transactionOutcome) > 0): transactionOutcome = transactionOutcome[0] log.log('TransactionOutcome=', transactionOutcome) break resultCode = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0x30), TLVParser.CONVERT_INT) print('resultCodeLen=', len(resultCode)) if (len(resultCode) > 0): resultCode = resultCode[0] log.log('resultCode=', resultCode) if resultCode != 250: break # TransactionOutcome::SwitchedToPassThru=50 if transactionOutcome == 50: # Pass thru card - display serial number and type cardType = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0xc0, 0x41), TLVParser.CONVERT_INT) if (len(cardType)): cardType = cardType[0] cardSerial = tlv.getTag((0xdf, 0xc0, 0x42), TLVParser.CONVERT_HEX_STR) if (len(cardSerial)): cardSerial = cardSerial[0] log.log('cardType=', cardType, ' cardSerial=', cardSerial) ##################################################### # Send 'PassThruDisable' log.log('Disabling pass-thru') passThruCtlTags = [ [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x01), [cicappHandle]], [(0xdf, 0x1f), [0x30]], # POS timeout [(0xdf, 0xc0, 0x40), [0x00]] ] SendPassThruPacket(conn, 220, passThruCtlTags) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Send pass-thru fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1)
def log_message(self, title, buf_total, buf_frames, tags,val_extra): #To ascii internal convert def toascii( inp ): if inp==None: return '' inp = bytearray(inp if type(inp)!=int else [inp]) for i, ch in enumerate(inp): if ch<ord(' ') or ch>127: inp[i] = ord('.') return str(inp, 'iso8859-1') #To hex internal convert def tohex( inp ): if inp==None: return '' inp = bytearray(inp if type(inp)!=int else [inp]) from binascii import hexlify return str(hexlify(inp) if inp!=None else '', 'iso8859-1') slog = getSyslog() log_array = [ [ 'data', [ 'hex', tohex(buf_total)], [ 'ascii', toascii(buf_total)] ] ] frames = [ 'frames '] for f in buf_frames: frames.append(['frame', tohex(f) ]) log_array.append(frames) if type(val_extra)==int: asc = ['ascii', self.__desc_cfg['SW1SW2'].get("%04X"%val_extra,"NA")] value_v = [ 'value', ['hex', val_extra], asc ] else: sval = tohex(bytearray(val_extra)) asc = ['ascii', self.__desc_cfg['CLAINS'].get(sval[:4].upper(),"NA")] value_v = ['value', ['hex', sval], asc ] tlv_v = ['tlv'] if tags!=None: #Single elem if type(tags)==tuple: tags = [tags] for idx0 in tags: if type(idx0)!=int and len(idx0)==2: if type(idx0[1])==bytes: idx0[1] = bytearray(idx0[1]) if type(idx0[0])==tuple and (type(idx0[1])==bytearray or (type(idx0[1])==list and len(idx0[1])>0 and type(idx0[1][0])==int) ) : tag_v = ['tag', ['value', tohex(idx0[0])], ['desc', 'NA'], [ 'data', ['hex', tohex(idx0[1])], ['ascii', toascii(idx0[1])] ] ] tlv_v.append(tag_v) elif (type(idx0[0])==tuple or type(idx0[0])==int) and type(idx0[1])==list: tpl_desc = self.__desc_cfg['Templates'].get(tohex(idx0[0]),"NA") tpl_v = [ 'template', ['value', idx0[0]], ['desc', tpl_desc] ] for idx1 in idx0[1]: tag_desc = self.__desc_cfg['Tags'].get(tohex(idx1[0]).upper(),'NA') tag_v = [ 'tag', ['value', tohex(idx1[0])], ['desc', tag_desc], [ 'data', ['hex', tohex(idx1[1])], ['ascii', toascii(idx1[1])] ] ] tpl_v.append(tag_v) tlv_v.append(tpl_v) elif type(idx0[0])==str: unp_v = ['unparsed', ['hex', tohex(idx0[1])], ['ascii', toascii(idx0[1])] ] tlv_v.append(unp_v) else: err_v = ['error', str(idx0)] tlv_v.append(err_v) #Parsed v parsed_v = [ 'parsed ', value_v, tlv_v] log_array.append(parsed_v) slog.log_send_receive(title, log_array)
def transtest_function(): log = getSyslog() conn = connection.Connection(); #Create ssl server #conn.connect_tcp_server(timeout=30) #conn.connect_tcp_client('localhost',16107) #conn.connect_serial('COM1', 57600, timeout=2 ); req_unsolicited = conn.connect() if req_unsolicited: #Receive unsolicited status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Unsolicited fail') exit(-1) log.log('Unsolicited', TLVParser(buf) ) #Send reset device conn.send([0xD2, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('reset fail') exit(-1) #Monitor card status conn.send([0xD0, 0x60, 0x01, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Cardstatus fail') exit(-1) #print('CardStatus',TLVParser(buf)) #Prompt for card conn.send([0xD2, 0x01, 0x0D, 0x00]) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('prompt card fail') exit(-1) #Short insert card notification log.log('**** WAIT FOR CARD INSERTION ****') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000 and not uns: log.logerr('Pinpad fail!!', hex(status),uns) exit(-1) tlv = TLVParser(buf) ins_tag_val = tlv.getTag(0x48, tlv.CONVERT_INT) if ins_tag_val[0]!=0x300: log.logerr('PINPAD FAILED tag 0x48 is', ins_tag_val) exit(-1) #Create localtag for transaction start_trans_tag = [ [(0x9F, 0x02), b'\x00\x00\x00\x10\x04\x00' ], [(0x9A), b'\x04\x01\x01'], [(0x9C), b'\x00'], [(0x9F,0x21), b'\x01\x01\x01'], [(0x9F,0x41), b'\x00\x01' ], [(0x5F,0x2A), b'\x08\x26' ], [(0xDF,0xA2,0x18), b'\x00'], [(0xDF,0xA2,0x14), b'\x01'], [(0xDF,0xA2,0x04), b'\x01'] ] start_templ = ( 0xE0, start_trans_tag ) print(start_templ) #Start transaction conn.send([0xDE, 0xD1, 0x00, 0x00], start_templ) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Start transaction fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) #print(TLVParser(buf)) #Continue transaction c_tag = tagStorage() (0x9F,0x02), [0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x54, 0x00 ] ) (0x5F,0x2A), [0x09, 0x78] ) 0xC2, [0x30, 0x30] ) (0xDF,0xA2,0x18), 0x00 ) (0xDF,0xA3,0x07), [0x03,0xE8] ) 0xC0, 0x01 ) 0x8A, [0x59, 0x32 ] ) 0x91, [0x37,0xDD,0x29,0x75,0xC2,0xB6,0x68,0x2D,0x00,0x12] ) #continue_tran_tag = [ # [ (0x9F,0x02), [0x00, 0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x54, 0x00 ] ], # [ (0x5F,0x2A), [0x09, 0x78] ], # [ (0xC2), [0x30, 0x30] ], # [ (0xDF,0xA2,0x18), [0x00] ], # [ (0xDF,0xA3,0x07), [0x03,0xE8] ], # [ (0xC0), [0x01] ], # [ (0x8A), [0x59, 0x32 ] ], # [ (0x91), [0x37,0xDD,0x29,0x75,0xC2,0xB6,0x68,0x2D,0x00,0x12] ] #] #continue_tpl = (0xE0, continue_tran_tag ) #conn.send([0xDE, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x00], continue_tpl) conn.send( [0xDE, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x00], c_tag.getTemplate(0xE0) ) status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Continue transaction fail', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) #print(TLVParser(buf)) log.log('*** PIN ENTRY WAIT ***') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() utility.check_status_error((status, buf, uns)) tlv = TLVParser(buf) #print(tlv) if tlv.tagCount(0xE6) != 0: log.logerr('Not complete response wait again') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Pin entry wait #2', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) # Continue with positive response conn.send([0xDE, 0xD2, 0x00, 0x00]) log.log('*** ONLINE REQUEST WAIT ***') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Online Request wait', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) #print(TLVParser(buf)) #Remove card conn.send([0xD2, 0x01, 0x0E, 0x00]) log.log('*** REMOVE CARD PROMPT***') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Remove card', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) log.log('*** REMOVE CARD WAIT ***') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Remove card wait', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) #Reset display conn.send([0xD2, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]) log.log('*** RESET DISPLAY ***') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Reset display wait', hex(status), buf) exit(-1) #Disconnect conn.send([0xD2, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]) log.log('*** DISCONNECT ***') status, buf, uns = conn.receive() if status != 0x9000: log.logerr('Disconnect wait', hex(status), buf) exit(-1)