def test_open(self): """Attempt to open every page in status. - assert the home page loads correctly - assert the chemical page loads correctly - assert the waste page loads correctly - assert the control page loads correctly :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_open\n##########################################' ) pages = ["home", "chemical", "waste", "control"] for page in pages: # load the home page and assert the url is correct, reverse(page)) expected = reverse(page) in_text = self.driver.current_url sup.assert_in(expected, in_text, message="Browser did not load %s Page" % page)
def test_element_exists(self): """Attempt to check for a real and fake element using css_selector, xpath, and id. - assert find element by xpath for "//*[@id='id_input']" returns true - assert find element by css_selector for "input#id_input" returns true - assert find element by id for "id_input" returns true - assert find element by xpath for "//*[@id='id_fake']" returns False - assert find element by css_selector for "fake#id_fake" returns False - assert find element by id for "id_fake" returns False - assert find element with no search options raises a ValueError :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_element_exists\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # assert that searching by id, xpath, and css_selector for a real element all return True actual = sup.element_exists(self.driver, xpath="//*[@id='id_input']") expected = True sup.assert_equals(expected, actual) actual = sup.element_exists(self.driver, css_selector="input#id_input") expected = True sup.assert_equals(expected, actual) actual = sup.element_exists(self.driver, id="id_input") expected = True sup.assert_equals(expected, actual) # assert that searching by id, xpath, and css_selector for a fake element all return False actual = sup.element_exists(self.driver, xpath="//*[@id='id_fake']") expected = False sup.assert_equals(expected, actual) actual = sup.element_exists(self.driver, css_selector="fake#id_fake") expected = False sup.assert_equals(expected, actual) actual = sup.element_exists(self.driver, id="id_fake") expected = False sup.assert_equals(expected, actual) # assert that attempting to search with no search option produces a ValueError self.assertRaises(ValueError, sup.element_exists, self.driver)
def test_get_text(self): """Attempt to get the text from a text field with various values - assert that get_text returns "" when the text_area is empty - assert that get_text returns "test" when the text_area has "test" - assert that get_text returns "" when the input is empty - assert that get_text returns "test" when the input has "test" :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_get_text\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # assert returns "" then the text_box is empty id = "id_input" expected = "" actual = sup.get_text(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # assert returns "test" then the text_box has "test" sup.set_text_box(self.driver, id, "test") expected = "test" actual = sup.get_text(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # assert returns "" then the text_area is empty id = "id_text_area" expected = "" actual = sup.get_text(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # assert returns "test" then the text_area has "test" sup.set_text_box(self.driver, id, "test") expected = "test" actual = sup.get_text(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id)
def test_load(self): """Attempt to load the test widget page. -assert the test file was loaded :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_load\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) expected = "/templates/testing/widgets.html" in_text = self.driver.current_url sup.assert_in(expected, in_text, message="Browser did not load Test Page")
def test_set_text_box(self): """Attempt to set the text in a text area, a text field, and a readonly text field. - assert setting a text_box to "test" works properly - assert setting a text_area to "test" works properly - assert setting a readonly test_box to "test" raises an exception :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_set_text_box\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # attempt to set the text box to "test" id = "id_input" sup.set_text_box(self.driver, id, "test") expected = "test" text_box = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, id))) actual = str(text_box.get_attribute("value")) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # attempt to set the text area to "test" id = "id_text_area" sup.set_text_box(self.driver, id, "test") expected = "test" text_area = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, id))) actual = str(text_area.get_attribute("value")) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # attempt to set the read-only text box to "test" id = "id_input_readonly" self.assertRaises(Exception, sup.set_text_box, self.driver, id, "text")
def test_set_chosen_single(self): """Attempt to select an option in a single-select. - assert every option in the chosen-single is able to be selected - assert that attempting to select a value not in the chosen-single raises a ValueError :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_set_chosen_single\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # the test chosen-single id id = 'id_chosen_single' # the options in the test chosen-single element options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4", "Option 5"] for option in options: # attempt to set the chosen to the given option sup.set_chosen_single(self.driver, id, option) # assert that the option has been correctly selected chosen = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, './/div[@id="' + id + '_chosen"]/a[@class="chosen-single"]/span'))) sup.assert_equals(option, str(chosen.text), id) # attempt to select a value that is not in the test chosen-single # assert that a value error is thrown self.assertRaises(ValueError, sup.set_chosen_single, self.driver, id, "Option 10000")
def test_get_chosen_multi(self): """Attempt to - assert get_chosen_multi returns [] when the multiselect is empty - assert get_chosen_multi returns ["Option 1"] when the multiselect has ["Option 1"] - assert get_chosen_multi returns ["Option 1", "Option 4"] when the multiselect has ["Option 1", "Option 4"] :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: test_get_chosen_multi\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # assert get_chosen_multi returns [] when the multiselect is empty id = "id_chosen_multi" expected = [] actual = sup.get_chosen_multi(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # add "Option 1" to the chosen multi and assert that get_chosen_multi returns ["Option 1"] sup.set_chosen_multi(self.driver, id, ["Option 1"]) expected = ["Option 1"] actual = sup.get_chosen_multi(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # add "Option 4" to the chosen multi and assert that get_chosen_multi returns ["Option 1", "Option 4"] sup.set_chosen_multi(self.driver, id, ["Option 4"]) expected = ["Option 1", "Option 4"] actual = sup.get_chosen_multi(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id)
def test_get_chosen_single(self): """Attempt to get the text from a chosen single at various values - assert that get_chosen_single returns the default chosen_single value of "Option 1" - assert that get_chosen_single returns the new chosen_single value of "Option 4" - assert that get_chosen_single returns the default chosen_single value of "" :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_get_chosen_single\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # test that get_chosen_single returns correctly on chosen single with a default value id = "id_chosen_single" expected = "Option 1" actual = sup.get_chosen_single(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # test that get_chosen_single returns correctly on chosen single with a new value sup.set_chosen_single(self.driver, id, "Option 4") expected = "Option 4" actual = sup.get_chosen_single(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id) # test that get_chosen_single returns correctly on empty chosen single id = "id_chosen_single_empty" expected = "Select an Option" actual = sup.get_chosen_single(self.driver, id) sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id=id)
def test_set_chosen_multi(self): """Attempt to select an option in a multi-select. - assert every option in the chosen-multi is able to be selected - assert that multiple values can be selected at once - assert that attempting to select a value not in the chosen-multi raises a ValueError :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_set_chosen_multi\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # the test chosen-multi id id = 'id_chosen_multi' # the options in the test chosen-multi element options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4", "Option 5"] for option in options: # attempt to set the chosen to the given option sup.set_chosen_multi(self.driver, id, [option]) # assert that the option has been correctly selected chosen = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, './/div[@id="' + id + '_chosen"]/ul[@class="chosen-choices"]/li[@class="search-choice"]/span' ))) sup.assert_equals(option, str(chosen.text), id) # attempt to clear value clear = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(( By.XPATH, './/div[@id="' + id + '_chosen"]/ul[@class="chosen-choices"]/li[@class="search-choice"]/a[@class="search-choice-close"]' ))) # select all of the options for option in options: sup.set_chosen_multi(self.driver, id, [option]) # assert that all of the options have been selected for option in options: chosen = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, './/div[@id="' + id + '_chosen"]/ul[@class="chosen-choices"]/li[@class="search-choice"]/span' ))) sup.assert_equals(option, str(chosen.text), id) clear = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(( By.XPATH, './/div[@id="' + id + '_chosen"]/ul[@class="chosen-choices"]/li[@class="search-choice"]/a[@class="search-choice-close"]' ))) # attempt to select a value that is not in the test chosen-single # assert that a value error is thrown self.assertRaises(ValueError, sup.set_chosen_single, self.driver, id, "Option 10000")
def test_get_all_data(self): """Test if get_all_data returns the correct data for the test page - assert get_all_data returns the correct data on the default test page - assert get_all_data returns the correct data on the test page with modified information :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_get_all_data \n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # test if the data is correct on the default test page actual = sup.get_all_data(self.driver) expected = { 'id_datetime_picker': '', 'id_time_picker': '', 'id_date_picker': '', 'id_chosen_single': 'Option 1', 'id_chosen_single_empty': 'Select an Option', 'id_text_area': '', 'id_input': '', 'id_input_readonly': '', 'id_chosen_multi': [] } sup.assert_equals( expected, actual, message= "get_all_data did not fetch the expected values for the default test page" ) # set the values of the elements on the test page sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_datetime_picker', datetime(2017, 9, 5, hour=9, minute=25)) sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_time_picker', datetime(2017, 9, 5, hour=9, minute=25)) sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_date_picker', datetime(2017, 9, 5, hour=9, minute=25)) sup.set_chosen_single(self.driver, 'id_chosen_single', 'Option 3') sup.set_text_box(self.driver, 'id_text_area', 'Test 1') sup.set_text_box(self.driver, 'id_input', 'Test 2') sup.set_chosen_multi(self.driver, 'id_chosen_multi', ["Option 3", "Option 1", "Option 2"]) # test if the data is correct actual = sup.get_all_data(self.driver) expected = { 'id_datetime_picker': '09/05/2017 9:25 AM', 'id_time_picker': '9:25 AM', 'id_date_picker': '09/05/2017', 'id_chosen_single': 'Option 3', 'id_chosen_single_empty': 'Select an Option', 'id_text_area': 'Test 1', 'id_input': 'Test 2', 'id_input_readonly': '', 'id_chosen_multi': ["Option 3", "Option 1", "Option 2"] } sup.assert_equals( expected, actual, message= "get_all_data did not fetch the expected values for the edited test page" )
def test_set_date(self): """Attempt to set multiple different dates. - assert date in datetimepicker is July 4 2100 1:35PM when setting Jul 4 2100 1:36PM' - assert date in datetimepicker is Dec 26 1900 12:00AM when setting Dec 25 1900 12:57PM - assert date in datetimepicker is within 3 minutes of today's date :returns: None """ print( '\n##########################################\n Support: Beginning test_set_date\n##########################################' ) # load the widget test page, self.test_path) # attempt to set far in future date far_date = datetime.strptime('Jul 4 2100 1:36PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p') sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_datetime_picker', far_date) # check if value of text box matches date expected = datetime.strptime('Jul 4 2100 1:36PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p') actual = datetime.strptime( sup.get_text(self.driver, 'id_datetime_picker'), '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p') sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id='id_datetime_picker') time.sleep(1) # attempt to set far in past date past_date = datetime.strptime('Dec 25 1900 12:00AM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p') sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_datetime_picker', past_date) # check if value of text box matches date expected = datetime.strptime('Dec 25 1900 12:00AM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p') actual = datetime.strptime( sup.get_text(self.driver, 'id_datetime_picker'), '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p') sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id='id_datetime_picker') time.sleep(1) # attempt to just time past_date = datetime.strptime('Dec 25 1900 12:00AM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p') sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_time_picker', past_date) # check if value of text box matches date expected = datetime.strptime('12:00 AM', '%I:%M %p') actual = datetime.strptime(sup.get_text(self.driver, 'id_time_picker'), '%I:%M %p') sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id='id_time_picker') time.sleep(1) # attempt to just date past_date = datetime.strptime('Dec 25 1900', '%b %d %Y') sup.set_date(self.driver, 'id_date_picker', past_date) # check if value of text box matches date expected = datetime.strptime('Dec 25 1900', '%b %d %Y') actual = datetime.strptime(sup.get_text(self.driver, 'id_date_picker'), '%m/%d/%Y') sup.assert_equals(expected, actual, id='id_date_picker')