def run(self): # try reading various ranges (these are (start, end) absolute ranges, not offset/length) ranges = [ (0, 16384), (1, 200), (0, 4096), (0, 8192), (0, 1000), (0, 6000), (100, 4000), (5000, 10000), (4096, 10000), (5000, 8192), (4096, 16834), (5000, 16384), (4096, 16000), (5000, 16000) ] self.exitcode = 0 for (start, end) in ranges: if self.errors: break # only clear reader's cache testlib.clear_cache( self.config_dir, volume_id=self.volume_id, gateway_id=self.read_gateway_id ) for i in xrange(0, 2): if self.errors: break exitcode, out = READ_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(self.config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', self.volume_name, '-g', self.read_gateway_name, self.output_path, start, end - start, valgrind=True ) out_name = "uncached" if i > 0: out_name = "cached" testlib.save_output( self.output_dir, 'syndicate-read-thread-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (self.get_ident(), start, end, out_name), out ) if exitcode != 0: self.exitcode = exitcode self.errormsg = "syndicate-read exit code %s on %s-%s-%s" % (exitcode, start, end, out_name) break # correctness if expected_data[start:end] not in out: self.exitcode = -1 self.errormsg = "Thread %s missing data for %s-%s-%s" % (self.get_ident(), start, end, out_name) break if self.exitcode != 0: break return
for (start, end) in ranges: # only clear reader's cache testlib.clear_cache( config_dir, volume_id=volume_id, gateway_id=read_gateway_id ) # do each read twice--once uncached, and one cached for i in xrange(0, 2): exitcode, out = READ_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', read_gateway_name, output_path, start, end - start, valgrind=True ) out_name = "uncached" if i > 0: out_name = "cached" testlib.save_output( output_dir, 'syndicate-read-%s-%s-%s' % (start, end, out_name), out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (READ_PATH, exitcode)) # correctness if expected_data[start:end] not in out: stop_and_save( output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") raise Exception("Missing data for %s-%s" % (start, end)) ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway( ag_proc, ag_out_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out ) if ag_exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_exitcode))
exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path, valgrind=True) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-put-%s" % i, out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): path = output_paths[i] exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v',
# put a file to publish local_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, 1): local_path = testlib.make_random_file(16384, dir=inner_dir) local_paths.append(local_path) # start AG AG_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "AG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) testlib.update_gateway( config_dir, AG_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % AG_DRIVER ) ag_proc, ag_out_path = testlib.start_gateway( config_dir, AG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, AG_gateway_name, valgrind=True ) time.sleep(20) if ag_proc.poll() is not None: ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway( ag_proc, ag_out_path ) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out) raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_proc.poll())) # should cause the AG to get updated that there's a new gateway ug_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) # remove inner dir, and have the AG refresh shutil.rmtree(rmdir) exitcode, out = REFRESH_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', ug_gateway_name, '/to_remove_1', valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-refresh", out ) if exitcode != 0: ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway( ag_proc, ag_out_path ) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out) raise Exception("syndicate-refresh exit code %s" % exitcode)
if not testlib.gateway_ping( 31112, 15 ): raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # should cause the RG to get updated that there's a new gateway gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) cat_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email="ANONYMOUS" ) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] output_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/put-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) output_paths.append(output_path) exitcode, out = PUT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path, valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-put-%s" % i, out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): path = output_paths[i] exitcode, out = CAT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', 'ANONYMOUS', '-v', volume_name, '-g', cat_gateway_name, path, valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, 'syndicate-cat-%s' % i, out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (CAT_PATH, exitcode)) # check for correctnes
read_gateway_info = testlib.read_gateway(config_dir, read_gateway_name) read_gateway_id = read_gateway_info['g_id'] volume_info = testlib.read_volume(config_dir, volume_name) volume_id = volume_info['volume_id'] random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1))[2:] output_path = "/put-%s" % random_part exitcode, out =, '-d3', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-put", out) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # try reading and writing various ranges (these are (start, end) absolute ranges, not offset/length) ranges = [ (5000, 16000), (0, 1), # 1 block, tail unaligned (1, 200), # 1 block, unaligned head and tail (0, 4096), # 4 block, aligned (0, 8192), # 8 blocks, aligned (0, 1000), # 1 block, tail unaligned (0, 6000), (100, 4000), (5000, 10000),
os.makedirs(testdir) local_path = testlib.make_random_file(16384, dir=testdir) output_path = "/dir1/dir2/%s" % os.path.basename(local_path) # list files that do not yet exist # verify that we can't list them descendent_files = ['/dir1', '/dir1/dir2', output_path] for i in xrange(0, len(descendent_files)): p = descendent_files[i] exitcode, out = LS_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', read_gateway_name, p, valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ls-before-%s" % p.replace("/", "\\x2f" ), out ) if ("\nFailed to stat '%s': No such file or directory\n" % p) not in out: raise Exception("Successfully listed '%s'" % p) p_base = p if p != '/': p_base = os.path.basename(p) if ("\nname: %s\n" % p_base) in out: raise Exception("Found '%s' in listing" % p) if i + 1 < len(descendent_files): if ("name: %s" % os.path.basename(descendent_files[i+1])) in out: raise Exception("Found '%s' in listing" % descendent_files[i+1]) # start up AG
rg_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "RG", caps="NONE", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) testlib.update_gateway( config_dir, rg_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % RG_DRIVER ) # start the RG rg_proc, rg_out_path = testlib.start_gateway( config_dir, RG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, rg_gateway_name ) if not testlib.gateway_ping( 31112, 15 ): stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # put the file... exitcode, out = PUT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, random_file_path, path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-put", out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("Failed to touch %s" % path) # finish populating expected built-in xattrs exitcode, out = STAT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, "syndicate.conf"), "-u", testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', getxattr_gateway_name, path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-stat", out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("Failed to stat %s" % path)
"AG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) testlib.update_gateway(config_dir, AG_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % AG_DRIVER) ag_proc, ag_out_path = testlib.start_gateway(config_dir, AG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, AG_gateway_name, valgrind=True) time.sleep(30) if not testlib.gateway_ping(31112, 15): ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway(ag_proc, ag_out_path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out) raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_proc.poll())) # should cause the AG to get updated that there's a new gateway cat_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway(config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) expected_data_error = False for i in xrange(0, len(local_paths)): # do each file twice for j in xrange(0, 2): local_path = local_paths[i] expected_data = expected_datas[i]
cat_gateway_info = testlib.read_gateway( config_dir, cat_gateway_name ) cat_gateway_id = cat_gateway_info['g_id'] # look up RG rg_gateway_info = testlib.read_gateway( config_dir, RG_gateway_name ) rg_gateway_id = rg_gateway_info['g_id'] volume_info = testlib.read_volume( config_dir, volume_name ) volume_id = volume_info['volume_id'] random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] output_paths = [] # make target directory exitcode, out = MKDIR_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, "/newdir", valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-mkdir", out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # generate the commands to feed into the REPL repl_cmd = "" for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/put-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) output_paths.append(output_path) repl_cmd += "create %s 0644\n" % output_path repl_cmd += "write 0 0 %s %s\n" % (len(write_data), write_data) # truncate while open
"AG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) testlib.update_gateway(config_dir, AG_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % AG_DRIVER) ag_proc, ag_out_path = testlib.start_gateway(config_dir, AG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, AG_gateway_name, valgrind=True) time.sleep(30) if not testlib.gateway_ping(31112, 15): ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway(ag_proc, ag_out_path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out) raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_proc.poll())) # should cause the AG to get updated that there's a new gateway cat_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway(config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u',
testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', read_gateway_name, output_path, start, end - start, valgrind=True) out_name = "uncached" if i > 0: out_name = "cached" testlib.save_output( output_dir, 'syndicate-read-%s-%s-%s' % (start, end, out_name), out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (READ_PATH, exitcode)) # correctness if expected_data[start:end] not in out: stop_and_save(output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") raise Exception("Missing data for %s-%s" % (start, end)) # finally, list them all for p in [ '/', '/dir1', '/dir1/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir4', output_path
volume_name = testlib.add_test_volume(config_dir) gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway(config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1))[2:] exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-touch", out) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("Failed to touch %s" % path) # do setxattr a few times # 1 attr exitcode, out_1attr =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v',
for rep in xrange(0, NUM_REPS): # touch $NUM_FILES files random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1))[2:] expected_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/touch-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) expected_paths.append(output_path) exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, *expected_paths) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-touch-%s" % rep, out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (TOUCH_PATH, exitcode)) # list them exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, '/') testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ls-full-%s" % rep, out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (LS_PATH, exitcode)) # verify that they're all there
def run(self): # try reading various ranges (these are (start, end) absolute ranges, not offset/length) ranges = [(0, 16384), (1, 200), (0, 4096), (0, 8192), (0, 1000), (0, 6000), (100, 4000), (5000, 10000), (4096, 10000), (5000, 8192), (4096, 16834), (5000, 16384), (4096, 16000), (5000, 16000)] self.exitcode = 0 for (start, end) in ranges: if self.errors: break # only clear reader's cache testlib.clear_cache(self.config_dir, volume_id=self.volume_id, gateway_id=self.read_gateway_id) for i in xrange(0, 2): if self.errors: break exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join( self.config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', self.volume_name, '-g', self.read_gateway_name, self.output_path, start, end - start, valgrind=True) out_name = "uncached" if i > 0: out_name = "cached" testlib.save_output( self.output_dir, 'syndicate-read-thread-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (self.get_ident(), start, end, out_name), out) if exitcode != 0: self.exitcode = exitcode self.errormsg = "syndicate-read exit code %s on %s-%s-%s" % ( exitcode, start, end, out_name) break # correctness if expected_data[start:end] not in out: self.exitcode = -1 self.errormsg = "Thread %s missing data for %s-%s-%s" % ( self.get_ident(), start, end, out_name) break if self.exitcode != 0: break return
path = '/setxattr-%s' % random_part attr_name_base = 'foo-%s' % random_part attr_value_base = 'bar-%s' % random_part config_dir, output_dir = testlib.test_setup() volume_name = testlib.add_test_volume( config_dir ) gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] exitcode, out = TOUCH_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-touch", out ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("Failed to touch %s" % path) # do setxattr a few times # 1 attr exitcode, out_1attr = SETXATTR_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path, attr_name_base + "-1attr", attr_value_base + "-1attr", valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-setxattr-1attr", out_1attr ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (SETXATTR_PATH, exitcode)) # 5 attrs at once
if abort: for i in xrange(0, num_threads): threads[i].set_errors(abort) for i in xrange(0, num_threads): threads[i].join() dead = True for i in xrange(0, num_threads): if threads[i].isAlive(): dead = False if abort: stop_and_save( output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") msg = [] for i in xrange(0, num_threads): if threads[i].get_exitcode() != 0: msg.append("Thread %s (%s) exited %s, error = '%s'" % (threads[i].get_ident(), i, threads[i].get_exitcode(), threads[i].get_errormsg())) raise Exception("\n" + "\n".join(msg)) ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway( ag_proc, ag_out_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out ) if ag_exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_exitcode)) sys.exit(0)
for (start, end) in ranges: # only clear reader's cache testlib.clear_cache( config_dir, volume_id=volume_id, gateway_id=read_gateway_id ) # do each read twice--once uncached, and one cached for i in xrange(0, 2): exitcode, out = READ_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', read_gateway_name, output_path, start, end - start, valgrind=True ) out_name = "uncached" if i > 0: out_name = "cached" testlib.save_output( output_dir, 'syndicate-read-%s-%s-%s' % (start, end, out_name), out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (READ_PATH, exitcode)) # correctness if expected_data[start:end] not in out: stop_and_save( output_dir, ag_proc, ag_out_path, "syndicate-ag") raise Exception("Missing data for %s-%s" % (start, end)) # finally, list it for p in ['/', '/dir1', '/dir1/dir2', output_path]: exitcode, out = LS_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', read_gateway_name, p, valgrind=True )
# start the RG rg_proc, rg_out_path = testlib.start_gateway(config_dir, RG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, rg_gateway_name) if not testlib.gateway_ping(31112, 15): stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # put the file... exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, random_file_path, path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-put", out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("Failed to touch %s" % path) # finish populating expected built-in xattrs exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, "syndicate.conf"), "-u", testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', getxattr_gateway_name, path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-stat", out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("Failed to stat %s" % path)
raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # should cause the RG to get updated that there's a new gateway gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) for rep in xrange(0, NUM_REPS): # touch $NUM_FILES files random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] expected_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/touch-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) expected_paths.append(output_path) exitcode, out = TOUCH_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, *expected_paths ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-touch-%s" % rep, out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (TOUCH_PATH, exitcode)) # list them exitcode, out = LS_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, '/' ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-ls-full-%s" % rep, out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (LS_PATH, exitcode)) # verify that they're all there for path in expected_paths: if path.strip("/") not in out: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg")
# make target directory exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, "/newdir", valgrind=True) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-mkdir", out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # generate the commands to feed into the REPL repl_cmd = "" for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/put-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) output_paths.append(output_path) repl_cmd += "create %s 0644\n" % output_path repl_cmd += "write 0 0 %s %s\n" % (len(write_data), write_data) repl_cmd += "close 0\n"
attr_value_base = 'bar-%s' % random_part config_dir, output_dir = testlib.test_setup() volume_name = testlib.add_test_volume( config_dir ) gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) gateway_client_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) testlib.update_gateway( config_dir, gateway_client_name, "port=31112" ) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] exitcode, out = TOUCH_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-touch", out ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("Failed to touch %s" % path) # do setxattr a few times # 1 attr exitcode, out_1attr = SETXATTR_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path, attr_name_base + "-1attr", attr_value_base + "-1attr", valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-setxattr-1attr", out_1attr ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (SETXATTR_PATH, exitcode)) # 5 attrs at once
# should cause the RG to get updated that there's a new gateway gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) read_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) read_gateway_info = testlib.read_gateway( config_dir, read_gateway_name ) read_gateway_id = read_gateway_info['g_id'] volume_info = testlib.read_volume( config_dir, volume_name ) volume_id = volume_info['volume_id'] random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] output_path = "/put-%s" % random_part exitcode, out = PUT_PATH, '-d3', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-put", out ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # try reading and writing various ranges (these are (start, end) absolute ranges, not offset/length) ranges = [ (5000, 16000), (0, 1), # 1 block, tail unaligned (1, 200), # 1 block, unaligned head and tail (0, 4096), # 4 block, aligned (0, 8192), # 8 blocks, aligned (0, 1000), # 1 block, tail unaligned (0, 6000), (100, 4000), (5000, 10000),
exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path, valgrind=True) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-put-%s" % i, out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # make target directory exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name,
email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) # touch $NUM_FILES files random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1))[2:] expected_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/touch-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) expected_paths.append(output_path) exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, output_path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-touch-%s" % i, out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (TOUCH_PATH, exitcode)) # list them exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, '/') testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ls", out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (LS_PATH, exitcode)) # verify that they're all there
# look up RG rg_gateway_info = testlib.read_gateway( config_dir, RG_gateway_name ) rg_gateway_id = rg_gateway_info['g_id'] volume_info = testlib.read_volume( config_dir, volume_name ) volume_id = volume_info['volume_id'] random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] output_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/put-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) output_paths.append(output_path) exitcode, out = PUT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path, valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-put-%s" % i, out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # make target directory exitcode, out = MKDIR_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, "/newdir", valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-mkdir", out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # do several renames for j in xrange(0, NUM_RENAMES):
exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', read_gateway_name, p, valgrind=True) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ls-before-%s" % p.replace("/", "\\x2f"), out) if ("\nFailed to stat '%s': No such file or directory\n" % p) not in out: raise Exception("Successfully listed '%s'" % p) p_base = p if p != '/': p_base = os.path.basename(p) if ("\nname: %s\n" % p_base) in out: raise Exception("Found '%s' in listing" % p) if i + 1 < len(descendent_files): if ("name: %s" % os.path.basename(descendent_files[i + 1])) in out:
# should cause the RG to get updated that there's a new gateway gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway(config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1))[2:] output_path = "/put-%s" % random_part exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-put", out) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # read the file, to populate the cache exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g',
local_fd = open(local_path, "r") expected_data = local_fd.close() local_paths.append(local_path) expected_datas.append(expected_data) # start AG AG_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "AG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) testlib.update_gateway( config_dir, AG_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % AG_DRIVER ) ag_proc, ag_out_path = testlib.start_gateway( config_dir, AG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, AG_gateway_name, valgrind=True ) time.sleep(20) if ag_proc.poll() is not None: ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway( ag_proc, ag_out_path ) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out) raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_proc.poll())) # should cause the AG to get updated that there's a new gateway cat_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) expected_data_error = False for i in xrange(0,len(local_paths)): # do each file twice for j in xrange(0, 2): local_path = local_paths[i] expected_data = expected_datas[i] output_path = "/" + os.path.basename(local_path) exitcode, out = CAT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', cat_gateway_name, output_path, valgrind=True )
def stop_and_save( output_dir, proc, out_path, save_name ): exitcode, out = testlib.stop_gateway( proc, out_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, save_name, out ) return exitcode, out
if not testlib.gateway_ping( 31112, 15 ): raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # should cause the RG to get updated that there's a new gateway gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) # touch $NUM_FILES files random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] expected_paths = [] for i in xrange(0, NUM_FILES): output_path = "/touch-%s-%s" % (random_part, i) expected_paths.append(output_path) exitcode, out = TOUCH_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, output_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-touch-%s" % i, out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (TOUCH_PATH, exitcode)) # list them exitcode, out = LS_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, '/' ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-ls", out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (LS_PATH, exitcode)) # verify that they're all there for path in expected_paths: if path.strip("/") not in out: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg")
"AG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) testlib.update_gateway(config_dir, AG_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % AG_DRIVER) ag_proc, ag_out_path = testlib.start_gateway(config_dir, AG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, AG_gateway_name, valgrind=True) time.sleep(30) if not testlib.gateway_ping(31112, 15): ag_exitcode, ag_out = testlib.stop_gateway(ag_proc, ag_out_path) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-ag", ag_out) raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (AG_PATH, ag_proc.poll())) # should cause the AG to get updated that there's a new gateway ug_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway(config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) # remove inner dir, and have the AG refresh shutil.rmtree(rmdir) exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c',
expected_data = local_fd.close() # start up RG RG_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "RG", port=32110, email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) testlib.update_gateway( config_dir, RG_gateway_name, "driver=%s" % RG_DRIVER ) rg_proc, rg_out_path = testlib.start_gateway( config_dir, RG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, RG_gateway_name, valgrind=True ) time.sleep(5) if rg_proc.poll() is not None: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # put the file put_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", port=31110, email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) exitcode, out = PUT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', put_gateway_name, local_path, output_path, valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-put", out ) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save( output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("syndicate-put exit code %s" % exitcode) # create separate threads for UGs for i in xrange(0, num_threads): t = UGThread( config_dir, output_dir, output_path, volume_name, caps="ALL", port=(31111 + i + 1), email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) threads.append(t) # run all threads for i in xrange(0, num_threads): threads[i].start() # wait for them to finish
RG_gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "RG", caps="NONE", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) testlib.update_gateway( config_dir, RG_gateway_name, "port=31112", "driver=%s" % RG_DRIVER ) rg_proc, rg_out_path = testlib.start_gateway( config_dir, RG_PATH, testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, volume_name, RG_gateway_name ) time.sleep(1) if rg_proc.poll() is not None: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (RG_PATH, rg_proc.poll())) # should cause the RG to get updated that there's a new gateway gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] output_path = "/put-%s" % random_part exitcode, out = PUT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, local_path, output_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-put", out ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (PUT_PATH, exitcode)) # read the file, to populate the cache exitcode, out = CAT_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, output_path, valgrind=True ) if exitcode != 0: rg_exitcode, rg_out = testlib.stop_gateway( rg_proc, rg_out_path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-rg", rg_out ) raise Exception("Failed to read %s" % path) # check cache
attr_name_base = 'foo-%s' % random_part attr_value_base = 'bar-%s' % random_part expected_listxattr_output = "" config_dir, output_dir = testlib.test_setup() volume_name = testlib.add_test_volume( config_dir ) gateway_name = testlib.add_test_gateway( config_dir, volume_name, "UG", caps="ALL", email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN ) random_part = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32-1))[2:] exitcode, out = TOUCH_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-touch", out ) if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("Failed to touch %s" % path) # do setxattr a few times # 1 attr exitcode, out_1attr = SETXATTR_PATH, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', gateway_name, path, attr_name_base + "-1attr", attr_value_base + "-1attr", valgrind=True ) testlib.save_output( output_dir, "syndicate-setxattr-1attr", out_1attr ) expected_listxattr_output += attr_name_base + "-1attr" + '\n' if exitcode != 0: raise Exception("%s exited %s" % (SETXATTR_PATH, exitcode))
email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) exitcode, out =, '-d2', '-f', '-c', os.path.join(config_dir, 'syndicate.conf'), '-u', testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN, '-v', volume_name, '-g', put_gateway_name, local_path, output_path, valgrind=True) testlib.save_output(output_dir, "syndicate-put", out) if exitcode != 0: stop_and_save(output_dir, rg_proc, rg_out_path, "syndicate-rg") raise Exception("syndicate-put exit code %s" % exitcode) # create separate threads for UGs for i in xrange(0, num_threads): t = UGThread(config_dir, output_dir, output_path, volume_name, caps="ALL", port=(31111 + i + 1), email=testconf.SYNDICATE_ADMIN) threads.append(t)