    def removeEntry(self, uidAuthor, idSchedGroup, fCascade = False, fCommit = False):
        Deletes a scheduling group.

        # Input validation and retrival of current data.
        if idSchedGroup == 1:
            raise TMExceptionBase('Cannot remove the default scheduling group (id 1).');
        oData = SchedGroupDataEx().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idSchedGroup);

        # We use cascade a little different here... We don't actually delete
        # associated testboxes or testgroups.
        if len(oData.aoTestBoxes) > 0:
            if fCascade is not True:
                # Complain about there being associated testboxes.
                asTestBoxes = ['%s (#%d)' % (oTestBox.sName, oTestBox.idTestBox) for oTestBox in oData.aoTestBoxes];
                raise TMExceptionBase('Scheduling group #%d is associated with one or more test boxes: %s'
                                      % (idSchedGroup, ', '.join(asTestBoxes),));
                # Reassign testboxes to scheduling group #1 (the default group).
                oTbLogic = TestBoxLogic(self._oDb);
                for oTestBox in oData.aoTestBoxes:
                    oTbCopy = TestBoxData().initFromOther(oTestBox);
                    oTbCopy.idSchedGroup = 1;
                    oTbLogic.editEntry(oTbCopy, uidAuthor, fCommit = False);

                oData = SchedGroupDataEx().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idSchedGroup);
                if len(oData.aoTestBoxes) != 0:
                    raise TMExceptionBase('More testboxes was added to the scheduling group as we were trying to delete it.');

        # Remove the group and all member records.
        for oMember in oData.aoMembers:
            self._removeSchedGroupMember(uidAuthor, oMember);
        self._oDb.execute('UPDATE   SchedGroupMembers\n'
                          'SET      tsExpire     = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
                          'WHERE    idSchedGroup = %s\n'
                          '     AND tsExpire     = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
                          , (idSchedGroup,));

        (tsCur, tsCurMinusOne) = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamps();
        if oData.tsEffective != tsCur and oData.tsEffective != tsCurMinusOne:
            self._historizeEntry(idSchedGroup, tsCurMinusOne);
            self._readdEntry(uidAuthor, oData, tsCurMinusOne);
        self._oDb.execute('UPDATE   SchedGroups\n'
                          'SET      tsExpire     = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
                          'WHERE    idSchedGroup = %s\n'
                          '     AND tsExpire     = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
                          , (idSchedGroup,))

        return True;
    def removeEntry(self, uidAuthor, idSchedGroup, fCascade = False, fCommit = False):
        Deletes a scheduling group.

        # Input validation and retrival of current data.
        if idSchedGroup == 1:
            raise TMRowInUse('Cannot remove the default scheduling group (id 1).');
        oData = SchedGroupDataEx().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idSchedGroup);

        # We use cascade a little different here... We don't actually delete
        # associated testboxes or testgroups.
        if oData.aoTestBoxes:
            if fCascade is not True:
                # Complain about there being associated testboxes.
                asTestBoxes = ['%s (#%d)' % (oTestBox.sName, oTestBox.idTestBox) for oTestBox in oData.aoTestBoxes];
                raise TMRowInUse('Scheduling group #%d is associated with one or more test boxes: %s'
                                 % (idSchedGroup, ', '.join(asTestBoxes),));
                # Reassign testboxes to scheduling group #1 (the default group).
                oTbLogic = TestBoxLogic(self._oDb);
                for oTestBox in oData.aoTestBoxes:
                    oTbCopy = TestBoxData().initFromOther(oTestBox);
                    oTbCopy.idSchedGroup = 1;
                    oTbLogic.editEntry(oTbCopy, uidAuthor, fCommit = False);

                oData = SchedGroupDataEx().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idSchedGroup);
                if oData.aoTestBoxes:
                    raise TMRowInUse('More testboxes was added to the scheduling group as we were trying to delete it.');

        # Remove the group and all member records.
        for oMember in oData.aoMembers:
            self._removeSchedGroupMember(uidAuthor, oMember);
        self._oDb.execute('UPDATE   SchedGroupMembers\n'
                          'SET      tsExpire     = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
                          'WHERE    idSchedGroup = %s\n'
                          '     AND tsExpire     = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
                          , (idSchedGroup,));

        (tsCur, tsCurMinusOne) = self._oDb.getCurrentTimestamps();
        if oData.tsEffective != tsCur and oData.tsEffective != tsCurMinusOne:
            self._historizeEntry(idSchedGroup, tsCurMinusOne);
            self._readdEntry(uidAuthor, oData, tsCurMinusOne);
        self._oDb.execute('UPDATE   SchedGroups\n'
                          'SET      tsExpire     = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
                          'WHERE    idSchedGroup = %s\n'
                          '     AND tsExpire     = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
                          , (idSchedGroup,))

        return True;
    def _actionTestBoxListPost(self):
        """Actions on a list of testboxes."""

        # Parameters.
        aidTestBoxes = self.getListOfIntParams(TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox, iMin = 1, aiDefaults = []);
        sListAction  = self.getStringParam(self.ksParamListAction);
        if sListAction in [asDesc[0] for asDesc in WuiTestBoxList.kasTestBoxActionDescs]:
            idAction = None;
            asActionPrefixes = [ 'setgroup-', ];
            i = 0;
            while i < len(asActionPrefixes) and not sListAction.startswith(asActionPrefixes[i]):
                i += 1;
            if i >= len(asActionPrefixes):
                raise WuiException('Parameter "%s" has an invalid value: "%s"' % (self.ksParamListAction, sListAction,));
            idAction = sListAction[len(asActionPrefixes[i]):];
            if not idAction.isdigit():
                raise WuiException('Parameter "%s" has an invalid value: "%s"' % (self.ksParamListAction, sListAction,));
            idAction = int(idAction);
            sListAction = sListAction[:len(asActionPrefixes[i]) - 1];

        # Take action.
        if sListAction is 'none':
            oLogic = TestBoxLogic(self._oDb);
            aoTestBoxes = []
            for idTestBox in aidTestBoxes:
                aoTestBoxes.append(TestBoxData().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestBox));

            if sListAction in [ 'enable', 'disable' ]:
                fEnable = sListAction == 'enable';
                for oTestBox in aoTestBoxes:
                    if oTestBox.fEnabled != fEnable:
                        oTestBox.fEnabled = fEnable;
                        oLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = False);
            elif sListAction == 'setgroup':
                for oTestBox in aoTestBoxes:
                    if oTestBox.idSchedGroup != idAction:
                        oTestBox.idSchedGroup = idAction;
                        oLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = False);
                for oTestBox in aoTestBoxes:
                    if oTestBox.enmPendingCmd != sListAction:
                        oTestBox.enmPendingCmd = sListAction;
                        oLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = False);

        # Re-display the list.
        self._sPageTitle  = None;
        self._sPageBody   = None;
        self._sRedirectTo = self._sActionUrlBase + self.ksActionTestBoxList;
        return True;
    def _actionTestBoxListPost(self):
        """Actions on a list of testboxes."""

        # Parameters.
        aidTestBoxes = self.getListOfIntParams(TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox, iMin = 1, aiDefaults = []);
        sListAction  = self.getStringParam(self.ksParamListAction);
        if sListAction in [asDesc[0] for asDesc in WuiTestBoxList.kasTestBoxActionDescs]:
            idAction = None;
            asActionPrefixes = [ 'setgroup-', ];
            i = 0;
            while i < len(asActionPrefixes) and not sListAction.startswith(asActionPrefixes[i]):
                i += 1;
            if i >= len(asActionPrefixes):
                raise WuiException('Parameter "%s" has an invalid value: "%s"' % (self.ksParamListAction, sListAction,));
            idAction = sListAction[len(asActionPrefixes[i]):];
            if not idAction.isdigit():
                raise WuiException('Parameter "%s" has an invalid value: "%s"' % (self.ksParamListAction, sListAction,));
            idAction = int(idAction);
            sListAction = sListAction[:len(asActionPrefixes[i]) - 1];

        # Take action.
        if sListAction is 'none':
            oLogic = TestBoxLogic(self._oDb);
            aoTestBoxes = []
            for idTestBox in aidTestBoxes:
                aoTestBoxes.append(TestBoxData().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestBox));

            if sListAction in [ 'enable', 'disable' ]:
                fEnable = sListAction == 'enable';
                for oTestBox in aoTestBoxes:
                    if oTestBox.fEnabled != fEnable:
                        oTestBox.fEnabled = fEnable;
                        oLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = False);
            elif sListAction == 'setgroup':
                for oTestBox in aoTestBoxes:
                    if oTestBox.idSchedGroup != idAction:
                        oTestBox.idSchedGroup = idAction;
                        oLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = False);
                for oTestBox in aoTestBoxes:
                    if oTestBox.enmPendingCmd != sListAction:
                        oTestBox.enmPendingCmd = sListAction;
                        oLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self._oCurUser.uid, fCommit = False);

        # Re-display the list.
        self._sPageTitle  = None;
        self._sPageBody   = None;
        self._sRedirectTo = self._sActionUrlBase + self.ksActionTestBoxList;
        return True;