def test_server_extra_annotations_are_included(
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/sample_v2', status=200)

    assert thrift_obj.call_count == 1
    server_spans = thrift_obj.call_args[0][0]
    assert len(server_spans) == 1
    server_span = server_spans[0]

    # Assert that the annotations logged via debug statements exist
        {'bar': 1000000, 'foo': 2000000},
        {'ping': 'pong'},
def test_server_extra_annotations_are_included(thrift_obj, sampled_trace_id_generator):
    settings = {"zipkin.trace_id_generator": sampled_trace_id_generator}

    TestApp(main({}, **settings)).get("/sample_v2", status=200)

    assert thrift_obj.call_count == 1
    server_span = thrift_obj.call_args[0][0]
    # Assert that the annotations logged via debug statements exist
    test_helper.assert_extra_annotations(server_span, {"bar": 1000000, "foo": 2000000})
    test_helper.assert_extra_binary_annotations(server_span, {"ping": "pong"})
def test_decorator(thrift_obj, default_trace_id_generator):
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {"zipkin.tracing_percent": 100, "zipkin.trace_id_generator": default_trace_id_generator}

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get("/decorator_context", status=200)

    # Two spans are logged - child span, then server span
    child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy and annotations
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {"a": "1"})
    assert child_span.name == "my_span"
def test_decorator(thrift_obj, default_trace_id_generator):
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/decorator_context', status=200)

    # Two spans are logged - child span, then server span
    child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy and annotations
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {'a': '1'})
    assert child_span.name == 'my_span'
def test_decorator(
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': sampled_trace_id_generator,

    TestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/decorator_context', status=200)

    # Two spans are logged - child span, then server span
    child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy and annotations
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {'a': '1'})
    assert child_span.name == 'my_span'
def test_span_context(default_trace_id_generator):
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,
    app_main, transport, _ = generate_app_main(settings)

    WebTestApp(app_main).get('/span_context', status=200)

    # Spans are batched
    # The order of span logging goes from innermost (grandchild) up.
    assert len(transport.output) == 1
    span_list = decode_thrift(transport.output[0])
    assert len(span_list) == 3
    grandchild_span = span_list[0]
    child_span = span_list[1]
    server_span = span_list[2]

    # Assert proper hierarchy
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert grandchild_span.parent_id == child_span.id
    # Assert annotations are properly assigned
    assert_extra_annotations(child_span, {'child_annotation': 1000000})
        child_span, {'foo': 'bar', 'child': 'true'})
        grandchild_span, {'grandchild_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(grandchild_span, {'grandchild': 'true'})

    # For the span produced by SpanContext, assert cs==sr and ss==cr
    # Initialize them all so the equalities won't be true.
    annotations = {
        'cs': 0, 'sr': 1, 'ss': 2, 'cr': 3
    for annotation in child_span.annotations:
        if annotation.value in annotations:
            annotations[annotation.value] = annotation.timestamp
    assert annotations['cs'] == annotations['sr']
    assert annotations['ss'] == annotations['cr']
def test_server_extra_annotations_are_included(
    settings = {
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': sampled_trace_id_generator,

    TestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/sample_v2', status=200)

    assert thrift_obj.call_count == 1
    server_span = thrift_obj.call_args[0][0]
    # Assert that the annotations logged via debug statements exist
        {'bar': 1000000, 'foo': 2000000},
        {'ping': 'pong'},
def test_span_context(thrift_obj, default_trace_id_generator):
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {"zipkin.tracing_percent": 100, "zipkin.trace_id_generator": default_trace_id_generator}

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get("/span_context", status=200)

    # Ugly extraction of spans from mock thrift_obj call args
    # The order of span logging goes from innermost (grandchild) up.
    gc_span_args, child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    grandchild_span = gc_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert grandchild_span.parent_id == child_span.id
    # Assert annotations are properly assigned
    assert_extra_annotations(server_span, {"server_annotation": 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(server_span, {"server": "true"})
    assert_extra_annotations(child_span, {"child_annotation": 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {"foo": "bar", "child": "true"})
    assert_extra_annotations(grandchild_span, {"grandchild_annotation": 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(grandchild_span, {"grandchild": "true"})

    # For the span produced by SpanContext, assert cs==sr and ss==cr
    # Initialize them all so the equalities won't be true.
    annotations = {"cs": 0, "sr": 1, "ss": 2, "cr": 3}
    for annotation in child_span.annotations:
        if annotation.value in annotations:
            annotations[annotation.value] = annotation.timestamp
    assert annotations["cs"] == annotations["sr"]
    assert annotations["ss"] == annotations["cr"]
def test_client_context(
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': sampled_trace_id_generator,

    TestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/client_context', status=200)

    # Ugly extraction of spans from mock thrift_obj call args
    # The order of span logging goes from innermost (grandchild) up.
    gc_span_args, child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    grandchild_span = gc_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert grandchild_span.parent_id == child_span.id
    # Assert annotations are properly assigned
    assert_extra_annotations(server_span, {'server_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(server_span, {'server': 'true'})
    assert_extra_annotations(child_span, {'child_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {'foo': 'bar', 'child': 'true'})
    assert_extra_annotations(grandchild_span, {'grandchild_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(grandchild_span, {'grandchild': 'true'})
def test_decorator(default_trace_id_generator):
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,
    app_main, transport, _ = generate_app_main(settings)

    WebTestApp(app_main).get('/decorator_context', status=200)

    # Two spans are logged - child span, then server span
    assert len(transport.output) == 1
    span_list = decode_thrift(transport.output[0])
    assert len(span_list) == 2
    child_span = span_list[0]
    server_span = span_list[1]

    # Assert proper hierarchy and annotations
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {'a': '1'})
    assert child_span.name == 'my_span'
def test_decorator(
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/decorator_context', status=200)

    # Two spans are logged - child span, then server span
    assert thrift_obj.call_count == 1
    span_list = thrift_obj.call_args[0][0]
    assert len(span_list) == 2
    child_span = span_list[0]
    server_span = span_list[1]

    # Assert proper hierarchy and annotations
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {'a': '1'})
    assert child_span.name == 'my_span'
def test_span_context(
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/span_context', status=200)

    # Spans are batched
    # The order of span logging goes from innermost (grandchild) up.
    assert thrift_obj.call_count == 1
    span_list = thrift_obj.call_args[0][0]
    assert len(span_list) == 3
    grandchild_span = span_list[0]
    child_span = span_list[1]
    server_span = span_list[2]

    # Assert proper hierarchy
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert grandchild_span.parent_id == child_span.id
    # Assert annotations are properly assigned
    assert_extra_annotations(server_span, {'server_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(server_span, {'server': 'true'})
    assert_extra_annotations(child_span, {'child_annotation': 1000000})
        child_span, {'foo': 'bar', 'child': 'true'})
        grandchild_span, {'grandchild_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(grandchild_span, {'grandchild': 'true'})

    # For the span produced by SpanContext, assert cs==sr and ss==cr
    # Initialize them all so the equalities won't be true.
    annotations = {
        'cs': 0, 'sr': 1, 'ss': 2, 'cr': 3
    for annotation in child_span.annotations:
        if annotation.value in annotations:
            annotations[annotation.value] = annotation.timestamp
    assert annotations['cs'] == annotations['sr']
    assert annotations['ss'] == annotations['cr']
def test_span_context(
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': sampled_trace_id_generator,

    TestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/span_context', status=200)

    # Ugly extraction of spans from mock thrift_obj call args
    # The order of span logging goes from innermost (grandchild) up.
    gc_span_args, child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    grandchild_span = gc_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert grandchild_span.parent_id == child_span.id
    # Assert annotations are properly assigned
    assert_extra_annotations(server_span, {'server_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(server_span, {'server': 'true'})
    assert_extra_annotations(child_span, {'child_annotation': 1000000})
        child_span, {'foo': 'bar', 'child': 'true'})
        grandchild_span, {'grandchild_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(grandchild_span, {'grandchild': 'true'})

    # For the span produced by SpanContext, assert cs==sr and ss==cr
    # Initialize them all so the equalities won't be true.
    annotations = {
        'cs': 0, 'sr': 1, 'ss': 2, 'cr': 3
    for annotation in child_span.annotations:
        if annotation.value in annotations:
            annotations[annotation.value] = annotation.timestamp
    assert annotations['cs'] == annotations['sr']
    assert annotations['ss'] == annotations['cr']
def test_span_context(thrift_obj, default_trace_id_generator):
    # Tests that log lines with 'service_name' keys are logged as
    # new client spans.
    settings = {
        'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100,
        'zipkin.trace_id_generator': default_trace_id_generator,

    WebTestApp(main({}, **settings)).get('/span_context', status=200)

    # Ugly extraction of spans from mock thrift_obj call args
    # The order of span logging goes from innermost (grandchild) up.
    gc_span_args, child_span_args, server_span_args = thrift_obj.call_args_list
    child_span = child_span_args[0][0]
    grandchild_span = gc_span_args[0][0]
    server_span = server_span_args[0][0]
    # Assert proper hierarchy
    assert child_span.parent_id == server_span.id
    assert grandchild_span.parent_id == child_span.id
    # Assert annotations are properly assigned
    assert_extra_annotations(server_span, {'server_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(server_span, {'server': 'true'})
    assert_extra_annotations(child_span, {'child_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(child_span, {
        'foo': 'bar',
        'child': 'true'
                             {'grandchild_annotation': 1000000})
    assert_extra_binary_annotations(grandchild_span, {'grandchild': 'true'})

    # For the span produced by SpanContext, assert cs==sr and ss==cr
    # Initialize them all so the equalities won't be true.
    annotations = {'cs': 0, 'sr': 1, 'ss': 2, 'cr': 3}
    for annotation in child_span.annotations:
        if annotation.value in annotations:
            annotations[annotation.value] = annotation.timestamp
    assert annotations['cs'] == annotations['sr']
    assert annotations['ss'] == annotations['cr']