def test_update_nonexistent_node_fields(client, key, value):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Make sure you cannot update it to use a nonexistent node field value
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              key: value,
                              "version": version
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
def test_update_nonexistent_performed_analysis_uuids(client):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)
    assert create.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

    # Make sure you cannot update it to use a nonexistent analysis UUID
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              "performed_analysis_uuids": [str(uuid.uuid4())],
                              "version": version
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
def test_update_performed_analysis_uuids(client):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["performed_analysis_uuids"] == []

    # Create a child analysis
    child_analysis_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    analysis_create = client.post("/api/analysis/",
                                  json={"uuid": child_analysis_uuid})

    # Read the analysis back to get its current version
    get_analysis = client.get(analysis_create.headers["Content-Location"])
    initial_version = get_analysis.json()["version"]

    # Update the performed analyses
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              "version": version
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["performed_analysis_uuids"] == [child_analysis_uuid]
    assert get.json()["version"] != version

    # Read the analysis back. By updating the observable instance and setting its performed_analysis_uuids, you should
    # be able to read the analysis back and see the observable instance listed as its parent_observable_uuid even
    # though it was not explicitly added.
    get_analysis = client.get(analysis_create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get_analysis.json()["parent_observable_uuid"] == get.json()["uuid"]

    # Additionally, adding the observable instance as the parent should trigger the analysis to have a new version.
    assert get_analysis.json()["version"] != initial_version
def test_update_valid_node_threats(client, values):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["directives"] == []

    # Create a threat type
    client.post("/api/node/threat/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create the threats. Need to only create unique values, otherwise the database will return a 409
    # conflict exception and will roll back the test's database session (causing the test to fail).
    for value in list(set(values)):
                        "types": ["test_type"],
                        "value": value

    # Update the node
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              "threats": values,
                              "version": version
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert len(get.json()["threats"]) == len(list(set(values)))
    assert get.json()["version"] != version
def test_update_redirection_uuid(client):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["redirection_uuid"] is None

    # Create a second observable instance to use for redirection
    redirection_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create2_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "uuid": redirection_uuid,
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create2_json)

    # Update the redirection UUID
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              "redirection_uuid": redirection_uuid,
                              "version": version
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["redirection_uuid"] == redirection_uuid
    assert get.json()["version"] != version
def test_create_valid_parent_observable_uuid(client):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    observable_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "uuid": observable_uuid,
        "value": "test",
    observable_create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)
    assert observable_create.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

    # Read the observable instance back to get its current version
    get_observable = client.get(observable_create.headers["Content-Location"])
    initial_version = get_observable.json()["version"]

    # Use the observable instance as the parent for a new analysis
    child_analysis_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create = client.post("/api/analysis/", json={
        "parent_observable_uuid": observable_uuid,
        "uuid": child_analysis_uuid,
    assert create.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["parent_observable_uuid"] == observable_uuid

    # Read the observable instance back. By creating the analysis and setting its parent_observable_uuid,
    # you should be able to read that observable instance back and see the analysis listed in its
    # performed_analysis_uuids list even though it was not explictly added.
    get_observable = client.get(observable_create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get_observable.json()["performed_analysis_uuids"] == [child_analysis_uuid]

    # Additionally, adding the child analysis to the observable instance should trigger the observable instance
    # to get a new version.
    assert get_observable.json()["version"] != initial_version
def test_update_valid_node_threat_actor(client, value):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()["threat_actor"] is None

    # Create the threat actor
    if value:
        client.post("/api/node/threat_actor/", json={"value": value})

    # Update the node
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              "threat_actor": value,
                              "version": version
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    if value:
        assert get.json()["threat_actor"]["value"] == value
        assert get.json()["threat_actor"] is None

    assert get.json()["version"] != version
def test_update_invalid_version(client):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Make sure you cannot update it using an invalid version
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                          json={"version": str(uuid.uuid4())})
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT
def test_update(client, key, initial_value, updated_value):
    # Create an alert
    alert_uuid, analysis_uuid = create_alert(client=client)

    # Create an observable type
    client.post("/api/observable/type/", json={"value": "test_type"})

    # Create an observable instance
    version = str(uuid.uuid4())
    create_json = {
        "alert_uuid": alert_uuid,
        "parent_analysis_uuid": analysis_uuid,
        "type": "test_type",
        "value": "test",
        "version": version,
    create_json[key] = initial_value
    create = client.post("/api/observable/instance/", json=create_json)

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])
    assert get.json()[key] == initial_value

    # Update it
    update = client.patch(create.headers["Content-Location"],
                              "version": version,
                              key: updated_value
    assert update.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    # Read it back
    get = client.get(create.headers["Content-Location"])

    # If the test is for time, make sure that the retrieved value matches the proper UTC timestamp
    if key == "time":
        assert get.json()[key] == "2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
        assert get.json()[key] == updated_value

    assert get.json()["version"] != version