def test_unavailable(self): """ Trigger and ensure unavailables are counted Write a key, value pair. Kill a node while waiting for the cluster to register the death. Attempt an insert/read at cl.ALL and receive a Unavailable Exception. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True) session = cluster.connect() # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = session.execute(query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(1, results[0].v) # Force kill ccm node get_node(1).stop(wait=True, gently=True) try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.assertRaises(Unavailable, session.execute, query) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) # Test write query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.assertRaises(Unavailable, session.execute, query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(2, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
def test_write_timeout(self): """ Trigger and ensure write_timeouts are counted Write a key, value pair. Pause a node without the coordinator node knowing about the "DOWN" state. Attempt a write at cl.ALL and receive a WriteTimeout. """ # Test write self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = execute_until_pass(self.session, query) self.assertTrue(results) # Pause node so it shows as unreachable to coordinator get_node(1).pause() try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(WriteTimeout): self.session.execute(query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(1, self.cluster.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) finally: get_node(1).resume()
def test_read_timeout(self): """ Trigger and ensure read_timeouts are counted Write a key, value pair. Force kill a node without waiting for the cluster to register the death. Attempt a read at cl.ALL and receive a ReadTimeout. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True) session = cluster.connect() # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = session.execute(query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(1, results[0].v) # Force kill ccm node get_node(1).stop(wait=False, gently=False) try: # Test read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.assertRaises(ReadTimeout, session.execute, query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.read_timeouts) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
def test_raise_error_on_control_connection_timeout(self): """ Test for initial control connection timeout test_raise_error_on_control_connection_timeout tests that the driver times out after the set initial connection timeout. It first pauses node1, essentially making it unreachable. It then attempts to create a Cluster object via connecting to node1 with a timeout of 1 second, and ensures that a NoHostAvailable is raised, along with an OperationTimedOut for 1 second. @expected_errors NoHostAvailable When node1 is paused, and a connection attempt is made. @since 2.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-206 @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be raised after 1 second. @test_category connection """ get_node(1).pause() cluster = Cluster(contact_points=[''], protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, connect_timeout=1) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(NoHostAvailable, "OperationTimedOut\('errors=Timed out creating connection \(1 seconds\)"): cluster.connect() cluster.shutdown() get_node(1).resume()
def test_read_timeout(self): """ Trigger and ensure read_timeouts are counted Write a key, value pair. Pause a node without the coordinator node knowing about the "DOWN" state. Attempt a read at cl.ALL and receive a ReadTimeout. """ # Test write self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = execute_until_pass(self.session, query) self.assertTrue(results) # Pause node so it shows as unreachable to coordinator get_node(1).pause() try: # Test read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(ReadTimeout): self.session.execute(query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(1, self.cluster.metrics.stats.read_timeouts) finally: get_node(1).resume()
def test_write_timeout(self): """ Trigger and ensure write_timeouts are counted Write a key, value pair. Pause a node without the coordinator node knowing about the "DOWN" state. Attempt a write at cl.ALL and receive a WriteTimeout. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect("test3rf") # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = execute_until_pass(session, query) self.assertTrue(results) # Pause node so it shows as unreachable to coordinator get_node(1).pause() try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(WriteTimeout): session.execute(query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) finally: get_node(1).resume() cluster.shutdown()
def test_should_rethrow_on_unvailable_with_default_policy_if_cas(self): """ Tests for the default retry policy in combination with lightweight transactions. @since 3.17 @jira_ticket PYTHON-1007 @expected_result the query is retried with the default CL, not the serial one. @test_category policy """ ep = ExecutionProfile(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) cluster = Cluster(execution_profiles={EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: ep}) session = cluster.connect() session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE test_retry_policy_cas WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor': 3};") session.execute("CREATE TABLE test_retry_policy_cas.t (id int PRIMARY KEY, data text);") session.execute('INSERT INTO test_retry_policy_cas.t ("id", "data") VALUES (%(0)s, %(1)s)', {'0': 42, '1': 'testing'}) get_node(2).stop() get_node(4).stop() # before fix: cassandra.InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="SERIAL is not # supported as conditional update commit consistency. ...."" # after fix: cassandra.Unavailable (expected since replicas are down) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable) as cm: session.execute("update test_retry_policy_cas.t set data = 'staging' where id = 42 if data ='testing'") exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(exception.consistency, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) self.assertEqual(exception.required_replicas, 2) self.assertEqual(exception.alive_replicas, 1)
def test_metrics_per_cluster(self): """ Test to validate that metrics can be scopped to invdividual clusters @since 3.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-561 @expected_result metrics should be scopped to a cluster level @test_category metrics """ cluster2 = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, default_retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) cluster2.connect(self.ks_name, wait_for_all_pools=True) self.assertEqual(len(cluster2.metadata.all_hosts()), 3) query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM {0}.{0}".format(self.ks_name), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.session.execute(query) # Pause node so it shows as unreachable to coordinator get_node(1).pause() try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO {0}.{0} (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)".format( self.ks_name), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(WriteTimeout): self.session.execute(query, timeout=None) finally: get_node(1).resume() # Change the scales stats_name of the cluster2 cluster2.metrics.set_stats_name('cluster2-metrics') stats_cluster1 = self.cluster.metrics.get_stats() stats_cluster2 = cluster2.metrics.get_stats() # Test direct access to stats self.assertEqual(1, self.cluster.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) self.assertEqual(0, cluster2.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) # Test direct access to a child stats self.assertNotEqual(0.0, self.cluster.metrics.request_timer['mean']) self.assertEqual(0.0, cluster2.metrics.request_timer['mean']) # Test access via metrics.get_stats() self.assertNotEqual(0.0, stats_cluster1['request_timer']['mean']) self.assertEqual(0.0, stats_cluster2['request_timer']['mean']) # Test access by stats_name self.assertEqual( 0.0, scales.getStats()['cluster2-metrics']['request_timer']['mean']) cluster2.shutdown()
def test_metrics_per_cluster(self): """ Test to validate that metrics can be scopped to invdividual clusters @since 3.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-561 @expected_result metrics should be scopped to a cluster level @test_category metrics """ cluster2 = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, default_retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) cluster2.connect(self.ks_name, wait_for_all_pools=True) self.assertEqual(len(cluster2.metadata.all_hosts()), 3) query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM {0}.{0}".format(self.ks_name), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.session.execute(query) # Pause node so it shows as unreachable to coordinator get_node(1).pause() try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO {0}.{0} (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)".format(self.ks_name), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(WriteTimeout): self.session.execute(query, timeout=None) finally: get_node(1).resume() # Change the scales stats_name of the cluster2 cluster2.metrics.set_stats_name('cluster2-metrics') stats_cluster1 = self.cluster.metrics.get_stats() stats_cluster2 = cluster2.metrics.get_stats() # Test direct access to stats self.assertEqual(1, self.cluster.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) self.assertEqual(0, cluster2.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) # Test direct access to a child stats self.assertNotEqual(0.0, self.cluster.metrics.request_timer['mean']) self.assertEqual(0.0, cluster2.metrics.request_timer['mean']) # Test access via metrics.get_stats() self.assertNotEqual(0.0, stats_cluster1['request_timer']['mean']) self.assertEqual(0.0, stats_cluster2['request_timer']['mean']) # Test access by stats_name self.assertEqual(0.0, scales.getStats()['cluster2-metrics']['request_timer']['mean']) cluster2.shutdown()
def test_heart_beat_timeout(self): # Setup a host listener to ensure the nodes don't go down test_listener = TestHostListener() host = "" node = get_node(1) initial_connections = self.fetch_connections(host, self.cluster) self.assertNotEqual(len(initial_connections), 0) self.cluster.register_listener(test_listener) # Pause the node node.pause() # Wait for connections associated with this host go away self.wait_for_no_connections(host, self.cluster) # Resume paused node node.resume() # Run a query to ensure connections are re-established current_host = "" count = 0 while current_host != host and count < 100: rs = self.session.execute_async("SELECT * FROM system.local", trace=False) rs.result() current_host = str(rs._current_host) count += 1 time.sleep(.1) self.assertLess(count, 100, "Never connected to the first node") new_connections = self.wait_for_connections(host, self.cluster) self.assertIsNone(test_listener.host_down) # Make sure underlying new connections don't match previous ones for connection in initial_connections: self.assertFalse(connection in new_connections)
def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, execution_profiles={EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: ExecutionProfile( load_balancing_policy=HostFilterPolicy( RoundRobinPolicy(), lambda host: host.address == "" ) ) } ) self.session = self.cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True) self.control_connection_host_number = 1 self.node_to_stop = get_node(self.control_connection_host_number) ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node_to_stop.pause()
def test_should_rethrow_on_unvailable_with_default_policy_if_cas(self): """ Tests for the default retry policy in combination with lightweight transactions. @since 3.17 @jira_ticket PYTHON-1007 @expected_result the query is retried with the default CL, not the serial one. @test_category policy """ ep = ExecutionProfile(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) cluster = Cluster(execution_profiles={EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: ep}) session = cluster.connect() session.execute( "CREATE KEYSPACE test_retry_policy_cas WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor': 3};" ) session.execute( "CREATE TABLE test_retry_policy_cas.t (id int PRIMARY KEY, data text);" ) session.execute( 'INSERT INTO test_retry_policy_cas.t ("id", "data") VALUES (%(0)s, %(1)s)', { '0': 42, '1': 'testing' }) get_node(2).stop() get_node(4).stop() # before fix: cassandra.InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="SERIAL is not # supported as conditional update commit consistency. ...."" # after fix: cassandra.Unavailable (expected since replicas are down) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable) as cm: session.execute( "update test_retry_policy_cas.t set data = 'staging' where id = 42 if data ='testing'" ) exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(exception.consistency, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) self.assertEqual(exception.required_replicas, 2) self.assertEqual(exception.alive_replicas, 1)
def test_unavailable(self): """ Trigger and ensure unavailables are counted Write a key, value pair. Stop a node with the coordinator node knowing about the "DOWN" state. Attempt an insert/read at cl.ALL and receive a Unavailable Exception. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect("test3rf") # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = execute_until_pass(session, query) self.assertEqual(1, len(results)) # Stop node gracefully get_node(1).stop(wait=True, wait_other_notice=True) try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable): session.execute(query) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) # Test write query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable): session.execute(query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(2, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True) # Give some time for the cluster to come back up, for the next test time.sleep(5) cluster.shutdown()
def test_unavailable(self): """ Trigger and ensure unavailables are counted Write a key, value pair. Kill a node while waiting for the cluster to register the death. Attempt an insert/read at cl.ALL and receive a Unavailable Exception. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = session.execute(query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(1, results[0].v) # Force kill ccm node get_node(1).stop(wait=True, gently=True) time.sleep(5) try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.assertRaises(Unavailable, session.execute, query) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) # Test write query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.assertRaises(Unavailable, session.execute, query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(2, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True) cluster.shutdown()
def test_unavailable(self): """ Trigger and ensure unavailables are counted Write a key, value pair. Stop a node with the coordinator node knowing about the "DOWN" state. Attempt an insert/read at cl.ALL and receive a Unavailable Exception. """ # Test write self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = execute_until_pass(self.session, query) self.assertTrue(results) # Stop node gracefully # Sometimes this commands continues with the other nodes having not noticed # 1 is down, and a Timeout error is returned instead of an Unavailable get_node(1).stop(wait=True, wait_other_notice=True) time.sleep(5) try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable): self.session.execute(query) self.assertEqual(self.cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables, 1) # Test write query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable): self.session.execute(query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(self.cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables, 2) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True) # Give some time for the cluster to come back up, for the next test time.sleep(5) self.cluster.shutdown()
def test_removed_node_stops_reconnecting(self): """ Ensure we stop reconnecting after a node is removed. PYTHON-1181 """ use_cluster("test_down_then_removed", [3], start=True) state_listener = StateListener() cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.addCleanup(cluster.shutdown) cluster.register_listener(state_listener) session = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True) get_node(3).nodetool("disablebinary") wait_until(condition=lambda: state_listener.downed_host is not None, delay=2, max_attempts=50) self.assertTrue(state_listener.downed_host.is_currently_reconnecting()) decommission(3) wait_until(condition=lambda: state_listener.removed_host is not None, delay=2, max_attempts=50) self.assertIs(state_listener.downed_host, state_listener.removed_host) # Just a sanity check self.assertFalse(state_listener.removed_host.is_currently_reconnecting())
def decommission(node): if (DSE_VERSION and DSE_VERSION >= Version("5.1")) or CASSANDRA_VERSION >= Version("4.0"): # CASSANDRA-12510 get_node(node).decommission(force=True) else: get_node(node).decommission() get_node(node).stop()
def test_write_timeout(self): """ Trigger and ensure write_timeouts are counted Write a key, value pair. Force kill a node without waiting for the cluster to register the death. Attempt a write at cl.ALL and receive a WriteTimeout. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT v FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=%(k)s", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = session.execute(query, {'k': 1}) self.assertEqual(1, results[0].v) # Force kill ccm node get_node(1).stop(wait=False, gently=False) try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) self.assertRaises(WriteTimeout, session.execute, query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.write_timeouts) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True) cluster.shutdown()
def test_unavailable(self): """ Trigger and ensure unavailables are counted Write a key, value pair. Stop a node with the coordinator node knowing about the "DOWN" state. Attempt an insert/read at cl.ALL and receive a Unavailable Exception. """ cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect("test3rf") # Test write session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)") # Assert read query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test WHERE k=1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) results = execute_until_pass(session, query) self.assertTrue(results) # Stop node gracefully get_node(1).stop(wait=True, wait_other_notice=True) try: # Test write query = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable): session.execute(query) self.assertEqual(1, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) # Test write query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) with self.assertRaises(Unavailable): session.execute(query, timeout=None) self.assertEqual(2, cluster.metrics.stats.unavailables) finally: get_node(1).start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True) # Give some time for the cluster to come back up, for the next test time.sleep(5) cluster.shutdown()
def use_cluster_with_graph(num_nodes): """ This is a work around to account for the fact that spark nodes will conflict over master assignment when started all at once. """ if USE_CASS_EXTERNAL: set_default_dse_ip() return # Create the cluster but don't start it. use_singledc(start=False, workloads=['graph', 'spark']) # Start first node. get_node(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True) # Wait binary protocol port to open wait_for_node_socket(get_node(1), 120) # Wait for spark master to start up spark_master_http = ("localhost", 7080) common.check_socket_listening(spark_master_http, timeout=60) tmp_cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) # Start up remaining nodes. try: session = tmp_cluster.connect() statement = "ALTER KEYSPACE dse_leases WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1': '%d'}" % ( num_nodes) session.execute(statement) finally: tmp_cluster.shutdown() for i in range(1, num_nodes + 1): if i is not 1: node = get_node(i) node.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True) wait_for_node_socket(node, 120) # Wait for workers to show up as Alive on master wait_for_spark_workers(3, 120)
def test_raise_error_on_control_connection_timeout(self): """ Test for initial control connection timeout test_raise_error_on_control_connection_timeout tests that the driver times out after the set initial connection timeout. It first pauses node1, essentially making it unreachable. It then attempts to create a Cluster object via connecting to node1 with a timeout of 1 second, and ensures that a NoHostAvailable is raised, along with an OperationTimedOut for 1 second. @expected_errors NoHostAvailable When node1 is paused, and a connection attempt is made. @since 2.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-206 @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be raised after 1 second. @test_category connection """ get_node(1).pause() cluster = Cluster(contact_points=[''], protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, connect_timeout=1) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(NoHostAvailable, "OperationTimedOut\('errors=Timed out creating connection \(1 seconds\)"): cluster.connect() get_node(1).resume()
def wait_for_up(cluster, node): tries = 0 addr = IP_FORMAT % node while tries < 100: host = cluster.metadata.get_host(addr) if host and host.is_up: wait_for_node_socket(get_node(node), 60) log.debug("Done waiting for node %s to be up", node) return else: log.debug("Host {} is still marked down, waiting".format(addr)) tries += 1 time.sleep(1) # todo: don't mix string interpolation methods in the same package raise RuntimeError("Host {0} is not up after {1} attempts".format(addr, tries))
def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ # self.node1, self.node2, self.node3 = get_cluster().nodes.values() self.node1 = get_node(1) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node1.pause()
def decommission(node): try: get_node(node).decommission() except ToolError as e: expected_errs = (('Not enough live nodes to maintain replication ' 'factor in keyspace system_distributed'), 'Perform a forceful decommission to ignore.') for err in expected_errs: assert_in(err, e.stdout) # in this case, we're running against a C* version with CASSANDRA-12510 # applied and need to decommission with `--force` get_node(node).decommission(force=True) get_node(node).stop()
def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ self.cluster = Cluster( protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, execution_profiles={ EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: ExecutionProfile( load_balancing_policy=WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy( [''])) }) self.session = self.cluster.connect() ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node1 = get_node(1) self.node1.pause()
def test_blocking_connections(self): """ Verify that reconnection is working as expected, when connection are being blocked. """ res = run('which iptables'.split(' ')) if not res.returncode == 0: self.skipTest("iptables isn't installed") self.create_ks_and_cf() self.create_data(self.session) self.query_data(self.session) node1_ip_address, node1_port = get_node(1).network_interfaces['binary'] def remove_iptables(): run(( 'sudo iptables -t filter -D INPUT -p tcp --dport {node1_port} ' '--destination {node1_ip_address}/32 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable' ).format(node1_ip_address=node1_ip_address, node1_port=node1_port).split(' ')) self.addCleanup(remove_iptables) for i in range(3): run(( 'sudo iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport {node1_port} ' '--destination {node1_ip_address}/32 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable' ).format(node1_ip_address=node1_ip_address, node1_port=node1_port).split(' ')) time.sleep(5) try: self.query_data(self.session, verify_in_tracing=False) except OperationTimedOut: pass remove_iptables() time.sleep(5) self.query_data(self.session, verify_in_tracing=False) self.query_data(self.session)
def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ # self.node1, self.node2, self.node3 = get_cluster().nodes.values() node1 = ExecutionProfile( load_balancing_policy=WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy([''])) self.cluster = Cluster( protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, execution_profiles={EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: node1}) self.session = self.cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True) self.control_connection_host_number = 1 self.node_to_stop = get_node(self.control_connection_host_number) ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node_to_stop.pause()
def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ # self.node1, self.node2, self.node3 = get_cluster().nodes.values() node1 = ExecutionProfile( load_balancing_policy=HostFilterPolicy( RoundRobinPolicy(), lambda host: host.address == "" ) ) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, execution_profiles={EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: node1}) self.session = self.cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True) self.control_connection_host_number = 1 self.node_to_stop = get_node(self.control_connection_host_number) ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node_to_stop.pause()
def ring(node): get_node(node).nodetool('ring')
def ring(node): print 'From node%s:' % node get_node(node).nodetool('ring')
def force_stop(node): log.debug("Forcing stop of node %s", node) get_node(node).stop(wait=False, gently=False) log.debug("Node %s was stopped", node)
def stop(node): get_node(node).stop()
def start(node): get_node(node).start()
def force_stop(node): get_node(node).stop(wait=False, gently=False)
def ring(node): print("From node%s:" % node) get_node(node).nodetool("ring")
def decommission(node): get_node(node).decommission() get_node(node).stop()
def decommission(node): if (DSE_VERSION >= "5.1"): get_node(node).decommission(force=True) else: get_node(node).decommission() get_node(node).stop()