def test_event_logging_with_multiple_logs_topics_and_data():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(num), arg2: bytes <= 3})
YourLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(address), arg2: bytes <= 5})

def foo():
    log.MyLog(1, 'bar')
    log.YourLog(self, 'house')

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs1 = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-2]
    logs2 = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id1 = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(int128,bytes3)', 'utf-8')))
    event_id2 = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('YourLog(address,bytes5)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs1.topics[0] == event_id1
    assert logs2.topics[0] == event_id2
    # Event ids are calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id1]
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id2]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id1] == {'types': ['int128','bytes3'], 'name': 'MyLog', 'names': ['arg1','arg2'], 'indexed': [True, False], 'anonymous': False}
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id2] == {'types': ['address','bytes5'], 'name': 'YourLog', 'names': ['arg1','arg2'], 'indexed': [True, False], 'anonymous': False}
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs1.topics, logs1.data) == {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': b'bar', '_event_type': b'MyLog'}
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs2.topics, logs2.data) == {'arg1': '0x' + c.address.hex(), 'arg2': b'house', '_event_type': b'YourLog'}
def test_logging_the_same_event_multiple_times_with_topics():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(num), arg2: indexed(address)})

def foo():
    log.MyLog(1, self)
    log.MyLog(1, self)

def bar():
    log.MyLog(1, self)
    log.MyLog(1, self)

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(int128,address)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {'types': ['int128','address'], 'name': 'MyLog', 'names': ['arg1','arg2'], 'indexed': [True,True], 'anonymous': False}
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {'_event_type': b'MyLog', 'arg1': 1, 'arg2': '0x' + c.address.hex()}
def test_event_logging_with_multiple_topics():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(bytes <= 3), arg2: indexed(bytes <= 4), arg3: indexed(address)})

def foo():
    log.MyLog('bar', 'home', self)

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(
        u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(bytes3,bytes4,address)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {
        'types': ['bytes3', 'bytes4', 'address'],
        'name': 'MyLog',
        'names': ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'],
        'indexed': [True, True, True],
        'anonymous': False
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {
        'arg1': b'bar',
        'arg2': b'home',
        'arg3': '0x' + c.address.hex(),
        '_event_type': b'MyLog'
def test_empy_event_logging():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({})

def foo():

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog()', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {
        'types': [],
        'name': 'MyLog',
        'names': [],
        'indexed': [],
        'anonymous': False
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {
        '_event_type': b'MyLog'
def test_event_logging_with_topics_and_data():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(num), arg2: bytes <= 3})

def foo():
    log.MyLog(1, 'bar')

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(int128,bytes3)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {
        'types': ['int128', 'bytes3'],
        'name': 'MyLog',
        'names': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
        'indexed': [True, False],
        'anonymous': False
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {
        'arg1': 1,
        'arg2': b'bar',
        '_event_type': b'MyLog'
def test_logging_with_input_bytes(bytes_helper):
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: indexed(bytes <= 4), arg2: indexed(bytes <= 29), arg3: bytes<=31})

def foo(arg1: bytes <= 29, arg2: bytes <= 31):
    log.MyLog('bar', arg1, arg2)
    c = get_contract(loggy_code)
    c.foo('bar', 'foo')
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(
        u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(bytes4,bytes29,bytes31)', 'utf-8')))
    # # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {
        'types': ['bytes4', 'bytes29', 'bytes31'],
        'name': 'MyLog',
        'names': ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'],
        'indexed': [True, True, False],
        'anonymous': False
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {
        'arg1': b'bar\x00',
        'arg2': bytes_helper('bar', 29),
        'arg3': bytes_helper('foo', 31),
        '_event_type': b'MyLog'
def test_event_loggging_with_fixed_array_data():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: num[2], arg2: timestamp[3], arg3: num[2][2]})

def foo():
    log.MyLog([1,2], [block.timestamp, block.timestamp+1, block.timestamp+2], [[1,2],[1,2]])
    log.MyLog([1,2], [block.timestamp, block.timestamp+1, block.timestamp+2], [[1,2],[1,2]])

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(
        u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(int128[2],int128[3],int128[2][2])', 'utf-8')))
    # # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {
        'types': ['int128[2]', 'int128[3]', 'int128[2][2]'],
        'name': 'MyLog',
        'names': ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'],
        'indexed': [False, False, False],
        'anonymous': False
    # # Event is decoded correctly
    timestamp = s.head_state.timestamp
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {
        'arg1': [1, 2],
        'arg2': [timestamp, timestamp + 1, timestamp + 2],
        'arg3': [[1, 2], [1, 2]],
        '_event_type': b'MyLog'
def test_hash_code():
    hash_code = """
def foo(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bytes32:
    return sha3(inp)

def bar() -> bytes32:
    return sha3("inp")

    c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(hash_code)
    for inp in (b"", b"cow", b"s" * 31, b"\xff" * 32, b"\n" * 33, b"g" * 64,
                b"h" * 65):
        assert c.foo(inp) == u.sha3(inp)

    assert c.bar() == u.sha3("inp")
def test_event_logging_with_data_with_different_types():
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: num, arg2: bytes <= 4, arg3: bytes <= 3, arg4: address, arg5: address, arg6: timestamp})

def foo():
    log.MyLog(123, 'home', 'bar', 0xc305c901078781C232A2a521C2aF7980f8385ee9, self, block.timestamp)

    c = get_contract(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(int128,bytes4,bytes3,address,address,int128)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {'types': ['int128', 'bytes4', 'bytes3', 'address', 'address', 'int128'], 'name': 'MyLog', 'names': ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 'arg4', 'arg5', 'arg6'], 'indexed': [False, False, False, False, False, False], 'anonymous': False}
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {'arg1': 123, 'arg2': b'home', 'arg3': b'bar', 'arg4': '0xc305c901078781c232a2a521c2af7980f8385ee9', 'arg5': '0x' + c.address.hex(), 'arg6': s.head_state.timestamp, '_event_type': b'MyLog'}
def test_selfcall_code_3():
    selfcall_code_3 = """
def _hashy2(x: bytes <= 100) -> bytes32:
    return sha3(x)

def return_hash_of_cow_x_30() -> bytes32:
    return self._hashy2("cowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcow")

def _len(x: bytes <= 100) -> num:
    return len(x)

def returnten() -> num:
    return self._len("badminton!")

    c = get_contract(selfcall_code_3)
    assert c.return_hash_of_cow_x_30() == u.sha3(b'cow' * 30)
    assert c.returnten() == 10

    print("Passed single variable-size argument self-call test")
def test_selfcall_code_2():
    selfcall_code_2 = """
def double(x: num) -> num:
    return x * 2

def returnten() -> num:
    return self.double(5)

def _hashy(x: bytes32) -> bytes32:
    return sha3(x)

def return_hash_of_rzpadded_cow() -> bytes32:
    return self._hashy(0x636f770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

    c = get_contract(selfcall_code_2)
    assert c.returnten() == 10
    assert c.return_hash_of_rzpadded_cow() == u.sha3(b'cow' + b'\x00' * 29)

    print("Passed single fixed-size argument self-call test")
def test_event_logging_with_bytes_input_3(bytes_helper):
    loggy_code = """
MyLog: __log__({arg1: bytes <= 5})

def foo(_arg1: bytes <= 5):

    c = get_contract(loggy_code)
    logs = s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[-1]
    event_id = u.bytes_to_int(u.sha3(bytes('MyLog(bytes5)', 'utf-8')))
    # Event id is always the first topic
    assert logs.topics[0] == event_id
    # Event id is calculated correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id]
    # Event abi is created correctly
    assert c.translator.event_data[event_id] == {'types': ['bytes5'], 'name': 'MyLog', 'names': ['arg1'], 'indexed': [False], 'anonymous': False}
    # Event is decoded correctly
    assert c.translator.decode_event(logs.topics, logs.data) == {'arg1': b'hello', '_event_type': b'MyLog'}