def get_filedriver_exe(browser): ''' Returns the name of the executable driver file based on browser type. Note: 1. Make sure driver file is set to be able to execute (i.e. chmod +x geckodriver) 2. Chromdedriver download - 3. Filrefox driver download - ''' if browser == "firefox": if 'darwin' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'geckodriver') elif 'win32' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'geckodriver.exe') elif 'linux' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'geckodriver_linux') elif browser == "chrome": if 'darwin' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'chromedriver_87') elif 'win32' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'chromedriver_87.exe') elif 'linux' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'chromedriver_linux') elif browser == "ie": if 'darwin' in platform.lower(): TestBase.skip_test( " - Attempting to run test(s) using IE on Mac. Only supports IE on Windows" ) return None elif 'win32' in platform.lower(): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'drivers', 'iedriverserver.exe') elif 'linux' in platform.lower(): TestBase.skip_test( " - Attempting to run test(s) using IE on Linux. Only supports IE on Windows" ) return None
def create_web_driver(**kwargs): ''' Returns a WebDriver instance based on configurationa and capabilities provided under kwargs kwargs - A {} with the following parameters: browser: ''' if kwargs["browser"] == "chrome": if kwargs["localdriver"]: chromedriver_path = DriverFactory.get_filedriver_exe("chrome") if os.path.exists(chromedriver_path): os.environ[""] = chromedriver_path else: raise Exception(" [E] - Chromedriver file is not found: " + chromedriver_path) return webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver_path) # Wait for Seleinum docker container URL and Port connection to be open if not DriverFactory.isOpen(kwargs["host"], int(kwargs["port"])): TestBase.skip_test( " Running in DOCKER:CHROME mode - Attempting to reach Selenium standalone continaer at http://{0}:{1}/ FAILED.\n Provide an open --host and/or --port values and try again." .format(kwargs["host"], kwargs["port"])) return None return webdriver.Remote( "http://" + kwargs["host"] + ":" + kwargs["port"] + "/wd/hub", DesiredCapabilities.CHROME) elif kwargs["browser"] == "firefox": if kwargs["localdriver"]: firefoxdriver_path = DriverFactory.get_filedriver_exe( "firefox") if os.path.exists(firefoxdriver_path): os.environ["webdriver.gecko.driver"] = firefoxdriver_path else: raise Exception( " [E] - Firefoxdriver file is not found: " + firefoxdriver_path) return webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=firefoxdriver_path) # Wait for Seleinum docker container URL and Port connection to be open if not DriverFactory.isOpen(kwargs["host"], int(kwargs["port"])): TestBase.skip_test( " Running in DOCKER:FIREFOX mode - Attempting to reach Selenium standalone continaer at http://{0}:{1}/ FAILED.\n Provide an open --host and/or --port values and try again." .format(kwargs["host"], kwargs["port"])) return None return webdriver.Remote( "http://" + kwargs["host"] + ":" + kwargs["port"] + "/wd/hub", DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX) elif kwargs["browser"] == "ie": if not kwargs["localdriver"]: TestBase.skip_test( " Running in DOCKER:IE mode is not supported. IE is only supported running Local webdriver (--localdriver)" ) return None iedriver_path_file = DriverFactory.get_filedriver_exe("ie") if os.path.exists(iedriver_path_file): os.environ[""] = iedriver_path_file else: raise Exception(" [E] - IE Driver Server file is not found: " + iedriver_path_file) return webdriver.Ie(executable_path=iedriver_path_file) elif kwargs["browser"] == "safari": if not kwargs["localdriver"]: TestBase.skip_test( " Running in DOCKER:SAFARI mode is not supported. SAFARI is only supported running Local webdriver (--localdriver)" ) return None if not 'darwin' in platform.lower(): TestBase.skip_test( " - Attempting to run test on Safari running on Windows or Linux? Only supports Safari on Mac" ) return webdriver.Safari() else: TestBase.skip_test( " - Browser type {0} not recognize. Provide from supported browsers (--browser) Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE" .format(kwargs["browser"])) return None