def test_glob_walk_invalidate_cache(azure):
    with azure_teardown(azure):
        azure.mkdir(test_dir / 'c')
        azure.mkdir(test_dir / 'c' / 'd')
        filenames = ['a', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b1', 'c/x1', 'c/x2', 'c/d/x3']
        filenames = [test_dir / s for s in filenames]
        for fn in filenames:

        assert set(azure.glob(test_dir / 'a*')) == {
            posix(test_dir / 'a'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a2'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a3')}

        assert set(azure.glob(test_dir / 'c' / '*')) == {
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'x1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'x2')}

        assert (set(azure.glob(test_dir / 'c')) ==
                set(azure.glob(test_dir / 'c' / '')))

        assert set(azure.glob(test_dir / 'a')) == {posix(test_dir / 'a')}
        assert set(azure.glob(test_dir / 'a1')) == {posix(test_dir / 'a1')}

        assert set(azure.glob(test_dir / '*')) == {
            posix(test_dir / 'a'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a2'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a3'),
            posix(test_dir / 'b1')}

        assert set(azure.walk(test_dir, invalidate_cache=True)) == {
            posix(test_dir / 'a'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a2'),
            posix(test_dir / 'a3'),
            posix(test_dir / 'b1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'x1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'x2'),
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'd' / 'x3')}

        assert set(azure.walk(test_dir / 'c', invalidate_cache=True)) == {
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'x1'),
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'x2'),
            posix(test_dir / 'c' / 'd' / 'x3')}

        assert set(azure.walk(test_dir / 'c', invalidate_cache=True)) == set(azure.walk(test_dir / 'c', invalidate_cache=True))

        # test glob and walk with details=True
        glob_details = azure.glob(test_dir / '*', details=True, invalidate_cache=True)

        # validate that the objects are subscriptable
        assert glob_details[0]['name'] is not None
        assert glob_details[0]['type'] is not None

        walk_details = azure.walk(test_dir, details=True, invalidate_cache=True)
        assert walk_details[0]['name'] is not None
        assert walk_details[0]['type'] is not None
def test_remove_acl_entries_recursive(azure):
    with setup_tree(azure):
        acluser = AZURE_ACL_TEST_APPID

        permission = "rwx"
                                 acl_spec="user:"******":" + permission,

        files = list(azure.walk(test_dir))
        directories = list(set([x[0] for x in map(os.path.split, files)]))

        for path in files + directories:
            current_acl = azure.get_acl_status(path)
            acl_user_entry = [
                s for s in current_acl['entries'] if acluser in s
            assert acl_user_entry != []

                                 acl_spec="user:" + acluser,

        for path in files + directories:
            current_acl = azure.get_acl_status(path)
            acl_user_entry = [
                s for s in current_acl['entries'] if acluser in s
            assert acl_user_entry == []
def test_modify_acl_entries_recursive(azure):
    with setup_tree(azure):
        acluser = AZURE_ACL_TEST_APPID

        def check_acl_perms(path, permission):
            current_acl = azure.get_acl_status(path)
            acl_user_entry = [
                s for s in current_acl['entries'] if acluser in s
            assert len(acl_user_entry) == 1
            assert acl_user_entry[0].split(':')[-1] == permission

        files = list(azure.walk(test_dir))
        directories = list(set([x[0] for x in map(os.path.split, files)]))

        permission = "---"
                                 acl_spec="user:"******":" + permission,
        for path in files + directories:
            check_acl_perms(path, permission)

        permission = "rwx"
                                 acl_spec="user:"******":" + permission,
        for path in files + directories:
            check_acl_perms(path, permission)