def test_fuse_modalities_2(): """ With 3 experts and a batch size of 3, the mixture selection should select each of the experts one time. """ class_dim = 3 batch_size = 3 num_mods = 3 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, method='planar_mixture', attributes={ 'num_mods': num_mods, 'class_dim': class_dim, 'device': 'cpu', 'batch_size': batch_size, 'weighted_mixture': False }, dataset=DATASET) model: PlanarMixtureMMVae = mst.mm_vae enc_mods: Mapping[str, EncModPlanarMixture] = { mod_str: EncModPlanarMixture(None, None, z0=None, zk=torch.ones( (batch_size, class_dim)) * numbr) for numbr, mod_str in zip(range(num_mods), mst.modalities) } joint_zk = model.mixture_component_selection(enc_mods, 'm0_m1_m2', weight_joint=False) assert torch.all( joint_zk == Tensor([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2.]]))
def test_run_epochs_polymnist(method: str): """ Test if the main training loop runs. Assert if the total_test loss is constant. If the assertion fails, it means that the model or the evaluation has changed, perhaps involuntarily. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # todo implement calc likelihood for flow based methods calc_nll = False if method in [ 'mofop', 'planar_mixture', 'pfom', 'pope', 'fomfop', 'fomop', 'poe', 'gfm', 'planar_vae', 'sylvester_vae_noflow', 'iwmogfm', 'iwmogfm2', 'iwmogfm3', 'iwmogfm_amortized', 'iwmogfm_old' ] else True # calc_nll = False mst = set_me_up( tmpdirname, dataset='polymnist', method=method, attributes={ 'calc_nll': calc_nll, "K": 5, "dir_clf": Path("/tmp/trained_clfs_polyMNIST") # 'num_mods': 1 # 'num_flows': 1 }) trainer = PolymnistTrainer(mst) test_results = trainer.run_epochs()
def test_fuse_modalities_4(): """ With 3 experts and a batch size of 3, the mixture selection should select each of the experts one time. """ class_dim = 3 batch_size = 3 num_mods = 3 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, method='moe', attributes={ 'num_mods': num_mods, 'class_dim': class_dim, 'device': 'cpu', 'batch_size': batch_size, 'weighted_mixture': False }, dataset=DATASET) model: MOEMMVae = mst.mm_vae mus = torch.ones((num_mods, batch_size, class_dim)) mus[0] = mus[0] * 0 mus[2] = mus[2] * 2 logvars = torch.zeros((num_mods, batch_size, class_dim)) w_modalities = torch.ones((num_mods, )) * (1 / 3) joint_distr = mixture_component_selection(mst.flags, mus, logvars, w_modalities) assert torch.all( == Tensor([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2.]]))
def test_run_planar_mixture_no_flow(): """ Test if the main training loop runs. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: method = 'planar_mixture' additional_attrs = {'num_flows': 0, 'num_mods': 1} mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, method, attributes=additional_attrs) trainer = PolymnistTrainer(mst) test_results = trainer.run_epochs()
def test_run_epochs_mnistsvhntext(method: str): """ Test if the main training loop runs. Assert if the total_test loss is constant. If the assertion fails, it means that the model or the evaluation has changed, perhaps involuntarily. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # todo implement calc likelihood for flow based methods calc_nll = method not in ['planar_mixture', 'pfom', 'pope'] mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, dataset='mnistsvhntext', method=method, attributes={ 'calc_nll': True, "dir_clf": Path("/tmp/trained_clfs_mst") }) trainer = mnistsvhnTrainer(mst) test_results = trainer.run_epochs()
def test_fuse_modalities_3(): """ test that during the mixture selection, the batches don't get mixed up. If 3 experts have a zk of: Tensor([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2.]]) (of shape (batch_size, class dim)). Then the mixture selection should select the first batch from expert 1, the second batch from expert 2 and the third batch from expert 3, giving the same result. """ class_dim = 3 batch_size = 3 num_mods = 3 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, method='planar_mixture', attributes={ 'num_mods': num_mods, 'class_dim': class_dim, 'device': 'cpu', 'batch_size': batch_size, 'weighted_mixture': False }, dataset=DATASET) model: PlanarMixtureMMVae = mst.mm_vae enc_mod_zk = torch.ones((batch_size, class_dim)) enc_mod_zk[0] = enc_mod_zk[0] * 0 enc_mod_zk[2] = enc_mod_zk[2] * 2 enc_mods: Mapping[str, EncModPlanarMixture] = { mod_str: EncModPlanarMixture(None, None, z0=None, zk=enc_mod_zk) for mod_str in mst.modalities } joint_zk = model.mixture_component_selection(enc_mods, 'm0_m1_m2', weight_joint=False) assert torch.all( joint_zk == Tensor([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2.]]))
def test_run_epochs_celeba(method: str): """ Test if the main training loop runs. Assert if the total_test loss is constant. If the assertion fails, it means that the model or the evaluation has changed, perhaps involuntarily. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # todo implement calc likelihood for flow based methods calc_nll = method not in ['planar_mixture', 'pfom', 'pope'] mst = set_me_up( tmpdirname, dataset='celeba', method=method, attributes={ 'calc_nll': True, 'use_clf': True, 'batch_size': 2, # 'calc_prd': True }) trainer = CelebaTrainer(mst) test_results = trainer.run_epochs()
def test_static_results_2mods(method: str): """ Test if the results are constant. If the assertion fails, it means that the model or the evaluation has changed, perhaps involuntarily. """ static_results = json2dict( Path('static_results.json'))['static_results_2mod'] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, method=method, attributes={ 'num_flows': 0, 'num_mods': 2, 'deterministic': True, 'device': 'cpu', 'steps_per_training_epoch': 1, 'factorized_representation': False }) trainer = PolymnistTrainer(mst) test_results = trainer.run_epochs() assert np.round(test_results.joint_div, 1) == np.round(static_results[method]['joint_div'], 1) assert np.round(test_results.klds['m0'], 1) == np.round(static_results[method]['klds'], 1) assert np.round(test_results.lhoods['m0']['m0'], 1) == np.round(static_results[method]['lhoods'], 1) assert np.round(test_results.log_probs['m0'], 0) == np.round(static_results[method]['log_probs'], 0) assert np.round(test_results.total_loss, 0) == np.round(static_results[method]['total_loss'], 0) assert np.round(test_results.lr_eval['m0']['accuracy'], 2) == np.round(static_results[method]['lr_eval'], 2) assert np.round(test_results.latents['m0']['latents_class']['mu'], 2) == np.round( static_results[method]['latents_class']['mu'], 2)
def test_static_results_1mod(method: str, update_static_results=False): """ Test if the results are constant. If the assertion fails, it means that the model or the evaluation has changed, perhaps involuntarily. """ jsonfile = Path(__file__).parent / 'static_results.json' static_results = json2dict(jsonfile)['static_results_1mod'] if method not in static_results: write_to_jsonfile(jsonfile, [(f'static_results_1mod.{method}', {})]) static_results[method] = {} static_results = static_results[method] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname, dataset='polymnist', method=method, attributes={ 'num_flows': 0, 'num_mods': 1, 'deterministic': True, 'device': 'cpu', 'steps_per_training_epoch': 1, 'factorized_representation': False, 'calc_nll': False }) trainer = PolymnistTrainer(mst) test_results = trainer.run_epochs() if update_static_results: static_results['joint_div'] = test_results.joint_div static_results['klds'] = test_results.klds['m0'] # static_results['lhoods'] = test_results.lhoods['m0']['m0'] static_results['log_probs'] = test_results.log_probs['m0'] static_results['total_loss'] = test_results.total_loss # static_results['lr_eval'] = test_results.lr_eval['m0']['accuracy'] static_results['latents_class'] = { 'mu': test_results.latents['m0']['latents_class']['mu'] } write_to_jsonfile( jsonfile, [(f'static_results_1mod.{method}', static_results)]) are_they_equal = { 'joint_div': np.round(test_results.joint_div, 5) == np.round(static_results['joint_div'], 5), 'klds': np.round(test_results.klds['m0'], 5) == np.round(static_results['klds'], 5), # 'lhoods': np.round(test_results.lhoods['m0']['m0'], 3) == np.round(static_results['lhoods'], 3), 'log_probs': test_results.log_probs['m0'] == static_results['log_probs'], 'total_loss': test_results.total_loss == static_results['total_loss'], # 'lr_eval': test_results.lr_eval['m0']['accuracy'] == static_results['lr_eval'], 'latents_class_mu': np.round(test_results.latents['m0']['latents_class']['mu'], 8) == np.round(static_results['latents_class']['mu'], 8) } assert all( v for _, v in are_they_equal.items()), f'Some results changed: {are_they_equal}'
def test_test_generation(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname) test_generation(mst)
def test_generate_plots(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: mst = set_me_up(tmpdirname) generate_plots(mst, epoch=1)