def _runPlainR(self): """ Runs the tester in plain R mode, where it outputs the plain R version of the tests to a special file, rather than running the tests. """ if (len(self._testRoots)!=1): error("When using --plainr mode, only one root can be selected"); root = self._testRoots[0][0] lastFilename = "" outfile = None fileTests = 0 print("Creating R-compatible raw tests. The following is a list of test file entered") print("and number of tests generated:\n") for t in Test.enumerate(self._testRoots, self._recursive): if (t.filename() != lastFilename): if (outfile != None): print("["+str(fileTests)+"]") outfile.close() fileTests = 0 fname = os.path.join(self._plainROutput, t.filename()[len(root)+1:]) dirname, filename = os.path.split(fname) print(strFormat(fname), end="") os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok = True) outfile = open(fname, "w") lastFilename = t.filename() for c in t.commands(): if (c.find("#! ") == 0): outfile.write("#! ""\n") elif (c.find("#!g") == 0): pass else: outfile.write(c.replace("\\\"",'"')+"\n") outfile.write(t.code()+"\n\n") fileTests += 1 if (outfile != None): print("["+str(fileTests)+"]") outfile.close()
def run(self): """ Runs the test suite as specified, that is runs all tests in all files under all test roots. """ if (self._plainROutput != None): return self._runPlainR() self._print("Initializing target %s " % self._target) = __import__(self._target).Target(self._targetPath) self._print(" path: %s" % self._print(" version: %s" % self._print(" architecture: %s" % tests = 0 test_fails = 0 run_fails = 0 skipped = 0 for t in Test.enumerate(self._testRoots, self._recursive): if (not self._reportOnlyErrors): print(strFormat(, end="") result = self._runTest(t) if (self._reportOnlyErrors): if (result[0] in (TestR.RUN_FAIL, TestR.TEST_FAIL)): print(strFormat(, end="") print(result[0]) else: print(result[0]) if (result[0] in (TestR.RUN_FAIL, TestR.TEST_FAIL)): print(" File: {0} [line {1}]".format(t.filename(), t.line())) print(strLineOffset(result[1])) self._print(" Code:") self._print(strLineOffset(t.code(), 8)) tests += 1 if (result[0] == TestR.RUN_FAIL): run_fails += 1 elif (result[0] == TestR.TEST_FAIL): test_fails += 1 elif (result[0] == TestR.NOT_RUN): skipped += 1 print("\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") print("Total tests: {0}".format(tests)) print("Skipped: {0}".format(skipped)) print("Successful: {0} {1}".format(tests-test_fails-run_fails-skipped, "OK" if (test_fails + run_fails == 0) else "FAIL")) print("Failed: {0}".format(run_fails + test_fails)) print(" execution: {0}".format(run_fails)) print(" checks: {0}".format(test_fails))