    def _setup_proxies(self):
        logging.debug("Creating proxies")
        self._baton_binary_proxy_controller = BatonProxyController(self.irods_server, self._baton_docker_build.tag)
        self.baton_location = self._baton_binary_proxy_controller.create_proxy_binaries()

        self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller = ICommandProxyController(
            self.irods_server, self._baton_docker_build.tag)
        # Make icommand proxy binaries share cached container with baton proxy binaries to get a speedup
        self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller.cached_container_name = self._baton_binary_proxy_controller.cached_container_name
        self.icommands_location = self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller.create_proxy_binaries()
class TestWithBaton:
    A setup for testing with baton.
    class _SetupState(Enum):
        States of a `TestWithBaton` instance.
        INIT = 0,
        RUNNING = 1,
        STOPPED = 2

    def __init__(self, baton_image: BatonImage=DEFAULT_BATON_SETUP.value[0],
                 irods_version_to_start: IrodsVersion=DEFAULT_BATON_SETUP.value[1], irods_server: IrodsServer=None,
                 baton_setup: BatonSetup=None):
        :param baton_image: baton Docker image that is to be used
        :param irods_version_to_start: the version of iRODS to start (if any)
        :param irods_server: the started iRODS server ot use (if any)
        :param baton_setup: the baton setup to use (if any)
        if baton_setup is not None:
            baton_image = baton_setup.value[0]
            irods_version_to_start = baton_setup.value[1]
        if irods_version_to_start is None and irods_server is None:
            raise ValueError("Must either define an iRODs server to use or a version of iRODS that is to be started")
        if irods_version_to_start is not None and irods_server is not None:
            raise ValueError("Must either define an iRODs server to use or a version of iRODS to start, not both")

        # Ensure that no matter what happens, tear down is done

        self.irods_server = irods_server
        self._irods_version_to_start = irods_version_to_start
        self._state = TestWithBaton._SetupState.INIT
        self._baton_docker_build = baton_image

        self.baton_location = None
        self.icommands_location = None

        self._baton_binary_proxy_controller = None  # type: BatonProxyController
        self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller = None  # type: ICommandProxyController

    def setup(self):
        Sets up the setup: builds the baton Docker image, starts the iRODS test server (if required) and creates the
        if self._state != TestWithBaton._SetupState.INIT:
            raise RuntimeError("Already been setup")
        self._state = TestWithBaton._SetupState.RUNNING

        docker_client = create_client()
        if self._baton_docker_build.docker_file is not None:
            # baton Docker image is to be built from a local Dockerfile
            logging.debug("Building baton Docker")
            build_baton_docker(docker_client, self._baton_docker_build)
            # Ensuring Docker image is pulled - not waiting until `docker run` to prevent Docker from polluting the
            # stderr
            if ":" in self._baton_docker_build.tag:
                repository, tag = self._baton_docker_build.tag.split(":")
                repository = self._baton_docker_build.tag
                tag = ""

            docker_image = docker_client.images("%s:%s" % (repository, tag), quiet=True)
            if len(docker_image) == 0:
                # Docker image doesn't exist locally: getting from DockerHub
                docker_client.pull(repository, tag)

        if self._irods_version_to_start:
            logging.debug("Starting iRODS test server")
            self.irods_server = get_static_irods_server_controller(self._irods_version_to_start).start_server()
            logging.debug("iRODS test server has started")
            logging.debug("Using pre-existing iRODS server")


        logging.debug("Setup complete")

    def _setup_proxies(self):
        logging.debug("Creating proxies")
        self._baton_binary_proxy_controller = BatonProxyController(self.irods_server, self._baton_docker_build.tag)
        self.baton_location = self._baton_binary_proxy_controller.create_proxy_binaries()

        self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller = ICommandProxyController(
            self.irods_server, self._baton_docker_build.tag)
        # Make icommand proxy binaries share cached container with baton proxy binaries to get a speedup
        self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller.cached_container_name = self._baton_binary_proxy_controller.cached_container_name
        self.icommands_location = self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller.create_proxy_binaries()

    def tear_down(self):
        Tear down the test environment.
        if self._state == TestWithBaton._SetupState.RUNNING:
            self._state = TestWithBaton._SetupState.STOPPED

            if self._irods_version_to_start is not None:
                logging.debug("Stopping iRODS server")
                self.irods_server = None
                logging.debug("External iRODS test server used - not tearing down")

            logging.debug("Tearing down binary proxies")
            self.baton_location = None
            self.icommands_location = None

            logging.debug("Tear down complete")

    def _tear_down_proxies(self):
        Tears down the baton and icommand proxy binaries.
        if self._baton_binary_proxy_controller is not None:
        if self._icommand_binary_proxy_controller is not None: