def __init__(self, embedding=None, vocab_size=None, hparams=None): ModuleBase.__init__(self, hparams) self._vocab_size = vocab_size self._embedding = None self.sampling_method = self._hparams.sampling_method with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope): if self._hparams.initializer: tf.get_variable_scope().set_initializer( \ layers.get_initializer(self._hparams.initializer)) if == 'sinusoids': self.position_embedder = \ position_embedders.SinusoidsSegmentalPositionEmbedder( \ self._hparams.position_embedder.hparams) if self._hparams.use_embedding: if embedding is None and vocab_size is None: raise ValueError("""If 'embedding' is not provided, 'vocab_size' must be specified.""") if isinstance(embedding, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)): self._embedding = embedding else: self._embedding = embedder_utils.get_embedding( self._hparams.embedding, embedding, vocab_size, variable_scope=self.variable_scope) self._embed_dim = shape_list(self._embedding)[-1] if self._hparams.zero_pad: self._embedding = tf.concat( \ (tf.zeros(shape=[1, self._embed_dim]),\ self._embedding[1:, :]), 0) if self._vocab_size is None: self._vocab_size = self._embedding.get_shape().as_list()[0] self.output_layer = \ self.build_output_layer(shape_list(self._embedding)[-1])
def dynamic_decode(self, template_input_pack, encoder_decoder_attention_bias, segment_ids, offsets, bos_id, eos_id): """ this function is called on in test mode, without the target input. """ with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope, reuse=True): template = template_input_pack['templates'] template_word_embeds = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( self._embedding, template) batch_size = tf.shape(template)[0] template_length = shape_list(template)[1] channels = shape_list(template_word_embeds)[2] template_pos_embeds = self.position_embedder( template_length, channels, template_input_pack['segment_ids'], template_input_pack['offsets']) template_inputs = template_word_embeds + template_pos_embeds # batch_size = tf.shape(template_inputs)[0] beam_width = self._hparams.beam_width maximum_decode_length = self.hparams.maximum_decode_length start_tokens = tf.cast(tf.fill([batch_size], bos_id), dtype=tf.int32) if beam_width <= 1: sampled_ids, log_probs = self.greedy_decode( self.prepare_tokens_to_embeds, start_tokens, eos_id, #self._hparams.eos_idx, decode_length=maximum_decode_length, memory=template_inputs, encoder_decoder_attention_bias=\ encoder_decoder_attention_bias, segment_ids=segment_ids, offsets=offsets, ) else: sampled_ids, log_probs = self.beam_decode( self.prepare_tokens_to_embeds, start_tokens, eos_id, #self._hparams.eos_idx, beam_width=beam_width, decode_length=maximum_decode_length, memory=template_inputs, encoder_decoder_attention_bias=\ encoder_decoder_attention_bias, segment_ids=segment_ids, offsets=offsets ) predictions = {'sampled_ids': sampled_ids, 'log_probs': log_probs} return predictions
def _build(self, decoder_input_pack, template_input_pack, encoder_decoder_attention_bias, args): """ this function is called on training generally. Args: targets: [bath_size, target_length], generally begins with [bos] token template_input: [batch_size, source_length, channels] segment_ids: [batch_size, source_length], which segment this word belongs to outputs: logits: [batch_size, target_length, vocab_size] preds: [batch_size, target_length] """ input = decoder_input_pack['text_ids'][:, :-1] decoder_self_attention_bias = ( attentions.attention_bias_lower_triangle(shape_list(input)[1])) input_word_embeds = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self._embedding, input) if self._hparams.multiply_embedding_mode == 'sqrt_depth': input_word_embeds = input_word_embeds * \ (self._embedding.shape.as_list()[-1]**0.5) length = shape_list(input_word_embeds)[1] channels = shape_list(input_word_embeds)[2] input_pos_embeds = self.position_embedder( length, channels, decoder_input_pack['segment_ids'][:, :-1], decoder_input_pack['offsets'][:, :-1]) inputs = input_word_embeds + input_pos_embeds template = template_input_pack['templates'] template_word_embeds = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self._embedding, template) template_length = shape_list(template)[1] template_pos_embeds = self.position_embedder( template_length, channels, template_input_pack['segment_ids'], template_input_pack['offsets']) template_inputs = template_word_embeds + template_pos_embeds self.decoder_output = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, template_inputs, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, ) logits = self.output_layer(self.decoder_output) preds = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return logits, preds
def step(self, time, inputs, state, name=None): cell_outputs, cell_state = self._cell(inputs, state) logits = self._output_layer( cell_outputs) # turn cell outputs into logits for for each vocab sample_ids = self._helper.sample( # turn logits into ids time=time, outputs=logits, state=cell_state) (finished, next_inputs_word_embeds, next_state) = self._helper.next_inputs( time=time, outputs=logits, state=cell_state, sample_ids=sample_ids) # look up in embedding -> next_inputs batch_size, channels = shape_list(next_inputs_word_embeds) next_input_pos_embeds = self.position_embedder( length=1, channels=channels, segment_ids=tf.cast(tf.fill([batch_size, 1], self.current_segment_id), dtype=tf.int64), offsets=tf.cast(tf.fill([batch_size, 1], time), dtype=tf.int64)) next_input_pos_embeds = tf.reshape(next_input_pos_embeds, [batch_size, channels]) next_inputs = next_inputs_word_embeds + next_input_pos_embeds outputs = BasicRNNDecoderOutput(logits, sample_ids, cell_outputs) return (outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)
def __init__(self, inputs, sequence_length, time_major=False, name=None): """Initializer. Args: inputs: A (structure of) input tensors. sequence_length: An int32 vector tensor. time_major: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. name: Name scope for any created operations. Raises: ValueError: if `sequence_length` is not a 1D tensor. """ with ops.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelper", [inputs, sequence_length]): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, name="inputs") self._inputs = inputs if not time_major: inputs = nest.map_structure(_transpose_batch_time, inputs) self._input_tas = nest.map_structure(_unstack_ta, inputs) self._sequence_length = ops.convert_to_tensor( sequence_length, name="sequence_length") if self._sequence_length.get_shape().ndims != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected sequence_length to be a vector, but received shape: %s" % self._sequence_length.get_shape()) self._zero_inputs = nest.map_structure( lambda inp: array_ops.zeros_like(inp[0, :]), inputs) self._batch_size = shape_list(sequence_length)[0]
def _symbols_to_logits_fn(self, embedding_fn, max_length): """Returns a function that accepts the decoded tokens and related decoding status, and returns the logits of next token. """ channels = shape_list(self._embedding)[-1] timing_signal = self.position_embedder(max_length, channels) def _impl(ids, step, cache): """The function is called in dynamic decoding. `ids` should be next_id of shape `[batch_size, decoded_lenth]` Returned logits is of shape `[batch_size, 1]` """ ids = ids[:, -1:] inputs = embedding_fn(ids) # Multiply embedding by sqrt of its dimention inputs *= self._embedding.shape.as_list()[-1]**0.5 inputs += timing_signal[:, step:step+1] outputs = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, memory=cache['memory'], cache=cache, ) logits = self.output_layer(outputs) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, axis=[1]) return logits, cache return _impl
def _symbols_to_logits_fn(self, embedding_fn, max_length, segment_ids, offsets): channels = shape_list(self._embedding)[-1] timing_signal = self.position_embedder(max_length, channels, segment_ids, offsets) """ the function is normally called in dynamic decoding mode. the ids should be `next_id` with the shape [batch_size, 1] the returned logits is [batch_size, 1] """ def _impl(ids, step, cache): ids = ids[:, -1:] decoder_self_attention_bias = ( attentions.attention_bias_lower_triangle(shape_list(ids)[1])) inputs = embedding_fn(ids) if self._hparams.multiply_embedding_mode == 'sqrt_depth': inputs *= self._embedding.shape.as_list()[-1]**0.5 else: assert NotImplementedError inputs += timing_signal[:, step:step + 1] outputs = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, template_input=cache['memory'], cache=cache, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, ) logits = self.output_layer(outputs) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, axis=[1]) return logits, cache return _impl
def _make_output_layer(output_layer, vocab_size, output_layer_bias, variable_scope): """Makes a decoder output layer. """ _vocab_size = vocab_size if is_callable(output_layer): _output_layer = output_layer elif tf.contrib.framework.is_tensor(output_layer): _vocab_size = shape_list(output_layer)[1] _output_layer = _make_output_layer_from_tensor(output_layer, _vocab_size, output_layer_bias, variable_scope) elif output_layer is None: if _vocab_size is None: raise ValueError( "Either `output_layer` or `vocab_size` must be provided. " "Set `output_layer=tf.identity` if no output layer is " "wanted.") with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope): # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type _output_layer = tf.layers.Dense(units=_vocab_size, use_bias=output_layer_bias) else: raise ValueError( "output_layer should be a callable layer, a tensor, or None. " "Unsupported type: ", type(output_layer)) return _output_layer, _vocab_size
def _compute_embeddings(self, positions): inv_timescales = self.inv_timescales scaled_time = tf.reshape(tf.cast(positions, inv_timescales.dtype), (-1, 1)) * tf.expand_dims(inv_timescales, 0) signal = tf.concat([tf.sin(scaled_time), tf.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1) signal = tf.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, tf.mod(self._dim, 2)]]) signal = tf.reshape(signal, shape_list(positions) + [self._dim]) return signal
def _outputs_to_logits(outputs): shape = shape_list(outputs) outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, dim]) logits = tf.matmul(outputs, self._embedding, transpose_b=True) if affine_bias is not None: logits += affine_bias logits = tf.reshape(logits, shape[:-1] + [self._vocab_size]) return logits
def __init__(self, embedding, hparams=None): ModuleBase.__init__(self, hparams) with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope): if self._hparams.initializer: tf.get_variable_scope().set_initializer( layers.get_initializer(self._hparams.initializer)) if self._hparams.position_embedder_type == 'sinusoids': self.position_embedder = SinusoidsPositionEmbedder( self._hparams.position_embedder_hparams) else: self.position_embedder = PositionEmbedder( position_size=self._hparams.position_size, hparams=self._hparams.position_embedder_hparams) self._embedding = embedding self._vocab_size = self._embedding.get_shape().as_list()[0] self.output_layer = \ self._build_output_layer(shape_list(self._embedding)[-1]) self.multihead_attentions = {'self_att': [], 'encdec_att': []} self.poswise_networks = [] for i in range(self._hparams.num_blocks): layer_name = 'layer_{}'.format(i) with tf.variable_scope(layer_name): with tf.variable_scope("self_attention"): multihead_attention = MultiheadAttentionEncoder( self._hparams.multihead_attention) self.multihead_attentions['self_att'].append( multihead_attention) # pylint: disable=protected-access if self._hparams.dim != \ multihead_attention._hparams.output_dim: raise ValueError('The output dimenstion of ' 'MultiheadEncoder should be equal ' 'to the dim of TransformerDecoder') with tf.variable_scope('encdec_attention'): multihead_attention = MultiheadAttentionEncoder( self._hparams.multihead_attention) self.multihead_attentions['encdec_att'].append( multihead_attention) if self._hparams.dim != \ multihead_attention._hparams.output_dim: raise ValueError('The output dimenstion of ' 'MultiheadEncoder should be equal ' 'to the dim of TransformerDecoder') poswise_network = FeedForwardNetwork( hparams=self._hparams['poswise_feedforward']) if self._hparams.dim != \ poswise_network._hparams.layers[-1]['kwargs']['units']: raise ValueError('The output dimenstion of ' 'FeedForwardNetwork should be equal ' 'to the dim of TransformerDecoder') self.poswise_networks.append(poswise_network)
def _expand_to_beam_width(self, tensor, beam_width): """ :param tensor: [batch_size, max_len] :param beam_width: :return: [batch_size*beam_width, max_len] """ batch_size = shape_list(tensor)[0] expanded = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis=1), [1, beam_width, 1]) return tf.reshape(expanded, [batch_size * beam_width, -1])
def _split_heads(self, x): """Split channels (dimension 2) into multiple heads, becomes dimension 1). Must ensure `x.shape[-1]` can be deviced by num_heads """ depth = shape_list(x)[-1] splitted_x = tf.reshape(x, [tf.shape(x)[0], tf.shape(x)[1], \ self._hparams.num_heads, depth // self._hparams.num_heads]) return tf.transpose(splitted_x, [0, 2, 1, 3])
def _outputs_to_logits(outputs): shape = shape_list(outputs) dim = shape[-1] outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, dim]) logits = tf.matmul(outputs, output_layer_tensor) if affine_bias is not None: logits += affine_bias logits = tf.reshape(logits, shape[:-1] + [vocab_size]) return logits
def _combine_heads(self, x): """ Args: x: A Tensor of shape `[batch, num_heads, seq_len, dim]` Returns: A Tensor of shape `[batch, seq_len, num_heads * dim]` """ t = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1, 3]) #[batch, seq_len, num_heads, dim] num_heads, dim = shape_list(t)[-2:] assert num_heads == self._hparams.num_heads return tf.reshape(t, [tf.shape(t)[0], tf.shape(t)[1], num_heads*dim])
def _build(self, decoder_input, encoder_output, \ encoder_decoder_attention_bias, mode=None): """ this function is called on training generally. Args: targets: [bath_size, target_length], generally begins with [bos] token encoder_output: [batch_size, source_length, channels] outputs: logits: [batch_size, target_length, vocab_size] preds: [batch_size, target_length] """ logits = None decoder_self_attention_bias = ( attentions.attention_bias_lower_triangle( shape_list(decoder_input)[1])) target_inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self._embedding, decoder_input) if self._hparams.multiply_embedding_mode == 'sqrt_depth': target_inputs = target_inputs * \ (self._embedding.shape.as_list()[-1]**0.5) lengths = shape_list(target_inputs)[1] channels = shape_list(target_inputs)[2] pos_embeds = self.position_embedder(lengths, channels) inputs = target_inputs + pos_embeds self.decoder_output = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, encoder_output, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, encoder_decoder_attention_bias=encoder_decoder_attention_bias, cache=None, mode=None, ) logits = self.output_layer(self.decoder_output) preds = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return logits, preds
def _merge_beam_dim(tensor): """Reshapes first two dimensions in to single dimension. Args: tensor: Tensor to reshape of shape [A, B, ...] Returns: Reshaped tensor of shape [A*B, ...] """ shape = shape_list(tensor) shape[0] *= shape[1] # batch -> batch * beam_size shape.pop(1) # Remove beam dim return tf.reshape(tensor, shape)
def _unmerge_beam_dim(tensor, batch_size, beam_size): """Reshapes first dimension back to [batch_size, beam_size]. Args: tensor: Tensor to reshape of shape [batch_size*beam_size, ...] batch_size: Tensor, original batch size. beam_size: int, original beam size. Returns: Reshaped tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_size, ...] """ shape = shape_list(tensor) new_shape = [batch_size] + [beam_size] + shape[1:] return tf.reshape(tensor, new_shape)
def __init__(self, embedding, hparams=None): ModuleBase.__init__(self, hparams) with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope): if self._hparams.initializer: tf.get_variable_scope().set_initializer( \ layers.get_initializer(self._hparams.initializer)) self.position_embedder = \ SinusoidsPositionEmbedder( self._hparams.position_embedder_hparams) self._embedding = embedding self._vocab_size = self._embedding.get_shape().as_list()[0] self.output_layer = \ self._build_output_layer(shape_list(self._embedding)[-1])
def __init__(self, embedding, start_tokens, end_token): """Initializer. Args: embedding: A callable or the `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. If a callable, it can take a vector tensor of `ids` (argmax ids), or take two arguments (`ids`, `times`), where `ids` is a vector tensor of argmax ids, and `times` is a vector tensor of current time steps (i.e., position ids). The latter case can be used when attr:`embedding` is a combination of word embedding and position embedding. The returned tensor will be returned by :meth:`next_inputs`. start_tokens: `int32` vector shaped `[batch_size]`, the start tokens. end_token: `int32` scalar, the token that marks end of decoding. Raises: ValueError: if `start_tokens` is not a 1D tensor or `end_token` is not a scalar. """ if callable(embedding): self._embedding_fn = embedding else: self._embedding_fn = ( lambda ids: embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(embedding, ids)) self._start_tokens = ops.convert_to_tensor( start_tokens, dtype=dtypes.int32, name="start_tokens") self._end_token = ops.convert_to_tensor( end_token, dtype=dtypes.int32, name="end_token") if self._start_tokens.get_shape().ndims != 1: raise ValueError("start_tokens must be a vector") self._batch_size = shape_list(start_tokens)[0] if self._end_token.get_shape().ndims != 0: raise ValueError("end_token must be a scalar") self._embedding_args_cnt = len(get_args(self._embedding_fn)) if self._embedding_args_cnt == 1: self._start_inputs = self._embedding_fn(self._start_tokens) elif self._embedding_args_cnt == 2: # Position index is 0 in the beginning times = tf.zeros([self._batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) self._start_inputs = self._embedding_fn(self._start_tokens, times) else: raise ValueError('`embedding` should expect 1 or 2 arguments.')
def _input_ids_to_outputs(self, input_ids, step, cache): """The function is called in beam-search decoding. `inputs` should be of shape `[batch_size]`. Returns outputs (i.e. logits) of shape `[batch_size, vocab_size]` and updated cache. """ _batch_size = shape_list(input_ids)[0] times = tf.ones([_batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * step inputs = self.embedding(input_ids, times) outputs = self._self_attention_stack( tf.expand_dims(inputs, axis=1), memory=cache.get('memory'), cache=cache, ) outputs = self._output_layer(outputs) outputs = tf.squeeze(outputs, axis=[1]) return outputs, cache
def _impl(ids, step, cache): ids = ids[:, -1:] decoder_self_attention_bias = ( attentions.attention_bias_lower_triangle(shape_list(ids)[1])) inputs = embedding_fn(ids) if self._hparams.multiply_embedding_mode == 'sqrt_depth': inputs *= self._embedding.shape.as_list()[-1]**0.5 else: assert NotImplementedError inputs += timing_signal[:, step:step + 1] outputs = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, template_input=cache['memory'], cache=cache, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, ) logits = self.output_layer(outputs) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, axis=[1]) return logits, cache
def _build(self, inputs, sequence_length, mode=None): """Encodes the inputs. Args: inputs: A 3D Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, dim]`, containing the word embeddings of input sequences. Note that the embedding dimension `dim` must equal "dim" in :attr:`hparams`. sequence_length: A 1D Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`. Input tokens beyond respective sequence lengths are masked out automatically. mode (optional): A tensor taking value in :tf_main:`tf.estimator.ModeKeys <estimator/ModeKeys>`, including `TRAIN`, `EVAL`, and `PREDICT`. Used to toggle dropout. If `None` (default), :func:`texar.global_mode` is used. Returns: A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, dim]` containing the encoded vectors. """ # Multiply input embedding with the sqrt of its dimension for # normalization inputs = inputs * self._hparams.dim**0.5 inputs = mask_sequences(inputs, sequence_length, tensor_rank=3) _, lengths, _ = shape_list(inputs) inputs_padding = 1 - tf.sequence_mask( sequence_length, tf.shape(inputs)[1], dtype=tf.float32) ignore_padding = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding(inputs_padding) encoder_self_attention_bias = ignore_padding pos_embeds = self.position_embedder(lengths, self._hparams.dim) input_embedding = inputs + pos_embeds x = tf.layers.dropout(input_embedding, rate=self._hparams.embedding_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) pad_remover = utils.transformer_utils.PadRemover(inputs_padding) for i in range(self._hparams.num_blocks): with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(i)): with tf.variable_scope('self_attention'): selfatt_output = attn.multihead_attention( queries=layers.layer_normalize(x), memory=None, memory_attention_bias=encoder_self_attention_bias, num_heads=self._hparams.num_heads, dropout_rate=self._hparams.attention_dropout, num_units=self._hparams.dim, scope='multihead_attention') x = x + tf.layers.dropout( selfatt_output, rate=self._hparams.residual_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode), ) poswise_network = FeedForwardNetwork( hparams=self._hparams['poswise_feedforward']) with tf.variable_scope(poswise_network.variable_scope): y = layers.layer_normalize(x) original_shape = shape_list(y) y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, self._hparams.dim]) y = tf.expand_dims(pad_remover.remove(y), axis=0) # [1, batch_size*seq_length, hidden_dim] sub_output = tf.layers.dropout( poswise_network(y), rate=self._hparams.residual_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) sub_output = tf.reshape(pad_remover.restore(tf.squeeze(\ sub_output, axis=0)), original_shape \ ) x = x + sub_output encoder_output = layers.layer_normalize(x) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return encoder_output
def _build(self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ memory, memory_sequence_length=None, memory_attention_bias=None, inputs=None, sequence_length=None, decoding_strategy='train_greedy', beam_width=1, alpha=0, start_tokens=None, end_token=None, max_decoding_length=None, mode=None): """Performs decoding. The decoder supports 4 decoding strategies. For the first 3 strategies, set :attr:`decoding_strategy` to the respective string. - **"train_greedy"**: decoding in teacher-forcing fashion \ (i.e., feeding \ ground truth to decode the next step), and for each step sample \ is obtained by taking the `argmax` of logits. \ Argument :attr:`inputs` is required for this strategy. \ :attr:`sequence_length` is optional. - **"infer_greedy"**: decoding in inference fashion (i.e., feeding \ `generated` sample to decode the next step), and for each step sample is obtained by taking the `argmax` of logits.\ Arguments :attr:`(start_tokens, end_token)` are \ required for this strategy, and argument \ :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. - **"infer_sample"**: decoding in inference fashion, and for each step\ sample is obtained by `random sampling` from the logits. Arguments :attr:`(start_tokens, end_token)` are \ required for this strategy, and argument \ :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. - **Beam Search**: set :attr:`beam_width` to > 1 to use beam search \ decoding.\ Arguments :attr:`(start_tokens, end_token)` are \ required, and argument \ :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. Args: memory: The memory to attend, e.g., the output of an RNN encoder. A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_max_time, dim]`. memory_sequence_length (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size]` containing the sequence lengths for the batch entries in memory. Used to create attention bias of :attr:`memory_attention_bias` is not given. Ignored if `memory_attention_bias` is provided. memory_attention_bias (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads, memory_max_time, dim]`. An attention bias typically sets the value of a padding position to a large negative value for masking. If not given, :attr:`memory_sequence_length` is used to automatically create an attention bias. inputs (optional): Input tensor for teacher forcing decoding, of shape `[batch_size, target_max_time, emb_dim]` containing the target sequence word embeddings. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` is set to "train_greedy". sequence_length (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`, containing the sequence length of :attr:`inputs`. Tokens beyond the respective sequence length are masked out. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` is set to "train_greedy". decoding_strategy (str): A string specifying the decoding strategy, including "train_greedy", "infer_greedy", "infer_sample". Different arguments are required based on the strategy. See above for details. Ignored if :attr:`beam_width` > 1. beam_width (int): Set to > 1 to use beam search. alpha (float): Length penalty coefficient. Refer to for more details. tart_tokens (optional): An int Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`, containing the start tokens. Used when `decoding_strategy` = "infer_greedy" or "infer_sample", or `beam_width` > 1. end_token (optional): An int 0D Tensor, the token that marks end of decoding. Used when `decoding_strategy` = "infer_greedy" or "infer_sample", or `beam_width` > 1. max_decoding_length (optional): An int scalar Tensor indicating the maximum allowed number of decoding steps. If `None` (default), use "max_decoding_length" defined in :attr:`hparams`. Ignored in "train_greedy" decoding. mode (optional): A tensor taking value in :tf_main:`tf.estimator.ModeKeys <estimator/ModeKeys>`, including `TRAIN`, `EVAL`, and `PREDICT`. Controls dropout mode. If `None` (default), :func:`texar.global_mode` is used. Returns: - For **"train_greedy"** decoding, returns an instance of \ :class:`~texar.modules.TransformerDecoderOutput` which contains\ `sample_id` and `logits`. - For **"infer_greedy"** and **"infer_sample"** decoding, returns\ a tuple `(outputs, sequence_lengths)`, where `outputs` is an \ instance of :class:`~texar.modules.TransformerDecoderOutput` as\ in "train_greedy", and `sequence_lengths` is a Tensor of shape\ `[batch_size]` containing the length of each sample. - For **beam_search** decoding, returns a `dict` containing keys\ "sample_id" and "log_prob". - **"sample_id"** is an int Tensor of shape \ `[batch_size, max_time, beam_width]` containing generated\ token indexes. `sample_id[:,:,0]` is the highest-probable \ sample. - **"log_porb"** is a float Tensor of shape \ `[batch_size, beam_width]` containing the log probability \ of each sequence sample. """ if memory_attention_bias is None: if memory_sequence_length is None: raise ValueError( "`memory_sequence_length` is required if " "`memory_attention_bias` is not given.") #enc_padding = 1 - mask_sequences(tf.ones_like(memory), # memory_sequence_length, # tensor_rank=3)[:, :, 0] enc_padding = 1 - tf.sequence_mask( memory_sequence_length, tf.shape(memory)[1], dtype=tf.float32) memory_attention_bias = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding( enc_padding) if beam_width <= 1 and decoding_strategy == 'train_greedy': if sequence_length is not None: inputs = mask_sequences(inputs, sequence_length, tensor_rank=3) decoder_self_attention_bias = ( attn.attention_bias_lower_triangle( shape_list(inputs)[1])) target_inputs = inputs * self._hparams.dim**0.5 _, lengths, channels = shape_list(target_inputs) pos_embeds = self.position_embedder(lengths, channels) inputs = target_inputs + pos_embeds decoder_output = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, memory, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, memory_attention_bias=memory_attention_bias, cache=None, mode=mode) logits = self.output_layer(decoder_output) preds = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) output = TransformerDecoderOutput( logits=logits, sample_id=preds ) rets = output else: # Inference decoding if max_decoding_length is None: max_decoding_length = self._hparams.max_decoding_length if beam_width <= 1: logits, preds, sequence_length = self._infer_decoding( self._prepare_tokens_to_embeds, start_tokens, end_token, decode_length=max_decoding_length, memory=memory, memory_attention_bias=memory_attention_bias, decoding_strategy=decoding_strategy, ) output = TransformerDecoderOutput( logits=logits, sample_id=preds) rets = output, sequence_length else: # The output format is different when running beam search sample_id, log_prob = self._beam_decode( self._prepare_tokens_to_embeds, start_tokens, end_token, beam_width=beam_width, alpha=alpha, decode_length=max_decoding_length, memory=memory, memory_attention_bias=memory_attention_bias, ) predictions = { 'sample_id':sample_id, 'log_prob': log_prob } rets = predictions if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return rets
def _build(self, inputs, sequence_length, mode=None): """Encodes the inputs. Args: inputs: A 3D Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, dim]`, containing the word embeddings of input sequences. Note that the embedding dimension `dim` must equal "dim" in :attr:`hparams`. sequence_length: A 1D Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`. Input tokens beyond respective sequence lengths are masked out automatically. mode (optional): A tensor taking value in :tf_main:`tf.estimator.ModeKeys <estimator/ModeKeys>`, including `TRAIN`, `EVAL`, and `PREDICT`. Used to toggle dropout. If `None` (default), :func:`texar.global_mode` is used. Returns: A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, dim]` containing the encoded vectors. """ # Multiply input embedding with the sqrt of its dimension for # normalization if not self._hparams.use_bert_config: inputs = inputs * self._hparams.dim**0.5 inputs = mask_sequences(inputs, sequence_length, tensor_rank=3) _, lengths, _ = shape_list(inputs) inputs_padding = 1 - tf.sequence_mask( sequence_length, tf.shape(inputs)[1], dtype=tf.float32) if self._hparams.use_bert_config: ignore_padding = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding( inputs_padding, bias_value=-1e4) else: ignore_padding = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding( inputs_padding) encoder_self_attention_bias = ignore_padding positions = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(lengths, dtype=tf.int32), 0) pos_embeds = self.position_embedder(positions) input_embedding = inputs + pos_embeds if self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(input_embedding) x = tf.layers.dropout(x, rate=self._hparams.embedding_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) else: x = tf.layers.dropout(input_embedding, rate=self._hparams.embedding_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) # Just to keep consistent with BERT, actually makes no difference if self._hparams.use_bert_config: pad_remover = None else: pad_remover = utils.transformer_utils.PadRemover(inputs_padding) for i in range(self._hparams.num_blocks): with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(i)): multihead_attention = self.multihead_attention_list[i] # trivial difference between BERT and original Transformer if self._hparams.use_bert_config: _queries_input = x else: _queries_input = layers.layer_normalize(x) attention_output = multihead_attention( queries=_queries_input, memory=_queries_input, memory_attention_bias=encoder_self_attention_bias, mode=mode, ) attention_output = tf.layers.dropout( attention_output, rate=self._hparams.residual_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode), ) x = x + attention_output with tf.variable_scope('output'): if self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(x) y = x else: y = layers.layer_normalize(x) poswise_network = self.poswise_networks[i] with tf.variable_scope(poswise_network.variable_scope): original_shape = shape_list(y) y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, self._hparams.dim]) if pad_remover: y = tf.expand_dims(pad_remover.remove(y), axis=0) # [1, batch_size*seq_length, hidden_dim] layer_output = poswise_network(y, mode=mode) sub_output = tf.layers.dropout( layer_output, rate=self._hparams.residual_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode) ) if pad_remover: sub_output = tf.reshape(pad_remover.restore(tf.squeeze(\ sub_output, axis=0)), original_shape \ ) else: sub_output = tf.reshape(sub_output, original_shape) x = x + sub_output if self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(x) if not self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(x) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return x
def _build( self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, too-many-statements decoding_strategy='train_greedy', inputs=None, adjs=None, memory=None, memory_sequence_length=None, memory_attention_bias=None, beam_width=None, length_penalty=0., start_tokens=None, end_token=None, context=None, context_sequence_length=None, softmax_temperature=None, max_decoding_length=None, impute_finished=False, embedding=None, helper=None, mode=None): """Performs decoding. See 'Texar.modules.decoders.transformer_decoders.TransformerDecoder' for details adjs: A 3D Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, max_time]`, containing the adjacency matrices of input sequences """ # Get adjacency masks from adjs self.adj_masks = 1 - tf.cast(tf.equal(adjs, 0), dtype=tf.float32) if memory is not None: if memory_attention_bias is None: if memory_sequence_length is None: raise ValueError("`memory_sequence_length` is required if " "`memory_attention_bias` is not given.") enc_padding = 1 - tf.sequence_mask(memory_sequence_length, shape_list(memory)[1], dtype=tf.float32) memory_attention_bias = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding( enc_padding) # record the context, which will be used in step function # for dynamic_decode if context is not None: start_tokens = context[:, 0] self.context = context[:, 1:] self.context_sequence_length = context_sequence_length - 1 else: self.context = None self.embedding = embedding if helper is None and beam_width is None and \ decoding_strategy == 'train_greedy': # Teacher-forcing decoder_self_attention_bias = (attn.attention_bias_lower_triangle( shape_list(inputs)[1])) decoder_output = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, memory, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, memory_attention_bias=memory_attention_bias, cache=None, mode=mode) logits = self._output_layer(decoder_output) preds = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) rets = TransformerDecoderOutput(logits=logits, sample_id=preds) else: if max_decoding_length is None: max_decoding_length = self._hparams.max_decoding_length self.max_decoding_length = max_decoding_length if beam_width is None: # Inference-like decoding # Prepare helper if helper is None: if decoding_strategy == "infer_greedy": helper = tx_helper.GreedyEmbeddingHelper( embedding, start_tokens, end_token) elif decoding_strategy == "infer_sample": helper = tx_helper.SampleEmbeddingHelper( embedding, start_tokens, end_token, softmax_temperature) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown decoding strategy: {}".format( decoding_strategy)) self._helper = helper self._cache = self._init_cache(memory, memory_attention_bias, beam_search_decoding=False) if context is not None: self.context = tf.pad(self.context, [[ 0, 0 ], [0, max_decoding_length - shape_list(self.context)[1]]]) outputs, _, sequence_lengths = dynamic_decode( decoder=self, impute_finished=impute_finished, maximum_iterations=max_decoding_length, output_time_major=False, scope=self.variable_scope) if context is not None: # Here the length of sample_id will be larger than that # of logit by 1, because there will be a additional # start_token in the returned sample_id. # the start_id should be the first token of the # given context outputs = TransformerDecoderOutput( logits=outputs.logits, sample_id=tf.concat([ tf.expand_dims(start_tokens, 1), outputs.sample_id ], axis=1)) sequence_lengths = sequence_lengths + 1 rets = outputs, sequence_lengths else: # Beam-search decoding # Ignore `decoding_strategy`; Assume `helper` is not set if helper is not None: raise ValueError("Must not set 'beam_width' and 'helper' " "simultaneously.") _batch_size = shape_list(start_tokens)[0] self._cache = self._init_cache(memory, memory_attention_bias, beam_search_decoding=True, batch_size=_batch_size) # The output format is different when running beam search sample_id, log_prob = self._beam_decode( start_tokens, end_token, beam_width=beam_width, length_penalty=length_penalty, decode_length=max_decoding_length, ) rets = {'sample_id': sample_id, 'log_prob': log_prob} if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return rets
def _build(self, inputs, memory, sequence_length, memory_sequence_length, adjs, encoder_output, mode=None): """Encodes the inputs. Args: inputs: A 3D Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, dim]`, containing the embedding of input sequences. Note that the embedding dimension `dim` must equal "dim" in :attr:`hparams`. The input embedding is typically an aggregation of word embedding and position embedding. memory: A 3D Tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_max_time, dim]`, containing the embedding of memory sequences. Note that the embedding dimension `dim` must equal "dim" in :attr:`hparams`. The input embedding is typically an aggregation of word embedding and position embedding. sequence_length: A 1D Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`. Input tokens beyond respective sequence lengths are masked out automatically. sequence_length: A 1D Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`. Memory tokens beyond respective sequence lengths are masked out automatically. adjs: A 3D Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, max_time]`, containing the adjacency matrices of input sequences encoder_output: bool. True: return encoder-like embeddings. False: return CrossGraphTransformerDecoderOutput. mode (optional): A tensor taking value in :tf_main:`tf.estimator.ModeKeys <estimator/ModeKeys>`, including `TRAIN`, `EVAL`, and `PREDICT`. Used to toggle dropout. If `None` (default), :func:`texar.global_mode` is used. Returns: A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, max_time, dim]` containing the encoded vectors. """ # Get adjacency masks from adjs adj_masks = 1 - tf.cast(tf.equal(adjs, 0), dtype=tf.float32) # Multiply input embedding with the sqrt of its dimension for # normalization inputs_padding = 1 - tf.sequence_mask( sequence_length, tf.shape(inputs)[1], dtype=tf.float32) if self._hparams.use_bert_config: ignore_padding = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding( inputs_padding, bias_value=-1e4) else: ignore_padding = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding(inputs_padding) encoder_self_attention_bias = ignore_padding input_embedding = inputs # shape (batch_size, max_time, dim) if self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(input_embedding) x = tf.layers.dropout(x, rate=self._hparams.embedding_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) else: x = tf.layers.dropout(input_embedding, rate=self._hparams.embedding_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) # Just to keep consistent with BERT, actually makes no difference if self._hparams.use_bert_config: pad_remover = None else: pad_remover = utils.transformer_utils.PadRemover(inputs_padding) for i in range(self._hparams.num_blocks): with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(i)): graph_multihead_attention = self.graph_multihead_attention_list[ i] # trivial difference between BERT and original Transformer if self._hparams.use_bert_config: _queries_input = x else: _queries_input = layers.layer_normalize(x) attention_output = graph_multihead_attention( queries=_queries_input, memory=memory, adj_masks=adj_masks, memory_attention_bias=encoder_self_attention_bias, mode=mode, ) attention_output = tf.layers.dropout( attention_output, rate=self._hparams.residual_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode), ) # attention_output: weighted sum of V of memory with weights determined by querying keys of memory x = x + attention_output with tf.variable_scope('output'): if self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(x) y = x else: y = layers.layer_normalize(x) poswise_network = self.poswise_networks[i] with tf.variable_scope(poswise_network.variable_scope): original_shape = shape_list(y) y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, self._hparams.dim]) if pad_remover: y = tf.expand_dims(pad_remover.remove(y), axis=0) # [1, batch_size*seq_length, hidden_dim] layer_output = poswise_network(y, mode=mode) sub_output = tf.layers.dropout( layer_output, rate=self._hparams.residual_dropout, training=is_train_mode(mode)) if pad_remover: sub_output = tf.reshape(pad_remover.restore(tf.squeeze(\ sub_output, axis=0)), original_shape \ ) else: sub_output = tf.reshape(sub_output, original_shape) x = x + sub_output if self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(x) if not self._hparams.use_bert_config: x = layers.layer_normalize(x) if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True if encoder_output: return x logits = self._output_layer(x) sample_ids = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) probs = '' # probs = GumbelSoftmax(self._tau, logits=logits).sample() # probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits / self._tau) # vanilla softmax rets = CrossGraphTransformerFixedLengthDecoderOutput( logits=logits, sample_id=sample_ids, probs=probs) return rets
def _main(_): hparams = gan_hyperparams.load_hyperparams() train_dataset_hparams, valid_dataset_hparams, test_dataset_hparams, encoder_hparams, \ decoder_hparams, classifier_hparams, opt_hparams, loss_hparams, d_opt_hparams, args = \ hparams['train_dataset_hparams'], hparams['eval_dataset_hparams'], \ hparams['test_dataset_hparams'], hparams['encoder_hparams'], hparams['decoder_hparams'], \ hparams['classifier_hparams'], hparams['opt_hparams'], \ hparams['loss_hparams'], hparams['d_opt'], hparams['args'] # Data train_data = valid_data = test_data = iterator = {'train_g': train_data, 'train_d': train_data, 'val': valid_data, 'test': test_data}) data_batch = iterator.get_next() mask_id = train_data.vocab.token_to_id_map_py['<m>'] boa_id = train_data.vocab.token_to_id_map_py['<BOA>'] eoa_id = train_data.vocab.token_to_id_map_py['<EOA>'] eos_id = train_data.vocab.token_to_id_map_py[SpecialTokens.EOS] pad_id = train_data.vocab.token_to_id_map_py['<PAD>'] template_pack, answer_packs = \ tx.utils.prepare_template(data_batch, args, mask_id, boa_id, eoa_id, pad_id) gamma = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[], name='gamma') lambda_g = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[], name='lambda_g') # Model architecture embedder = tx.modules.WordEmbedder(vocab_size=train_data.vocab.size, hparams=args.word_embedding_hparams) position_embedder = position_embedders.SinusoidsSegmentalPositionEmbedder() encoder = tx.modules.UnidirectionalRNNEncoder(hparams=encoder_hparams) decoder = tx.modules.BasicPositionalRNNDecoder(vocab_size=train_data.vocab.size, hparams=decoder_hparams, position_embedder=position_embedder) decoder_initial_state_size = decoder.cell.state_size connector = tx.modules.connectors.ForwardConnector(decoder_initial_state_size) start_tokens = tf.ones_like(data_batch['length']) * boa_id gumbel_helper = tx.modules.GumbelSoftmaxEmbeddingHelper( embedder.embedding, start_tokens, eoa_id, gamma) # Creates classifier classifier = tx.modules.Conv1DClassifier(hparams=classifier_hparams) clas_embedder = tx.modules.WordEmbedder(vocab_size=train_data.vocab.size, hparams=args.word_embedding_hparams) cetp_loss, d_class_loss, g_class_loss = None, None, None cur_template_pack = template_pack for idx, hole in enumerate(answer_packs): template = cur_template_pack['templates'] template_word_embeds = embedder(template) template_length = shape_list(template)[1] channels = shape_list(template_word_embeds)[2] template_pos_embeds = position_embedder(template_length, channels, cur_template_pack['segment_ids'], cur_template_pack['offsets']) enc_input_embedded = template_word_embeds + template_pos_embeds _, ecdr_states = encoder( enc_input_embedded, sequence_length=data_batch["length"]) dcdr_init_states = connector(ecdr_states) dec_input = hole['text_ids'][:, :-1] dec_input_word_embeds = embedder(dec_input) decoder.set_segment_id(1) dec_input_embedded = dec_input_word_embeds outputs, _, _ = decoder( initial_state=dcdr_init_states, decoding_strategy="train_greedy", inputs=dec_input_embedded, sequence_length=hole["lengths"] + 1) cur_loss = tx.utils.smoothing_cross_entropy( outputs.logits, hole['text_ids'][:, 1:], train_data.vocab.size, loss_hparams['label_confidence'], ) cetp_loss = cur_loss if cetp_loss is None \ else tf.concat([cetp_loss, cur_loss], -1) soft_outputs_, _, soft_length_, = decoder( helper=gumbel_helper, initial_state=dcdr_init_states) # Classification loss for the classifier clas_logits, clas_preds = classifier( inputs=clas_embedder(ids=hole['text_ids'][:, 1:]), sequence_length=hole["lengths"]+1) loss_d_clas = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(data_batch['length'])), logits=clas_logits) d_class_loss = loss_d_clas if d_class_loss is None \ else tf.concat([d_class_loss, loss_d_clas], -1) # Classification loss for the generator, based on soft samples soft_logits, soft_preds = classifier( inputs=clas_embedder(soft_ids=soft_outputs_.sample_id), sequence_length=soft_length_) loss_g_clas = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.to_float(tf.zeros_like(data_batch['length'])), logits=soft_logits) g_class_loss = loss_g_clas if g_class_loss is None \ else tf.concat([g_class_loss, loss_g_clas], -1) cur_template_pack = tx.utils.update_template_pack(cur_template_pack, hole['text_ids'][:, 1:], mask_id, eoa_id, pad_id) cetp_loss = tf.reduce_mean(cetp_loss) d_class_loss = tf.reduce_mean(d_class_loss) g_class_loss = tf.reduce_mean(g_class_loss) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) if args.learning_rate_strategy == 'static': learning_rate = tf.Variable(1e-3, dtype=tf.float32) elif args.learning_rate_strategy == 'dynamic': fstep = tf.to_float(global_step) learning_rate = opt_hparams['lr_constant'] \ * args.hidden_dim ** -0.5 \ * tf.minimum(fstep ** -0.5, fstep * opt_hparams['warmup_steps'] ** -1.5) else: raise ValueError('Unknown learning_rate_strategy: %s, expecting one of ' '[\'static\', \'dynamic\']' % args.learning_rate_strategy) g_loss = cetp_loss + lambda_g * g_class_loss g_vars = tx.utils.collect_trainable_variables( [embedder, encoder, connector, decoder]) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=opt_hparams['Adam_beta1'], beta2=opt_hparams['Adam_beta2'], epsilon=opt_hparams['Adam_epsilon'], ) train_op = optimizer.minimize(g_loss, global_step, var_list=g_vars) d_loss = d_class_loss d_vars = tx.utils.collect_trainable_variables([clas_embedder, classifier]) train_op_d = tx.core.get_train_op(d_loss, d_vars, hparams=d_opt_hparams) # Inference predictions = [] cur_test_pack = template_pack for idx, hole in enumerate(answer_packs): template = cur_test_pack['templates'] template_word_embeds = embedder(template) template_length = shape_list(template)[1] channels = shape_list(template_word_embeds)[2] template_pos_embeds = position_embedder(template_length, channels, cur_test_pack['segment_ids'], cur_test_pack['offsets']) enc_input_embedded = template_word_embeds + template_pos_embeds _, ecdr_states = encoder( enc_input_embedded, sequence_length=data_batch["length"]) dcdr_init_states = connector(ecdr_states) decoder.set_segment_id(1) outputs_infer, _, _ = decoder( decoding_strategy="infer_positional", start_tokens=start_tokens, end_token=eoa_id, embedding=embedder, initial_state=dcdr_init_states) predictions.append(outputs_infer.sample_id) cur_test_pack = tx.utils.update_template_pack(cur_test_pack, outputs_infer.sample_id, mask_id, eoa_id, pad_id) eval_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5) def _train_epochs(session, cur_epoch, gamma_, lambda_g_): loss_lists, ppl_lists = [], [] while True: try: fetches_d = { 'train_op_d': train_op_d, 'd_loss': d_loss } feed_d = { iterator.handle: iterator.get_handle(sess, 'train_d'), gamma: gamma_, lambda_g: lambda_g_, tx.context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN } rtns_d =, feed_dict=feed_d) d_loss_ = rtns_d['d_loss'] fetches_g = { 'template': template_pack, 'holes': answer_packs, 'train_op': train_op, 'step': global_step, 'lr': learning_rate, 'loss': cetp_loss, 'g_loss': g_loss } feed_g = { iterator.handle: iterator.get_handle(sess, 'train_g'), gamma: gamma_, lambda_g: lambda_g_, tx.context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN } rtns =, feed_dict=feed_g) step, template_, holes_, cetp_loss_, g_loss_ = \ rtns['step'], rtns['template'], rtns['holes'], rtns['loss'], rtns['g_loss'] ppl = np.exp(cetp_loss_) if step % 200 == 1: rst = 'step:%s source:%s g_loss:%f d_loss:%f ppl:%f lr:%f' % \ (step, template_['text_ids'].shape, g_loss_, d_loss_, ppl, rtns['lr']) print(rst) loss_lists.append(g_loss_) ppl_lists.append(ppl) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break return loss_lists[::50], ppl_lists[::50] def _test_epoch(cur_sess, cur_epoch, gamma_, lambda_g_, mode='test'): def _id2word_map(id_arrays): return [' '.join([train_data.vocab._id_to_token_map_py[i] for i in sent]) for sent in id_arrays] templates_list, targets_list, hypothesis_list = [], [], [] cnt = 0 loss_lists, ppl_lists = [], [] while True: try: fetches = { 'data_batch': data_batch, 'predictions': predictions, 'template': template_pack, 'step': global_step, 'loss': cetp_loss } feed = { iterator.handle: iterator.get_handle(sess, mode), gamma: gamma_, lambda_g: lambda_g_, tx.context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL } rtns =, feed_dict=feed) real_templates_, templates_, targets_, predictions_ = \ rtns['template']['templates'], rtns['template']['text_ids'], \ rtns['data_batch']['text_ids'], rtns['predictions'] loss = rtns['loss'] ppl = np.exp(loss) loss_lists.append(loss) ppl_lists.append(ppl) filled_templates = \ tx.utils.fill_template(template_pack=rtns['template'], predictions=rtns['predictions'], eoa_id=eoa_id, pad_id=pad_id, eos_id=eos_id) templates, targets, generateds = _id2word_map(real_templates_.tolist()), \ _id2word_map(targets_), \ _id2word_map(filled_templates) for template, target, generated in zip(templates, targets, generateds): template = template.split('<EOS>')[0].split('<PAD>')[0].strip().split() target = target.split('<EOS>')[0].split('<PAD>')[0].strip().split() got = generated.split('<EOS>')[0].split('<PAD>')[0].strip().split() templates_list.append(template) targets_list.append(target) hypothesis_list.append(got) cnt += 1 if mode is not 'test' and cnt >= 60: break except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break avg_loss, avg_ppl = np.mean(loss_lists), np.mean(ppl_lists) outputs_tmp_filename = args.log_dir + 'epoch{}.beam{}.outputs.tmp'. \ format(cur_epoch, args.beam_width) template_tmp_filename = args.log_dir + 'epoch{}.beam{}.templates.tmp'. \ format(cur_epoch, args.beam_width) refer_tmp_filename = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'eval_reference.tmp') with, 'w+', 'utf-8') as tmpfile, \, 'w+', 'utf-8') as tmptpltfile, \, 'w+', 'utf-8') as tmpreffile: for hyp, tplt, tgt in zip(hypothesis_list, templates_list, targets_list): tmpfile.write(' '.join(hyp) + '\n') tmptpltfile.write(' '.join(tplt) + '\n') tmpreffile.write(' '.join(tgt) + '\n') eval_bleu = float(100 * bleu_tool.bleu_wrapper( refer_tmp_filename, outputs_tmp_filename, case_sensitive=True)) template_bleu = float(100 * bleu_tool.bleu_wrapper( refer_tmp_filename, template_tmp_filename, case_sensitive=True)) print('epoch:{} {}_bleu:{} template_bleu:{} {}_loss:{} {}_ppl:{} '. format(cur_epoch, mode, eval_bleu, template_bleu, mode, avg_loss, mode, avg_ppl)) os.remove(outputs_tmp_filename) os.remove(template_tmp_filename) os.remove(refer_tmp_filename) if args.save_eval_output: result_filename = \ args.log_dir + 'epoch{}.beam{}.{}.results.bleu{:.3f}' \ .format(cur_epoch, args.beam_width, mode, eval_bleu) with, 'w+', 'utf-8') as resultfile: for tmplt, tgt, hyp in zip(templates_list, targets_list, hypothesis_list): resultfile.write("- template: " + ' '.join(tmplt) + '\n') resultfile.write("- expected: " + ' '.join(tgt) + '\n') resultfile.write('- got: ' + ' '.join(hyp) + '\n\n') return { 'eval': eval_bleu, 'template': template_bleu }, avg_ppl def _draw_train_loss(epoch, loss_list, mode): plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) plt.plot(loss_list, '--', linewidth=1, label='loss trend') plt.ylabel('%s till epoch %s' % (mode, epoch)) plt.xlabel('every 50 steps, present_rate=%f' % args.present_rate) plt.savefig(args.log_dir + '/img/%s_curve.png' % mode) plt.close('all') def _draw_bleu(epoch, test_bleu, tplt_bleu, train_bleu, train_tplt_bleu): plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) legends = [] plt.plot(test_bleu, '--', linewidth=1, label='test bleu') plt.plot(tplt_bleu, '--', linewidth=1, label='template bleu') legends.extend(['test bleu', 'template bleu']) plt.ylabel('bleu till epoch {}'.format(epoch)) plt.xlabel('every epoch') plt.legend(legends, loc='upper left') plt.savefig(args.log_dir + '/img/bleu.png') plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) legends = [] plt.plot(train_bleu, '--', linewidth=1, label='train bleu') plt.plot(train_tplt_bleu, '--', linewidth=1, label='train template bleu') legends.extend(['train bleu', 'train template bleu']) plt.ylabel('bleu till epoch {}'.format(epoch)) plt.xlabel('every epoch') plt.legend(legends, loc='upper left') plt.savefig(args.log_dir + '/img/train_bleu.png') plt.close('all') config_ = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config_.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config_) as sess: iterator.initialize_dataset(sess) loss_list, ppl_list, test_ppl_list = [], [], [] test_bleu, tplt_bleu, train_bleu, train_tplt_bleu = [], [], [], [] gamma_, lambda_g_ = 1., 0. if args.running_mode == 'train_and_evaluate': for epoch in range(70, args.max_train_epoch): # Anneals the gumbel-softmax temperature if epoch > args.pretrain_epoch: gamma_ = max(0.001, gamma_ * args.gamma_decay) lambda_g_ = args.lambda_g # bleu on test set and train set if epoch % args.bleu_interval == 0 or epoch == args.max_train_epoch - 1: iterator.restart_dataset(sess, 'test') bleu_scores, test_ppl = _test_epoch(sess, epoch, gamma_, lambda_g_) test_bleu.append(bleu_scores['eval']) tplt_bleu.append(bleu_scores['template']) test_ppl_list.append(test_ppl) _draw_train_loss(epoch, test_ppl_list, mode='test_perplexity') iterator.restart_dataset(sess, 'train_g') train_bleu_scores, _ = _test_epoch(sess, epoch, gamma_, lambda_g_, mode='train_g') train_bleu.append(train_bleu_scores['eval']) train_tplt_bleu.append(train_bleu_scores['template']) _draw_bleu(epoch, test_bleu, tplt_bleu, train_bleu, train_tplt_bleu), args.log_dir + 'my-model-latest.ckpt') # train iterator.restart_dataset(sess, ['train_g', 'train_d']) losses, ppls = _train_epochs(sess, epoch, gamma_, lambda_g_) loss_list.extend(losses) ppl_list.extend(ppls) _draw_train_loss(epoch, loss_list, mode='train_loss') _draw_train_loss(epoch, ppl_list, mode='perplexity') sys.stdout.flush() if epoch == args.pretrain_epoch:, args.log_dir + 'pretrained-model.ckpt')
def _build( self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ memory=None, memory_sequence_length=None, memory_attention_bias=None, inputs=None, sequence_length=None, decoding_strategy='train_greedy', beam_width=None, length_penalty=0., start_tokens=None, end_token=None, context=None, context_sequence_length=None, softmax_temperature=None, max_decoding_length=None, impute_finished=False, helper=None, mode=None): """Performs decoding. The interface is very similar to that of RNN decoders (:meth:`texar.modules.RNNDecoderBase._build`). In particular, the function provides **3 ways** to specify the decoding method, with varying flexibility: 1. The :attr:`decoding_strategy` argument. - **"train_greedy"**: decoding in teacher-forcing fashion (i.e., feeding ground truth to decode the next step), and for each step sample is obtained by taking the `argmax` of logits. Argument :attr:`inputs` is required for this strategy. :attr:`sequence_length` is optional. - **"infer_greedy"**: decoding in inference fashion (i.e., feeding `generated` sample to decode the next step), and for each step sample is obtained by taking the `argmax` of logits. Arguments :attr:`(start_tokens, end_token)` are required for this strategy, and argument :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. - **"infer_sample"**: decoding in inference fashion, and for each step sample is obtained by `random sampling` from the logits. Arguments :attr:`(start_tokens, end_token)` are required for this strategy, and argument :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. This argument is used only when arguments :attr:`helper` and :attr:`beam_width` are both `None`. 2. The :attr:`helper` argument: An instance of subclass of :tf_main:`tf.contrib.seq2seq.Helper <contrib/seq2seq/Helper>`. This provides a superset of decoding strategies than above. The interface is the same as in RNN decoders. Please refer to :meth:`texar.modules.RNNDecoderBase._build` for detailed usage and examples. Note that, here, though using a :tf_main:`TrainingHelper <contrib/seq2seq/TrainingHelper>` corresponding to the "train_greedy" strategy above, the implementation is *slower* than directly setting `decoding_strategy="train_greedy"` (though the output results are the same). Argument :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. 3. **Beam search**: set :attr:`beam_width` to use beam search decoding. Arguments :attr:`(start_tokens, end_token)` are required, and argument :attr:`max_decoding_length` is optional. Args: memory (optional): The memory to attend, e.g., the output of an RNN encoder. A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_max_time, dim]`. memory_sequence_length (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size]` containing the sequence lengths for the batch entries in memory. Used to create attention bias of :attr:`memory_attention_bias` is not given. Ignored if `memory_attention_bias` is provided. memory_attention_bias (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_heads, memory_max_time, dim]`. An attention bias typically sets the value of a padding position to a large negative value for masking. If not given, :attr:`memory_sequence_length` is used to automatically create an attention bias. inputs (optional): Input tensor for teacher forcing decoding, of shape `[batch_size, target_max_time, emb_dim]` containing the target sequence word embeddings. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` is set to "train_greedy". sequence_length (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`, containing the sequence length of :attr:`inputs`. Tokens beyond the respective sequence length are masked out. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` is set to "train_greedy". decoding_strategy (str): A string specifying the decoding strategy, including "train_greedy", "infer_greedy", "infer_sample". Different arguments are required based on the strategy. See above for details. Ignored if :attr:`beam_width` or :attr:`helper` is set. beam_width (int): Set to use beam search. If given, :attr:`decoding_strategy` is ignored. length_penalty (float): Length penalty coefficient used in beam search decoding. Refer to for more details. It Should be larger if longer sentences are wanted. start_tokens (optional): An int Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`, containing the start tokens. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` = "infer_greedy" or "infer_sample", or :attr:`beam_width` is set. Ignored when context is set. end_token (optional): An int 0D Tensor, the token that marks end of decoding. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` = "infer_greedy" or "infer_sample", or :attr:`beam_width` is set. context (optional): An int Tensor of shape `[batch_size, length]`, containing the starting tokens for decoding. If context is set, the start_tokens will be ignored. context_sequence_length (optional): specify the length of context. softmax_temperature (optional): A float 0D Tensor, value to divide the logits by before computing the softmax. Larger values (above 1.0) result in more random samples. Must > 0. If `None`, 1.0 is used. Used when :attr:`decoding_strategy` = "infer_sample"`. max_decoding_length (optional): An int scalar Tensor indicating the maximum allowed number of decoding steps. If `None` (default), use "max_decoding_length" defined in :attr:`hparams`. Ignored in "train_greedy" decoding. impute_finished (bool): If `True`, then states for batch entries which are marked as finished get copied through and the corresponding outputs get zeroed out. This causes some slowdown at each time step, but ensures that the final state and outputs have the correct values and that backprop ignores time steps that were marked as finished. Ignored in "train_greedy" decoding. helper (optional): An instance of :tf_main:`Helper <contrib/seq2seq/Helper>` that defines the decoding strategy. If given, :attr:`decoding_strategy` is ignored. mode (optional): A tensor taking value in :tf_main:`tf.estimator.ModeKeys <estimator/ModeKeys>`, including `TRAIN`, `EVAL`, and `PREDICT`. Controls dropout mode. If `None` (default), :func:`texar.global_mode` is used. Returns: - For **"train_greedy"** decoding, returns an instance of \ :class:`~texar.modules.TransformerDecoderOutput` which contains\ `sample_id` and `logits`. - For **"infer_greedy"** and **"infer_sample"** decoding or\ decoding with :attr:`helper`, returns\ a tuple `(outputs, sequence_lengths)`, where `outputs` is an \ instance of :class:`~texar.modules.TransformerDecoderOutput` as\ in "train_greedy", and `sequence_lengths` is a Tensor of shape\ `[batch_size]` containing the length of each sample. - For **beam search** decoding, returns a `dict` containing keys\ "sample_id" and "log_prob". - **"sample_id"** is an int Tensor of shape \ `[batch_size, max_time, beam_width]` containing generated\ token indexes. `sample_id[:,:,0]` is the highest-probable \ sample. - **"log_prob"** is a float Tensor of shape \ `[batch_size, beam_width]` containing the log probability \ of each sequence sample. """ if memory is not None: if memory_attention_bias is None: if memory_sequence_length is None: raise ValueError("`memory_sequence_length` is required if " "`memory_attention_bias` is not given.") enc_padding = 1 - tf.sequence_mask(memory_sequence_length, tf.shape(memory)[1], dtype=tf.float32) memory_attention_bias = attn.attention_bias_ignore_padding( enc_padding) # record the context, which will be used in step function # for dynamic_decode if context is not None: start_tokens = context[:, 0] self.context = context[:, 1:] self.context_sequence_length = context_sequence_length - 1 else: self.context = None if helper is None and beam_width is None and \ decoding_strategy == 'train_greedy': # Teacher-forcing if sequence_length is not None: inputs = mask_sequences(inputs, sequence_length, tensor_rank=3) decoder_self_attention_bias = (attn.attention_bias_lower_triangle( shape_list(inputs)[1])) if self._hparams.scale_embeds: target_inputs = inputs * self._hparams.dim**0.5 else: target_inputs = inputs _, lengths, _ = shape_list(target_inputs) positions = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(lengths, dtype=tf.int32), 0) pos_embeds = self.position_embedder(positions) inputs = target_inputs + pos_embeds decoder_output = self._self_attention_stack( inputs, memory, decoder_self_attention_bias=decoder_self_attention_bias, memory_attention_bias=memory_attention_bias, cache=None, mode=mode) logits = self.output_layer(decoder_output) preds = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) rets = TransformerDecoderOutput(logits=logits, sample_id=preds) else: if max_decoding_length is None: max_decoding_length = self._hparams.max_decoding_length self._inputs_to_outputs = self._inputs_to_outputs_fn( max_decoding_length + 1) if beam_width is None: #Inference-like decoding # Prepare helper if helper is not None: # ignore `decoding_strategy` pass else: if decoding_strategy == "infer_greedy": helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper( self._embedding, start_tokens, end_token) elif decoding_strategy == "infer_sample": helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.SampleEmbeddingHelper( self._embedding, start_tokens, end_token, softmax_temperature) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown decoding strategy: {}".format( decoding_strategy)) self._helper = helper self._cache = self._init_cache(memory, memory_attention_bias, beam_search_decoding=False) if context is not None: self.context = tf.pad( self.context, [[0, 0], [0, max_decoding_length - tf.shape(self.context)[1]]]) outputs, cache, sequence_lengths = dynamic_decode( decoder=self, impute_finished=impute_finished, maximum_iterations=max_decoding_length, output_time_major=False, scope=self.variable_scope) if context is not None: # Here the length of sample_id will be larger than that # of logit by 1, because there will be a additional # start_token in the returned sample_id. # the start_id should be the first token of the # given context outputs = TransformerDecoderOutput( logits=outputs.logits, sample_id=tf.concat([ tf.expand_dims(start_tokens, 1), outputs.sample_id ], axis=1)) sequence_lengths = sequence_lengths + 1 rets = outputs, sequence_lengths else: #Beam-search decoding # ignore `decoding_strategy` # assume `helper` is not set if helper is not None: raise ValueError("Must not set 'beam_width' and 'helper' " "simultaneously.") _batch_size = tf.shape(start_tokens)[0] self._cache = self._init_cache(memory, memory_attention_bias, beam_search_decoding=True, batch_size=_batch_size) # The output format is different when running beam search sample_id, log_prob = self._beam_decode( start_tokens, end_token, beam_width=beam_width, length_penalty=length_penalty, decode_length=max_decoding_length, ) rets = {'sample_id': sample_id, 'log_prob': log_prob} if not self._built: self._add_internal_trainable_variables() self._built = True return rets
def beam_search(symbols_to_logits_fn, initial_ids, beam_size, decode_length, vocab_size, alpha, eos_id, states=None, stop_early=True): """Beam search with length penalties. Requires a function that can take the currently decoded sybmols and return the logits for the next symbol. The implementation is inspired by When running, the beam search steps can be visualized by using tfdbg to watch the operations generating the output ids for each beam step. These operations have the pattern: (alive|finished)_topk_(seq,scores) Operations marked `alive` represent the new beam sequences that will be processed in the next step. Operations marked `finished` represent the completed beam sequences, which may be padded with 0s if no beams finished. Operations marked `seq` store the full beam sequence for the time step. Operations marked `scores` store the sequence's final log scores. The beam search steps will be processed sequentially in order, so when capturing observed from these operations, tensors, clients can make assumptions about which step is being recorded. WARNING: Assumes 2nd dimension of tensors in `states` and not invariant, this means that the shape of the 2nd dimension of these tensors will not be available (i.e. set to None) inside symbols_to_logits_fn. Args: symbols_to_logits_fn: Interface to the model, to provide logits. Should take [batch_size, decoded_ids] and return [batch_size, vocab_size] initial_ids: Ids to start off the decoding, this will be the first thing handed to symbols_to_logits_fn (after expanding to beam size) [batch_size] beam_size: Size of the beam. decode_length: Number of steps to decode for. vocab_size: Size of the vocab, must equal the size of the logits returned by symbols_to_logits_fn alpha: alpha for length penalty. states: dict (possibly nested) of decoding states. eos_id: ID for end of sentence. stop_early: a boolean - stop once best sequence is provably determined. Returns: Tuple of (decoded beams [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length] decoding probablities [batch_size, beam_size]) """ batch_size = shape_list(initial_ids)[0] # Assume initial_ids are prob 1.0 initial_log_probs = tf.constant([[0.] + [-float("inf")] * (beam_size - 1)]) # Expand to beam_size (batch_size, beam_size) alive_log_probs = tf.tile(initial_log_probs, [batch_size, 1]) # Expand each batch and state to beam_size alive_seq = _expand_to_beam_size(initial_ids, beam_size) alive_seq = tf.expand_dims(alive_seq, axis=2) #(batch_size, beam_size, 1) if states: states = nest.map_structure( lambda state: _expand_to_beam_size(state, beam_size), states) else: states = {} # Finished will keep track of all the sequences that have finished so # far # Finished log probs will be negative infinity in the beginning # finished_flags will keep track of booleans finished_seq = tf.zeros(shape_list(alive_seq), tf.int32) # Setting the scores of the initial to negative infinity. finished_scores = tf.ones([batch_size, beam_size]) * -INF finished_flags = tf.zeros([batch_size, beam_size], tf.bool) def grow_finished(finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, curr_seq, curr_scores, curr_finished): """Given sequences and scores, will gather the top k=beam size sequences. Args: finished_seq: Current finished sequences. [batch_size, beam_size, current_decoded_length] finished_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_flags: finished bools for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] curr_seq: current topk sequence that has been grown by one position. [batch_size, beam_size, current_decoded_length] curr_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] curr_finished: Finished flags for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] Returns: Tuple of (Topk sequences based on scores, log probs of these sequences, Finished flags of these sequences) """ # First append a column of 0'ids to finished to make the same # length with finished scores finished_seq = tf.concat( [finished_seq, tf.zeros([batch_size, beam_size, 1], tf.int32)], axis=2) # Set the scores of the unfinished seq in curr_seq to large # negative values curr_scores += (1. - tf.to_float(curr_finished)) * -INF # concatenating the sequences and scores along beam axis curr_finished_seq = tf.concat([finished_seq, curr_seq], axis=1) curr_finished_scores = tf.concat([finished_scores, curr_scores], axis=1) curr_finished_flags = tf.concat([finished_flags, curr_finished], axis=1) return compute_topk_scores_and_seq(curr_finished_seq, curr_finished_scores, curr_finished_scores, curr_finished_flags, beam_size, batch_size, "grow_finished") def grow_alive(curr_seq, curr_scores, curr_log_probs, curr_finished, states): """Given sequences and scores, will gather the top k=beam size sequences. Args: curr_seq: current topk sequence that has been grown by one position. [batch_size, beam_size, i+1] curr_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] curr_log_probs: log probs for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] curr_finished: Finished flags for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] states: dict (possibly nested) of decoding states. Returns: Tuple of (Topk sequences based on scores, log probs of these sequences, Finished flags of these sequences) """ # Set the scores of the finished seq in curr_seq to large negative # values curr_scores += tf.to_float(curr_finished) * -INF return compute_topk_scores_and_seq(curr_seq, curr_scores, curr_log_probs, curr_finished, beam_size, batch_size, "grow_alive", states) def grow_topk(i, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, states): r"""Inner beam seach loop. This function takes the current alive sequences, and grows them to topk sequences where k = 2*beam. We use 2*beam because, we could have beam_size number of sequences that might hit <EOS> and there will be no alive sequences to continue. With 2*beam_size, this will not happen. This relies on the assumption the vocab size is > beam size. If this is true, we'll have at least beam_size non <EOS> extensions if we extract the next top 2*beam words. Length penalty is given by = (5+len(decode)/6) ^ -\alpha. Pls refer to Args: i: loop index alive_seq: Topk sequences decoded so far [batch_size, beam_size, i+1] alive_log_probs: probabilities of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] states: dict (possibly nested) of decoding states. Returns: Tuple of (Topk sequences extended by the next word, The log probs of these sequences, The scores with length penalty of these sequences, Flags indicating which of these sequences have finished decoding, dict of transformed decoding states) """ # Get the logits for all the possible next symbols flat_ids = tf.reshape(alive_seq, [batch_size * beam_size, -1]) # (batch_size * beam_size, decoded_length) if states: flat_states = nest.map_structure(_merge_beam_dim, states) flat_logits, flat_states = symbols_to_logits_fn( flat_ids, i, flat_states) states = nest.map_structure( lambda t: _unmerge_beam_dim(t, batch_size, beam_size), flat_states) else: flat_logits = symbols_to_logits_fn(flat_ids) logits = tf.reshape(flat_logits, [batch_size, beam_size, -1]) # Convert logits to normalized log probs candidate_log_probs = log_prob_from_logits(logits) # Multiply the probabilites by the current probabilites of the # beam. # (batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size) + (batch_size, beam_size, 1) log_probs = candidate_log_probs + tf.expand_dims(alive_log_probs, axis=2) length_penalty = tf.pow(((5. + tf.to_float(i + 1)) / 6.), alpha) curr_scores = log_probs / length_penalty # Flatten out (beam_size, vocab_size) probs in to a list of # possibilites flat_curr_scores = tf.reshape(curr_scores, [-1, beam_size * vocab_size]) topk_scores, topk_ids = tf.nn.top_k(flat_curr_scores, k=beam_size * 2) # Recovering the log probs because we will need to send them back topk_log_probs = topk_scores * length_penalty # Work out what beam the top probs are in. topk_beam_index = topk_ids // vocab_size topk_ids %= vocab_size # Unflatten the ids # The next three steps are to create coordinates for tf.gather_nd # to pull out the correct seqences from id's that we need to grow. # We will also use the coordinates to gather the booleans of the # beam items that survived. batch_pos = compute_batch_indices(batch_size, beam_size * 2) # top beams will give us the actual coordinates to do the gather. # stacking will create a tensor of dimension batch * beam * 2, # where the last dimension contains the i,j gathering coordinates. topk_coordinates = tf.stack([batch_pos, topk_beam_index], axis=2) # Gather up the most probable 2*beams both for the ids and # finished_in_alive bools topk_seq = tf.gather_nd(alive_seq, topk_coordinates) if states: states = nest.map_structure( lambda state: tf.gather_nd(state, topk_coordinates), states) # Append the most probable alive topk_seq = tf.concat( [topk_seq, tf.expand_dims(topk_ids, axis=2)], axis=2) topk_finished = tf.equal(topk_ids, eos_id) return topk_seq, topk_log_probs, topk_scores, topk_finished, states def inner_loop(i, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, states): """Inner beam seach loop. There are three groups of tensors, alive, finished, and topk. The alive group contains information about the current alive sequences. The topk group contains information about alive + topk current decoded words the finished group contains information about finished sentences, that is, the ones that have decoded to <EOS>. These are what we return. The general beam search algorithm is as follows: While we haven't terminated (pls look at termination condition) 1. Grow the current alive to get beam*2 topk sequences 2. Among the topk, keep the top beam_size ones that haven't reached EOS into alive 3. Among the topk, keep the top beam_size ones have reached EOS into finished Repeat To make things simple with using fixed size tensors, we will end up inserting unfinished sequences into finished in the beginning. To stop that we add -ve INF to the score of the unfinished sequence so that when a true finished sequence does appear, it will have a higher score than all the unfinished ones. Args: i: loop index alive_seq: Topk sequences decoded so far [batch_size, beam_size, i+1] alive_log_probs: probabilities of the beams. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_seq: Current finished sequences. [batch_size, beam_size, i+1] finished_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_flags: finished bools for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] states: dict (possibly nested) of decoding states. Returns: Tuple of (Incremented loop index New alive sequences, Log probs of the alive sequences, New finished sequences, Scores of the new finished sequences, Flags inidicating which sequence in finished as reached EOS, dict of final decoding states) """ # Each inner loop, we carry out three steps: # 1. Get the current topk items. # 2. Extract the ones that have finished and haven't finished # 3. Recompute the contents of finished based on scores. topk_seq, topk_log_probs, topk_scores, topk_finished, states =\ grow_topk(i, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, states) alive_seq, alive_log_probs, _, states = grow_alive( topk_seq, topk_scores, topk_log_probs, topk_finished, states) finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, _ = grow_finished( finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, topk_seq, topk_scores, topk_finished) return (i + 1, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, states) def _is_finished(i, unused_alive_seq, alive_log_probs, unused_finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_in_finished, unused_states): """Checking termination condition. We terminate when we decoded up to decode_length or the lowest scoring item in finished has a greater score that the higest prob item in alive divided by the max length penalty Args: i: loop index alive_log_probs: probabilities of the beams. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_in_finished: finished bools for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] Returns: Bool. """ if not stop_early: return tf.less(i, decode_length) max_length_penalty = tf.pow(((5. + tf.to_float(decode_length)) \ / 6.), alpha) # The best possible score of the most likley alive sequence lower_bound_alive_scores = alive_log_probs[:, 0] /\ max_length_penalty # Now to compute the lowest score of a finished sequence in # finished # If the sequence isn't finished, we multiply it's score by 0. # since scores are all -ve, taking the min will give us the score # of the lowest finished item. lowest_score_of_fininshed_in_finished = tf.reduce_min( finished_scores * tf.to_float(finished_in_finished), axis=1) # If none of the sequences have finished, then the min will be 0 # and we have to replace it by -ve INF if it is. The score of any # seq in alive will be much higher than -ve INF and the # termination condition will not be met. lowest_score_of_fininshed_in_finished += ( (1. - tf.to_float(tf.reduce_any(finished_in_finished, 1))) * -INF) bound_is_met = tf.reduce_all( tf.greater(lowest_score_of_fininshed_in_finished, lower_bound_alive_scores)) return tf.logical_and(tf.less(i, decode_length), tf.logical_not(bound_is_met)) (_, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, _) = tf.while_loop( _is_finished, inner_loop, [ tf.constant(0), alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, states ], shape_invariants=[ tf.TensorShape([]), tf.TensorShape([None, None, None]), alive_log_probs.get_shape(), tf.TensorShape([None, None, None]), finished_scores.get_shape(), finished_flags.get_shape(), nest.map_structure(get_state_shape_invariants, states), ], parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False) alive_seq.set_shape((None, beam_size, None)) finished_seq.set_shape((None, beam_size, None)) # Accounting for corner case: It's possible that no sequence in alive # for a particular batch item ever reached EOS. In that case, we # should just copy the contents of alive for that batch item. tf # reduce_any(finished_flags, 1) # if 0, means that no sequence for that batch index had reached EOS. # We need to do the same for the scores as well. finished_seq = tf.where(tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1), finished_seq, alive_seq) finished_scores = tf.where(tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1), finished_scores, alive_log_probs) return finished_seq, finished_scores