def listen_command(): t2i_en = { 'play': 0, 'next': 1, 'stop': 2, 'search': 3, 'select song': 4, 'exit': 5 } t2i_vn = { 'phát': 0, 'tiếp tục': 0, 'tiếp theo': 1, 'kế tiếp': 1, 'dừng lại': 2, 'tìm kiếm': 3, 'chọn bài hát': 4, 'chọn bài': 4, 'thoát': 5, 'thoát chương trình': 5 } match = False while match != True: t2s('speech command') text = recognize() if text in t2i_en.keys() or text in t2i_vn.keys(): if text in t2i_en.keys(): command = t2i_en[text] match = True elif text in t2i_vn.keys(): command = t2i_vn[text] match = True return int(command)
def selectAndPlaySongByIndex(self): title_audio = list(self.listAudio_text.keys())[self.idx_audio] link_audio = list(self.listAudio_text.values())[self.idx_audio] link_audio = getLinkAudio(link_audio) t2s('Start play: {}'.format(self.idx_audio + 1)) self.setMediaPlayerUrl(link_audio) self.PlayPause() self.status.setText('Đang phát: {}'.format(title_audio))
def VoiceSearch(self): self.Pause() t2s('Start Voice Search') self.status.setText('Nói từ khóa') keyword = getVoiceKeyWord() # có xác nhận key #t2s('') # keyword = recognize('keyword')# không cần xác nhận t2s('search for {}'.format(keyword)) self.status.setText('Tìm kiếm cho: "{}"'.format(keyword)) self.searchInput.setText(keyword) self.Search()
def getVoiceKeyWord(): match = False while match != True: key = recognize('keyword') t2s('you are want to find: {}'.format(key)) cf = recognize('YES or OK to confirm and NO to try again') if cf in ['yes', 'ok', 'oke', 'đúng', 'phải', 'đồng ý']: t2s('ok') match = True else: t2s('oh sorry! please speech keyword again') return key
def excCommand(self): self.Pause() t2s('OK. Im here') t2s('Please speech a command') command = listen_command() if command == 0: self.PlayPause() elif command == 1: self.voiceNext() elif command == 2: self.Stop() elif command == 3: self.VoiceSearch() elif command == 4: self.voiceSelect() elif command == 5: t2s('You are sure to exit!') t2s('Speech Yes or OK to comfirm!') cf_exit = recognize('') if cf_exit == 'yes' or cf_exit == 'ok' or cf_exit == 'oke': exit() else: print('no exit')
def recognize(note=''): with sr.Microphone() as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) t2s('start speech ' + note) t2s('START') #print('start speech') # while True: audio = r.listen(source) t2s('DONE') #print('done') try: #print('infering...') text = r.recognize_google(audio, language='vi-VN').lower() except: print('speech recognition error') text = 'error' print('#speech2text:' + text) return text
def Search(self, get_idx_by_user=False): self.Pause() self.listAudio.clear() if self.searchInput.text() != '': print('keyword:', self.searchInput.text()) print('searching...') results = YoutubeSearch(self.searchInput.text(), max_results=10).to_json() results = json.loads(results) results = results["videos"] if len(results) == 0: self.status.setText('Không có kết quả hoặc lỗi') t2s('try again') #self.searchInput.setText('') else: self.listAudio_text = {} self.list_title = [e["title"] for e in results] print(results) for i, item in enumerate(results): itemtitle = item['title'] itemlink = '' + item['link'] self.listAudio.insertItem( i + 1, str(i + 1) + ': ' + itemtitle + '#link#' + itemlink) self.listAudio_text[itemtitle] = itemlink self.status.setText('Kết quả cho: "{}"'.format( self.searchInput.text())) #self.searchInput.setText('') t2s('seach done') if get_idx_by_user: #sau khi search, cho người dùng chọn bài hát bằng voice self.idx_audio = select_by_speech() else: #cho chế độ tự động phát ramdom. phát bài đầu tiên trong list. không cần chọn bằng voice self.idx_audio = 0 sleep(1) self.selectAndPlaySongByIndex() else: self.status.setText('Nhập từ khóa hoặc tìm bằng giọng nói') t2s('enter keyword or voice search')
def Wellcome(self): #sleep(1) t2s('Hello! Wellcome to music player') t2s('Let search a song!') self.VoiceSearch()
def select_by_speech(): t2i_en = { 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7, 'eight': 8, 'nine': 9, 'ten': 10 } t2i_en2 = { 'number one': 1, 'number two': 2, 'number three': 3, 'number four': 4, 'number five': 5, 'number six': 6, 'number seven': 7, 'number eight': 8, 'number nine': 9, 'number ten': 10 } t2i_vn = { 'một': 1, 'hai': 2, 'ba': 3, 'bốn': 4, 'năm': 5, 'sáu': 6, 'bẩy': 7, 'tám': 8, 'chín': 9, 'mười': 10 } t2i_vn2 = { 'số 1': 1, 'số 2': 2, 'số 3': 3, 'số 4': 4, 'số 5': 5, 'số 6': 6, 'số 7': 7, 'số 8': 8, 'số 9': 9, 'số 10': 10 } t2i = { '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, '10': 10 } match = False while match != True: t2s('select song') text = recognize() if text in t2i_en.keys() or text in t2i_en2.keys( ) or text in t2i_vn.keys() or t2i_vn2.keys() or text in t2i.keys(): if text in t2i_en.keys(): number = t2i_en[text] match = True elif text in t2i_en2.keys(): number = t2i_en2[text] match = True elif text in t2i_vn.keys(): number = t2i_vn[text] match = True elif text in t2i_vn2.keys(): number = t2i_vn2[text] match = True elif text in t2i.keys(): number = t2i[text] match = True return int(number) - 1
def waitForSpeech(): t2s('I am listing')