def __init__(self, win, font, frameRate, version): = win self.font = font self.frameRate = frameRate self.version = version self.width = int( * 0.8) self.height = int( * 0.8) self.x = ( - self.width) / 2.0 self.y = ( - self.height) / 2.0 self.backgroundFade = pygame.Surface( (,, pygame.SRCALPHA) self.backgroundFade.fill((255, 255, 255, 156)) self.aboutBackground = pygame.Rect( 0 + ( - self.width) / 2.0, 0 + ( - self.height) / 2.0, self.width, self.height) self.button_back = Button("Back", (self.x + 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_back.rect.y -= self.button_back.rect.h self.buttons = [self.button_back] self.aboutTitleText = TextBox('About:', (self.x + 20, self.y + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.aboutText_1 = TextBox( "ReBel version {}".format(self.version[1:]), (self.x + 20, self.aboutTitleText.y + self.aboutTitleText.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.aboutText_2 = TextBox("ReBel is a client-server-based multiuser online ringing software. Developed by Samuel M. Senior and " + \ "open-sourced using the BSD-3-Clause license.", (self.x+20, self.aboutText_1.y+self.aboutText_1.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.aboutText_3 = TextBox( "Source code can be downloaded from ''.", (self.x + 20, self.aboutText_2.y + self.aboutText_2.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.aboutText_4 = TextBox( "The latest release can be downloaded from ''.", (self.x + 20, self.aboutText_3.y + self.aboutText_3.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.aboutText = [ self.aboutTitleText, self.aboutText_1, self.aboutText_2, self.aboutText_3, self.aboutText_4 ]
def __init__(self,screen,cursor, clock, padre): resource.set_images_path(os.path.join("imagenes", "compartir")) self.background = resource.get_image("fondoCompartir.png") imgBtnEnviar = resource.get_image("botonEnviar.png") imgBtnEnviarSelec = resource.get_image("BotonesEnviar_selec.png") self.btnEnviar = Boton.Boton(imgBtnEnviar, imgBtnEnviarSelec, 700,550) self.screen = screen self.clock = clock self.tablero = padre self.mouse = mouse.Mouse() self.cursor = cursor self.inicio = True self.juego = False self.terminar = False self.envio = False self.letreroEnvio = False self.letreroNoEnvio = False self.CamposVacios = False self.tb1 = TextBox(position=(460,250),size=(400,25),textsize=22,editable=False) self.tb2 = TextBox(position=(460,300),size=(400,25),textsize=22,editable=False) self.contendora = textBox2.Contenedora() rutaFuente = os.path.join("fuentes", "PatrickHand-Regular.ttf") self.font = pygame.font.Font(rutaFuente, 22) self.img=self.font.render("Nombre: ",1,(0,0,0)) self.img2=self.font.render("Colegio: ",1,(0,0,0)) self.img3=self.font.render("Mensaje: ",1,(0,0,0)) resource.set_images_path(os.path.join("imagenes")) imgBtnRegresar = resource.get_image("boton_regresar.png") imgBtnRegresarSelec = resource.get_image("boton_regresar_selec.png") self.background2 = resource.get_image("Fondo.jpg", False) self.btnRegresar = Boton.Boton(imgBtnRegresar, imgBtnRegresarSelec, (1200 - 214 - 10), 10) self.msjInicio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir") self.msjVacios = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir2") self.msjNoEnvio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir3") self.msjEnvio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir4")
def generate_textBoxs(self): group = [] posx = self.posx + self.s_left + self.s_text_inter + self.text_sizex for i in range(0, 2): posy = self.posy + self.s_top + (self.items_sizey + self.s_between) * i group.append( TextBox(posx, posy, self.items_sizex, self.items_sizey, color=(176, 184, 196), font_size=self.font_size)) return group[:]
def generate_textBoxs(self): """ Genera el arreglo de TextBoxes """ group = [] posx = self.posx + self.s_left + self.s_text_inter + self.menu_items_sizex for i in range(0, 2): group.append( TextBox(posx, self.posy + self.s_top + (self.items_sizey + self.s_between) * i, self.items_sizex, self.items_sizey, color=(176, 184, 196), font_size=self.font_size)) return group[:]
FPS = 50 fpsClock=pygame.time.Clock() gameTable = (0, 10, 100, 100) fontObj = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) # 현재 디렉토리로부터 myfont.ttf 폰트 파일을 로딩한다. 텍스트 크기를 32로 한다 dieSurface = fontObj.render('YOU DIED', True, RED) grass = pygame.image.load("youwin.png") dictimg = pygame.image.load("book.png") gameover = pygame.image.load("heart.png") dictimg = pygame.transform.scale(dictimg, (80, 30)) heartimg = pygame.image.load("heart.png") heartimg = pygame.transform.scale(heartimg, (30, 30)) textBox = TextBox() shiftDown = False = [310, 400] def main_window(speed, difficulty): word = Word('E') width, height = 640, 480 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Mole Game") screen.fill(GREEN) running = True wordsLst = [] # [word || block_index || timer] mainTimer = 100 - speed
def __init__(self, win, font, frameRate): = win self.font = font self.frameRate = frameRate self.width = int( * 0.8) self.height = int( * 0.8) self.x = ( - self.width) / 2.0 self.y = ( - self.height) / 2.0 self.backgroundFade = pygame.Surface((,, pygame.SRCALPHA) self.backgroundFade.fill((255, 255, 255, 156)) self.helpBackground = pygame.Rect(0 + ( - self.width) / 2.0, 0 + ( - self.height) / 2.0, self.width, self.height) self.button_back = Button("Back", (self.x + 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_back.rect.y -= self.button_back.rect.h # self.button_serverPage = Button("Server", (self.x + self.width - 20, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_serverPage.rect.x -= self.button_serverPage.rect.w # self.button_ringingPage = Button("Ringing", (self.button_serverPage.x - self.button_serverPage.rect.w - 10, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_ringingPage.rect.x -= self.button_ringingPage.rect.w # self.buttons = [self.button_back, self.button_ringingPage, self.button_serverPage] self.serverTitleText = TextBox('Server Help:', (self.x+20, self.y+self.button_serverPage.rect.h+20), width=self.width-40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.serverSubTitleText = TextBox('Connecting to a server:', (self.x+20, self.serverTitleText.y+self.serverTitleText.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.serverText_1 = TextBox("In 'Your Name' enter your name.", (self.x+20, self.serverSubTitleText.y+self.serverSubTitleText.h+7), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_2 = TextBox("In 'Server IP' enter the public IP of the server as told by the person running the server, or the local IP of the " + \ "server if on the same network, or leave it blank if you are on the same machine as the one runnning the server.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_1.y+self.serverText_1.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_3 = TextBox("Leave 'Server Port' as the default value if the person running the server hasn't changed it, " + \ "otherwise change it to the number they give.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_2.y+self.serverText_2.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_4 = TextBox("Once these details have been entered click 'Connect to Server'. If you are able to connect to the " + \ "server successfully a 'Connected' message will appear, if not a 'Server Offline' message will appear. " + "If you can't connect make sure to check your internet connection, the server IP, and the server port.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_3.y+self.serverText_3.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_5 = TextBox("To reconnect to a server or to connect to a new one go back to the home screen, enter in the " + \ "details of the new server (or leave the original details in if reconnecting), then click 'Connect " + "to Server' and then click 'Start Ringing' like normal.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_4.y+self.serverText_4.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText = [self.serverTitleText, self.serverSubTitleText, self.serverText_1, self.serverText_2, self.serverText_3, self.serverText_4, self.serverText_5] self.ringingTitleText = TextBox('Ringing Help:', (self.x+20, self.y+self.button_serverPage.rect.h+20), width=self.width-40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.ringingSubTitleText_1 = TextBox('Ringing Keys:', (self.x+20, self.ringingTitleText.y+self.ringingTitleText.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.ringingText_1 = TextBox("By default bells 1 and 2 are set as the ringable and are rung with the 'j' and 'f' keys.", (self.x+20, self.ringingSubTitleText_1.y+self.ringingSubTitleText_1.h+7), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText_2 = TextBox("All the bells can be configured to be rung and can be set to use any letter or number key. The key bindings are " + \ "set in the 'Options' menu found in the ringing screen.", (self.x+20, self.ringingText_1.y+self.ringingText_1.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText_3 = TextBox("The bell you set as your first bell will be placed at the bottom of the ringing circle, just to the right of the " + \ "center.", (self.x+20, self.ringingText_2.y+self.ringingText_2.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingSubTitleText_2 = TextBox('Bell Tunings and Scales:', (self.x+20, self.ringingText_3.y+self.ringingText_3.h+16), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.ringingText_4 = TextBox("By default the bells are in the key of C and are generated from a size 15 handbell in C. The key of the bells can " + \ "changed by shifting them by both an integer number of semitones and an integer number of octaves. Currently this " + \ "can only be done by manually changing the config file.", (self.x+20, self.ringingSubTitleText_2.y+self.ringingSubTitleText_2.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText_5 = TextBox("The bells are tuned to a major scale by default though they can also be changed to natural, harmonic, and melodic " + \ "minor scales. Currently this can only be done manually changing the config file.", (self.x+20, self.ringingText_4.y+self.ringingText_4.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText = [self.ringingTitleText, self.ringingSubTitleText_1, self.ringingText_1, self.ringingText_2, self.ringingText_3]#,
def __init__(self, win, font, config, frameRate): = win self.font = font self.config = config self.frameRate = frameRate self.bellKeysUpdated = False self.width = int( * 0.8) self.height = int( * 0.8) self.x = ( - self.width) / 2.0 self.y = ( - self.height) / 2.0 self.backgroundFade = pygame.Surface( (,, pygame.SRCALPHA) self.backgroundFade.fill((255, 255, 255, 156)) self.optionsBackground = pygame.Rect( 0 + ( - self.width) / 2.0, 0 + ( - self.height) / 2.0, self.width, self.height) self.button_back = Button("Cancel", (self.x + 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_back.rect.y -= self.button_back.rect.h # self.button_save = Button( "Save", (self.x + self.width - 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_save.rect.x -= self.button_save.rect.w self.button_save.rect.y -= self.button_save.rect.h # self.button_other = Button("Other", (self.x + self.width - 20, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_other.rect.x -= self.button_other.rect.w # self.button_tuning = Button( "Tuning", (self.button_other.x - self.button_other.rect.w - 10, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_tuning.rect.x -= self.button_tuning.rect.w # self.button_keys = Button( "keys", (self.button_tuning.x - self.button_tuning.rect.w - 10, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_keys.rect.x -= self.button_keys.rect.w # self.buttons = [ self.button_back, self.button_save ] #, self.button_keys, self.button_tuning, self.button_other] self.keysTitleText = TextBox( 'Keys Options:', (self.x + 20, self.y + self.button_keys.rect.h + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.keysSubTitleText_1 = TextBox( 'Bell Keys:', (self.x + 20, self.keysTitleText.y + self.keysTitleText.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.keysText_1 = TextBox( "In the 'Ringable Bells' row of boxes enter in the bell numbers of the bells that you want to ring.", (self.x + 20, self.keysSubTitleText_1.y + self.keysSubTitleText_1.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText_2 = TextBox( "In the 'Key Press' row of boxes enter in the keys you want to press to ring each bell.", (self.x + 20, self.keysText_1.y + self.keysText_1.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText_3 = TextBox( "Each 'Key Press' box corresponds to the 'Ringable Bell' box above it.", (self.x + 20, self.keysText_2.y + self.keysText_2.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText_4 = TextBox("Only numbers can be entered into the 'Ringable Bell' boxes and only letters and numbers can be entered " + \ "into the 'Key Press' boxes.", (self.x+20, self.keysText_3.y+self.keysText_3.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText = [ self.keysTitleText, self.keysSubTitleText_1, self.keysText_1, self.keysText_2, self.keysText_3, self.keysText_4 ] self.tuningTitleText = TextBox( 'Tuning Options:', (self.x + 20, self.y + self.button_tuning.rect.h + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.tuningSubTitleText_1 = TextBox( 'Octave and Semitone Shift:', (self.x + 20, self.tuningTitleText.y + self.tuningTitleText.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.tuningText_1 = TextBox("... still to do...", (self.x + 20, self.tuningSubTitleText_1.y + self.tuningSubTitleText_1.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.tuningText = [ self.tuningTitleText, self.tuningSubTitleText_1, self.tuningText_1 ] self.otherTitleText = TextBox( 'Other Options:', (self.x + 20, self.y + self.button_other.rect.h + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.otherSubTitleText_1 = TextBox( '...:', (self.x + 20, self.otherTitleText.y + self.otherTitleText.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.otherText_1 = TextBox("... still to do...", (self.x + 20, self.otherSubTitleText_1.y + self.otherSubTitleText_1.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.otherText = [ self.otherTitleText, self.otherSubTitleText_1, self.otherText_1 ]