class Document:
    """A class for text analysis
    :param text: string of text to be analyzed
    :ivar text: string of text to be analyzed; set by `text` parameter
    # Method to create a new instance of MyClass
    def __init__(self, text):
        # Store text parameter to the text attribute
        self.text = text
        # Tokenize the document with non-public tokenize method
    	self.tokens = self._tokenize()
    	# Perform word count with non-public count_words method
    	self.word_counts = self._count_words

    # Assumes tokenize and Counter from other packages are imported
    def _tokenize(self):
    	return tokenize(self.text)
  	# Non-public method to tally document's word counts with Counter
  	def _count_words(self):
    	return Counter(self.tokens)

# Can be imported with
from .document import Document

# Using the  functionality
# Import custom text_analyzer package
import text_analyzer
# Create an instance of Document with datacamp_tweet
my_document = text_analyzer.Document(text=datacamp_tweet)
# Print the text attribute of the Document instance
# Print the first 5 tokens from datacamp_doc
# Print the top 5 most used words in datacamp_doc

# Class inheritance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Child inherits all attributes from the parant, plus can have some extensions

# Define a SocialMedia class that is a child of the `Document class`
class SocialMedia(Document):
    def __init__(self, text):
        Document.__init__(self, text)
        self.hashtag_counts = self._count_hashtags()
        self.mention_counts = self._count_mentions()
    def _count_hashtags(self):
        # Filter attribute so only words starting with '#' remain
        return filter_word_counts(self.word_counts, first_char='#')      
    def _count_mentions(self):
        # Filter attribute so only words starting with '@' remain
        return filter_word_counts(self.word_counts, first_char='@')

# Using child class
# Import custom text_analyzer package
import text_analyzer
# Create a SocialMedia instance with datacamp_tweets
dc_tweets = text_analyzer.SocialMedia(text=datacamp_tweets)
# Print the top five most most mentioned users
# Plot the most used hashtags

# Multilevel inheritance -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# One child can inherit from multiple parents

# Define a Tweet class that inherits from SocialMedia
class Tweets(SocialMedia):
    def __init__(self, text):
        # Call parent's __init__ with super()
        super().__init__(self, text)
        # Define retweets attribute with non-public method
        self.retweets = self._process_retweets()

    def _process_retweets(self):
        # Filter tweet text to only include retweets
        retweet_text = filter_lines(self.text, first_chars='RT')
        # Return retweet_text as a SocialMedia object
        return SocialMedia(retweet_text)

# Using the grandchild
# Import needed package
import text_analyzer
# Create instance of Tweets
my_tweets = text_analyzer.Tweets(datacamp_tweets)
# Plot the most used hashtags in the tweets
# Plot the most used hashtags in the retweets

# Docstrings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def tokenize(text, regex=r'[a-zA-z]+'):
  """Split text into tokens using a regular expression

  :param text: text to be tokenized
  :param regex: regular expression used to match tokens using re.findall 
  :return: a list of resulting tokens

  >>> tokenize('the rain in spain')
  ['the', 'rain', 'in', 'spain']
  return re.findall(regex, text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

# Print the docstring

# Google docstring style
"""Google style.

The Google style tends to result in
wider docstrings with fewer lines of code.

Section 1:    
	Item 1: Item descriptions don't need line breaks.

# Numpy docstring style
"""Numpy style.

The Numpy style tends to results in
narrower docstrings with more lines of code.

Section 1
Item 1    
	Item descriptions are indented on a new line.

# Building docstring from multiple strings in parenthesis
def get_matches(word_list: List[str], query:str) -> List[str]:
    ("Find lines containing the query string.\nExamples:\n\t"
     # Complete the docstring example below
     ">>> get_matches(['a', 'list', 'of', 'words'], 's')\n\t"
     # Fill in the expected result of the function call
     "['list', 'words']")
    return [line for line in word_list if query in line]

# The Zen of Python ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import this

# Testing with doctest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sum_counters(counters):
    """Aggregate collections.Counter objects by summing counts

    :param counters: list/tuple of counters to sum
    :return: aggregated counters with counts summed

    >>> d1 = text_analyzer.Document('1 2 fizz 4 buzz fizz 7 8')
    >>> d2 = text_analyzer.Document('fizz buzz 11 fizz 13 14')
    >>> sum_counters([d1.word_counts, d2.word_counts])
    Counter({'buzz': 2, 'fizz': 4})
    return sum(counters, Counter())


# Testing with pytest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# working_dir
# ├── text_analyzer
# │    ├──
# │    ├──
# │    ├──
# ├──
# ├──
# └── tests
#      └──
from collections import Counter
from text_analyzer import SocialMedia

# Create an instance of SocialMedia for testing
test_post = 'learning #python & #rstats is awesome! thanks @datacamp!'
sm_post = SocialMedia(test_post)

# Test hashtag counts are created properly
def test_social_media_hashtags():
    expected_hashtag_counts = Counter({'#python': 1, '#rstats': 1})
    assert sm_post.hashtag_counts == expected_hashtag_counts

# Run from command line
$ pytest

# Parametrizing test
@pytest.mark.parametrize("inputs", ["", "", ""])
def test_nbuild(inputs):
    assert nbuild([inputs]).cells[0].source == Path(inputs).read_text()

# Check whether error is raised
@pytest.mark.parametrize("not_exporters", ["htm", "ipython", "markup"])
def test_nbconv(not_exporters):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        nbconv(nb_name="mynotebook.ipynb", exporter=not_exporters)

# Classmethods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Due to the classmethod decorator, the first argument in the function it decorates is not the class' instance (self),
# but the class itself. This allows to instatiate multiple instances at ones.

class TextFile:
	instances = []
	def__init__(self, file):        
		self.text = Path(file).read_text()        
	def instantiate(cls, filenames):
		return map(cls, filenames)
from collections import Counter
from text_analyzer import SocialMedia

# Create an instance of SocialMedia for testing
test_post = 'learning #python & #rstats is awesome! thanks @datacamp!'
sm_post = SocialMedia(test_post)

# Test hashtag counts are created properly
def test_social_media_hashtags():
    expected_hashtag_counts = Counter({'#python': 1, '#rstats': 1})
    assert sm_post.hashtag_counts == expected_hashtag_counts
 def _process_retweets(self):
     # Filter tweet text to only include retweets
     retweet_text = filter_lines(self.text, first_chars='RT')
     # Return retweet_text as a SocialMedia object
     return SocialMedia(retweet_text)