def ask_question(self, question, type, default, handler, abort_handler=None, values=None, required=1): import text_input import bool_input import choice_input import list_input if abort_handler: abortable = 1 else: abortable = 0 if type == "text-single": self.input_widget = text_input.TextInput(abortable, required, default, 0) elif type == "text-private": self.input_widget = text_input.TextInput(abortable, required, default, 0, private=True) elif type == "boolean": self.input_widget = bool_input.BooleanInput( abortable, required, default) elif type == "choice": if not values: raise InputError, "Values required for 'choice' input." self.input_widget = choice_input.ChoiceInput( abortable, required, default, values) elif type == "list-single": self.input_widget = list_input.ListInput(abortable, required, default, values) elif type == "list-multi": self.input_widget = list_input.ListInput(abortable, required, default, values, 1) else: raise InputError, "Unknown input type: " + type self.question_handler = handler self.question_abort_handler = abort_handler self.question = question if self.window and cjc_globals.screen.input_handler.current_buffer_changed(self) self.activity(2)
def game_intro(self): intro = True # Create TextInput-object textinput = text_input.TextInput(font_size=65) clock = pg.time.Clock() screen.fill((225, 225, 225)) while intro: events = pg.event.get() for event in events: #print(event) if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() quit() if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pg.K_RETURN: self.change_text() print(textinput.get_text()) textinput.clear_text() #box.handle_event(event) screen.fill(white) largeText = pg.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', self.size) TextSurf, TextRect = text_objects(self.text, largeText) = ((display_width / 2), (display_height / 2)) screen.blit(TextSurf, TextRect) # Feed it with events every frame textinput.update(events) # Blit its surface onto the screen screen.blit(textinput.get_surface(), (200, 350)) button("GO!", 150, 450, 100, 50, green, bright_green, self.change_text) button("Quit", 550, 450, 100, 50, red, bright_red, quitgame) pg.display.flip() clock.tick(30)
def run(self): eyetracker = EyeTracker(disp) eyetracker.calibrate() running = True self.textinput = text_input.TextInput(text_color=(255, 255, 255), cursor_color=(255, 255, 255), literal_number=True) if self.avalgame._code is not None: self.textinput.input_string = str(self.avalgame._code) self.textinput.cursor_position = len(str(self.avalgame._code)) self.text1 = self.textFont.render("Configuracoes", 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.text2 = self.textFont.render("Codigo do jogo", 1, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.display.update() self.screen.fill(self.bg_color) self.screen.blit(self.text1, (380, 250)) self.screen.blit(self.text2, (380, 300)) exitLabel = self.exitFont.render("ESC para sair", 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(exitLabel, (0, 650)) self.logTheData() self.buttonOk.set_position(380, 400) self.buttonCancel.set_position(450, 400) while (running): clock.tick(60) self.screen.fill(self.bg_color) self.screen.blit(self.text1, (380, 250)) self.screen.blit(self.text2, (380, 300)) exitLabel = self.exitFont.render("ESC para sair", 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(exitLabel, (0, 650)) events = pygame.event.get() self.textinput.update(events) self.screen.blit(self.textinput.get_surface(), (380, 350)) pygame.display.update() if self.buttonOk.is_mouse_over(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): self.buttonOk.set_font_color((255, 0, 0)) if ((1, 0, 0) == pygame.mouse.get_pressed()): if self.textinput.get_text() != '': self.avalgame.install(True, int(self.textinput.get_text())) else: self.avalgame.install(False, 0) running = False else: self.buttonOk.set_font_color((255, 255, 255)) if self.buttonCancel.is_mouse_over(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): self.buttonCancel.set_font_color((255, 0, 0)) if ((1, 0, 0) == pygame.mouse.get_pressed()): running = False else: self.buttonCancel.set_font_color((255, 255, 255)) for event in events: if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN): if (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): #print(self.textinput.get_text()) running = False self.screen.blit(self.buttonOk.label, self.buttonOk.position) self.screen.blit(self.buttonCancel.label, self.buttonCancel.position) x, y = eyetracker.sample() self.canvas.draw_circle(colour=(255, 0, 0), pos=(x, y), r=5, fill=True) self.disp.fill(self)
cur_map = Map() result = Label('', 'black', 10, 60) scheme = Button(' Схема ', 'red', width - 50, height - 390, angle=270) sputnik = Button(' Спутник ', 'blue', width - 50, height - 265, angle=270) hybrid = Button(' Гибрид ', 'green', width - 50, height - 130, angle=270) search = Button( ' Искать ', 'black', width - 90, 5, ) post = Button(' Почтовый индекс ', 'black', width - 470, 50) cancel = Button(' Сброс поискового результата ', 'black', width - 287, 50) text_input = text_input.TextInput(font_family='font.ttf', font_size=30, repeat_keys_initial_ms=400, repeat_keys_interval_ms=30) def make_action(button): if button == 'Искать': search.image = result.make_text(cur_map.address, 'black', 'white') if button == 'Почтовый индекс': if post.p: post.p = False result.make_text(cur_map.address, 'black', 'white') post.image = else: result.make_text(cur_map.address + ' ' + cur_map.postal_code,
#!/usr/bin/python3 import text_input import pygame pygame.init() # Create TextInput-object textinput = text_input.TextInput() clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Feed it with events every frame textinput.update(events) # Blit its surface onto the screen pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def __init__(self): global screen screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size) #pygame.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (4, 4), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 60, 60, 60, 60, 0, 0)) self.is_fullscreen = False api.screen = screen = self api.send_message = self.add_message api.send_message_to_all = self.add_message api.exec_chat_command = self.exec_chat_command self.connected = False self.connecting = False self.debug_screen_active = False self.player = Player(0, 0) self.player.uuid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' self.read_config() self.d_x = 0 self.d_y = 0 self.m_tile_x = 0 self.m_tile_y = 0 self.images = api.images # TODO сделать нормальный hud self.bars = {} self.bar_width = 60 self.bar_height = 16 self.bar_sep = 28 self.bar_x_offset = 12 self.bar_y_offset = 12 self.tile_classes = api.tile_classes self.object_classes = api.object_classes self.chat_commands = api.chat_commands self.chat_commands.update({ 'c': self.command_connect, 'q': self.command_leave, 'exit': self.command_exit, 'nick': self.command_nickname, 'help': self.command_help, 'load_world': self.command_load_world, 'save_world': self.command_save_world }) self.forms = api.forms self.magic = FIRE_MAGIC self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.text_input = text_input.TextInput(font) self.state = 'normal' self.messages = [] self.messages_on_screen = 20 self.message_show_from = 0 self.fov_radius = 12 self.install_mods() self.load_world('default_world') self.add_message('press ENTER to open chat', color=api.YELLOW) self.add_message('============= COMMANDS =============') self.add_message('/c <ip> - connect to server', color=api.GREY) self.add_message('/q - abort connection', color=api.GREY) self.add_message('/nick <nickname> - change nickname', color=api.GREY) self.add_message('/exit - exit from game', color=api.GREY) self.add_message('/help - available commands', color=api.GREY) self.add_message('====================================') self.current_form = None
def render(self): # Create TextInput-object textinput = text_input.TextInput(font_size=65) clock = pg.time.Clock() self.screen.fill((225, 225, 225)) def print_on_press(): print('button pressed') settings = { "clicked_font_color": (0, 0, 0), "hover_font_color": (205, 195, 100), 'font': pg.font.Font(None, 16), 'font_color': (255, 255, 255), 'border_color': (0, 0, 0), } btn = button.Button(rect=(10, 10, 105, 25), command=print_on_press, text='Statistics', **settings) while self.intro: events = pg.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pg.QUIT: # Catach quit flag pg.quit() quit() if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pg.K_RETURN: # If user presses enter catch the word and send it # to manager # self.change_text() self.intro = False result = textinput.get_text() textinput.clear_text() btn.get_event(event) self.screen.fill(colours.white) # GERMAN WORD largeText = pg.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', self.size) TextSurf, TextRect = self.text_objects(self.text, largeText) = ((display_width / 2), (250)) self.screen.blit(TextSurf, TextRect) # INPUT WORD # Feed it with events every frame textinput.update(events) inputSurf = textinput.get_surface() inputRect = inputSurf.get_rect() = ((display_width / 2), (350)) # Blit its surface onto the screen self.screen.blit(textinput.get_surface(), inputRect) # BUTTONS btn.draw(self.screen) # COSAS PYGAME pg.display.flip() clock.tick(30) return result
class AdminMenu: """Меню администратора""" # Кнопки delete_player_button = pyg_button.PygButton((377, 469, 100, 30), 'Удалить') close_button = pyg_button.PygButton((377, 519, 100, 30), 'Выход') # Ввод имени name_input = text_input.TextInput((367, 319), 180, 25) medium_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 14) name_text = medium_font.render('Имя:', False, (0, 0, 0)) delete_error = False delete_error_text = medium_font.render('Игрока не существует', False, (255, 0, 0)) delete_success = False delete_success_text = medium_font.render('Игрок удален', False, (0, 255, 0)) def handle_event(self, event): global scene if event == pygame.QUIT: scene = scenes['LoginMenu'] self.clear() if 'click' in self.close_button.handleEvent(event): # Выход из игры self.clear() scene = scenes['LoginMenu'] if 'click' in self.delete_player_button.handleEvent( event): # Удаление игрока if len(self.name_input.get_text()) > 0: if authorization.delete_player(self.name_input.get_text()): self.delete_error = False self.delete_success = True else: self.delete_error = True self.delete_success = False self.name_input.handle_event(event) def update(self): self.name_input.update() if len(self.name_input.input_string) > 20: self.name_input.input_string = self.name_input.input_string[:21] def draw(self, surface): surface.fill(BG_COLOR) # Фон surface.blit(logo, (277, 19)) # Логотип surface.blit(self.name_text, (307, 319)) # Ввод имени self.name_input.draw(surface) if self.delete_error: surface.blit(self.delete_error_text, (307, 394)) elif self.delete_success: surface.blit(self.delete_success_text, (307, 394)) self.delete_player_button.draw(surface) self.close_button.draw(surface) pygame.display.update() def clear(self): self.name_input.clear_text() self.delete_error = False self.delete_success = False
class LoginMenuScene: """Меню входа в игру""" # Кнопки login_button = pyg_button.PygButton((307, 419, 100, 30), 'Войти') signup_button = pyg_button.PygButton((447, 419, 100, 30), 'Регистрация') statistics_button = pyg_button.PygButton((377, 469, 100, 30), 'Статистика') close_button = pyg_button.PygButton((377, 519, 100, 30), 'Выход') # Ввод имени name_input = text_input.TextInput((367, 319), 180, 25) # Ввод пароля password_input = text_input.TextInput((367, 369), 180, 25) medium_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 14) name_text = medium_font.render('Имя:', False, (0, 0, 0)) password_text = medium_font.render('Пароль:', False, (0, 0, 0)) auth_error = False auth_error_text = medium_font.render('Неверное имя или пароль', False, (255, 0, 0)) signup_error = False signup_error_text = medium_font.render('Пользователь уже существует', False, (255, 0, 0)) signup_success = False signup_success_text = medium_font.render('Вы зарегистрированы', False, (0, 255, 0)) def handle_event(self, event): global run global scene if event == pygame.QUIT: run = False if 'click' in self.close_button.handleEvent(event): # Выход из игры pygame.quit() if 'click' in self.login_button.handleEvent(event): # Авторизация if len(self.name_input.get_text()) > 0 and len( self.password_input.get_text()) > 0: if authorization.auth(self.name_input.get_text(), self.password_input.get_text()): self.auth_error = False self.signup_error = False self.signup_success = False player_name = self.name_input.get_text() if player_name == 'admin': # Авторизация администратора self.clear() scene = scenes['AdminMenu'] else: self.clear() settings.update_setting('player_name', player_name) scene = scenes['MainMenu'] else: self.auth_error = True self.signup_error = False self.signup_success = False if 'click' in self.signup_button.handleEvent( event): # Регистраиця нового игрока if len(self.name_input.get_text()) > 0 and len( self.password_input.get_text()) > 0: if authorization.add_player(self.name_input.get_text(), self.password_input.get_text()): self.auth_error = False self.signup_error = False self.signup_success = True else: # Если игрок уже существует self.auth_error = False self.signup_error = True self.signup_success = False if 'click' in self.statistics_button.handleEvent( event): # Открытие статистики self.clear() scene = scenes['StatisticsMenu'] if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.name_input.handle_event(event) self.password_input.handle_event(event) def update(self): self.name_input.update() self.password_input.update() if len(self.name_input.input_string) > 20: self.name_input.input_string = self.name_input.input_string[:21] if len(self.password_input.input_string) > 20: self.password_input.input_string = self.password_input.input_string[: 21] def draw(self, surface): surface.fill(BG_COLOR) # Фон surface.blit(logo, (277, 19)) # Логотип surface.blit(self.name_text, (307, 319)) # Ввод имени self.name_input.draw(surface) surface.blit(self.password_text, (307, 369)) # Ввод пароля self.password_input.draw(surface) if self.auth_error: # Ошибка входа surface.blit(self.auth_error_text, (307, 394)) elif self.signup_error: # Ошибка регистрации surface.blit(self.signup_error_text, (307, 394)) elif self.signup_success: # Регистрация успешна surface.blit(self.signup_success_text, (307, 394)) self.login_button.draw(surface) self.signup_button.draw(surface) self.statistics_button.draw(surface) self.close_button.draw(surface) pygame.display.update() def clear(self): self.name_input.clear_text() self.password_input.clear_text() self.auth_error = False self.signup_error = False self.signup_success = False
self.x = x + INPUT_PADDING self.y = y self.rect_color = (0, 0, 0) self.focus = False self.cursor_size = (16, 24) self.cursor_hotspot = (6, 12) self.cursor = pygame.cursors.compile(textmarker) self.cursor_is_textmarker = False self.clicked = False # to get the height of text with this font text_height = font.size("Dummy")[1] self.input = text_input.TextInput(self.display, font, max_width=width - 2 * INPUT_PADDING, password=password, only_digits=only_digits) self.x_end = x + width self.y_end = y + text_height + 2 * INPUT_PADDING self.input_rect = pygame.Rect(x, y - INPUT_PADDING, width, text_height + 2 * INPUT_PADDING) def setFocus(self, flag): self.focus = flag self.input.setFocus(flag) def handleEvent(self, event): self.input.handleEvent(event) # change cursor type when hovering over text input