def make_trie_helper(text, word = None, phrase = None):
    Helper function for make_word_trie and make_phrase_trie
    Use tokenize_sentences to extract sentences
    For sentence in setences:
        - If word: split sentence into words, if word in trie, increment by 1, otherwise set to 1
        - If sentence: split into tuple of words, if sentence if trie, increment by 1, otherwise set to 1
    Return trie
    t = Trie()
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in sentences:
        if word:
            for word in sentence.split(' '):
                if word in t:
                    t[word] += 1
                    t[word] = 1
        elif phrase:
            sentence = tuple(sentence.split(' '))
            if sentence in t:
                t[sentence] += 1
                t[sentence] = 1
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    >>> phrase = 'hello my name is darius'
    >>> word_trie = make_word_trie(phrase)
    >>> 'hello' in word_trie
    >>> 'darius' in word_trie
    >>> 'charles' in word_trie
    new_text = tokenize_sentences(text)  #creates a list of strings
    word_trie = Trie(str)
    for sentence in new_text:  #ex of sentence: 'how shall i ever repay you'
        word = ''
        for i in range(len(sentence)):  #counter to detect last element
            letter = sentence[i]
            if letter != ' ':  #Updates word for letters and not spaces
                word = word + letter
            if letter == ' ' or i == len(sentence) - 1:  #full word
                if word not in word_trie:  #Initializes if it doesn't exist
                    word_trie[word] = 1
                else:  #Updates the count
                    word_trie[word] += 1
                word = ''  #Resets if the count has been updated for the word
    return word_trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    >>> phrase = 'hello my name is darius. I am a MIT student. I like to robots. hello my name is darius. I am on the crew team'
    >>> phrase_trie = make_phrase_trie(phrase) 
    >>> ('hello','my','name','is','darius') in phrase_trie
    new_text = tokenize_sentences(text)  #creates a list of strings
    phrase_trie = Trie(tuple)
    for sentence in new_text:
        words_in_sentence = []
        word = ''
        for i in range(len(sentence)):  #counter to detect last element
            letter = sentence[i]
            if letter != ' ':  #Updates word for letters and not spaces
                word = word + letter
            if letter == ' ' or i == len(sentence) - 1:  #full word
                word = ''  #Resets if the count has been updated for the word
        words_in_sentence = tuple(words_in_sentence)
        if words_in_sentence not in phrase_trie:  #Updates phrase trie for the sentence
            phrase_trie[words_in_sentence] = 1
            phrase_trie[words_in_sentence] += 1
    return phrase_trie
def frequency_sen(text):
    freq = {}
    s_list = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in s_list:
        if sentence not in freq:
            freq[sentence] = 1
            freq[sentence] += 1
    return freq
def frequency_word(text):
    freq = {}
    s_list = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in s_list:
        for key in sentence.split(' '):
            if key not in freq:
                freq[key] = 1
                freq[key] += 1
    return freq
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    trie = Trie()
    for sentence in tokenize_sentences(text):
        for word in sentence.split():
            if word not in trie:
                trie[word] = 0
            trie[word] += 1
    return trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    trie = Trie()
    for sentence in tokenize_sentences(text):
        sentence = tuple(sentence.split())
        if sentence not in trie:
            trie[sentence] = 0
        trie[sentence] += 1
    return trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, return a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    t = Trie()
    s_list = tokenize_sentences(text)
    freq = frequency_sen(text)

    for sentence in s_list:
        tuple_sen = tuple(sentence.split(' '))
        t.__setitem__(tuple_sen, freq[sentence])
    return t
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, return a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    t = Trie()
    my_list = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for line in my_list:
        if tuple(line.split()) in t:
            t[tuple(line.split())] += 1
            t[tuple(line.split())] = 1
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text

    text = tokenize_sentences(text)
    counter = text_data(text)['word_count']  # Build a dictionary counting the number of times each word appears

    trie = Trie()
    for word in counter:
        # Build trie
        trie[word] = counter[word]
    return trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    t = Trie()
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in sentences:
        key = tuple(sentence.split())
        if key in t:
            t[key] = t[key] + 1  #adds one to the sentence's value
            t[key] = 1
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    t = Trie()
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in sentences:
        for word in sentence.split():
            if word in t:
                t[word] = t[word] + 1  #adds 1 to every word's value
                t[word] = 1
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, return a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    t = Trie()
    my_list = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for line in my_list:
        for word in line.split():
            if word in t:
                t[word] += 1
                t[word] = 1
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    t = Trie()
    for sentence in tokenize_sentences(text): 
        # each sentence is a string of words separated by whitespace
        for word in sentence.split():
            if word not in t:
                t[word] = 1
                t[word] = t[word] + 1
    return t
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    full_sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    trie = Trie()
    for sentence in full_sentences:
        phrase_list = sentence.split()
        final_tuple = tuple(phrase_list)
        if final_tuple in trie:
            trie[final_tuple] += 1
            trie[final_tuple] = 1
    return trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    phraseTrie = Trie()

    sentenceList = tokenize_sentences(
        text)  # sentenceList is a list of space-containing strings
    sentenceSet = set(sentenceList)

    for s in sentenceSet:
        tempTuple = tuple(s.split())
        phraseTrie.set(tempTuple, sentenceList.count(s))

    return phraseTrie
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    wordTrie = Trie()

    allText, sentenceList = '', tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in sentenceList:
        allText += sentence + ' '
    stringList = allText.split()
    stringSet = set(stringList)

    for s in stringSet:
        wordTrie.set(s, stringList.count(s))
    return wordTrie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    t = Trie()
    key_counts = {}
    new_text = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in new_text:
        new_s = tuple(sentence.split(' '))
        if new_s in key_counts:
            key_counts[new_s] += 1
            key_counts[new_s] = 1
    for key in key_counts:
        t.set(key, key_counts[key])
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    t = Trie()
    key_counts = {}
    new_text = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for sentence in new_text:
        new_s = sentence.split(' ')
        for word in new_s:
            if word in key_counts:
                key_counts[word] += 1
                key_counts[word] = 1
    for key in key_counts:
        t.set(key, key_counts[key])
    return t
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    word_list = tokenize_sentences(text)
    # print(word_list)
    out_trie = Trie()
    for sentence in word_list:
        for word in sentence.split():
            #print(word, len(word))
            if word in out_trie:
                # print("hello")
                out_trie[word] += 1
                out_trie[word] = 1

    return out_trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.

    text = tokenize_sentences(text)
    # Build a dictionary counting the number of times each sentence appears and a list representation of each
    # sentence where each element is a word:
    data = text_data(text)
    counter = data['sentence_count']
    sentences = data['sentence_lists']

    trie = Trie()
    for sentence in sentences:
        # Build trie
        trie[sentence] = counter[sentence]
    return trie
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    >>> t = make_word_trie("code code and more code")
    >>> t['and']
    >>> t['code']
    word_trie = Trie(str)
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for s in sentences:
        for w in s.split(" "):
            if w in word_trie:
                word_trie[w] += 1
                word_trie[w] = 1
    return word_trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    >>> t = make_phrase_trie("I like waffles. I like french toast.")
    >>> t[('i', 'like', 'waffles')]
    >>> t[('i', 'like', 'french', 'toast')]
    phrase_trie = Trie(tuple)
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    for s in sentences:
        sent_tuple = get_sentence_tuple(s)
        if sent_tuple in phrase_trie:
            phrase_trie[sent_tuple] += 1
            phrase_trie[sent_tuple] = 1
    return phrase_trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    >>> text = 'I am a test. Test.'
    >>> x = make_phrase_trie(text)
    >>> x[('test',)]
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    trie = Trie(tuple)

    for sentence in sentences:
        tup_sent = tuple(word for word in sentence.split(' '))
        if tup_sent not in trie:
            trie[tup_sent] = 1
            trie[tup_sent] += 1
    return trie
def make_phrase_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    sentences in the text (as tuples of individual words) and whose values are
    the number of times the associated sentence appears in the text.
    #split text into tuples each containing a sentence
    text = tokenize_sentences(text)
    sentences = []
    for sent in text:
        sent = sent.split()
        sentences.append(tuple([x for x in sent]))

    root = Trie()
    for s in sentences:
        #if phrase isn't in trie, add it
        if not root.contains(s):
            root.set(s, 1)
        #if phrase is in trie, add 1 to it's value (frequency)
            value = root.get(s)
            root.set(s, value + 1)
    return root
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    >>> text = 'I am a test.'
    >>> x = make_word_trie(text)
    >>> x['test']
    >>> text = 'I am a test test.'
    >>> x = make_word_trie(text)
    >>> x['test']
    sentences = tokenize_sentences(text)
    trie = Trie(str)
    for sentence in sentences:
        for word in sentence.split(' '):
            if word not in trie:
                trie[word] = 1
                trie[word] += 1
    return trie
def make_word_trie(text):
    Given a piece of text as a single string, create a Trie whose keys are the
    words in the text, and whose values are the number of times the associated
    word appears in the text
    #split text into a list of words
    text = tokenize_sentences(text)
    words = []
    for sentence in text:
        sentence = sentence.split()
        words = words + sentence

    root = Trie()
    for w in words:
        #if word isn't in trie, add it
        if not root.contains(w):
            root.set(w, 1)
        #if word is in trie, add 1 to it's value (frequency)
            value = root.get(w)
            root.set(w, value + 1)
    return root
    return [(word, freq) for word, freq in trie if is_match(word, pattern, 0, 0)]

# you can include test cases of your own in the block below.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

    with open("alice.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        text = f.read()
        trie = make_phrase_trie(text)
        print(autocomplete(trie, tuple(), 6))
        [('said', 'alice'), ('thought', 'alice'), ('wow',), ('said', 'the', 'caterpillar'), ('said', 'the', 'march', 'hare'), ('beauootiful', 'soooop')]

        trie = make_word_trie(text)
        print(autocorrect(trie, 'hear', 12))
    with open("metamorphosis.txt", encoding='utf-8') as f:
        text = f.read()
        trie = make_word_trie(text)
        print(autocomplete(trie, 'gre', 6))
        print(word_filter(trie, 'c*h'))

    with open("twocities.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        text = f.read()
        trie = make_word_trie(text)
def get_words(text):
    return [tuple(i.split()) for i in tokenize_sentences(text, True)]