def callGroot(self): typed = str(self.upperLayout.inputEdit.text()) reply = input_taking(typed) if reply[0] == 'news': speak_this("Showing news") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Showing news") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText(reply[1])
def listen_reply(self): spoken = listen() reply = input_taking(spoken) if reply[0] == 'news': speak_this("Showing news") print(reply[1]) self.createNewsLayout(reply[1]) self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Showing news") else: self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText(reply[1])
def listen_reply(self): spoken = listen() reply = input_taking(spoken) if reply[0] == 'news': self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Showing news") speak_this("Showing news") self.createAdditionalLayout(reply[1], type="news") elif reply[0] == 'mail': self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Mail Service") speak_this("Opening Mail Service") self.createAdditionalLayout(["No Need"], type="mail") elif reply[0] == 'notes': speak_this("Opening Notes") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Showing Note Widget") self.createAdditionalLayout(["No need"], type="notes") elif reply[0] == 'surprise': speak_this("I have a cure for Boredom") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Check Your Browser") self.bore() else: self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText(reply[1])
def input_taking(input_text_msg): if re.findall("^news", input_text_msg): keywords = str(input_text_msg).split() return [keywords[0], keywords[1:]] if re.match("^(open mail|mail|groot mail|shoot mail|gmail|mail it)", input_text_msg): return ["mail", "Mail Tab"] if re.match( "^(notes|note|open docs|docs|groot docs|open notes|take note|take notes)", input_text_msg): return ["notes", "Note Tab"] if re.match("^(bored|surprise me|surprise)", input_text_msg): return ["surprise", "Link Exploration"] didyousay = ('hi groot', 'how are you', 'what is love', 'open facebook', 'how are you so smart') ansisthis = ("hello, What can i do for you", "I'm still hot and sexy. Tell me something about you hotty", "It's is something you should not do", "oh, It is because my Creator is so smart.") whenidontknow = ("I am Groot", "what you are saying bro", "What the f**k, say again", "ok, lets try again") if re.findall('[A-Z|a-z]{2,}[.][a-z]{2,}', input_text_msg): urls = re.findall('[A-Z|a-z]{2,}[.][a-z]{2,}', input_text_msg) url = urls[0] url_sk = re.findall('([a-z|A-Z]{2,})[.]', url) s = 'opening %s please wait' % str(url_sk[0]) speak_this(s) returnvar = s openweb(url) elif re.findall('[o][n][ ][y][o][u][t][u][b][e]', input_text_msg): urls = re.findall('[p][l][a][y](.+)[o][n][ ][y][o][u][t]', input_text_msg) url = str(urls) speak_this("Let's play" + url) returnvar = ("Let's play" + url) playthis(url) else: l = 0 for i in range(0, 3): if didyousay[i] == input_text_msg.lower(): speak_this(ansisthis[i]) returnvar = ansisthis[i] l = 1 if l == 0: i = randint(0, 3) speak_this(whenidontknow[i]) returnvar = whenidontknow[i] return ["not news", returnvar]
def input_taking(input_text_msg): didyousay=('hi groot', 'how are you', 'what is love', 'open facebook', 'how are you so smart' ) ansisthis=("hello, What can i do for you", "I'm still hot and sexy. Tell me something about you hotty", "It's is something you should not do", "oh, It is because my Creator is so smart." ) whenidontknow=("I am Groot", "what you are saying bro", "What the f**k, say again", "ok, lets try again") if re.findall('[A-Z|a-z]{2,}[.][a-z]{2,}', input_text_msg): urls=re.findall('[A-Z|a-z]{2,}[.][a-z]{2,}', input_text_msg) url=urls[0] url_sk=re.findall('([a-z|A-Z]{2,})[.]', url) s='opening %s please wait'%str(url_sk[0]) speak_this(s) returnvar=s openweb(url) elif re.findall('[o][n][ ][y][o][u][t][u][b][e]', input_text_msg): urls=re.findall('[p][l][a][y](.+)[o][n][ ][y][o][u][t]', input_text_msg) url=str(urls) speak_this("Let's play"+ url) returnvar=("Let's play"+ url) playthis(url) else: l=0 for i in range(0,3): if didyousay[i]==input_text_msg.lower(): speak_this(ansisthis[i]) returnvar=ansisthis[i] l=1 if l==0: i=randint(0, 3) speak_this(whenidontknow[i]) returnvar=whenidontknow[i] return returnvar
def callGroot(self): typed = str(self.upperLayout.inputEdit.text()) reply = input_taking(typed) if reply[0] == 'news': speak_this("Showing news") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Showing news") elif reply[0] == 'notes': speak_this("Opening Notes") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Showing Note Widget") self.createAdditionalLayout(reply[1], type="notes") elif reply[0] == 'mail': speak_this("Opening Mail Service") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Mail Service") self.createAdditionalLayout(reply[1], type="mail") elif reply[0] == 'surprise': speak_this("Let's not get bored") self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText("Check your browser") self.bore() else: self.upperLayout.outputEdit.setText(reply[1])