def get_tfbuf(bag, duration=8000000): """ given a bag, load all the transforms into a tf buffer. """ tfbuf = tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration(duration)) for topic, msg, ts in bag.read_messages('/tf'): for tfi in msg.transforms: tfbuf.set_transform(copy.deepcopy(tfi), 'default') return tfbuf
def __init__(self, continuous=False, tag_id=None, parent_frame_name=None): """ :param continuous: <bool> * If True, it will keep updating the position of the cameras with respect to the detected tag. * If False, the reading is only done once, and it keeps broadcasting the same tf. :param tag_id: <int> id of the tag used to calibrate :param parent_frame_name: <str> Name of the frame to set as parent for the detected tags. If None, it is the same as calibration_frame """ self.tag_id = tag_id self.continuous = continuous self.calibration_frame_name = 'calibration_frame' if parent_frame_name is None: self.broadcast_parent_frame_name = self.calibration_frame_name else: self.broadcast_parent_frame_name = parent_frame_name self.lock = threading.Lock() rospy.init_node('camera_tf_fusion') self.tf_buffer = tf.BufferCore() # provides coordinate transforms between any two frames in a system self.transformer = tf.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer) self.tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.detections = {} # stores the detections -- (shared result) self.tfs = {} self.subscribers = self._get_subscribers() self.broadcast_tfs() rospy.spin()
def get_tfbuf_bagfiles(bag_fnames, duration=8000000): tfbuf = tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration(duration)) for bag_fname in bag_fnames: with rosbag.Bag(bag_fname, 'r') as bag: for topic, msg, ts in bag.read_messages('/tf'): for tfi in msg.transforms: tfbuf.set_transform(copy.deepcopy(tfi), 'default') return tfbuf
def comparePosition(leverup_pose, old_pcb_pose, new_pcb_pose): ### Lever Up Pose import tf global lever_up_effects buffer_core = tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration(1)) ts1 = TransformStamped() ts1.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ts1.header.frame_id = 'map' ts1.child_frame_id = 'frame1' ts1.transform.translation = old_pcb_pose.position direction_theta = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ leverup_pose.orientation.x, leverup_pose.orientation.y, leverup_pose.orientation.z, leverup_pose.orientation.w ])[2] / np.pi * 180 if np.abs(direction_theta + 90) <= 45: direction = 0 elif direction_theta + 90 < -45: direction = -np.pi / 2 elif direction_theta + 90 > 45: direction = np.pi / 2 quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, direction) ts1.transform.rotation.x = quaternion[0] # 0 ts1.transform.rotation.y = quaternion[1] # 0 ts1.transform.rotation.z = quaternion[2] # 0 ts1.transform.rotation.w = quaternion[3] # 1.0 buffer_core.set_transform(ts1, "default_authority") rospack = rospkg.RosPack() import tf direction_theta = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ leverup_pose.orientation.x, leverup_pose.orientation.y, leverup_pose.orientation.z, leverup_pose.orientation.w ])[2] / np.pi * 180 pcb_bounding_values = rospy.get_param('pcb_bounding_values') pcb_size_x = pcb_bounding_values[0] ## ROSPARAM pcb_size_y = pcb_bounding_values[1] ## ROSPARAM selection_criterias = ('no-wall', max(0, min(9, int((pcb_size_y - 0.03) / 0.005)))) if np.abs(direction_theta + 90) > 45: selection_criterias = ('wall', max(0, min(6, int( (pcb_size_x - 0.05) / 0.005)))) effect = lever_up_effects[selection_criterias] ### Trajectory ts2 = TransformStamped() ts2.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ts2.header.frame_id = 'frame1' ts2.child_frame_id = 'frame2' ts2.transform.translation.y = (effect[-1, 0] - effect[0, 0]) ts2.transform.translation.x = (effect[-1, 1] - effect[0, 1]) ts2.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 buffer_core.set_transform(ts2, "default_authority") transformation = buffer_core.lookup_transform_core('map', 'frame2', rospy.Time(0)) return np.linalg.norm([ new_pcb_pose.position.x - transformation.transform.translation.x, new_pcb_pose.position.y - transformation.transform.translation.y ])
def main(bag_path, out_path): """Converts rosbag files into KITTI format files. :param bag_path: directory, where bag files are stored :param out_path: exported data will be in directory: out_path/kitti :return: nothing """ # BufferCore documentation in C++ # tf_buffer = tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration.from_sec(3600.0)) clouds_per_bag_filename = 'clouds_per_bag.txt' clouds_per_bag_file = open(clouds_per_bag_filename, 'w+') clouds_per_bag_file.write( 'numer of bag, last scanned pointcloud in this bag\n') i_cloud = 0 i_image = 0 i_bag = 0 robot_name = 'X1' camera_frames = utils.get_camera_frames() cam_info_0_saved = False cam_info_1_saved = False cam_info_2_saved = False cam_info_3_saved = False p0 = None # go through bag files in given directory one-by-one for bag_file in os.listdir(bag_path): bag_file = bag_path + bag_file"processing file: " + bag_file) with rosbag.Bag(bag_file, 'r') as bag: info = bag.get_type_and_topic_info() # Get tf_buffer for topic, msg, t in bag: # Use rosbag info to determine msg type as # type(msg) gives a rosbag-specific helper type. dtype = info[1][topic][0] if dtype == 'tf2_msgs/TFMessage':'Got transform at %s' % topic) msg = TFMessage(*slots(msg)) for tf in msg.transforms: # Robot pose has to be stored as tf not tf_static if tf.child_frame_id == robot_name: robot_parent_name = tf.header.frame_id tf_buffer.set_transform(tf, 'default_authority') #'%s -> %s set' % (tf.header.frame_id, tf.child_frame_id)) elif topic == '/tf': tf_buffer.set_transform(tf, 'default_authority') #'%s -> %s set' % (tf.header.frame_id, tf.child_frame_id)) elif topic == '/tf_static': tf_buffer.set_transform_static( tf, 'default_authority') #'static %s -> %s set' % (tf.header.frame_id, tf.child_frame_id)) elif dtype == 'sensor_msgs/CameraInfo': msg = CameraInfo(*slots(msg)) if msg.header.frame_id == camera_frames[ 0] and not cam_info_0_saved: p0 = msg.P R0 = msg.R cam_info_0_saved = True elif (msg.header.frame_id == camera_frames[1]) and not cam_info_1_saved: K1 = msg.K cam_info_1_saved = True elif (msg.header.frame_id == camera_frames[2]) and not cam_info_2_saved: K2 = msg.K cam_info_2_saved = True elif (msg.header.frame_id == camera_frames[3]) and not cam_info_3_saved: K3 = msg.K cam_info_3_saved = True calibration_matrices = [K1, K2, K3] with rosbag.Bag(bag_file, 'r') as bag: info = bag.get_type_and_topic_info() # Get Image and PointCloud2 data for topic, msg, t in bag: dtype = info[1][topic][0] if dtype == 'sensor_msgs/PointCloud2':'Got cloud at %s' % topic) # Create proper ROS msg type for ros_numpy. msg = PointCloud2(*slots(msg)) # Convert to structured numpy array. cloud = numpify(msg) # Convert to 3xN array. pts = np.stack([cloud[f] for f in ('x', 'y', 'z')]) # Add some default reflectance (assuming it is not provided, otherwise use it). refl = np.zeros((1, cloud.shape[0], cloud.shape[1]), pts.dtype) pts = np.concatenate((pts, refl)) # Save transform transforms = utils.lookup_transforms_to_artifacts( msg, tf_buffer) if len(transforms) != 0: # Save transforms # Save bounding boxes bboxs = utils.artifacts_in_pointcloud(pts, transforms) label_filename = os.path.join(out_path, 'KITTI', 'label_2', '%06i.txt' % i_cloud) utils.save_bbox_data(bboxs, label_filename) # Save calibration file calib_filename = os.path.join(out_path, 'KITTI', 'calib', '%06i.txt' % i_cloud) utils.save_calib_file(calib_filename, calibration_matrices, p0, tf_buffer, msg.header.stamp) # Save pointcloud cloud_filename = os.path.join(out_path, 'KITTI', 'velodyne', '%06i.bin' % i_cloud) with open(cloud_filename, 'wb') as file: pts.T.tofile(file) i_cloud += 1 elif dtype == 'sensor_msgs/Image':'Got image at %s' % topic) # Create proper ROS msg type for ros_numpy. msg = Image(*slots(msg)) if (msg.header.frame_id != "X1/camera_0/camera_0_optical"): continue # Convert to structured numpy array. img = numpify(msg) transforms = utils.lookup_transforms_to_artifacts( msg, tf_buffer) if len(transforms) != 0: # Save image image_filename = os.path.join(out_path, 'KITTI', 'image_2', '%06i.png' % i_image) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) cv2.imwrite(image_filename, img) i_image += 1 tf_buffer.clear() i_bag += 1 clouds_per_bag_file.write(bag_file + ", " + str(i_cloud) + '\n') clouds_per_bag_file.close()
def __init__(self, parent_frame_name=None): self.tf_buffer = tf.BufferCore() self.tf_brodacaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.subscribers = self._get_subscribers() self.pointcloud = {}
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import tf2_ros from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped buffer_core = tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration(10.0)) ts1 = TransformStamped() ts1.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ts1.header.frame_id = 'map' ts1.child_frame_id = 'frame1' ts1.transform.translation.x = 2.71828183 ts1.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 # TODO(lucasw) does the authority matter at all? Could it be set to anything? buffer_core.set_transform(ts1, "default_authority") # print(dir(buffer_core)) # why no lookup_transform( a = buffer_core.lookup_transform_core('map', 'frame1', rospy.Time(0)) print(a) # ((2.71828183, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) b = buffer_core.lookup_transform_core('frame1', 'map', rospy.Time(0)) print(b) # ((-2.71828183, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) ts2 = TransformStamped() ts2.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ts2.header.frame_id = 'frame1' ts2.child_frame_id = 'frame2' ts2.transform.translation.x = 0 ts2.transform.translation.y = 0.5 # TODO(lucasw) example rotation using transform3d/
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy # Because of transformations import tf_conversions from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion import tf2_ros import geometry_msgs.msg import math if __name__=='__main__': rospy.init_node('Bot_Position',anonymous=True) t=tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration(1)) tfBuffer=tf2_ros.Buffer() listener=tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer) pospub=rospy.Publisher('Bot_Pos0',geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3, queue_size=1) rate=rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: trans_front=tfBuffer.lookup_transform('camera','front',rospy.Time(),rospy.Duration(1)) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rate.sleep() continue timer=trans_front.header.stamp.secs if (rospy.get_time()-timer)<1.5: bot_pos=geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() quat=[trans_front.transform.rotation.x,trans_front.transform.rotation.y,trans_front.transform.rotation.z,trans_front.transform.rotation.w]
def main(bagfile, out='maps/{i:04d}_{tag}.png', step=1, use_tf=False, trueyaml='mapfinal_01.yaml', truemap='mapfinal_01.pgm', erode_frac_min=0.01, erode_frac_max=0.04, diff_map_lag=1, min_diff_mask=0.02, out_shape=[256, 256]): if use_tf: bag = rosbag.Bag(bagfile) buffer = tf2_ros.BufferCore(rospy.Duration(10000)) for i, (topic, msg, t) in enumerate(bag.read_messages(topics=['/tf'])): for tfm in msg.transforms: buffer.set_transform(tfm, 'bag') bag = rosbag.Bag(bagfile) i = 0 queue = deque(maxlen=diff_map_lag) last_sim_odom = None for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=[ '/robot0/gmapping_map', '/robot0/sim_odom', '/robot0/odom' ]): if topic == '/robot0/sim_odom': last_sim_odom, last_sim_odom_time = msg, t continue elif topic == '/robot0/odom': last_odom, last_odom_time = msg, t continue elif last_sim_odom is None: continue else: i = i + 1 # print("Odom Time diff: {}".format(np.abs((t - last_odom_time).secs))) # print("Sim Odom Time diff: {}".format(np.abs((t - last_sim_odom_time).secs))) # print("Odom Time diff (nsec): {}".format(np.abs((t - last_odom_time).nsecs) / 1e9)) # print("Sim Odom Time diff (nsec): {}".format(np.abs((t - last_sim_odom_time).nsecs) / 1e9)) if use_tf: try: base_T_simmap = buffer.lookup_transform_core( 'sim_map', 'robot0/sim_base', t) base_T_realmap = buffer.lookup_transform_core( 'robot0/map', 'robot0/base', t) except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as e: print(e) continue if use_tf: base_R_simmap = transform_rotation_np_rotation( base_T_simmap.transform.rotation) base_R_realmap = transform_rotation_np_rotation( base_T_realmap.transform.rotation) else: base_R_simmap = transform_rotation_np_rotation( last_sim_odom.pose.pose.orientation) base_R_realmap = transform_rotation_np_rotation( last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) sim_R_real = if use_tf: base_t_sim = translation_transform_to_numpy( base_T_simmap.transform.translation) base_t_real = translation_transform_to_numpy( base_T_realmap.transform.translation) else: base_t_sim = translation_transform_to_numpy( last_sim_odom.pose.pose.position) base_t_real = translation_transform_to_numpy( last_odom.pose.pose.position) sim_t_real = - base_t_sim) if i % step != 0: continue npmsg = np.array( Dx, Dy, resolution =,, occgrid = npmsg.reshape(Dx, Dy) #xindices, yindices = np.mgrid[0:Dy, 0:Dy] #xyindx = np.concatenate((xindices[..., np.newaxis], yindices[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1) #sim_xyidx = sim_R_real[:2, :2].dot(xyindx.T.reshape(2, -1)).T.reshape(Dx, Dx, 2) + sim_t_real[:2] # Reducing the amount of prediction needed. If we have too much to # predict then the inpainting algorithms fail mask = occgrid == -1 if len(queue) > 0: # During the test scenarios, old mask represents what is known # and the current map represents future map to be predicted. Thus # diff_mask = (mask - old_mask) represents the area which is to be # predicted and is unknown. However, mask will not be known exactly, # so the diff_mask >= (mask - oldmask). We acommplish this by # diff_mask = (expand_mask - old_mask). We cannot diminish old_mask # because that is already known. We can only be more ambitious and # ask inpainting model to predict expanded masks. old_mask = queue[0].astype(np.bool) # [0, 1] # bool if old_mask.shape != occgrid.shape: LOG.warning( "the occupancygrid shape has changed {} <=> {}".format( old_mask.shape, occgrid.shape)) queue.append(mask) continue else: erode_frac = erode_frac_min + np.random.rand() * ( erode_frac_max - erode_frac_min) kernel = np.ones((int(erode_frac * Dx), int(erode_frac * Dy)), np.uint8) expand_mask = cv2.erode(mask.astype(np.uint8), kernel) diff_mask = old_mask & (~expand_mask) else: diff_mask = ~mask if np.sum(diff_mask) < min_diff_mask * (Dx * Dy):"""Diff mask too small. Try increasing diff_map_lag={diff_map_lag} or min_diff_mask={min_diff_mask}. Diff fraction={diff_fraction}""".format( diff_map_lag=diff_map_lag, min_diff_mask=min_diff_mask, diff_fraction=np.sum(diff_mask) / (Dx * Dy))) queue.append(mask) continue occgrid[mask] = occgrid.max() / 2 occgrid = occgrid * 255 / occgrid.max() occgrid = occgrid.astype(np.uint8) sim_occgrid = occgrid.copy() sim_occgrid_cropped = shift_image_to_robot_as_center( Image.fromarray(sim_occgrid[::-1, :]), R=base_R_realmap, t=(int(-base_t_real[0] / resolution), int(base_t_real[1] / resolution))) sim_occgrid_cropped_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(sim_occgrid_cropped), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) imsize = sim_occgrid_cropped_bgr.shape[:2] #cv2.arrowedLine(sim_occgrid_cropped_bgr, # (-10 + imsize[1]//2, imsize[0]//2), # (10+imsize[1]//2, imsize[0]//2), # (255, 0, 0), thickness=3) estimated_outfile = out.format(i=i, tag='estimated') outdir = os.path.dirname(estimated_outfile) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir)"Writing file {}".format(estimated_outfile)) sim_occgrid_cropped_bgr = cv2.resize(sim_occgrid_cropped_bgr, tuple(out_shape)) cv2.imwrite(estimated_outfile, sim_occgrid_cropped_bgr) diff_mask = (diff_mask * 255).astype(np.uint8) mask_cropped = shift_image_to_robot_as_center( Image.fromarray(diff_mask[::-1, :]), R=base_R_realmap, t=(int(-base_t_real[0] / resolution), int(base_t_real[1] / resolution))) mask_cropped = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(mask_cropped), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) mask_cropped = cv2.resize(mask_cropped, tuple(out_shape)) cv2.imwrite(out.format(i=i, tag='mask'), mask_cropped) true_params = yaml.safe_load(open(trueyaml)) true_occgrid_img = true_occgrid = np.array(true_occgrid_img) true_occgrid_img_scaled = true_occgrid_img.resize( (int(true_occgrid.shape[1] * true_params['resolution'] / resolution), int(true_occgrid.shape[0] * true_params['resolution'] / resolution))) true_occgrid_img_sim_sized = np.zeros_like(sim_occgrid) true_origin_in_sim_pixels = np.array( true_params['origin']) / resolution true_map_image = Image.fromarray(true_occgrid_img_sim_sized) true_map_image.paste(true_occgrid_img_scaled, box=(int(sim_occgrid.shape[0] / 2 + true_origin_in_sim_pixels[0]), int(sim_occgrid.shape[1] / 2 - true_occgrid_img_scaled.size[1] - true_origin_in_sim_pixels[1]))) true_map_image_cropped = shift_image_to_robot_as_center( true_map_image, R=base_R_realmap, t=(int(-base_t_real[0] / resolution), int(base_t_real[1] / resolution))) #true_map_image = np.asarray(true_map_image) * 0.8 + np.asarray(sim_occgrid) * 0.2 true_map_image_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(true_map_image_cropped), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) imsize = true_map_image_bgr.shape[:2] #cv2.arrowedLine(true_map_image_bgr, # (-10 + imsize[1]//2, imsize[0]//2), # (10+imsize[1]//2, imsize[0]//2), # (255, 0, 0), thickness=3) true_map_image_bgr = cv2.resize(true_map_image_bgr, tuple(out_shape)) cv2.imwrite(out.format(i=i, tag='true'), true_map_image_bgr) #sim_occgrid[ # truncate(sim_xyidx[..., 1].astype(np.int32), 0, Dy-1), # truncate(sim_xyidx[..., 0].astype(np.int32), 0, Dx-1)] = occgrid #Image.fromarray(sim_occgrid[::-1, :]).save(out.format(i=i, tag='shifted')) #Image.fromarray(occgrid[::-1, :]).save(out.format(i=i, tag='map')) queue.append(mask)